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		     PPPPPP    CCCC    OOOO    MM   MM   MM   MM
		     P    P   C       O    O   M M M M   M M M M
		     PPPPPP   C       O    O   M  M  M   M  M  M
		     P        C       O    O   M     M   M     M
		     P         CCCC    OOOO    M     M   M     M

			       Pcomm Reference Manual

				     version 1.2

				      written by

				    Emmet P. Gray

	  Pcomm is a public domain telecommunication program for Unix  that
	  is  designed  to  operate  similar to the MSDOS program, ProComm.
	  ProComm (TM) is copyrighted by Datastorm Technologies, Inc.  This
	  is  a completely new program and contains no ProComm source code.
	  This is not a Datastorm product.

				  Table of Contents

	  1 INTRODUCTION ...............1   6 FILE FUNCTIONS .............23
	    1.1 Abbreviations ..........1     6.1 External protocols .....23
	    1.2 Requirements ...........1     6.2 Send files .............23
	    1.3 Support files ..........2     6.3 Receive files ..........25
					      6.4 Pass thru mode .........25
	  2 RUNNING PCOMM ..............3     6.5 Directory ..............26
	    2.1 Hot key ................3     6.6 Screen dump ............27
	    2.2 Status line ............3     6.7 Start data logging .....27
	    2.3 Help screen ............4     6.8 Toggle logging .........27
	    2.4 Exit Pcomm .............4
					    7 DIALING WINDOW .............29
	  3 SETUP SCREENS ..............5
	    3.1 Prompting ..............5   8 AUTO-LOGIN SCRIPTS .........31
	    3.2 TTY setup ..............5     8.1 Waitfor command ........31
	    3.3 Modem setup ............6     8.2 Matches command ........32
	    3.4 Terminal setup .........8     8.3 Modem_break ............32
	    3.5 General setup ..........9     8.4 Examples ...............32
	    3.6 ASCII xfer setup .......11
	    3.7 External protocol ......12  Appendix A - Typical  Modem
						 Configuration ...........35
	  4 MAJOR FUNCTIONS ............15
	    4.1 Dialing directory ......15  Appendix B - AT&T  Unix  PC
	    4.2 Redial .................17       7300/3b1 Dial Codes .....37
	    4.3 Keyboard macros ........18
	    4.4 Line settings ..........19  Appendix C - Using  Telebit
	    4.5 Exit Pcomm .............20       Modems ..................39
	    4.6 Unix gateway ...........20

	  5 UTILITY FUNCTIONS ..........21
	    5.1 Program info ...........21
	    5.2 Setup screen ...........21
	    5.3 Change directory .......21
	    5.4 Clear screen ...........21
	    5.5 Toggle duplex ..........21
	    5.6 Hang up the phone ......22
	    5.7 Printer logging ........22
	    5.8 Toggle CR - CR/LF ......22
	    5.9 Break ..................22

			       Pcomm Reference Manual                Page 1


	  Pcomm is a public domain, menu driven, telecommunication  program
	  designed  to  provide  the same "ease of use" as similar programs
	  available in MSDOS.  Some of its features are:

	       o Large dialing directory
	       o Auto-login shell scripts
	       o Automatic redial feature
	       o Supports popular file transfer protocols
	       o External file transfer program support
	       o Data logging (log of the terminal session)
	       o Printer logging
	       o Screen dump
	       o Shell escapes
	       o Help screen
	       o Keyboard macros
	       o User customization
	       o Administrative logging of phone calls
	       o Administrative limits on long distance access

	  Pcomm  does  not  emulate  any  particular  terminal.    Whatever
	  terminal you're on, is what the remote system "sees".

	  1.1.  Abbreviations

	  Pcomm uses the notation "^A-X" to mean control-A followed by  the
	  letter X. The dash (-) in the notation is just for clarity; it is
	  not included in the actual command sequence.  Also, there  is  no
	  distinction between upper and lower case letters.

	  The following abbreviations appear in Pcomm:

	       <CR>      carriage return key (sometimes labeled Enter)
	       <ESC>     escape key
	       <SPACE>   space bar
	       <DEL>     del key
	       <up>      up arrow key
	       <down>    down arrow key
	       LF        line feed character (control-J)
	       CR        carriage return character (control-M)

	  1.2.  Requirements

	  Pcomm will not run on terminals with a screen size of  less  than
	  80  columns by 24 lines or on terminals that lack cursor movement
	  capabilities.  For terminals without arrow keys, use  the  letter
	  "U"  in  place of "up arrow" and the letter "N" in place of "down

	  Page 2               Pcomm Reference Manual

	  arrow" (the letter "D" would have been  a  more  obvious  choice,
	  but, unfortunately, it is used elsewhere).

	  1.3.  Support files

	  Pcomm uses four support files, namely:

	       pcomm.dial_dir   the dialing directory
	       pcomm.extrnl     the external file transfer programs
	       pcomm.modem      the modem/TTY database
	       pcomm.param      the start-up default parameters

	  There is a default directory  (typically  "/usr/local/lib/pcomm")
	  where  the "standard" support files live.  Since the average user
	  won't have write permission on these  files,  it's  assumed  that
	  they  will  copy one or more of these standard files to their own
	  directories and edit them to suit their needs.

	  Pcomm can use the environmental variable "PCOMM"  to  search  for
	  these  "private"  support  files.   If  used,  the  variable must
	  contain the path to the directory containing the files.  You  can
	  "mix  and  match"  the use of standard and private support files.
	  For example, the pcomm.modem file is rarely changed by  the  user
	  so  there  would  be  no  need  to  copy that file to the private

	  Pcomm also uses normal Unix shell scripts to perform  the  "chat"
	  sequences necessary to automatically log a user onto a system.

	  The following directories are searched to find the support  files
	  and the auto-login shell scripts:

	       1) directory given with the "-d" option
	       2) directory in the PCOMM environmental variable
	       3) the current working directory
	       4) the default directory (compiled into Pcomm)

			       Pcomm Reference Manual                Page 3


	  Pcomm has the following command line syntax.

	       pcomm [-d directory] [-f system name]

	  The "-d" option allows you to specify an additional  path  to  be
	  used  when searching for the Pcomm support files.  This option is
	  often useful for "borrowing" someone else's dialing directory.

	  The "-f" option is used to specify automatic dialing of an  entry
	  in  the  dialing  directory.   The  name  field  in  the  dialing
	  directory (described later) is checked against the  string  given
	  on  the  command  line.   If  a  match  is  found,  that entry is
	  automatically dialed.  The match  does  not  consider  upper  and
	  lower case differences.

	  2.1.  Hot key

	  Pcomm uses a "hot key" to precede each command.   (The  value  of
	  the  hot  key is a user tunable parameter, but for the purpose of
	  this document we'll assume the hot key is defined as control-A).

	  The hot key is used to  put  Pcomm  in  the  command  mode.   For
	  example,  to  get  the help screen, you type control-A (to get to
	  the command mode) then the number 0 (to display the help screen).
	  When a command is completed, Pcomm returns to the terminal mode.

	  NOTE:  While in the command  mode,  the  communication  with  the
	  remote system is temporarily suspended.

