
[Browse hppaSerialPatch.tar.gz] 


NeXTSTEP on HP-PA OS 3.2 has a few problems that require special
installation procedures.

There seem to be two major problems.  The first is related to the use
of FAT binaries on HPPA Lodable Kernel Servers and the second seems to
be kernel bugs. NeXT says they will be fixed in 3.3.  I guess we will
have to wait and see. 

Problem 1

For some reason, the HPPA kernel loading utility kl_util is unable to
load FAT LKS modules.  So before you try to load a FAT LKS onto an
HPPA machine, you will need to use lipo to thin it down. You may use a
command similar to:
    lipo ppp_reloc -thin hppa -output ppp_reloc.hppa
to get a thin version named ppp_reloc.hppa. 

Problem 2

Alain Fauconnet managed to get PPP-2.1.2 working
on HPPA.  He graciously allowed me to incorporate his changes into
PPP-2.2.  I have included part of his original instructions for
getting the serial driver patch installed.  You should follow these
procedures for PPP-2.2.  Also, you may wish to send him a short thank
you for his excellent work.

Please note, that you only need these instructions to install the
SerialDriverPatch.  After that is installed, you may install PPP-2.2
as specified in the README.NeXT file at the top level directory.

Here are the original instructions:

Temporary PPP 2.1.2 kit for HP-PA systems running NeXTSTEP 3.2

							Alain Fauconnet


	1) Serial driver patch

This tarfile includes a ./hppaSerialPatch tree that is a temporary
work-around for a severe bug in the HP-PA serial tty driver. I have
been allowed to include it here provided that it is clearly stated that
it is *not* an official patch from NeXT and that it should *not* be
installed on machines that do not absolutely require it. The problem
will be corrected in NeXTSTEP 3.3, according to the NeXT people.

As I understand it, the problem is about the select() call on a file
descriptor opened on a tty line. This affect emacs (hangs when run from
a remote tty session), MicroEMACS (arrow keys don't work), PPP (protocol
hangs) and probably other programs as well.

I felt the need to add some installation instructions, since I've lost
some hair in that process myself.

Install it as follows :

a) go to the hppaSerialPatch directory

b) type `make'. Compilation should complete with a few warnings about

c) type `make install' (YOU DON'T NEED TO BE root FOR THAT, the
installed tree will be created in /tmp/hppaSerialPatch.*

d) as root, bring up  /NextAdmin/Configure.app, choose Configuration ->
Install driver... and select
/tmp/hppaSerialPatch.bproj/usr/Devices/hppaSerialPatch.config from the
file selection box.

e) reboot the system. As root, bring up /NextAdmin/Configure.app again
and look if "hppaSerialPatch" appears on the "Other" line. If not, click
the "Other" icon. Click "Add". The correct driver will probably appear
as "Long Name" in the list of drivers. Select it and click "Add".
Go back to "Summary" and click "Save". Reboot the system.
Check the file /usr/Devices/System.config/Instance0.table,
"hppaSerialPatch" should appear in the line of "Active Drivers".

f) the /tmp/hppaSerialPatch trees may be deleted now.


Thanks to:
		Jean Michel LUNATI <Jean_Michel_Lunati@NeXT.COM>
		Philip Prindeville <philipp@res.enst.fr>

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.