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/* $Id: bbs_decl.h,v 1.2 1995/12/19 19:30:47 eilts Exp eilts $ */ #ifndef _BBS_SUBR_INCLUDED #define _BBS_SUBR_INCLUDED #ifndef WCOREDUMP #define WCOREDUMP(x) 0 #endif #ifndef NO_CRYPT # define CRYPTFUNC(a,b) crypt(a,b) #else # define CRYPTFUNC(a,b) a #endif #ifndef NO_RANDOM # define SRANDOM(a) srandom(a) # define RANDOM random #else # ifndef NO_LRAND48 # define SRANDOM(a) srand48(a) # define RANDOM lrand48 # else # define SRANDOM(a) srand(a) # define RANDOM rand # endif #endif #ifndef NO_MEMSET # define BZERO(a,b) memset(a,0,b) #else # define BZERO(a,b) bzero(a,b) #endif /* bbs */ /* main */ extern PID_T bbsinit(chrootrecordtyp *, confrecordtyp *, const char *); extern void bbsexit(const int, confrecordtyp *); /* bbsdstuff */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int getnewsrc(tlistetyp **, const confrecordtyp *); extern int savenewsrc(tlistetyp *, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int getallnewsgroups(tlistetyp **, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int checkgroup(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); #endif extern int listmessages(tlistetyp **, const confrecordtyp *); extern int removemessage(const int, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int getmessage(char [], const int, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int sendmessage(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int getallusernames(tlistetyp **, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int iniconnecttouserd(const PID_T, const PID_T, char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int remconnecttouserd(sessionrecordtyp *, char *, const PID_T, const confrecordtyp *); extern int bbslog(const int, const confrecordtyp *, const char *, ...); extern int bbslogn(const int, const confrecordtyp *, const char *, ...); extern int sendstatustodaemon(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int getsessions(sessionrecordtyp [], const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int addsession(const sessionrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int removesession(const PID_T, const confrecordtyp *); extern boolean getuserrecord(userrecordtyp *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern boolean saveuserrecord(const userrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int connect2bbsd(const confrecordtyp *); extern int unconnect2bbsd(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern PID_T testdaemon(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); /* do */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int do_postart_nntp(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int do_postart_inews(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); #endif extern void do_msgbrowser(const char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_sendmessage(const char [], const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_shownewsheader(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int do_sendmail(const char [], char *, const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_talk(const char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_sprache(const char [], const char *[], confrecordtyp *); extern void do_autozmodem(const char [], confrecordtyp *); extern void do_fullist(const char [], confrecordtyp *); extern char do_showfile(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_ls(const char [], const chrootrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_cd(const char [], chrootrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_pwd(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_showenv(const userrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_protokoll(const char [], const char *[], int *, confrecordtyp *); extern void do_get(const char [], const chrootrecordtyp *, const char *[], const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern void do_put(const char [], const chrootrecordtyp *, const int, confrecordtyp *); extern void do_home(const char [], const chrootrecordtyp *, userrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int do_term(const char [], userrecordtyp *, confrecordtyp *confrecord); extern int do_newpasswd(const char [], userrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); /* errorstuff */ extern void errormsg(const int, const confrecordtyp *, const char *, const char *, const char *, ...); extern void bgerror(const char *, const char *, ...); /* execute */ extern int execute(const char *, char *const [], const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern void executesighandler(int); /* filesys */ extern char *scratchfilename(char *, const char *, const char *, const char *); extern int checkfileperms(const char *, const UID_T, const GID_T); extern int getperms(const struct stat *, const UID_T, const GID_T); extern char *chrootpath(char [], const char *, const char *); extern char *getchrootcwd(chrootrecordtyp *); extern char *getchrootpath(char [], const char *); extern char *getrealdir(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int readconffile(confrecordtyp *, const char *); #if 0 extern int expandfilenames(const char *, char [], const int, const confrecordtyp *); #endif /* menue */ extern int getcmdline_c(char [], const menuetyp [], const menuetyp [], const menuetyp [], const chrootrecordtyp *, confrecordtyp *); extern char selectmenue_c(char [], const menuetyp [], const char *, const char, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int newsbrowser_c(const confrecordtyp *); extern int postarticle_c(const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int subscribenewsgroups_c(const confrecordtyp *); extern char newspager_c(tlistetyp *, const int, const char *, const char *, const boolean, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int newsdateselect_c(tlistetyp *, const int, const confrecordtyp *); #endif extern int msgbrowser_c(char [], const menuetyp [], const chrootrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int sendmessage_c(char [], const char *, const char *, const char *, const chrootrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int sendmail_c(char [], const char *, const char *, const char *, const boolean, const chrootrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int put_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int talk_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int sprache_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int autozmodem_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int fullist_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int protokoll_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern int term_c(char [], confrecordtyp *); extern int newpasswd_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); extern char *selectterm_c(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int selectfiles_c(char [], const int, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int selectdir_c(char [], const chrootrecordtyp *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern char selectpager_c(tlistetyp *, const int, const char *, const char *, const boolean, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern char menueselect_c(char *[], const int, const int, const int, const boolean, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int wildcardselect_c(const char, tlistetyp *, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int selectpagerquit_c(const char); extern int alphastep_c(const char); extern int wildcardchar_c(const char); extern int bbsquit_c(char [], const confrecordtyp *); /* msg */ extern const char *msg(const char *, const int, const int); /* signal */ extern void sighandler(int); extern void sigtalkaccepthandler(int); /* stringstuff */ extern void rm_ae_blanks(char *); extern char *splittoken(char *, const char, const int); extern char getarg(char [], const char *); extern char *recode(char *, const char, const char); extern SSIZE_T vfstrlen(const char *, va_list); extern SSIZE_T fstrlen(const char *, ...); extern void lowercases(char *); extern char *stripslashes(char *); extern void strprepend(char *, const char *); extern char *strmaxcpy(char *, const char *, const SIZE_T); extern char *strmaxcat(char *, const char *, const SIZE_T); extern const char *basename(const char *); extern void pathnamedir(const char *, char []); extern int splitstring(char *[], char *, const char, const int); extern int splitstr_wr(char *[], char *, const char, const int); extern char *normalizepath(char *); extern char *buildhelppath(char *, const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int splitparams(char *[], char *); extern int str2cmdparams(const char [], char [], char []); extern void split2key_arg(char *, char **, char **); extern void stringsort(char *[], const int); /* sysstuff */ extern int f_close(FILE *); #ifdef BBSDNAME extern void setproctitle(char *[], const SIZE_T, char *, ...); #endif extern int getdatenum(const char *); extern int getdaynum(const char *); extern int getmonthnum(const char *); extern char *gettime(void); #ifndef NO_TV_USEC extern double microtime(void); #endif extern int mklockfile(const char []); extern int fgetnln(char [], const int, FILE *); extern SSIZE_T recvn(int, void *, SIZE_T, int); extern SSIZE_T sendn(int, const void *, SIZE_T, int); extern SSIZE_T readn(int, void *, SIZE_T); extern SSIZE_T writen(int, const void *, SIZE_T); extern void (*setsighandler(int, void (*)(int)))(int); extern void (*setsighandler2(int, SIGSET_T, void (*)(int)))(int); extern void syslogn(int, const char *, ...); extern void vsyslogn(int, const char *, va_list); #ifdef NO_USLEEP extern void usleep(U_INT); #endif extern SIZE_T environlen(void); extern int mdefenv(const char *, const char *, ...); extern int mputenv(const char *); #ifdef NO_PUTENV extern int putenv(const char *); #endif /* talk */ extern int talkscreen(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern char inserttalktext(char *, const int, WINDOW *); extern int iniconnecttouser(const PID_T, const confrecordtyp *); extern void praeleaveiniconnecttouser(void); extern int abortconnecttouser(const PID_T, const PID_T, const int, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int remconnecttouser(const confrecordtyp *); extern void praeleaveremconnecttouser(const int); /* tliste */ extern int addstrtoliste(tlistetyp **, const boolean, const int, const int, char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int readliste(tlistetyp **, const boolean, const int, const int, char **, const confrecordtyp *); extern int removeliste(tlistetyp **, const boolean, const int); extern int inserttoliste(tlistetyp **, const boolean, const int, int *, const int, char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int delfromliste(tlistetyp **, const boolean, const int, int *, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern void sortliste(tlistetyp *, const int, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern void sort_liste(tlistetyp *, const int, const int, const int, int (*cmpfkt)(const char *, const char *), const confrecordtyp *); extern char tlpager(tlistetyp *, const int, const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); /* mail */ extern int mimerecode(const char *, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int addresstyp(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int mailreply(char [], const int, const char *, const menuetyp [], const chrootrecordtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int makereplytext(char [], mailheadertyp *, const int, const char *, char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int checkmailperms(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); /* mailstuff */ extern int parseaddrline(char *, char *, const char *); extern boolean testmailbegin(const char *); extern char from_quotestream(const boolean, FILE *, FILE *); extern int fprint_mailheaderline(char *, const char *, FILE *); extern char *parsemailheader(mailheadertyp *, FILE *, const confrecordtyp *); /* userrw */ extern boolean userlogin(confrecordtyp *, const char *); extern int usergreeting(confrecordtyp *); extern int rawshowtermtable(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern char *showmsgline(const char *, ...); extern void removemsgline(const char *); extern int writetouser(const confrecordtyp *, const char *, ...); extern int readfromuser(char [], const char *, const int, const boolean, const confrecordtyp *); extern char bbsgetch(const boolean); extern char waitonkeypress(const boolean); extern char getkeyonprompt(const char *, const char *, const boolean, const boolean, const char *, const confrecordtyp *); #ifndef NO_TV_USEC extern char autoz_getch_c(boolean *, const boolean); #endif extern void invertpromptkeys(const char *); extern int tty_cbreak(int, struct termios *, ttystateenum *); extern int tty_raw(int, struct termios *, ttystateenum *); extern int tty_reset(int, struct termios *, ttystateenum *); extern int pagerstep(const char); extern int pagerquit(const char); extern void linerecodeout(const char *, const char *, OFF_T, const char, const SIZE_T); extern void writehelptouser(const char *, const confrecordtyp *); /* windowstuff */ extern int windowtext(const char *, const char *, const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern char *savebackground(WINDOW *); extern int restorebackground(WINDOW *, char *); extern int window_on(struct termios *, ttystateenum *, confrecordtyp *); extern int window_off(struct termios *, ttystateenum *, confrecordtyp *); extern boolean termexists(const char *); extern int addstr_withmargin(const char *); /* dbase */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int updatenewsgroupsdb(bbsddbtyp *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); #endif extern int updatebbsddb(bbsddbtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int lookupbbsddb(const bbsddbtyp *, const void *, const SIZE_T, const int, void *, SIZE_T *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int closebbsddb(const bbsddbtyp *); extern int getkeysbbsddb(const bbsddbtyp *, const int, void *, SIZE_T *, void *, SIZE_T *, const confrecordtyp *); /* nntp */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int nntp_postarticle(const char *, const char *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int nntp_getarticle(char **, char *, const int, const boolean, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int nntp_getoverview(grouptyp *, const boolean, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); #endif /* nntp-com */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int browsegroup(grouptyp *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int nntp_connect(newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int nntp_socket(newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern void nntp_close(newsstattyp *); extern int nntp_ask(char *, newsstattyp *, const char *, ...); extern char *nntp_copytext(SIZE_T *, newsstattyp *); extern int nntp_getline(char *string, SIZE_T, newsstattyp *); extern int nntp_getresponse(char *, SIZE_T, newsstattyp *); extern int nntp_putline(const char *, const newsstattyp *); #endif /* news */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int newsreply(newsheadertyp *, const char *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int getnewsgrpname(char *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int checknewsperms(const confrecordtyp *); extern int parsenewsheader(newsheadertyp *, char *); extern int updatenewsrc(DBASE_DB *, grouptyp *, const boolean, const confrecordtyp *); extern int syncnewsrcdb(DBASE_DB *, const confrecordtyp *); extern DBASE_DB *createnewsrcdb(newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int lookupnewsrcdb(const DBASE_DB *, const void *, const SIZE_T, void *, SIZE_T *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int newsrcdbtolist(tlistetyp **, const DBASE_DB *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int overviewtolist(tlistetyp **, const grouptyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int parseoverviewline(articletyp *, char *); #endif /* bbsd */ /* main */ extern PID_T disconnect(const confrecordtyp *); extern int rmdeadsessions(sessionrecordtyp []); extern void cpysr(sessionrecordtyp *, const sessionrecordtyp *); extern int dumpbbsdstatus(const char *,const sessionrecordtyp [], const confrecordtyp *, const char *); extern int changeuid(const char *); extern PID_T daemonenkiller(const boolean, char *[], const SIZE_T, const PID_T, const confrecordtyp *); extern void dsighandler(int); extern void kdsighandler(int); extern int doaction(const int, const int, char *[], const SIZE_T, sessionrecordtyp [], bbsddbtyp *, newsstattyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int writepidsfile(const confrecordtyp *, const PID_T, const PID_T); extern int removepidsfile(const confrecordtyp *); /* daction */ #ifdef NNTPNEWS extern int dgetnewsrc(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dsavenewsrc(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dgetallnewsgroups(const int, const bbsddbtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dcheckgroup(const int, const bbsddbtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); #endif extern int dputinlog(const int, const int); extern int dlistmessages(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dremovemessage(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dgetmessage(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dsendmessage(const int, const bbsddbtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dreceivemail(const int, const bbsddbtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dgetallusernames(const int, const bbsddbtyp *, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dsendstatustodaemon(sessionrecordtyp [], const confrecordtyp *, const int); extern int diniconnecttouser(sessionrecordtyp [], const confrecordtyp *, const int); extern int dabortconnecttouser(sessionrecordtyp [], const confrecordtyp *, const int); extern int dremconnecttouser(const sessionrecordtyp [], const confrecordtyp *, const int); extern int dgetsessions(sessionrecordtyp [], const int); extern int daddsession(sessionrecordtyp [], const int); extern int dremovesession(sessionrecordtyp [], const int); extern int dgetuserrecord(const int, const confrecordtyp *); extern int dsaveuserrecord(const int, const confrecordtyp *); /* bbsmail */ extern int startbbsd(const confrecordtyp *, const char *); #endif
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