	  2.2.  Status line

	  Whenever Pcomm is in  the  command  mode  (or  is  not  currently
	  connected  to  a remote) a status line is displayed at the bottom
	  of the screen.  A typical status line might look like this:

   | ^A-0 HELP |  No TTY |  FDX |  1200 E71 |  LOG OFF |  PTR OFF |  CR  |  CR  |

	  The eight fields of the status line are:

	       o help screen command (or a temporary message)
	       o name of the TTY device in use
	       o duplex mode (FDX = full duplex, HDX = half duplex)
	       o current line settings
	       o status of data logging option
	       o status of printer logging option
	       o incoming CR translation
	       o outgoing CR translation

	  Page 4               Pcomm Reference Manual

	  2.3.  Help screen

	  The help screen  gives  a  brief  review  of  all  the  available
	  commands.  To access the help screen type ^A and "0" (zero).  The
	  typical help screen will look like this:

  |                                                                              |
  |                             P C O M M    H E L P                             |
  |                                                                              |
  |                                                                              |
  |     Major Functions          Utility Functions           File Functions      |
  |                                                                              |
  |  Dialing Directory. ^A-D   Program Info .... ^A-I   Send Files .... ^A-<up>  |
  |  Auto Redial ...... ^A-R   Setup Screen .... ^A-S   Receive Files . ^A-<down>|
  |  Keyboard Macros .. ^A-M   Change Directory. ^A-B   Pass Thru Mode. ^A-T     |
  |  Line Settings .... ^A-P   Clear Screen .... ^A-C   Directory ..... ^A-F     |
  |  Exit Pcomm ....... ^A-X   Toggle Duplex ... ^A-E   Screen Dump ... ^A-G     |
  |  Unix Gateway ..... ^A-4   Hang Up Phone ... ^A-H   Start Data Log. ^A-1     |
  |                            Printer On/Off .. ^A-L   Toggle Log .... ^A-2     |
  |                            Toggle CR-CR/LF . ^A-3                            |
  |                            Break Key ....... ^A-7                            |
  |                                                                              |
  +-------------------------- Press any key to continue -------------------------+

	  2.4.  Exit Pcomm

	  To exit Pcomm, you type ^A and "x" to access the exit window.

	      +--- Exit ----------------------+
	      |                               |
	      |    Exit to Unix? (y/n): _     |
	      |                               |

	  To exit, you press the letter "y" (carriage return not required).

			       Pcomm Reference Manual                Page 5


	  Pcomm allows you to change many of the default  parameters.   The
	  setup  screen  is  accessed  by typing ^A and "s".  The following
	  screen shows the sub-menu choices:

	  ------------------------- Setup Menu ----------------------------

				1) TTY Setup
				2) Modem Setup
				3) Terminal Setup
				4) General Setup
				5) ASCII Transfer Setup
				6) External Protocol Setup
				S) Save setup to disk

	  OPTION ==> _                                  Press <ESC> to exit

	  To select one of the sub-menu choices, you type  the  number  (or
	  letter)  at the "OPTION ==>" prompt.  To exit from a sub-menu and
	  return to this setup menu screen, you press the escape key.

	  Changes made affect the current Pcomm session only.  To make  the
	  changes become the default, you select the "s" option.

	  3.1.  Prompting

	  There are several different types of prompts used  in  the  setup
	  screens.  The prompts use the bottom two lines on the display for
	  user input and to give more information on what is  being  asked.
	  Pcomm  will beep at any illegal input.  The escape key <ESC> will
	  abort any prompt.  The prompt types are:

	       o Character prompt.  Asks you to input a single character.
	       o String prompt.  Asks you to  input  a  word  or  group  of
	       o Numeric prompt.  Asks you for a number.
	       o Menu prompt.  Shows a selection and allows you  to  choose
		 the  current  selection by pressing the carriage return or
		 change the selection by pressing the space bar.

	  3.2.  TTY setup

	  The TTY setup allows you to assign the serial ports that Pcomm is
	  allowed to use, and what is attached to each port.  A typical TTY
	  setup screen might look like this:

	  Page 6               Pcomm Reference Manual

	  -------------------------- TTY Setup ----------------------------

		      TTY name        Modem name      Init speed

		      1) tty10        HAYES               0
		      2) tty11        HAYES               0
		      3) tty12        DIRECT              0
		      4) tty13        TELEBIT             19200
		      5) tty13        FAST_TELEBIT        19200
		      6)                                  0
		      7)                                  0
		      8)                                  0
		      9)                                  0
		     10)                                  0

		      A) Add a TTY entry
		      D) Delete a TTY entry

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  You may edit an entry by typing the entry number at  the  prompt.
	  To add an entry, you type "A" at the prompt, etc.

	  The TTY setup fields are:

	       1) TTY name.  This is the name of the serial port that Pcomm
	       will  be  allowed to use.  Notice that the path component of
	       the name, "/dev/" is not used.

	       2) Modem name.  This a key word that is used later  to  link
	       the modem database with the TTY database.  The name could be
	       any combination of letters or numbers (both upper and  lower

	       NOTE:  All hard-wired ports (ports without modems  attached)
	       must use the word "DIRECT" for the modem name.

	       3) Init speed.  Normally Pcomm will initialize the modem  at
	       the  baud  rate in the dialing directory.  If the init speed
	       is non-zero, the initialization string is always sent at the
	       specified baud rate.  The baud rate is selected from a "menu
	       prompt".  See Appendix C for more information about the  use
	       of this feature.

	       NOTE:  It is often best to put the fastest modem/TTYs at the
	       end of the TTY database.

	  3.3.  Modem setup

	  The modem setup contains the commands to  make  the  modem  dial,
	  hang  up the phone, etc.  A typical modem setup screen might look

			       Pcomm Reference Manual                Page 7

	  like this:

	  -------------------------- Modem Setup --------------------------

		     1) Modem name (1 of 4) ... HAYES
		     2) Modem init string ..... ATS7=45S11=70E0Q0V1X4&D2!
		     3) Dialing command ....... ATDT
		     4) Dialing cmd suffix .... !
		     5) Hang up string ........ ~~+++~~ATH0!
		     6) Auto baud detect ...... Y
		     7) 300 baud connect ...... CONNECT!
		     8) 1200 baud connect ..... CONNECT 1200
		     9) 2400 baud connect ..... CONNECT 2400
		    10) 4800 baud connect .....
		    11) 9600 baud connect .....
		    12) 19200 baud connect ....
		    13) No connect string 1 ... BUSY
		    14) No connect string 2 ... VOICE
		    15) No connect string 3 ... NO CARRIER
		    16) No connect string 4 ...

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  The fields of the modem setup are:

	       1) Modem name.  This is the key word that  links  the  modem
	       database  with  the  TTY database.  A menu prompt is used to
	       select the modem name (and the remaining parameters that  go
	       with  it).   The  "(1  of  4)"  field  indicates  there  are
	       additional modems in the database.

	       2) Modem initialization string.  This is sent to  the  modem
	       whenever  the  port  is selected.  Consult your modem manual
	       for the codes to  be  used.   Notice  the  use  of  the  "!"
	       character.  This is the "character synonym" for the carriage

	       NOTE:  See section 3.5 for the complete  list  of  character
	       synonyms.   To  remove  the  special  meaning of a character
	       synonym, you must prepend a "\" to the character.

