
[Browse hppaSerialPatch.tar.gz] 


#  $Id: README.NeXT.MAB.Installation,v 4.2 1995/11/30 02:01:44 perkins Exp $

This distribution contains a MAB installer package for ppp-2.2.
Only the binaries are distributed with this package. The full
source code is available from:


For problems, please mail nextppp@listproc.thoughtport.com.  Make
sure you read the TROUBLESHOOTING section below so that you send all
the appropriate information.

For more information on PPP in general, you might want to check out:
       (This last is a list of internet providers)

If you have questions or problems, please mail Steve Perkins

Installation Instructions

The installer setup was designed to allow you to easily install PPP as
well as to easily upgrade to future releases.  A full description of
the installation structure is described later under the section
"Directory Structure".  However, you don't need to read this section
in order to get PPP working.

The procedure for an initial installation and for an upgrade are very
similar. However, if this is the first time you are installing PPP,
there are a few extra steps that you must do for the initial setup.
They will be described later in this document.

Everybody must install the PPP package (using the NeXT Installer.app)
regardless of whether this is an initial installation or an upgrade.
This installation must be done as root.  The installer will place
ppp-2.2 in a new directory /usr/local/ppp.  If this directory already
exists and _does not_ contain a previous version of ppp-2.2 that was
installed with the installer package, you might want to think about
moving it before you use the installer package.  If the directory does
exist and does contain a previous version of PPP that was installed
with the installer, it is safe to perform the upgrade.  You will not
lose any existing files.

If you are performing an upgrade, you are almost done after
successfully using the installer. All you need to do is to edit
/etc/rc.local (as described below) and add code to load the new BPF
relocatable code.  Then, you must reboot your machine so that the new
loadable kernel server (LKS) is loaded. You should be able to start
the upgraded PPP just like normal.  If this doesn't work, see the
"Troubleshooting" section later on.

Extra Steps for Initial Configuration 

If this is the initial installation of PPP, there are several system
administration steps that must be performed.  These only need to be
done once.  These steps do not need to be re-performed for an upgrade.

1) Before PPP can successfully run, a module called the loadable
   kernel server (LKS) must be linked into the system.  This is 
   something that must be done each time the computer boots up.
   So that you don't have to do this by hand each time the machine
   boots, you should modify a file called /etc/rc.local.  Since 
   this is a system file, you must be root to perform the

   This file contains code that is run each time the machine is
   started.  This is the standard place where "local" modifications 
   are made to the system.  First, make a backup copy of /etc/rc.local
   (maybe named /etc/rc.local.prePPP).  It will be available in case
   you accidentally mess up the file.  Then, using vi or your favorite
   editor, place the following lines (not including the ==...==
   separators ;) somewhere near the end of the file /etc/rc.local:
# Load the Berkley Packet Filter LKS
# This must be done before PPP.  Comment this out
# if you disabled BPF. If you use BPF, you _must_ 
# load it before the PPP LKS.  If you chaged pathnames
# in the Makefile, make sure the appropriate paths are
# used below.
if [ -f /usr/local/bpf/reloc/bpf_reloc ]; then
       /usr/etc/kl_util -a /usr/local/bpf/reloc/bpf_reloc

# Load the selected version of the PPP-2.2 loadable
# kernel server (LKS).
if [ -f /usr/local/ppp/reloc/ppp_reloc ]; then
	/usr/etc/kl_util -a /usr/local/ppp/reloc/ppp_reloc > /dev/console 2>&1
	(echo -n ' ppp')	> /dev/console

  This code will now be executed next time you reboot your
  machine.  You can verify that this was executed by checking
  the output of /usr/adm/messages upon a successful reboot.  There
  should be a section of output that says the PPP-2.2 LKS was 
  successfully loaded.

