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/* $Id: userrw.c,v 1.2 1995/12/19 19:30:47 eilts Exp eilts $ */ #include "bbs.h" boolean userlogin(confrecordtyp *confrecord, const char *uname) { int n; boolean ok = FALSE; char path[PATH_MAX+1], username[S_STRLEN+1]; FILE *fp; if (buildhelppath(path,"login",sprachensuffix[confrecord->userrecord.lang], confrecord) == NULL) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","userlogin", "path to login too long"); return(-1); } if ((fp=fopen(path,"r")) == NULL) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","userlogin", "cannot fopen %s: %m", path); return(-1); } while (fgets(path,PATH_MAX,fp) != NULL) { fputs(path,stdout); } fclose(fp); n = 1; do { if (*uname == '\0' || n > 1) { printf("Login: "); fgets(username,S_STRLEN,stdin); username[strlen(username)-1] = '\0'; } else { strmaxcpy(username,uname,S_STRLEN); } if (*username == '\0') strcpy(username,NOUSER); if (getuserrecord(&(confrecord->userrecord),username,confrecord)) { if (*(confrecord->userrecord.passwd) == '\0') { ok = TRUE; } else { if (strncmp(confrecord->userrecord.passwd, CRYPTFUNC(getpass("Password: "),confrecord->userrecord.passwd), PASSCRYPTED_LEN)==0) { ok = TRUE; } } } if (! ok) { bbslog(LOG_FILE,confrecord,"Login try %i: %s\n",n,username); } n++; } while (n<=confrecord->maxtries && !ok); if (!ok) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } int usergreeting(confrecordtyp *confrecord) { int n; char buf[PATH_MAX+1], termstr[S_STRLEN+1], c; FILE *fp; struct termios save_termios; ttystateenum ttystate = TTY_RESET; if (buildhelppath(buf,"greeting",sprachensuffix[confrecord->userrecord.lang],confrecord) == NULL) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","usergreeting", "path to greeting too long"); return(-1); } if ((fp=fopen(buf,"r")) == NULL) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","usergreeting", "cannot fopen %s: %m", buf); return(-1); } while (fgets(buf,PATH_MAX,fp) != NULL) { fputs(buf,stdout); } fclose(fp); if (*confrecord->termtable == '\0') { printf(msg("usergreeting",0,confrecord->lang),confrecord->userrecord.term); } else { printf(msg("usergreeting",1,confrecord->lang),confrecord->userrecord.term); } do { fflush(stdout); if (*confrecord->termtable == '\0') { fgets(termstr,S_STRLEN,stdin); n = strlen(termstr); } else { tty_cbreak(STDIN_FILENO,&save_termios,&ttystate); n = 0; do { read(STDIN_FILENO,&c,1); if (n==0 && c=='?') { rawshowtermtable(confrecord->termtable,confrecord); printf(msg("usergreeting",0,confrecord->lang), confrecord->userrecord.term); fflush(stdout); } else if (n>0 && (c==BACKSPACE_KEY || c==DELETE_KEY)) { printf("\b \b"); fflush(stdout); n--; } else { write(STDOUT_FILENO,&c,1); termstr[n++] = c; } } while (c!=RETURN_KEY && c!=NEWLINE_KEY && n<S_STRLEN); tty_reset(STDIN_FILENO,&save_termios,&ttystate); } termstr[n-1] = '\0'; if (n > 1 && ! termexists(termstr)) { strcpy(buf,termstr); lowercases(buf); if (termexists(buf)) { printf(msg("usergreeting",2,confrecord->lang),buf); } printf(msg("usergreeting",3,confrecord->lang),termstr); } } while (n > 1 && ! termexists(termstr)); if (n > 1) { if (strlen(termstr)+100 > PATH_MAX) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","usergreeting", "line too long"); return(-1); } sprintf(buf,"%s %d %d",termstr, confrecord->userrecord.lines, confrecord->userrecord.columns); do_term(buf,&(confrecord->userrecord),confrecord); } return(n); } int rawshowtermtable(const char *termtable, const confrecordtyp *confrecord) { int n; int znr = 0; char zeile[STRLEN+1], str[S_STRLEN+1], *zp[3]; FILE *fp; if ((fp=fopen(termtable,"r")) == NULL) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","rawshowtermtable", "cannot fopen %s: %m", termtable); return(-1); } putchar('\n'); while (fgets(zeile,STRLEN,fp) != NULL) { zeile[strlen(zeile)-1] = '\0'; n = splitstring(zp,zeile,'|',2); if (n>0 && *zp[0]!='\0' && *zp[0]!