	       3) Dialing command.  The first part of the command  to  make
	       the  modem  dial.   It is assumed that the phone number will
	       immediately follow.

	       4) Dialing command suffix.  The last part of the command  to
	       make  the  modem  dial.  Typically this will be the carriage
	       return "character synonym".

	       5) Hang up string.  The command to make the  modem  hang  up
	       the  phone.   The  character synonym for a 1 second pause is

	  Page 8               Pcomm Reference Manual

	       the tilde "~" character.

	       6) Auto baud detect.  Should Pcomm  attempt  to  change  the
	       baud  rate  of the TTY to the baud rate matching the connect
	       string?  This feature requires the  connect  strings  to  be

	       7-12) Connect strings.  The return messages when  the  modem
	       has  connected  to  the  remote.   If different messages are
	       returned for each baud rate at which the modem answers, then
	       they should be specified.

	       NOTE:  Pcomm uses the connect  strings  to  determine  which
	       baud rates the modem is capable of supporting.  For example,
	       if the 4800 baud connect string is empty, Pcomm assumes  the
	       modem can not support 4800 baud.

	       NOTE:   If  two  connect  strings  are  very  similar,  (for
	       example, "CONNECT" is entirely contained in "CONNECT 1200"),
	       it is possible that the return  code  from  the  modem  will
	       match the incorrect string.  To prevent this from happening,
	       use the command synonym for the carriage return to terminate
	       the  shorter  string (for example, use "CONNECT!" instead of

	       13-16) No connect strings.  The  messages  returned  by  the
	       modem when no connection is made.

	  3.4.  Terminal setup

	  The terminal setup allows you to  define  the  hot  key  and  the
	  mapping  of the end-of-line characters.  A typical terminal setup
	  menu will look like this:

	  ---------------------- Terminal Setup ---------------------------

			1) Hot key (decimal) ...... 1
			2) ASCII version of hot ... ^A

			3) Duplex ................. FULL
			4) Flow control ........... XON/XOFF
			5) CR translation (in) .... CR
			6) CR translation (out) ... CR

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  The fields in the terminal setup are:

	       1) Hot key.  This is the decimal code for the user definable
	       hot  key.  Consult an ASCII/decimal conversion chart for the
	       decimal values of other characters.

			       Pcomm Reference Manual                Page 9

	       2) ASCII version of hot key.  This is the printable  version
	       of  the  hot key used by Pcomm in the help screen and status

	       3) Duplex.  A menu prompt is shown to  select  between  FULL
	       duplex and HALF duplex.  In the half duplex mode, characters
	       sent to the remote system are also sent to the screen.  (The
	       duplex  mode  can  also  be changed "on the fly" by the ^A-E

	       4) Flow control.  A menu prompt is shown to  select  between
	       XON/XOFF  flow  control  and  NONE.  Pcomm often temporarily
	       disables flow control during file transfers.

	       NOTE:  If your terminal gets "stuck" due to a  flow  control
	       problem, any ^A (hot key) sequence will resume the flow.

	       5-6) CR translations.  The end-of-line characters  for  both
	       incoming  and  outgoing  carriage  returns can be altered to
	       suit the remote system's needs.  A menu prompt provides  the
	       following choices:

		    o CR (no translation)
		    o CR/LF translate CR to CR/LF

	       The incoming CR translation can also be changed "on the fly"
	       with the ^A-3 command.

	  3.5.  General setup

	  The general setup allows you to define the character synonyms and
	  the  default files used by the screen dump and other features.  A
	  typical general setup screen might look like this:

	  Page 10              Pcomm Reference Manual

	  ------------------------- General Setup -------------------------

			1) Default log file ....... pcomm.log
			2) Screen dump file ....... pcomm.dump

			3) Strip high bit  ........ YES

			4) Pause character ........ ~
			5) CR character ........... !
			6) CTRL character ......... ^
			7) ESC character .......... |
			8) Break character ........ %

			9) Aborted downloads ...... KEEP

		       10) Connect delay (sec) .... 35
		       11) Redial delay (sec) ..... 5

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  The general setup fields are:

	       1) Default log file.  The  file  name  to  be  used  as  the
	       default  when the data logging is activated (^A-1).  The log
	       file name can be changed "on the fly" by the ^A-1 command.

	       2) Screen dump file.  The file  name  to  be  used  for  the
	       screen dump command (^A-G).

	       3) Strip high bit.  Should Pcomm strip  the  eighth  bit  on
	       incoming  and outgoing characters?  A menu prompt allows you
	       to select YES or NO.  This feature is not used  during  file

	       4-8) Character synonyms.  These are symbols that Pcomm  uses
	       to   represent   special   characters  (or  perform  special
	       functions) when sending commands to the modem.  Synonyms are
	       useful  for  entering and displaying special characters in a
	       human readable form.  The synonyms are:

		    o Pause for 1 second
		    o The carriage return character (control-M)
		    o Convert the next character to control-xx
		    o The escape character (control-[)
		    o Send a modem break

	       NOTE:  To prevent  the  special  meaning  of  one  of  these
	       characters prepend a "\" to it.

	       9) Aborted  downloads.   When  a  download  aborts  (fails),
	       should  the  partially  completed  file  be  kept?  The menu

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 11

	       prompt allows "KEEP" or "DELETE".

	       10) Connect delay.  The number of seconds  Pcomm  will  wait
	       for the modem to return a status code.

	       11) Redial delay.  The number  of  seconds  to  wait  before
	       Pcomm tries to call the number again.

	  3.6.  ASCII transfer setup

	  This setup screen allows you to select options  to  be  used  for
	  ASCII uploads and downloads.  A typical ASCII transfer setup will
	  look like this:

	  ---------------------- ASCII Transfer Setup ---------------------


			  1) Echo locally ........... NO
			  2) Expand blank lines ..... NO
			  3) CR delay (ms) .......... 0
			  4) Pace the output ........ NO
			  5) CR translation ......... NONE
			  6) LF translation ......... ADD CR


			  7) Transfer timeout (sec) . 5
			  8) CR translation ......... STRIP
			  9) LF translation ......... NONE

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  The fields are:

	       1) Echo locally.  This is similar to the  duplex  option  in
	       that  it  copies  outgoing  characters  to  the screen.  The
	       options are YES and NO.

	       2) Expand blank lines.  Should a blank line  (LF  alone)  be
	       expanded  to  a  space and LF?  Some BBS systems use a blank
	       line to signal the end of an ASCII upload.  The options  are
	       YES and NO.

	       3) CR delay.  The delay in  milliseconds  to  be  used  when
	       sending  a CR.  The menu prompt limits the choice to 0, 100,
	       or 150.