2) The installer package places things in a directory called
   /usr/local/ppp.  There are several subdirectories under this
   directory.  However, these directories are not part of the standard
   UNIX Path.  The UNIX Path is a list of directories that UNIX searches 
   when it is trying to find a command.  There are two solutions
   to fix the problem.  You may either add specific PPP directories to
   the current path (must be done for each individual user), or you
   may add important files to a directory that is already in the
   standard path.  I believe the second approach is the better

   This step is optional, but highly recommended.  As root,
   execute the following commands to add important files
   to directories that are already in the Standard UNIX path:

   /bin/mkdirs -o root -g wheel -m 755 /usr/local/bin /usr/local/man/man8
   ln -s /usr/local/ppp/bin/* /usr/local/bin
   ln -s /usr/local/ppp/man/man8/* /usr/local/man/man8

   Some or all of the 'mkdir' commands may fail if the directories
   already exists.  This is OK.  Futher, to get the man program to
   understand that you have added some pages to the /usr/local/man 
   directory, you need to make sure that the environment variable
   MANPATH includes the /usr/local/man entry.  In my .cshrc file
   I have an entry that looks like:
      setenv MANPATH "/usr/local/man:/usr/man:.:.."
   See 'man man' for more information.

   Once these commands are executed, the programs pppd, pppstats, and
   chat (along with their respective man pages) will become available
   to you from the command line.  However, before you can immediately
   see them, you may need to log out and log back in.

3) Once you start trying to make PPP connections, it is important
   to have access to the logging information that PPP generates. This
   will allow you to follow the progress of PPP and will aid in
   diagnosing problems.  The user level process 'pppd' outputs
   logging information by using the standard UNIX syslog facility.
   Part of this facility allows you to select how much (i.e.
   what level of verbosity) and where (i.e. to which file) this
   information will be placed.  While the following step is optional,
   it is highly recommended.

   As root, make a backup copy of /etc/syslog.conf.  You may wish
   to call it /etc/syslog.conf.prePPP.  If you run into problems with
   the system logging error messages, you can replace /etc/syslog.conf
   with the original, reboot, and then you should be back to normal.

   Now, as root, use vi or your favorite editor to edit the file
   /etc/syslog.conf.  You need to add the line:

       local2.debug		/usr/adm/ppp2.2.log

   It is _imperative_ that you place a <tab> character
   between the level "local2.debug" and the file name
   "/usr/adm/ppp2.2.log".  Do _not_ use spaces. If your
   editor converts tab characters to spaces, you need to
   use a different editor.  Also beware of cutting and pasting
   between buffers.  Sometimes a tab will be converted to spaces
   during that operation. Below is the actual contents of
   my /etc/syslog.conf:

local2.debug					/usr/adm/ppp2.2.log
*.err;kern.debug;auth.notice			/dev/console
kern.debug;daemon,auth.notice;*.err;mail.crit	/usr/adm/messages
mark.debug,daemon.info				/usr/adm/messages
lpr.debug					/usr/adm/lpd-errs
mail.info					/usr/spool/mqueue/syslog

*.alert;kern.err;daemon.err			operator
*.alert						root

*.emerg						*

   Once you have modified /etc/syslog.conf, you then need to perform
   one more step.  You need to actually create an empty logging file.
   This step is necessary because if syslog does not see the file, it
   will not create it.  So, removing the file is a handy way to turn
   off the logging.  To create an empty logging file, as root execute:

        touch /usr/adm/ppp2.2.log

   Upon a successful reboot, logging will be enabled for pppd
   (remember to specify the 'debug' option to pppd to get reasonable 
   information sent to the logging file).

4) If you have a standalone machine, it is necessary for you to make
   sure your system is configured to correctly support a network.  The
   following steps will help in correctly configuring your machine.
   Please note, if you do not have a standalone machine (i.e. you are
   on a local network), you need to speak with your system
   administrator to determine the proper configuration for your
   machine.  The following only applies to standalone machines.

   It is suggested that you reboot your machine _before_ you start 
   these procedures.  This is to verify that you successfully
   completed the previous steps and that your machine does indeed
   reboot.  If it doesn't, you should replace /etc/rc.local with the
   backup copy and reboot.  Then, determine why your modifications
   failed.  After successfully rebooting, you are ready to move on to 
   these steps.