='#') { if (zp[1] == NULL) zp[1] = ""; if (znr > confrecord->userrecord.lines-3) { printf(msg("rawshowtermtable",0,confrecord->lang)); fflush(stdout); read(STDIN_FILENO,str,S_STRLEN); putchar('\n'); znr = 0; } printf("%-12s %s\n",zp[0],zp[1]); znr++; } } fclose(fp); return 0; } char *showmsgline(const char *fmt, ...) { int y, x, k; static char buf[STRLEN+1]; char str[STRLEN+1]; va_list ap; getyx(stdscr,y,x); for (k=0; k < COLS; k++) { buf[k] = mvinch(LINES-1,k); } buf[k] = '\0'; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(str,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); move(LINES-1,0); clrtoeol(); addstr(str); refresh(); move(y,x); return buf; } void removemsgline(const char *buf) { int y, x; getyx(stdscr,y,x); move(LINES-1,0); clrtoeol(); if (buf != NULL) addstr(buf); move(y,x); refresh(); return; } int writetouser(const confrecordtyp *confrecord, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char str[MSG_MAX+1]; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(str,fmt,ap); va_end(ap); if (confrecord->curses_on) { windowtext(str," BBS: ",0,confrecord); } else { printf("%s",str); } return 0; } #ifdef USE_EDIT int readfromuser(char str[], const char *defaultstr, const int mlen, const boolean echo, const confrecordtyp *confrecord) { int seq[100], seqanz, n, k, x_p, y_p, x_0, x_off, step, cols, ltag, rtag; SIZE_T spos, slen = 0; static int p=0, len=0; char c, *sp, tgetentbuf[TGETENTBUF]; const char *term = NULL; static char tkbuf[1024], inbuf[INBUFLEN]; boolean termsequenz; static termks termkeys[] = { {"kr", NULL, Curright}, {"kl", NULL, Curleft}, {"kr", "\006", Curright}, {"kl", "\002", Curleft}, {"kr", "\033[C", Curright}, {"kl", "\033[D", Curleft}, {"", (char *)0, Nocmd} }; if (term == NULL) { term = confrecord->userrecord.term; n = tgetent(tgetentbuf,term); if (n < 0) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","readfromuser", "cannot open terminal database"); return(-1); } else if (n == 0) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE|E_USER,confrecord,"bbs","readfromuser", "%s: unknown terminal type",term); return(-1); } sp = tkbuf; for (n=0; *termkeys[n].id; n++) { if (termkeys[n].sequenz == NULL) { if ((termkeys[n].sequenz=tgetstr(termkeys[n].id,&sp)) == NULL) { errormsg(E_LOGFILE,confrecord,"bbs","readfromuser", "%s: not capable of %s",term,termkeys[n].id); } } } } cols = confrecord->userrecord.columns; getyx(stdscr,y_p,x_0); ltag = 0; rtag = 0; x_off = 0; if (defaultstr != NULL) { strmaxcpy(str,defaultstr,mlen); slen = strlen(str); step = cols / 2; for (n=slen+x_0; n > cols-2; n -= step) x_off += step; if (x_off > 0) { ltag = 1; addch('<'); } for (k=x_off+ltag; k < slen; k++) { addch(str[k]); } } spos = slen; getyx(stdscr,y_p,x_p); do { refresh(); termsequenz = FALSE; for (k=0,seqanz=0; *termkeys[k].id; k++) { if (termkeys[k].sequenz != NULL) seq[seqanz++] = k; } n = 0; do { if (p == len) { len = read(STDIN_FILENO,inbuf,INBUFLEN); p = 0; } c = inbuf[p++]; for (k=0; k<seqanz; k++) { if (c != termkeys[seq[k]].sequenz[n]) { seq[k] = seq[--seqanz]; k--; } } if (seqanz == 1) { if (termkeys[seq[0]].sequenz[n+1] == '\0') { termsequenz = TRUE; } } else if (seqanz > 0 && ! termsequenz && n == 0 && p == len) { len = waitread(STDIN_FILENO,inbuf,INBUFLEN,KEYBOARDIN_SEQ_DELAY); p = 0; if (len == 0) seqanz = 0; } n++; } while (! termsequenz && seqanz > 0 && len >= 0); if (len < 0) return -1; if (termsequenz) { switch (termkeys[seq[0]].cmd) { case Curleft: if (spos > 0) { move(y_p,--x_p); spos--; } break; case Curright: if (spos < slen) { move(y_p,++x_p); spos++; } break; case Nocmd: break; } } else { switch (c) { case BACKSPACE_KEY: case DELETE_KEY: if (spos > 0) { mvdelch(y_p,--x_p); slen--; spos--; for (k=spos; k<slen; k++) str[k] = str[k+1]; k = x_off + cols - x_0 - 1 - rtag; if (k < slen) { mvaddch(y_p,cols-1-rtag,str[k]); if (rtag > 0) addch('>'); move(y_p,x_p); } } break; case LINE_START: x_p -= spos; move(y_p,x_p); spos = 0; break; case LINE_END: x_p += slen - spos; move(y_p,x_p); spos = slen; break; case KILL_LINE: clrtoeol(); slen = spos; break; case RETURN_KEY: case NEWLINE_KEY: break; case ESCAPE_KEY: slen = 0; break; default: if (slen >= mlen) break; if (echo) { insch(c); } else { insch(' '); } if (rtag > 0) mvaddch(y_p,cols-1,'>'); move(y_p,++x_p); for (k=slen; k>spos; k--) str[k] = str[k-1]; str[spos++] = c; slen++; } } if (x_p > cols - 2) { step = cols / 2; } else if (x_off > 0 && x_p < x_0+2) { step = -cols / 2; } else { step = 0; } if (step != 0) { x_off += step; move(y_p,x_0); clrtoeol(); if (x_off > 0) { ltag = 1; addch('<'); } else { ltag = 0; } if (slen > x_off+cols-x_0) { rtag = 1; mvaddch(y_p,cols-1,'>'); move(y_p,x_0+ltag); } else { rtag = 0; } for (k=x_off+ltag; k < slen && k < x_off+cols-x_0-rtag; k++) { addch(str[k]); } x_p -= step; move(y_p,x_p); } } while (c != RETURN_KEY && c != NEWLINE_KEY && c != ESCAPE_KEY); str[slen] = '\0'; return(slen); } #else int readfromuser(char str[], const char *defaultstr, const