	       4) Pace output.  Should  each  character  sent  be  delayed?
	       Very old BBS systems may require this.  The choice is YES or

	  Page 12              Pcomm Reference Manual

	       5) CR translation.  The menu prompt provides  the  following
	       choices for upload translations:

		    o NONE (no translation)
		    o ADD LF translate CR to CR/LF
		    o STRIP remove the CR character

	       6) LF translation. Same as above except the choices are:

		    o NONE (no translation)
		    o ADD CR translate LF to CR/LF
		    o STRIP remove the LF character

	       7) Transfer timeout.  The number of seconds to  be  used  to
	       determine  the  end  of an ASCII download.  You can halt the
	       transfer before the timer goes off by hitting the <ESC> key.

	       8-9) Same as 5) and 6) above, except the translations  apply
	       to ASCII downloading.

	  3.7.  External protocol setup

	  This setup screen allows you to embed the name of  external  file
	  transfer  programs  into  the  list of available protocols.  When
	  transferring files, the external program name will appear on  the
	  list of options along with the built-in protocols.

	  -------------------- External Protocol Setup --------------------


		  Name     Command Line             Requires file list?
	       1) zmodem   sz                               Y
	       2)                                           N
	       3)                                           N


		  Name     Command Line             Requires file list?
	       4) zmodem   rz                               N
	       5)                                           N
	       6)                                           N

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  To change a line (or add a new one), enter the line number at the
	  prompt.  You will be prompted for the Name, the Command Line, and
	  the "Requires file list?" flag.  To  remove  an  entry,  enter  a
	  single space character at the Name prompt.

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 13

	  The Command Line is the Unix command that you would normally type
	  in  to  invoke  the  program  (minus the names of the files to be
	  transferred).  The last field in the setup is  used  to  indicate
	  whether or not Pcomm should prompt for a list of file names to be
	  added to the command.

	  NOTE:  Pcomm adds a single space character and the file names (if
	  any) to the end of the command.

	  NOTE:  The program itself isn't "embedded" into Pcomm  (it  still
	  gets  called  like any other external program), only the name and
	  invocation information is actually incorporated into Pcomm.

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			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 15


	  When Pcomm is invoked  without  the  "-f"  command  line  option,
	  you're  placed  in  the  terminal  mode with a blank screen and a
	  status line.  However, since Pcomm hasn't yet selected  a  serial
	  port  to  use,  characters typed at the blank screen are ignored.
	  Normally the first command you'll use is ^A-D  to  bring  up  the
	  dialing directory menu.

	  4.1.  Dialing directory

	  To dial another system, you  type  ^A-D  to  access  the  dialing
	  directory menu, then enter the entry number at the prompt.

	  The entry number could be preceded by  a  special  long  distance
	  dialing  code  such  as "#5" in lieu of "5" alone.  Long distance
	  codes could contain access numbers such as  those  that  MCI  and
	  Sprint require.

	  A typical dialing directory will look like this:

   |                                                                           |
   |                   D I A L I N G       D I R E C T O R Y                   |
   |                                                                           |
   |                                                                           |
   |          Name                 Number         Baud P D S   Dpx  Script/TTY |
   |   1- Abbey Road          1 (512) 590-6036    2400-N-8-1    F              |
   |   2- Tel-Med-Com                 555-8686    9600-E-7-1    F              |
   |   3- C Board             1 (619) 722-8724    2400-N-8-1    F              |
   |   4- Crest               1 (213) 471-2518    2400-N-8-1    F   Sample     |
   |   5- Last Chance         1 (219) 762-8411    2400-E-7-1    F              |
   |   6- Killer              1 (214) 827-1994    1200-E-7-1    F              |
   |   7- System A (direct)                      19200-N-8-1    F   tty12      |
   |   8-                                         1200-E-7-1    F              |
   |   9-                                         1200-E-7-1    F              |
   |  10-                                         1200-E-7-1    F              |
   |                                                                           |
   |    ==> _      R Revise           M Manual Dialing    Entry to Dial        |
   |               P LD Codes         D Delete Entry      <CR> Scroll Down     |
   |               <up>/<down> Page   L Print Entries     <ESC> Exit           |
   |                                                                           |
   |    LD Codes Active: @ #                                                   |
   |                                                                           |

	  The fields of the dialing directory are:

	  Page 16              Pcomm Reference Manual

	       Name) The name of the remote system.

	       Number) The telephone number to the remote system.

	       NOTE:  The "(", ")", "-", and space characters are just  for
	       looks,  and  don't  get  sent  to the modem.  To prevent the
	       stripping of one of these characters, prepend a "\" to it.

	       Line settings) The communications settings to be  used  when
	       dialing that entry.  The range of values are:

		     Baud    Parity    Data bits   Stop bits
		      300   N - none       7           1
		     1200   E - even       8           2
		     2400   O - odd

	       Duplex) The duplex mode.  Either "F" for  full  or  "H"  for

	       Script/TTY) The name of the shell script to  be  used  as  a
	       auto-login  "chat"  sequence.   This  field  is also used to
	       specify a particular TTY for the entry.

	       NOTE:  On all hard-wired ports, the script field is used  to
	       contain  the  name  of the port.  For example, if tty12 is a
	       hard-wired port to "System A", then  the  dialing  directory
	       entry for "System A" will have "tty12" in the script field.

	  The commands at the dialing directory prompt are:

	       R) Revise  (or  add)  a  dialing  directory  entry  or  long
	       distance  dialing  code.  Prompts you to save the changes to
	       disk.  A typical revise screen would look like this:

	      |                                                          |
	      |    Entry to revise? _        (Entry Number, +,-,@,#)     |
	      |                                                          |

	       If a dialing directory entry is selected, each field of  the
	       entry  is  shown with its current settings.  You can enter a

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 17

	       new value, press a carriage return to skip past a field,  or
	       enter  a  single space character to erase a field.  An <ESC>
	       at any field will abort the command.

	       P) Print (display) the long distance dialing codes.

	       <up>/<down>) Scroll the dialing  directory  up  or  down  10
	       lines.   Use  the  up  and  down  arrow  keys to access this

	       M) Manual dial.  Prompts you for a phone number rather  than
	       using a number already in the dialing directory.

	       D) Delete an entry or a range of entries.   Prompts  you  to
	       save the changes to disk.

	       L) Print.  Send the dialing directory to the  printer  or  a
	       file of your choice.

	       1-100) Entry number.  Dial the phone for that entry  number.
	       If  the script field contains the name of a valid Unix shell
	       script, that script is "played" after the connection is made
	       to  perform  the auto-login "chat" sequences.  See section 8
	       of this manual for more details on the  format  and  use  of
	       auto-login shell scripts.

	       NOTE:  To access the port directly without dialing  (perhaps
	       to  send  the dial codes yourself), select an empty entry or
	       enter a single space character at the phone number prompt of
	       the manual dial option.

	       <CR> Carriage return.  Scroll the dialing directory down one

	  4.2.  Redial

	  The redial feature is a misnomer; it really is a  queuing  system
	  that allows Pcomm to dial several numbers in a cycle until one of
	  them answers.

	  When you invoke the redial command with ^A-R, you're prompted for
	  a  list  of  dialing  directory numbers.  (You may also prepend a
	  long distance code to the entry number).

	  Page 18              Pcomm Reference Manual

	 +--- Redial Queue ----------------------------------------------+
	 |                                                               |
	 |    Directory Entry Number(s): _                               |
	 |                                                               |
	 |                  (<CR> for previous numbers)                  |

	  To redial the previous number, press a carriage return  alone  at
	  the prompt.  An <ESC> aborts this command.