   As root, make a backup copy of /etc/iftab.  You might name it
   /etc/iftab.prePPP.  Then, modify this file by adding the line:
    lo0     inet netmask 0xff000000 -trailers up

   right before the -1- entry that already exists in the file.  The
   finished file should look similar to (minus the ---- separators):

   lo0     inet netmask 0xff000000 -trailers up
   -1-	   inet	   -HOSTCONFIG-
   *	   inet	   -AUTOMATIC- netmask -AUTOMATIC- -trailers up

   Please note that the file  probably has a bunch of comments
   at the top (lines that start with #).   I left those out in the
   example above so I could save space.  They of course, can remain
   in your copy.
   As root, make a backup copy of /etc/hostconfig.  You might
   name it /etc/hostconfig.prePPP.  If, after the following steps, you
   run into problems booting your machine, you may replace
   /etc/hostconfig with the backup and you should be able to
   successfully reboot.

   Start up the HostManager.app (under /NextAdmin).  After
   successfully entering the root password, you should get the
   HostManager Menu.  Select the "Local..." menu option to get the
   main window.  Modify it as follows: 

	   For "NetInfo Binding", select "use local domain only"
           and make sure the box for "Readable only by local net" 
           is checked.

           For "Hostname", fill in your host name as appropriate.  Do
           _not_ add the domain name.  For example, use "sidney"
           rather than "sidney.cps.msu.edu". 

           For "NIS Domain Name", select "None"

           For "Internet Address", use the provided IP address
           (probably unless your system administrator has
           assigned you your own unique IP address.  In this case,
           reverify that you are a standalone machine.

           For "Broadcast Address", select "Default"
	   For "Time Standard", select "Ignore Network Time"

           For "Netmask", select "Default"

           For "Router", select "None"

  When this is complete, click the "Set" button.   You will then have
  the option to reboot or to skip the reboot.  Choose the appropriate 
  action.  It is suggested that you reboot immediately and verify that
  your system does indeed reboot (and behave as normal).  If it
  doesn't, replace /etc/hostconfig with the backup copy and then
  reboot.  Once you are back up, determine the problem with your

  Please note that this description is generic and will work in most
  cases.  There are lots of variations that people can and will need 
  to make. Your network administrator will be able to provide you with
  the correct details for your particular site.

Congratulations!  You have successfully installed PPP and are now
ready to start up a connection.  See the section "Initial Testing" for
steps to verify that PPP works on your system.  

Initial Testing

One of the most notoriously difficult portions of getting PPP links up
and running involves writing the script that automatically dials your
modem, connects to the peer, and starts the remote ppp process.  Once
you are connected to the peer, each PPP process will start
communications and things become much easier.

Before you dive into script writing, there is a simpler solution that
will allow you to test the ppp portion.  Once this works, getting the
dial scripts to work is a matter of sheer determination!

The mechanism is this... use a communications package (tip or kermit
are good choices) to manually dial the modem and log into the remote
server.  There, manually start up the pppd process (the remote
process, once started, will probably print some garbage on the screen.
You can ignore this). Once this is done, you can exit the
communications process (to free up the device it is using).  Then,
start your local pppd on the same device.  The pppd processes will
then start communicating.  The premise is that you manually perform
the operations that you would like your dial script to automatically
perform.  Once you _know_ ppp works, you can spend time on the dial

Please note, you _must_ exit from your communications program before
you start your local pppd.  For example if you are in kermit and you
start the peer pppd process by hand, you must completely exit kermit
before you start pppd.  If you don't, the connection will not form.
Further, if you find that when you exit, your modem immediately hangs
up, you need to instruct the modem to ignore DTR.  There is an AT
command that will do this (AT&D on Supra), but you will need to check
your modem manual to determine the correct command.

If you are planning on using kermit, Stephane I. Matis
<petergun@vectrex.login.qc.ca>, has supplied this excellent definition
that you may place inside your .kermrc file to help with PPP testing:
set term byte 8

# define pppd 
define pppd -
        !pppd < \v(line) > \v(line) defaultroute

To use this, add the above to your ~/.kermrc file (minus the '---...---'
separators).  Then start kermit.  After you have started the remote PPP
server by hand, return back to your local kermit prompt and execute
the command 'do pppd'.  In this particular circumstance, you will not
need to exit from kermit.

Before you start initial testing, you may want to read the pppd man
page.  This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the some of
the options available to you for starting your local pppd.

