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/*	xc.h -- header  file for XC
	This file was generated by configure on Tue Oct 19 00:42:40 MET 1993 by 
	This file uses 4-character tabstops

/* Local preferences and modems */

	This is the default name given to the capture buffer in terminal mode (and
	during script processing). You can always reset this while running the
#define	CAPTFILE "capture.log"	/* Default capture file */

	This is the default name given to a directory where PHFILE, STARTUP, and
	any XC scripts might be found. XC will search for such files
		1st) in a path in a colon-separated list of directories in
			 XC_PATH, if such an environment variable exists,
		2nd) in the current directory,
		3rd) in your HOME directory, if HOME is an environment variable,
		4th) in LIBDIR.
#define LIBDIR "/usr/local/lib/xc"

	This is the default name given to the dialing directory.
#define PHFILE ".phonelist"		/* Default phonelist file */

	This is the default name of the startup script for XC. If this file is
	found it will be executed immediately on XC startup.
#define STARTUP ".xc"			/* XC Startup Script */

	A format string to send a telephone number to the modem with the
	appropriate dialing command.
#define DIALSTR "ATDT %s\r"	/* printf format for modem dial command */
/*#define DIALSTR "AAATDT%s\r"	/* printf format for older Telebits */

	On some (most?) modems, dropping the DTR signal will instruct the modem
	to disconnect the phone line. On most (some?) Unix systems, setting a
	bit/second rate of 0 will drop carrier.

	If either of these conditions do NOT apply to your setup, set this value to
	0 and an alternate hangup function will be used. This alternate function
	sends the modem the ATTEN string, waits a few seconds, and then sends the
	HANGUP string, so check if those are correct for your modem.
#if !DTR_DROPS_CARRIER		/* If not, then we need the next two defines */
# define ATTEN "+++"		/* Modem "attention" signal */
# define HANGUP "ATH\r"		/* Modem "hang up" command */

	If this manifest is set to 1, then whenever XC is run within a
	directory that contains a file called "debug.log", XC will append to
	that file a copy of all XC output, whether to the terminal "file" or
	to standard error. This can be useful for debugging scripts, coupled
	with the "debug" script command, which causes the lines of a script
	to be echoed to the terminal as they get executed. Since often such
	output passes up the terminal screen too quickly to read, the
	"debug.log" file provides a hard-copy of the XC session.
	No echoing to a "debug.log" file is done if XC is also capturing
	incoming text to a capture file. If no "debug.log" file exists in the
	current directory, then no such echoing is done regardless of whether
	the DEBUG is here defined as 0 or 1.
#define DEBUG	0
# define fprintf Fprintf
# define fputc Fputc
# define fputs Fputs

	Set this to 1 to disallow shell escapes. Both the "!" and "$" mechanisms
	from the XC prompt, and the analogous SHELL and PIPE keywords in scripts,
	silently do nothing. However the standard output of backquoted shell
	commands can still be assigned to a script variable.
#define NOSHELL	0

/* For XC, the following definitions are significant:
		This will not include any of the LCK..file code respected by cu/uucp.

		For a Dial-In/Dial-Out port.

		2 is for SCO Xenix 2.2 which uses ungetty.
		3 is for SCO Xenix 2.3 whose getty is effectively a uugetty,
		  for SCO Unix, or for other sites using uugetty.
		4 is for Unix Sys V Release 4
#define DIDO	3

/* Local Unix peculiarities */

	Some Berkely and Xenix systems have index() and rindex() which are
	functionally identical to the more standard strchr() and strrchr()
	functions. These two defines should be 0 if your Unix uses index and
	rindex instead of strchr and strrchr.
#define	HAVE_STRCHR		1
#define	HAVE_STRRCHR	1
# define	strchr	index
  extern char *index();
# define	strrchr	rindex
  extern char *rindex();

/*	DUP2
	dup2() is not included with all versions of Unix. If your implementation
	does not have dup2() (or if you are just not sure), define this as 0 and a
	functional equivalent will be included in the source code.
#define	DUP2	1

	The draft Ansi C standard specifies the "strstr" function to return the
	position of a substring within a string. This is NOT included in many Unix
	systems, so code for this function is included unless you define this as 1.
#define	STRSTR	1
 extern char *strstr();

	This function is not on earlier implementations of Unix. Define this as 0
	if you don't have it; making it 1 will not include our equivalent code.
#define MEMSET	1

	Again, a function not present on earlier versions of Unix, and again,
	defining this as 0 will thereby include our functional equivalent.
#define STRDUP	0
 extern char *strdup();

/* If you don't have these typedefs in your /usr/include/sys/types.h, then
   the following should be 0.
#define	HAVE_PID_T	0
#define	HAVE_TIME_T	1
#define	HAVE_USHORT	1
#define	HAVE_UNCHAR	0
#define	HAVE_ULONG	0

 typedef short pid_t;
 typedef long time_t;
 typedef unsigned short ushort;
 typedef unsigned char unchar;
 typedef unsigned long ulong;

/* The type returned by signal() */
typedef void RETSIGTYPE;

/* The reader is kindly invited to leave the rest of this just as it is! */

#define SOH		0x1		/* ^A */
#define ETX		0x3		/* ^C */
#define EOT		0x4		/* ^D */
#define ENQ		0x5		/* ^E */
#define ACK		0x6		/* ^F */
#define DLE		0x10	/* ^P */
#define XON		0x11	/* ^Q */
#define XOFF	0x13	/* ^S */
#define NAK	 	0x15	/* ^U */
#define CAN		0x18	/* ^X */

#ifndef TRUE
# define TRUE	1
# define FALSE	0
#define SUCCESS	1
#define FAILURE	0

#define NEWMODE	0
#define SIGMODE	1
#define OLDMODE	2

#ifdef toupper
# undef toupper
# undef tolower

#define SM_BUFF	 256
#define LG_BUFF 2048
#define S		show(1,Msg)
#define S0(x)	show(0,x)
#define S1(x)	show(1,x)
#define S2(x)	show(2,x)

/*	I prefer this NIL macro to present a NIL pointer than most other
	variations that I have seen (eg, NULL, 0, or (cast) 0.
	Comme ci, comme ca. - larry gensch
#ifndef NIL
# define	NIL(type)	(type *) 0

/* globals in three or more files */

extern int		CO, LI, my_escape, beep(), hangup(), show_bindings(), cbaud;
extern short	capture, cismode, flowflag, linkflag, reterm;
extern char		captfile[], ddsname[], phonefile[], *mport(), word[],
				*wptr, line[], Msg[], *lptr, Name[], *getenv(),
extern unsigned	mrate(), sleep();
//extern unchar	BS, LK;
extern ushort	getuid(), getgid(), geteuid(), getegid();
extern void		cls(), cur_on(), cur_off(), default_bindings(), do_script(),
				drawline(), exit(), free(), getline(), getword(), mode(),
				lc_word(), msecs(), purge(), send_mbyte(), send_string(),
				sendbyte(), show(), show_abort(), ttgoto(), xc_setflow();
extern FILE		*tfp,			/* the local terminal */
				*openfile(), *QueryCreate();
extern struct	termios oldmode, newmode, sigmode;

typedef enum {
    ENDCHAR = 128,		/* Higher than any valid keyboard code */
    BADFUNC = 0
} bindfunc_t;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.