	  4.3.  Keyboard macros

	  Keyboard macros are used as a  shortcut  to  send  commonly  used
	  strings  to  the  remote  system with only a few keystrokes.  The
	  characters used to identify the macros  are  the  shifted  number
	  keys.  For example, if the string "ls -alRF | more!" was assigned
	  to the "!" key (the shifted number 1 key), then  when  you  press
	  ^A-!,  the  string  "ls  -alRF  |  more"  is  sent  to the remote
	  (followed by a <CR> because of the "!" character synonym).

	  To review or edit  the  keyboard  macros,  you  type  ^A-M.   The
	  following screen will appear:

	     |                    Keyboard Macros                    |
	     |                                                       |
	     |                                                       |
	     |   ^A-! ls -alRF | more!                               |
	     |   ^A-@                                                |
	     |   ^A-#                                                |
	     |   ^A-$                                                |
	     |   ^A-%                                                |
	     |   ^A-^                                                |
	     |   ^A-&                                                |
	     |   ^A-*                                                |
	     |   ^A-(                                                |
	     |   ^A-)                                                |
	     |                                                       |
	     |   Macro key to revise: _                              |
	     |                                                       |
	     +--------------- Press <ESC> to continue ---------------+

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 19

	  To edit a macro, you type the macro key  character  (without  the
	  leading  hot  key).  After typing the new string information, you
	  will be prompted to save the changes to disk.  To erase an  entry
	  enter a single space character.

	  NOTE:  All of the character synonyms described in section 3.5 are
	  available for use with the keyboard macros.

	  4.4.  Line settings

	  The line settings menu  is  invoked  by  ^A-P.   A  typical  line
	  settings menu will look like this:

		 |                  Line Settings                 |
		 |                                                |
		 |        Current Settings:  1200,E,7,1           |
		 |                                                |
		 |      1)    300,E,7,1      7)    300,N,8,1      |
		 |      2)   1200,E,7,1      8)   1200,N,8,1      |
		 |      3)   2400,E,7,1      9)   2400,N,8,1      |
		 |      4)   4800,E,7,1     10)   4800,N,8,1      |
		 |      5)   9600,E,7,1     11)   9600,N,8,1      |
		 |      6)  19200,E,7,1     12)  19200,N,8,1      |
		 |                                                |
		 |    Parity       Data Bits       Stop Bits      |
		 |    13) Odd      14) 7 bits      16) 1 bit      |
		 |                 15) 8 bits      17) 2 bits     |
		 |                                                |
		 |    18) Save Changes      YOUR CHOICE: _        |
		 |                                                |
		 +------------- Press <ESC> to return ------------+

	  While  dialing  a  remote,  the  line  settings  in  the  dialing
	  directory  entry  are  automatically  used.   Therefore  the line
	  settings menu is used to fine tune the values during  a  terminal
	  session  or to select the parameters for manual dialing.  You can
	  make the current setting  the  default  by  selecting  the  "Save
	  Changes" option.

	  The current line settings are also displayed in the status line.

	  NOTE:  During file transfers, certain parameters (namely the data
	  bits  and  parity)  will be temporarily changed.  The status line
	  will not reflect these temporary promotions.

	  Page 20              Pcomm Reference Manual

	  4.5.  Exit Pcomm

	  To exit Pcomm, you type ^A-X.  The phone is hung up  (if  a  call
	  was in progress), the print and data logging features are closed,
	  and the TTY resources are released.

	  NOTE:  Pcomm drops the DTR (Data  Terminal  Ready)  on  the  port
	  before exiting to Unix.

	  4.6.  Unix gateway

	  To temporarily suspend Pcomm and spawn a  Unix  shell,  you  type
	  ^A-4.  To return to Pcomm, you exit the shell normally, typically
	  with ^D or "exit".

	  NOTE:  The SHELL environmental  variable  is  used  to  determine
	  which program to invoke.

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 21


	  The following commands perform secondary functions.

	  5.1.  Program information

	  To display the opening information screen, you type ^A-I.   Press
	  any key to return to the terminal mode.

	  5.2.  Setup screen

	  The setup screens are described in detail in section  3  of  this

	  5.3.  Change directory

	  To change the current working directory while still inside Pcomm,
	  you type ^A-B.  A screen similar to the following will appear:

	 +--- Change directory ------------------------------------------+
	 |                                                               |
	 |    Current directory: /usr/egray                              |
	 |    New directory: _                                           |
	 |                                                               |

	  Abbreviations known to the shell are acceptable; for example, the
	  "~" character will be translated to the home directory in the csh
	  or ksh shell.

	  5.4.  Clear screen

	  To clear the local screen and home the cursor, you type ^A-C.

	  NOTE:  The remote system may  not  "know"  the  screen  has  been
	  cleared,  and  may  make  assumptions  about  the screen that are

	  5.5.  Toggle duplex

	  The ^A-E command changes the duplex mode from FULL  to  HALF,  or
	  from  HALF  to  FULL.   The  status line shows the current duplex
	  mode.  Use the Terminal Setup to make permanent  changes  to  the
	  duplex mode.

	  Page 22              Pcomm Reference Manual

	  5.6.  Hang up the phone

	  To hang up the phone, you type ^A-H.   The  word  "disconnecting"
	  will briefly show in the status line.

	  NOTE:  Pcomm does not drop the DTR (Data Terminal  Ready)  during
	  the hang up.

	  5.7.  Printer logging

	  The ^A-L command toggles the printer  logging  on  or  off.   The
	  current printer status is displayed in the status line.

	  NOTE:  Since all printing goes to the  normal  Unix  print  spool
	  program,  the  characters  will  not print on the printer as they
	  appear on the screen.  The printing will actually begin when  the
	  printer  logging is turned off and the complete print job is sent
	  to the spool.

	  NOTE:  Due to a technical limitation of Pcomm,  characters  typed
	  while in the half duplex mode will not appear in the print log.

	  5.8.  Toggle CR - CR/LF

	  The ^A-3 command toggles the incoming line termination characters
	  between CR and CR/LF.  The status line shows the current settings
	  (in the next to the last field).

	  5.9.  Break

	  The ^A-7 command sends a modem break to the remote  system.   The
	  word "break" is (very) briefly displayed on the status line.

	  NOTE:  This not the same as the break key  on  the  keyboard  (we
	  don't  want  to send a break to the local system, we want to send
	  it to the remote).

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 23


	  One of the most important features of a telecommunication program
	  is  the  ability  to transfer files.  The following file transfer
	  protocols are implemented:

	       Protocol     Packet     Error          Multiple
	       name         size       detection      files?
	       xmodem       128        checksum/CRC   no
	       xmodem-1k    128/1024   checksum/CRC   no
	       modem7       128        checksum       yes 1
	       ymodem       128/1024   CRC            yes 2
	       ymodem-g     128/1024   none 3         yes
	       ASCII        none       none           no
	       zmodem 4     128/1024   CRC            yes
	       (external)   ?          ?              ?