int mlen, const boolean echo, const confrecordtyp *confrecord) { int k = 0; int n, p; SIZE_T nchars; char c, junkbuf[10]; if (defaultstr != NULL) { strmaxcpy(str,defaultstr,mlen); k = strlen(str); addstr(str); } do { refresh(); c = bbsgetch(TRUE); if (c == ESCAPE_KEY) { /* #if defined(FIONREAD) && ! defined (NO_TV_USEC) usleep(200000); if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO,FIONREAD,&nchars) >= 0) { if (nchars > 0) { read(STDIN_FILENO,junkbuf,10); continue; } } if (c == ESCAPE_KEY) { str[0] = '\0'; return(0); } #else */ str[0] = '\0'; return(0); /* #endif */ } if (k>0 && (c==BACKSPACE_KEY || c==DELETE_KEY)) { getyx(stdscr,n,p); mvdelch(n,--p); k--; } else { if (echo) { addch(c); } else { addch(' '); } str[k++] = c; } } while (c!=RETURN_KEY && c!=NEWLINE_KEY && k<mlen); if (c==RETURN_KEY || c==NEWLINE_KEY) k--; str[k] = '\0'; return(k); } #endif #ifdef USE_EDIT char bbsgetch(const boolean no_escapesequenz) { static int p=0, len=0; static char inbuf[100]; char c; do { if (p == len) { len = read(STDIN_FILENO,inbuf,100); p = 0; } c = inbuf[p++]; if (c == ESCAPE_KEY && no_escapesequenz && p == len) { len = waitread(STDIN_FILENO,inbuf,100,KEYBOARDIN_SEQ_DELAY); p = 0; } } while (c == ESCAPE_KEY && len > 0); return c; } #else char bbsgetch(const boolean no_escapesequenz) { static int p=0, len=0; static char inbuf[100]; if (p == len) { len = read(STDIN_FILENO,inbuf,100); p = 0; } return inbuf[p++]; } #endif #ifndef NO_TV_USEC char waitonkeypress(boolean minwait) { char c; double t; if (minwait) { t = microtime(); do { c = bbsgetch(TRUE); } while(microtime()-t < KEYTIME); } else { c = bbsgetch(TRUE); } return(c); } #else char waitonkeypress(boolean minwait) { return bbsgetch(TRUE); } #endif char getkeyonprompt(const char *prompt, const char *keyset, const boolean maptoupper, const boolean autozmodem, const char *helpcontext, const confrecordtyp *confrecord) { int errs = 0; char key; const char *cp='\0', bell=BELL_KEY; #ifndef NO_TV_USEC boolean zmodem; #endif move(LINES-1,0); clrtoeol(); standout(); addstr(prompt); standend(); do { refresh(); do { #ifndef NO_TV_USEC if (autozmodem && confrecord->userrecord.autozmodem && confrecord->userrecord.protokoll == ZMODEMPROTO) { key = autoz_getch_c(&zmodem,TRUE); if (zmodem) { bbslog(LOG_FILE,confrecord,"AutoZmodem"); return(AUTOZDETECTED); } } else { key = waitonkeypress(TRUE); } #else key = waitonkeypress(TRUE); #endif if (maptoupper && islower(key)) key = toupper(key); if (key == CHELP_KEY) { writehelptouser(helpcontext,confrecord); } } while (key == CHELP_KEY); if (*keyset != '\0') { for (cp=keyset; key!=*cp && *cp!='\0'; cp++) ; } if (errs > 2) { move(LINES-1,0); clrtoeol(); standout(); if (helpcontext==NULL || *helpcontext=='\0') { addstr(msg("getkeyonprompt",0,confrecord->userrecord.lang)); } else { addstr(msg("getkeyonprompt",1,confrecord->userrecord.lang)); } standend(); errs = 0; } if (*keyset != '\0' && key != *cp && key != ESCAPE_KEY) { if (key == RETURN_KEY || key == NEWLINE_KEY) touchwin(stdscr); writen(STDERR_FILENO,(void *)&bell,(SIZE_T)sizeof(char)); errs++; } } while (*keyset != '\0' && key != *cp && key != ESCAPE_KEY); /* invertpromptkeys(prompt); move(LINES-1,COLS-1); refresh(); */ return key; } void invertpromptkeys(const char *prompt) { int k; const char *sp; for (k=0,sp=prompt; *sp; k++,sp++) { if (*sp == '[') { move(LINES-1,k); do { k++; addch(*sp++); } while (*sp && *sp != ']'); } } } int pagerstep(const char key) { switch (key) { case BACKSPACE_KEY: case DELETE_KEY: return(-2); break; case SPACE_KEY: return(2); break; } return(0); } int pagerquit(const char key) { switch (key) { case QUIT_KEY: case QUIT_L_KEY: return(1); break; case ESCAPE_KEY: return(-1); break; } return(0); } #ifndef NO_TV_USEC char autoz_getch_c(boolean *zmodem, const boolean scan) { double t1, t2; static const char zmsig[] = "**\030B00"; static const char *pcp, *cp; static char c; static boolean playback = FALSE; if (playback) { if (pcp != cp) { return(*pcp++); } else { playback = FALSE; return(c); } } if (scan) { *zmodem = FALSE; t2 = microtime(); do { t1 = t2; c = bbsgetch(TRUE); t2 = microtime(); } while ((c != *zmsig) && (t2-t1<KEYTIME)); if (c != *zmsig) return c; cp = zmsig; cp++; c = bbsgetch(FALSE); while (c == *cp) { if (*++cp == '\0') break; c = bbsgetch(FALSE); } if (*cp == '\0') { *zmodem = TRUE; return(c); } else { playback = TRUE; pcp = zmsig; return(*pcp++); } } return bbsgetch(TRUE); } #endif int tty_cbreak(int fd, struct termios *save_termios, ttystateenum *ttystate) { struct termios buf; if (tcgetattr(fd, save_termios) < 0) { return -1; } buf = *save_termios; buf.