
This is Dial.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//  quick and dirty:
//     dialing with the ZyXEL modem 
//     by: Olaf Mueller <olaf@orest.escape.de>

#import "Dial.h"
#import "Preferences.h"
#import "DialOut.h"
#import "Addresses.h"

@interface Dial (PrivateDialMethods)	

- findWindowforName: (const char*)name  andClass: cass ;
- openAnAddressBook: (const char*)filename ;


@implementation Dial

- info: sender
	if (!infoPanel)
		[NXApp loadNibSection:"InfoPanel.nib" owner:self] ;
	[infoPanel orderFront: self] ;
	return  self ;	

- preferences: sender
	if (!preferencesPanel)
		preferencesPanel = [[Preferences alloc] init] ;
	[preferencesPanel orderFront: self] ;
	return  self ;	

- dialOut: sender
	[self newDialNumber: NULL] ;
	return  self ;	

- newDialNumber: (const char*)number
	if (!dialOutWindow)
		dialOutWindow = [[DialOut alloc] init] ;
	[dialOutWindow newNumber: number] ;
	return  self ;	

static const char *const addressType[] = { "addresses", NULL } ;  

- loadAddresses: sender
	id					myOpenPanel ;
	char				path [MAXPATHLEN+1] ;
	if ((myOpenPanel = [OpenPanel new]))
		sprintf (path,"%s/Library/Addresses",NXHomeDirectory()) ;
		if ([myOpenPanel runModalForDirectory: path file: NULL types: addressType] == NX_OKTAG)
			[self openAnAddressBook: [myOpenPanel filename]] ;
	return  self ;

- (int)app:app openFile:(const char *)path type:(const char *)type
	if (!strcmp(type,addressType[0]))
		[self openAnAddressBook: path] ;
		return  YES ;
	    NXRunAlertPanel ("Dial","Could not open file.",NULL,NULL,NULL) ;
		return  NO ;

- (BOOL)appAcceptsAnotherFile: sender
    return  YES ;

- openAnAddressBook: (const char*)filename
	Addresses	*anAddress = [self findWindowforName: filename andClass: [Addresses class]] ;
	if (anAddress)
		[anAddress orderFront: self] ;
		[[Addresses alloc] initForAddressBook: filename] ;
	return  self ;	

#define FAXSIGNAL				"/tmp/faxsignal.am"

- faxSignal: sender
	FILE	*fp ;

	fp = fopen (FAXSIGNAL,"w") ;
	fclose (fp) ;
	return  self ;	

- appDidInit: sender
	struct _NXDefault	ourDefaults [] = 
							{ "countryCode" , "00" } ,
							{ "cityCode" , "0" } ,
							{ "thisCountry" , "49" } ,
							{ "thisCity" , "531" } ,
							{ "charsToIgnore" , " -./" } ,
							{ NULL , NULL } ,
						} ;
	NXRegisterDefaults ([self appName],ourDefaults) ;
	return  self ;

- appWillTerminate: sender
	return self ;

// ------------------- private methods -------------------------

- findWindowforName: (const char*)nam  andClass: cass
	List		*windowlist = [NXApp windowList] ;
	Window		*window ;
	id			anObject ;
	int			ii , count = [windowlist count] ;
	for (ii = 0 ; ii < count ; ii++)
		window = [windowlist objectAt: ii] ;
		anObject = [window delegate] ;
		if ([anObject isMemberOf: cass])
			if (!strcmp(nam,[anObject name]))
				return  anObject ;
	return  nil ;	


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.