Of particular interest for most people is the 'defaultroute' option to
pppd.  If you have a standalone machine, then all your foreign traffic
must go to the peer.  Adding the 'defaultroute' option to pppd
instructs pppd to set your system up in such a manner.

Determining if the link is actually up

There are several ways to determine if the link has actually been
established.  I will go through some of them.

1) You may look at the pppd log file (typically
   /usr/adm/ppp2.2.log).  If you see lines that look similar to:

    Jan 11 23:13:38 sidney2b pppd[2141]: local IP address
    Jan 11 23:13:38 sidney2b pppd[2141]: remote IP address

   You are probably up.

2) You may check the status of the PPP interface.  Using the command:
     /usr/etc/ifconfig ppp0

   You should see that the interface is UP and that there are valid
   IP addresses assigned to it ( is not valid).  Here is an
   example of what you might see:

        	inet --> netmask ff000000 

3) You may check the routing.  When the connection comes up, you
   should get at least one route to the new interface.  If you
   specified 'defaultroute' to pppd, you should also see a default
   route.  The command for checking routes is 'netstat -rn'.  Here
   is an example of what you might see:

	Routing tables
	Destination      Gateway            Flags     Refs     Use  Interface          UH          2      558  lo0        UH          0        0  ppp0
	default         UG          2       25  ppp0
	192.42.172       U           6     1939  en0

  In the above case, the peer is and my local machine has
  been assigned  All foreign traffic goes through the
  default route to the peer.

  If you don't have an ethernet card installed on your system, you
  will not have an 'en0' interface.
The routing issue is important.  Discussion of this issue is outside
the scope of these instructions, but I thought it might be beneficial
to list a few other important tools that may help you out.  The man
pages can give more details:

  /usr/etc/ping           - send packets to an IP address or hostname
  traceroute		  - Show the route to a particular machine

The IP address that you use can be negotiated automatically in PPP.
Unlike SLIP, you do not have to specify an IP address when the link is
brought up.  If no address is specified as an argument to pppd, then
PPP will negotiate the address with the peer.  This is the preferred
mechanism of operation.  Probably the only time you should specify an
IP address as an argument to pppd is if you are assigned your own IP
address by your system administrator.  Otherwise, sit back and let PPP
do the work for you.

A Typical PPP Session

A tyipcal PPP session begins when you log into your system.  From a
terminal window, you will run your dial script by typing its name at
the prompt.  If you use the Workspace manager, you can double click on
the scripts icon.  This will start the chat process that will dial the
modem and log into the remote system.  It will then turn control over
to pppd.  If your script is successful (as described in the
"Determining if the link is actually up" section), you will be all
set.  All your apps, OmniWeb, FTP, telnet, etc should work.

Once you are through using the connection, you can close down the PPP
link by executing the ppp down script.  Again, this can be done by
typing the name of the pppdown script in a terminal window, or double
clicking on the appropriate icon in the Workspace manager.  At this
point, ppp will terminate the phone connection and pppd will die off.

You may start and kill the ppp session as many times as you like while
you are logged on.  However, if you do not kill the PPP session, it
will not die once you log out.  Thus your telephone will remain off
the hook and your computer will remain connected to the net until you
log back in and shut down the connection.  Turning off the computer
will obviously close the connection.

Name Resolution

Once you have a ppp connection up, you may notice that your machine
will not be able to resolve the names of machines to their IP
addresses.  You can check this by trying to telnet to a machine outside
your local domain.  If "telnet <IP address of machine>" is successful,
but "telnet <machinename>" is not, then your name resolution is not
configured correctly. The fix is to edit the file /etc/resolv.conf.
This file contains two important items.  The first is your domain
name.  This is the name that is automatically tacked on to a computer
name if you don't specify the complete name.  For example if my domain
is 'cps.msu.edu' and I say 'telnet sidney', the computer will try
'telnet sidney.cps.msu.edu' (although, it will not print this name on
the command line).

