
[View chat.sh] 


	pppd scripts for easier use of multiple hosts...

This is a set of scripts I put together to facilitate easily controlling
multiple PPP hosts. You use these scripts at your own risk. I release these
for anyone to modify and use without any restrictions whatsoever, and I
do not guarantee them to be useful or working.

To use this set of scripts, follow the following directions:

	1 - Copy the files chat.sh and commandHost into /etc/ppp.

	2 - Copy ppp somewhere into your path (or copy it into /etc/ppp and
link it into your path)

	3 - mkdir /etc/ppp/hosts

	4 - copy the folder "hosts/example" into /etc/ppp/hosts.

	5 - rename /etc/ppp/hosts/example to the name of your first PPP host 
(i.e. netcom)

	6 - edit /etc/ppp/hosts/example/chat.script to your liking.

	7 - repeat steps 4 through 6 for every other hosts you connect to.

	8 - If you want anyone to be able to effect PPP connections, make the
ppp script SUID (this may be a security hole, and I don't recommend it)

You are now ready to go. To start a PPP connection, say:

ppp host up

(Replace "host" with the name of the host). When the connection completes, a
message appears on the console saying so. When you are done with the
connection, say:

ppp host down

To get the status of a connection to a host (Whether you are connected to it),

ppp host status

To get a list of PPP hosts, say:

ppp list

That's all there is to it. Assuming that you have enough modems and serial
ports, you can make as many connections as you want. However, it will not allow
you to connect to the same host more than once.

Good luck!

- Jonathan Adams

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.