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON); buf.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; buf.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &buf) < 0) { return -1; } *ttystate = TTY_RAW; return 0; } int tty_raw(int fd, struct termios *save_termios, ttystateenum *ttystate) { struct termios buf; if (tcgetattr(fd, save_termios) < 0) { return -1; } buf = *save_termios; buf.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG); buf.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON); buf.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); buf.c_cflag |= CS8; buf.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST); buf.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; buf.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &buf) < 0) { return -1; } *ttystate = TTY_RAW; return 0; } int tty_reset(int fd, struct termios *save_termios, ttystateenum *ttystate) { if (*ttystate != TTY_CBREAK && *ttystate != TTY_RAW) { return 0; } if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, save_termios) < 0) { return -1; } *ttystate = TTY_RESET; return 0; } void linerecodeout(const char *cp, const char *mmp, OFF_T stsize, const char cascii, const SIZE_T mlen) { SIZE_T k, len = 0; char str[3]; while (*cp!='\n' && len<mlen && (OFF_T)(cp-mmp)<stsize) { if (*cp=='\r' && *(cp+sizeof(char))=='\n') { cp++; } else { recode(str,*cp,cascii); k = strlen(str); if (k == 1) { addch(*str); } else { addstr(str); } len += k; cp++; } } if (len < mlen) addch('\n'); } void writehelptouser(const char *helpcontext, const confrecordtyp *confrecord) { int lang; if (helpcontext == NULL) return; lang = confrecord->userrecord.lang; if (*helpcontext == '\0') { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",0,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"dir") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",2,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"cd") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",3,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"show") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",4,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"get") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",5,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"lang") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",6,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"proto") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",7,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"autoz") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",8,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"dironcd") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",9,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"talk") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",10,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"selectterm") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",11,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"sendmessage") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",12,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"msgbrowser_select") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",13,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"msgbrowser_menu") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",14,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"newsbrowser_grpselect") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",15,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"newsbrowser_artselect") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",16,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"newsbrowser_doselect") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",17,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"newsbrowser_subscribe") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",18,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"subscribenewsgroups") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",19,lang)); } else if (strcmp(helpcontext,"charset") == 0) { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",20,lang)); } else { writetouser(confrecord,msg("writehelptouser",1,lang)); } return; }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by