The second thing is a list of name servers.  These should be local to
your ppp provider.  Your network administrator will be able to provide
you with the appropriate addresses. There are default name servers to
use in case the local provider is not responding.  An example file
might look like:

domain cps.msu.edu

# Insert local name servers here

# MSU name servers 

# Other servers -- hopefully something will work if needed

You will need to reboot your computer for the new nameservers to take

Making startup and shutdown scripts

By this time, I'm assuming that PPP has been successfully installed.
However, there are a few more steps that you must perform so that
using PPP (now and with future upgrades) will be convenient and easy.
These steps are optional, but they are highly recommended.

Make scripts 'pppup' and 'pppdown' that bring up and shutdown PPP
connections.  There are a number of example scripts that you can copy
and modify.  Reading the man page for 'chat' will help you understand
these scripts. You should note that once these scripts are made, you
probably won't need to change them for future upgrades to PPP.

One note that you should be VERY careful about.  These file are shell
scripts.  This means that the contents are executed in a shell just as
if you had typed them in by hand.  You must make sure that any
characters that are treated specially by the shell (such as < > | \ )
are inside quotation marks ("").  Otherwise, they will be interpreted
by the shell in a manner that is probably to your dislike.  For
example, if your peer sends you a prompt like MSUnet> you must add it
to the chat portion of your script like "MSUnet>".

In order to ensure that these scripts are not removed or modified when
new versions of PPP are installed, you should copy all important
scripts into a new directory.  I suggest /usr/local/ppp/scripts.  This
directory will not be modified during installation. Further, as you
did earlier for the important binaries, you may want to add important
scripts to a directory that is in the default UNIX Search Path.  The
mechanism for doing this is as follows.  Suppose you have a script
'pppup' (found in /usr/local/ppp/scripts) that you want to be
available on your command line.  You could execute the commands:
  /bin/mkdirs -o root -g wheel -m 755 /usr/local/bin
  ln -s /usr/local/ppp/scripts/pppup /usr/local/bin

Once you log out and log back in, this script will be available.  If
you want to be able to call this script from a non-root account, you
need to modify the permission on the file to make it suid root.
Please note that this can be a potential security hazard.  See your
system administrator for more details.

Directory Structure

In order to support different versions of PPP, and to provide a safe
upgrade path, the installer installs all files under a subdirectory
named /usr/local/ppp/ppp-2.2-x.x.x  where x.x.x is replaced with the
current version.  Multiple versions can exist simultaneously.  Under
each version, further subdirectories are created (bin, man, examples,
src, etc...).  These contain the actual code.

To facilitate easy access to all files in any one particular version,
there is a file named '/usr/local/ppp/version' that is a symbolic link
to the desired PPP version directory.  Furthermore, symbolic links
actually point to ./version/[bin,man,examples,reloc...].

With this configuration, you can have a fixed pathname that will
always point to the selected version.  For example, if you are using
version 0.3.3 then the pathname:

     -will become-
     -which becomes-

One link is created outside the /usr/local/ppp hierarchy.  /etc/ppp is
a link that points to /usr/local/ppp/etc.

How to Switch between different installed versions of PPP

To switch between different version of an installed PPP, you only need
to modify the link /usr/local/ppp/version.  Suppose you want to use
PPP-2.2-0.3.3.  Here are the steps to switch:
      cd /usr/local/ppp

   If /usr/local/ppp/version already exists, remove it:
      rm -f ./version

   Now create the link pointing to the desired version:
      ln -s ./ppp-2.2-0.3.3 ./version

You will need to reboot so that the correct LKS is loaded and linked
against the kernel.

Deinstalling PPP

The installer package will deinstall PPP as well as install it.
However, in order to support upgrades, the installer package will not
remove all files that it may have initially created.   The directories
/usr/local/ppp/etc and /usr/local/ppp/scripts will not be modified.
Thus it is safe to keep your dial scripts there.  Further, the
installer package will not modify the links in /usr/local/ppp/ or

After de-installation, you may need to update the version link. See
the section "How to Switch between different installed versions of
PPP" for directions on how to do this.

As mentioned above, of particular interest for most people is the
'defaultroute' option to pppd.  If you have a standalone machine, then
all your foreign traffic must go to the peer.  Remember to add the
'defaultroute' option to pppd in your startup scripts if necessary (or
place it in the /etc/ppp/options file).