	       Notes:   1 CP/M style file name
			2 MSDOS style file name and file size
			3 Not needed!
			4 zmodem is implemented as an external program

	  NOTE:  The built-in protocols that send  file  name  information,
	  convert   the  Unix  style  file  name  to  fit  the  MSDOS  name

	  6.1.  External protocols

	  The external "protocol" is really a method of running an external
	  program  from  Pcomm  to  accomplish  a  file transfer.  The most
	  common use of this  feature  would  be  to  run  Kermit  or  some
	  proprietary program.

	  Frequently used external file transfer programs (such as  zmodem)
	  can  have  their  names  embedded  into  the  list  of  available
	  protocols by using the External Protocol Setup in section 3.7.

	  To abort an external file transfer, you hit the <ESC>  key.   All
	  other characters typed at the keyboard are ignored.

	  NOTE:  The external protocol feature can also be used  (misused?)
	  to pipe the output of a Unix command to the remote.

	  6.2.  Send files

	  To send a file to the remote, you'll first have to  instruct  the
	  remote  system to receive the file, then type ^A-"up arrow".  The

	  Page 24              Pcomm Reference Manual

	  following screen will appear:

					 +----- upload ----+
					 |                 |
					 |  1) xmodem      |
					 |  2) xmodem-1k   |
					 |  3) modem7      |
					 |  4) ymodem      |
					 |  5) ymodem-g    |
					 |  6) ASCII       |
					 |  7) zmodem      |
					 |  E) (external)  |
					 |                 |
					 |  <ESC> to Abort |
					 |                 |
					 |  Protocol: _    |
					 |                 |

	  You then select the type of protocol at the prompt,  and  another
	  window similar to this will appear:

	 +--- Send xmodem -----------------------------------------------+
	 |                                                               |
	 |    Enter filename: _                                          |
	 |                                                               |

	  Now you type in the file  name  or  names  you'd  like  to  send.
	  Wildcards known to the shell are acceptable.

	  Now the file transfer actually begins.  A screen similar  to  the
	  following is displayed during the transfer:

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 25

				 +-------------- uploading -------------+
				 |                                      |
				 |            Protocol: xmodem          |
				 |           File name: main.c          |
				 |           File size: 4420            |
				 |  Error check method: CRC             |
				 |   Est transfer time: 0:00:50         |
				 |         Block count: 5               |
				 |    Percent complete: 11.2%           |
				 |   Bytes transferred: 640             |
				 |   Errors this block: 0               |
				 |   Total error count: 0               |
				 |        Last message: NONE            |
				 |                                      |
				 +-------- Press <ESC> to abort --------+

	  As  the  transfer  progresses,  the   "block   count",   "percent
	  complete",  and  "bytes  transferred" fields will be continuously
	  updated.  If errors occur the  "errors  this  block"  and  "total
	  error  count" fields will be updated and the "last message" field
	  will contain a message about the error.

	  At the end of the transfer, Pcomm will beep  and  return  to  the
	  terminal  mode.   If  an  error  occurred  and  the  transfer was
	  aborted, you  will  be  prompted  to  acknowledge  the  error  by
	  pressing a key before returning to the terminal mode.

	  6.3.  Receive files

	  To receive a file (or group  of  files)  from  a  remote  system,
	  you'll  have  to  first instruct the remote system, then type ^A-
	  "down arrow".  Receiving a file is basically the same as  sending
	  a file.

	  NOTE:  Some systems do not pad the end of the file with  control-
	  Z's and therefore files might grow in length when received.

	  NOTE:   Due  to  a  technical  limitation  of  Pcomm,  characters
	  received during an ASCII download will not reappear on the screen
	  when you return to the terminal mode.

	  6.4.  Pass thru mode

	  The pass through mode is used when you have two or more  machines
	  in  a communications daisy chain.  The following diagram shows an
	  example of this type of arrangement:

	      +---------+        +----------+        +----------+
	      | IBM PC  |        |   Unix   |        |  IBM PC  |
	      | running |  <---- |  running |  <---- |  running |
	      | ProComm |  ----> |   Pcomm  |  ----> |   RBBS   |
	      +---------+        +----------+        +----------+

	  Page 26              Pcomm Reference Manual

	  If a file is to be transferred from the last machine to the first
	  machine,  the  middle machine must appear completely transparent.
	  The middle machine must "forward the data" without altering it in
	  any  way.   The  pass  through  mode "expires" after a designated
	  period of inactivity, after which the user  is  returned  to  the
	  terminal mode.

	  To access the pass through mode, you type  ^A-T.   The  following
	  screen will appear:

	 +--- Pass Thru Mode --------------------------------------------+
	 |                                                               |
	 |    Enter the expiration time (5-60 sec) : _                   |
	 |                                                               |

	  NOTE:  While in the pass through mode, no Pcomm  command  to  the
	  middle  machine will be honored.  Therefore, the only way to exit
	  this mode is to not type  anything  on  the  keyboard  until  the
	  expiration period has elapsed.

	  NOTE:  The baud rates to and from the middle machine need not  be
	  the  same, however the slowest speed determines the overall speed
	  of the transfer (the weakest link in the chain).

	  6.5.  Directory

	  To obtain a listing of a directory  on  the  local  system  while
	  still  running  Pcomm,  you type ^A-F.  The following screen will

	 +--- List Directory --------------------------------------------+
	 |                                                               |
	 |    Current directory: /usr/egray                              |
	 |    File spec (wildcards allowed): _                           |
	 |                                                               |

	  Abbreviations known to the  shell  are  valid.   Output  is  sent
	  through a "more" like program.

	  NOTE:  Since we're really doing a popen() to  the  "ls"  command,
	  additional command line options are also valid.

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 27

	  6.6.  Screen dump

	  To dump the contents of the current  screen  (minus  any  windows
	  showing)  you  type ^A-G.  The contents of the screen are written
	  to the file specified in the general setup for this purpose.   If
	  the  file already exists, the screen contents are appended to the
	  file.  The message "screen  dump"  will  briefly  appear  in  the
	  status line.

	  NOTE:  The screen contents  are  subject  to  the  available  VCS
	  (video command sequence) emulation, so an exact representation is
	  not guaranteed.

	  6.7.  Start data logging

	  To start the data logging, or  change  the  file  used  for  data
	  logging, you type ^A-1.  The following screen will appear:

	 +--- Start Data Logging ----------------------------------------+
	 |                                                               |
	 |    Default log file: pcomm.log                                |
	 |    New log file: _                                            |
	 |                                                               |

	  To keep the default file, just press a  carriage  return  at  the
	  prompt,  otherwise,  enter  a new file name.  If the file already
	  exits, the new data is appended to the file.

	  The status of the logging is shown in the status line.

	  NOTE:  Due to a technical limitation of Pcomm,  characters  typed
	  while in the half duplex mode will not appear in the log file.

	  6.8.  Toggle logging

	  To temporarily suspend data logging or to start it again  without
	  being prompted for the file name, you type ^A-2.