The NeXT port of ppp-2.2 is stable. However, the PD ppp-2.2 is
still evolving.  To find out the latest status of the port, see:

Any time that you have a bug report to send, please include your
hardware type and the LKS version number in all reports.  This number
may be found in the file /usr/adm/messages (once the LKS has been
installed). Also, for most questions, it is best to append a copy of
the /usr/adm/ppp2.2.log file.  Bug reports should be sent to

There are some common problems that people have.  I have listed them
1) pppd bombs out with an error similar to:
 Jan 26 14:46:25 localhost pppd[256]: Connected...
 Jan 26 14:46:26 localhost pppd[256]: ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Inappropriate ioctl for device
 Jan 26 14:46:26 localhost pppd[256]: Exit.

This is typically the result of using the wrong LKS with pppd.  Some
versions of PPP installed the LKS (ppp_reloc) in
/usr/lib/kern_loader/ppp and some in /usr/local/ppp/reloc.  The second
is going to be the standard place for installation from now on.  Make
sure that your /etc/rc.local is loading the correct version of the LKS
and make sure you are really calling the correct pppd for use with the
LKS that you loaded.


2) PPP works fine, but when the link is up, netinfo sleeps when you
   try to print or send mail.

You'll see this problem if you don't have a route from your "hostname"
to localhost.  In essence, your host doesn't know how to "get back to
itself".  My guess is that you didn't follow the installation
instructions and you chose an IP address different than
There is a fix! ;) Do this in your rc.local:

route add your_host_name localhost 0

(with the appropriate substitution of your_host_name) Without it,
netinfo will sleep when trying to connect to the local domain.  You
will need to reboot or perform this command manually (as root) for it
to take affect.

Many thanks to:
  Scott Bender 
  Pete French
  Terence Parr   
for help on this one.


3) People who are trying to set up a NeXT as a PPP server that
   they dial into often complain that they can make a connection, but
   the remote machine can only ping the server.  No other packets

Check out the 'proxyarp' option to pppd.  Servers (connected to their
LAN) must proxyarp for the remote address (i.e. the address of the
machine dialing in).  Further, read the file ./NeXT/README.NeXT (not
this file) for more information on proxyarp.


4) You pppd/chat dials the modem but you cannot get a negotiation
   to start.  The /usr/adm/ppp2.2.log file shows something similar

  Mar 13 12:02:41 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:02:44 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:02:47 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:02:51 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:02:54 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:02:57 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:03:00 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:03:03 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:03:06 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:03:09 crystal pppd[243]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <pcomp> <accomp>]
  Mar 13 12:03:12 crystal pppd[243]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
  Mar 13 12:03:12 crystal pppd[243]: Connection terminated.
  Mar 13 12:03:12 crystal pppd[243]: Serial link is not 8-bit clean:
  Mar 13 12:03:12 crystal pppd[243]: All received characters had bit 7 set to 0

This is a common problem.  It is typically the result of a failure to
properly start the remote PPP process.  Make sure you add the '-v'
option to chat (in your dial script) and then check the output of
/usr/adm/ppp2.2.log to see why chat failed to start the remote PPP


5) Your LCP sessions get into an infinite loop while trying to
   negotiate the magic numer.  Alternately, every LCP echo you send
   is accompanied with a message saying that "our own echo reply was
   received".  I'm not sure why some systems have this trouble, but
   the solution is to turn off magic number negotiation at your end. 
   Add the '-mn' flag to pppd.


6) NXHosting applications over PPP fails.  I don't know why this 
   happens.  Rest assured, that I and others do have it working.
   The most obvious things to check are that you have your system set
   up as a public window server.  Also, make sure that you reset the
   nmserver in /etc/ppp/ip-up (see the example ip-up file).  If it
   still doesn't work, you might want to add your peer to your
   /etc/hosts.equiv file.  I don't know if that has anything to do
   with it or not, but I don't know why some people can't NXHost
   and others can.


You may also want to join the mailing list for PPP.  This will keep
you informed of new releases and will provide an arena for discussing
problems with the NeXT specific PPP port.  To add yourself to the list
(or for any other administrative requests), send an email message to:
with no subject and message body consisting of:
	subscribe nextppp Stephen J. Perkins
(please use your own name ;). To send mail to all the participants on
the list, address your messages to:

If you want announcements only, there is a second "announcements only"
list.  To subscribe to this, you may use the alternate body:
	subscribe nextppp-announce Stephen J. Perkins
You don't need to subscribe to both.  All announcements are forwarded
to the regular list.


Security issues are not dealt with in this document.  Please
note that the pppd file is installed suid root.  This is a potential
security hazard.

Noted bugs

There have been various problems reported when trying to install LKSs
the way NeXT intended (i.e. placing them in /usr/lib/kern_loader/* and
modifying /etc/kern_loader.conf). The main problem seems to be that
after modifying /etc/iftab, /etc/rc.net (on NSFIP) will not correctly
configure the interfaces.  This means that booting under NSFIP will
hang. So, for the time, it is suggested that you install the package
manually and load the LKS in /etc/rc.local.

Modem Configuration

It is important to use hardware flow control if you use a high speed
modem. On my supra V.32bis modem, the command to use Hardware Flow
Control is 'AT&K3'.

Also, you will probably want to set your modem so that when the DTR is
dropped, the modem will disconnect.  On my modem the command is
'AT&D2' This setting disables auto-answer so if you want to allow
dialins, you must read your modem manual to determine the correct


Thanks go to Dino Bagdadi <dino@ex-nihilo.com> for helping to maintain
this README file


NeXTSTEP on HP-PA OS 3.2 has a few problems that require special
installation procedures.  The major problems seem to be kernel bugs.
NeXT says they will be fixed in 3.3.  I guess we will have to wait and
see. Alain Fauconnet managed to get PPP-2.1.2 working on HPPA.  He
graciously allowed me to incorporate his changes into PPP-2.2.  I have
included part of his original instructions for getting the serial
driver patch installed.  You should follow these procedures for
PPP-2.2.  Also, you may wish to send him a short thank you for his
excellent work.

Please note, that you only need these instructions to install the
SerialDriverPatch.  After that is installed, you may install PPP-2.2
as specified in the README.NeXT file at the top level directory.

Here are the original instructions:

Temporary PPP 2.1.2 kit for HP-PA systems running NeXTSTEP 3.2

							Alain Fauconnet


	1) Serial driver patch

This tarfile includes a ./hppaSerialPatch tree that is a temporary
work-around for a severe bug in the HP-PA serial tty driver. I have
been allowed to include it here provided that it is clearly stated that
it is *not* an official patch from NeXT and that it should *not* be
installed on machines that do not absolutely require it. The problem
will be corrected in NeXTSTEP 3.3, according to the NeXT people.

As I understand it, the problem is about the select() call on a file
descriptor opened on a tty line. This affect emacs (hangs when run from
a remote tty session), MicroEMACS (arrow keys don't work), PPP (protocol
hangs) and probably other programs as well.

I felt the need to add some installation instructions, since I've lost
some hair in that process myself.

Install it as follows :

a) go to the hppaSerialPatch directory

b) type `make'. Compilation should complete with a few warnings about

c) type `make install' (YOU DON'T NEED TO BE root FOR THAT, the
installed tree will be created in /tmp/hppaSerialPatch.*

d) as root, bring up  /NextAdmin/Configure.app, choose Configuration ->
Install driver... and select
/tmp/hppaSerialPatch.bproj/usr/Devices/hppaSerialPatch.config from the
file selection box.

e) reboot the system. As root, bring up /NextAdmin/Configure.app again
and look if "hppaSerialPatch" appears on the "Other" line. If not, click
the "Other" icon. Click "Add". The correct driver will probably appear
as "Long Name" in the list of drivers. Select it and click "Add".
Go back to "Summary" and click "Save". Reboot the system.
Check the file /usr/Devices/System.config/Instance0.table,
"hppaSerialPatch" should appear in the line of "Active Drivers".

f) the /tmp/hppaSerialPatch trees may be deleted now.


Thanks to:
		Jean Michel LUNATI <Jean_Michel_Lunati@NeXT.COM>
		Philip Prindeville <philipp@res.enst.fr>

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.