	  Page 28              Pcomm Reference Manual

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 29


	  While Pcomm is dialing another system, a screen  similar  to  the
	  following is shown:

       |                                                                    |
       |                   D I A L I N G      W I N D O W                   |
       |                                                                    |
       |                                                                    |
       |                       System name: C Board                         |
       |                       Pass number: 1                               |
       |              Elapse time this try: 4                               |
       |             Time at start of dial: 14:53:36                        |
       |         Time at start of this try: 14:53:37                        |
       |                Connect delay time: 35                              |
       |                 Redial delay time: 5                               |
       |                        Script/TTY:                                 |
       |                Result of last try:                                 |
       |                                                                    |
       |  <SPACE>: Recycle    <DEL>: Remove from queue    E: Change delays  |
       |                                                                    |
       +----------------------- Press <ESC> to abort -----------------------+

	  The options available during the dialing window are:

	       SPACE) Press the space  bar  to  stop  the  dialing  of  the
	       current  entry and go on to the next entry in the queue.  If
	       there is only  one  entry  in  the  queue,  that  number  is

	       DEL) Press the DEL key to remove the current number from the

	       E) Press the letter "E" to change the connect delay time, or
	       the  redial delay time (the pause between dialing attempts).
	       You will be prompted to save the changes to disk.

	       NOTE:  While the DEL and E options are being processed,  the
	       dialing is temporarily suspended.

	  Page 30              Pcomm Reference Manual

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 31


	  Pcomm doesn't have a built-in script language,  instead  it  uses
	  Unix  shell  scripts  (Bourne  shell,  C shell, or Korn shell) to
	  perform the necessary "chat" sequences to log  a  user  on  to  a
	  remote system.

	  Since shell scripts are  run  "outside"  of  Pcomm,  they  cannot
	  contain Pcomm commands.  For example, an auto-login script cannot
	  dial a phone number or turn on the  data  logging  feature.   The
	  auto-login  scripts  are  run  after the connection to the remote
	  system has been made.

	  You may hit the <ESC> key at any  time  to  abort  an  auto-login
	  script  before  it  has completed.  All other characters typed at
	  the keyboard are ignored.

	  WARNING:  Any file that has a "clear text" (un-encrypted) version
	  of  your  password  is a significant security threat.  You should
	  remove the read permission to all others.

	  In order to assist in the creation  of  auto-login  scripts,  the
	  following external programs have been provided.

	  8.1.  Waitfor command

	  The waitfor command has the following syntax:

	       waitfor -n string

	  where "n" is the number of seconds to wait and  "string"  is  the
	  string to wait for.

	  Waitfor returns a 0 if the string was found, a  1  if  it  didn't
	  find  the  string within the allotted time, and a -1 if there was
	  an error.  Waitfor returns immediately if the string is found.

	  The waitfor command would  typically  be  used  in  a  script  to
	  indicate that the desired prompt has appeared.  For example:

	       waitfor -5 "ogin:"
	       if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
		    echo "egray"

	  would wait up to 5 seconds for the string "ogin:".  If the return
	  code  is  0 (the strings did appear), send the string "egray" (my
	  user ID).

	  Page 32              Pcomm Reference Manual

	  NOTE:  Upper and lower case letters are considered different.  If
	  you are not sure if the prompt is "Login:" or "login:", then skip
	  the first letter in the string and use "ogin:".

	  8.2.  Matches command

	  The matches command has the following syntax:

	       matches string1 string2

	  Matches returns a 0 if  string2  is  contained  in  string1,  and
	  returns  a 1 if it does not.  Unlike waitfor, the matches command
	  does not read the TTY port.

	  The matches command could be used to test string values such as:

	       read junk
	       matches $junk "login failed"
	       if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]

	  8.3.  Modem_break command

	  The modem_break command performs a modem break on  the  TTY.   It
	  would  often  be  used  to  tell  the  remote system to switch to
	  another baud rate.

	  The modem_break program has no command line arguments.

	  8.4.  Examples

	  It is not my intention to teach the reader  the  fundamentals  of
	  Unix  shell  programming.   There  are  several good books on the
	  subject available in stores.

	  Remember to add execute permission to the  file  and  remove  the
	  read permission to all others.

	  The simplest auto-login script may contain the following:

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 33

	       # send a <CR>
	       echo ""
	       # wait 5 seconds for the login prompt
	       waitfor -5 ogin:
	       # send my user ID
	       echo "egray"
	       # wait 5 seconds for the password prompt
	       waitfor -5 assword:
	       # send my password
	       echo "abcdefg"
	       # return to Pcomm
	       exit 0

	  A more complex script is required if the user must send  a  modem
	  break to synchronize the baud rate of the remote.  For example:

	  Page 34              Pcomm Reference Manual

	       echo ""
	       # loop until done
	       while true
		    # wait 5 seconds for the login prompt
		    waitfor -5 ogin:
		    # test the exit code of the waitfor command
		    if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
			 # send my user ID and exit the loop
			 echo "egray"

		    # increment the number of attempts
		    try=`expr $try + 1`
		    # test to see if we should give up
		    if [ "$try" -eq 5 ]
			 exit 1

		    # send a modem break and loop again
		    echo ""
	       # wait 5 seconds for the password prompt
	       waitfor -5 assword:
	       # test the return code from waitfor
	       if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
		    # send my password
		    echo "abcdefg"
		    exit 1
	       # return to Pcomm
	       exit 0

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 35

	  Appendix A - Typical Modem Configuration

	  I can't begin to describe how to configure every  modem  to  work
	  with  Pcomm.   There  are,  however, several guidelines that will
	  apply to virtually any modem.

	       1) Pcomm doesn't care about the DCD  (Data  Carrier  Detect)
	       settings of the modem.

	       2) It would be nice (but not essential) if the loss  of  the
	       DTR (Data Terminal Ready) caused the modem to hang up.

	       3) Pcomm doesn't care if commands are  echoed  back  by  the
	       modem  (it  might  save  a  few  milliseconds if echoing was
	       turned off).

	       4) Some sort of result codes are required.   Numeric  result
	       codes are ok...  but since they are displayed on the screen,
	       word result codes will make more sense.

	       5) If the modem can return different result codes  for  each
	       baud rate at which it answers, then by all means, use them.

	       6) Anything that is returned by the modem, but not listed in
	       the modem setup, is ignored.

	       7) Systems running uugetty (the  bi-directional  version  of
	       getty  that  comes  with  HDB  uucp)  should  include  extra
	       commands in the initialization string to assure that uugetty
	       switches  to its dial out mode.  Normally, "AT!~AT!~" causes
	       enough dialogue to force uugetty to release the line.

	  For  example,  a  2400  baud  Hayes  compatible  modem  might  be
	  configured with the following command:

	       AT S7=45 S11=70 E0 Q0 V1 X4 &D2

		    AT       Hayes attention command
		    S7=45    Wait 45 seconds for an answer
		    S11=70   70 ms touch tone dialing
		    E0       Don't echo commands (not essential)
		    Q0       Turn result codes on
		    V1       Return word result codes
		    X4       Use as many result codes as you've got
		    &D2      Hang up when DTR is lost (nice to have)

	  Page 36              Pcomm Reference Manual

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 37

	  Appendix B - AT&T Unix PC 7300/3b1 Dial Codes

	  The dialing codes used by  the  OBM  (On  Board  Modem)  are  not
	  straight-forward.   The  modem  setup, as distributed, looks like

	  -------------------------- Modem Setup --------------------------

		     1) Modem name (1 of 2) ... OBM
		     2) Modem init string .....
		     3) Dialing command ....... %
		     4) Dialing cmd suffix .... @
		     5) Hang up string ........
		     6) Auto baud detect ...... N
		     7) 300 baud connect ...... CONNECT
		     8) 1200 baud connect ..... CONNECT
		     9) 2400 baud connect .....
		    10) 4800 baud connect .....
		    11) 9600 baud connect .....
		    12) 19200 baud connect ....
		    13) No connect string 1 ...
		    14) No connect string 2 ...
		    15) No connect string 3 ...
		    16) No connect string 4 ...

	  OPTION ==> _                                Press <ESC> to return

	  The relevant fields of the modem setup are:

	       1) Modem name.  This must be "OBM".

	       NOTE:  Pcomm uses the modem name  as  a  flag  to  determine
	       which  dialing  method  to  use.   The  string  "OBM"  is  a
	       "reserved word" that Pcomm uses to switch to the  AT&T  Unix
	       PC 7300/3b1 dialing method.

	       3) Dialing command.  This  should  be  "%"  for  touch  tone
	       dialing or "^" for pulse dialing.

	       4) Dialing cmd suffix.  This must be the "@" character.

	       6) Auto baud detect.  The  OBM  cannot  use  the  auto  baud
	       detect feature.

	       7-8) Connect strings.  Although  the  OBM  doesn't  actually
	       return any result codes, these fake fields are required.

	  Additional OBM dialing codes from the phone(7) manual:

	  Page 38              Pcomm Reference Manual

	       "~"   wait for next dial tone
	       ","   pause 2 seconds
	       ":"   pause 10 seconds
	       "&"   perform a hookflash
	       "%"   begin tone dialing
	       "^"   begin pulse dialing

	  These codes can be inserted into the  phone  number  string,  for

	       555-1234~56   dial 555-1234, wait for tone, dial 56
	       9,555-1234    dial 9, wait 2 seconds, dial 555-1234
	       %555^1234     dial 555 using tone, 1234 using pulse

	  NOTE:  The dialing codes for the OBM are not subject to character
	  synonym  translations, therefore the "%", "^", and "~" characters
	  do NOT have to be preceded by the "\" character to  remove  their
	  special meaning.

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 39

	  Appendix C - Using Telebit Modems

	  Telebit modems are probably  representative  of  the  newer  high
	  speed  intelligent modems available today and therefore warrant a
	  more detailed discussion.

	  1) Locked interface speed

	       Telebit  modems  have  the  ability  to  maintain  a  locked
	       interface  speed  with  the  computer  without regard to the
	       connected baud rate.   For  example,  most  people  find  it
	       necessary  to  lock  the  interface  speed at 19200 baud (or
	       9600) for normal operations.

	       The "init speed" field of the TTY database  was  created  to
	       solve  this  problem.  If this value is non-zero, Pcomm will
	       only use this baud rate when talking to the modem.  The true
	       connected  baud  rate  will  continue to be displayed in the
	       status line.

	  2) Multiple setups

	       Users of  Telebit  modems  may  require  a  different  "init
	       string"  or "dial string" depending on the target baud rate.
	       For example, the init strings for 9600 and  19200  baud  may
	       contain  the  command  "S50=255"  (wait  for the Telebit PEP
	       tones) whereas the slower init strings would contain "S50=0"
	       (automatic speed search).

	       This problem is solved by creating an additional modem entry
	       in the modem database.  For example, you could have an entry
	       called "TELEBIT" for baud rates in the range of 300-4800 and
	       another  entry  called  "FAST_TELEBIT" for baud rates in the
	       range of 9600-19200.

	       Pcomm uses the connect strings to determine if the modem can
	       handle  the requested baud rate.  So, if the "TELEBIT" entry
	       had connect strings for 300, 1200, 2400, and  4800  baud  it
	       would  be  selected  only  if the requested baud rate was in
	       that range.  Likewise, the FAST_TELEBIT would  have  connect
	       strings only for 9600 and 19200 baud.

	  3) Telebit register settings

	       The following configuration is what I personally use for  my
	       Telebit T2500's on bi-directional lines (ones with uugetty).

	  Page 40              Pcomm Reference Manual

		    ~&F1     restores enhanced command mode settings
		    Q2       turns on result codes only when dialing out
		    S0=1     answer on first ring
		    S7=60    wait at least 60 seconds for a carrier
		    S51=5    set interface speed to 19200 baud
		    S52=1    hangup on loss of DTR
		    S54=3    pass modem breaks through
		    S58=2    full duplex RTS/CTS flow control
		    S66=1    lock the interface speed
		    S131=1   data carrier detect follows the carrier
		    &W0      save in NVM A
		    &W1      save in NVM B

	  4) Sample TTY database

	       The following is the contents of the sample TTY database:

		    TTY name   Modem name     Init speed

		    1) tty10   HAYES          0
		    2) tty11   HAYES          0
		    3) tty12   DIRECT         0
		    4) tty13   TELEBIT        19200
		    5) tty13   FAST_TELEBIT   19200

	       Notice that entries 4 and 5 share the same TTY.

	  5) Sample modem database entry for TELEBIT

	       The third entry in the sample  modem  database  is  for  the
	       Telebit modem designated for use at slow speeds.

			       Pcomm Reference Manual               Page 41

		       1) Modem name (3 of 4) .... TELEBIT
		       2) Modem init string ...... ATZ!~~
		       3) Dialing command ........ ATDT
		       4) Dialing cmd suffix ..... !
		       5) Hang up string ......... ~~+++~~ATH0!
		       6) Auto baud detect ....... Y
		       7) 300 baud connect ....... CONNECT 300
		       8) 1200 baud connect ...... CONNECT 1200
		       9) 2400 baud connect ...... CONNECT 2400
		      10) 4800 baud connect ...... CONNECT 4800
		      11) 9600 baud connect ......
		      12) 19200 baud connect .....
		      13) No connect string 1 .... BUSY
		      14) No connect string 2 .... ERROR
		      15) No connect string 3 .... NO CARRIER
		      16) No connect string 4 .... NO DIALTONE

	  6) Sample modem database entry for FAST_TELEBIT

	       The 4th entry is for the Telebit modem designated for use at
	       higher speeds.

		     1) Modem name (4 of 4) .... FAST_TELEBIT
		     2) Modem init string ...... ATZ!~~ATS50=255!
		     3) Dialing command ........ ATDT
		     4) Dialing cmd suffix ..... !
		     5) Hang up string ......... ~~+++~~ATH0!
		     6) Auto baud detect ....... Y
		     7) 300 baud connect .......
		     8) 1200 baud connect ......
		     9) 2400 baud connect ......
		    10) 4800 baud connect .....
		    11) 9600 baud connect ..... CONNECT 9600
		    12) 19200 baud connect .... CONNECT FAST
		    13) No connect string 1 ... BUSY
		    14) No connect string 2 ... ERROR
		    15) No connect string 3 ... NO CARRIER
		    16) No connect string 4 ... NO DIALTONE

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.