
This is ckuus4.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef NOICP

/*  C K U U S 4 --  "User Interface" for Unix Kermit, part 4  */

  Author: Frank da Cruz (fdc@columbia.edu, FDCCU@CUVMA.BITNET),
  Columbia University Center for Computing Activities.
  First released January 1985.
  Copyright (C) 1985, 1992, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
  York.  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use this
  software as long as it is not sold for profit.  This copyright notice must be
  retained.  This software may not be included in commercial products without
  written permission of Columbia University.

  File ckuus4.c -- Functions moved from other ckuus*.c modules to even
  out their sizes.
#include "ckcdeb.h"
#include "ckcasc.h"
#include "ckcker.h"
#include "ckuusr.h"
#include "ckuver.h"
#include "ckcnet.h"			/* Network symbols */

#ifndef NOCSETS				/* Character sets */
#include "ckcxla.h"
#endif /* NOCSETS */

#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef MAC
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */

#ifdef SUNX25
extern int revcall, closgr, cudata, npadx3;
int x25ver;
extern char udata[MAXCUDATA];
extern CHAR padparms[MAXPADPARMS+1];
extern struct keytab padx3tab[];
#endif /* SUNX25 */

#ifdef NETCONN
extern char ipaddr[];
#ifdef TNCODE
extern int tn_duplex, tn_nlm;
extern char *tn_term;
#endif /* TNCODE */
#endif /* NETCONN */

#ifndef NOSPL
/* This needs to be internationalized... */
char *months[] = {
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"

char *wkdays[] = {
    "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
#endif /* NOSPL */

#ifdef UNIX
extern int ttyfd;
#endif /* UNIX */
#ifdef OS2
extern int ttyfd;
#endif /* OS2 */

_PROTOTYP( static VOID shods, (char *) );

extern struct keytab colxtab[];

extern CHAR
  eol, mypadc, mystch, padch, seol, stchr;

extern char
  kermrc[], ttname[],
  *ckxsys, *versio, **xargv, *zinptr;

extern int
  atcapr, autopar, bctr, bctu, bgset, bigrbsiz, bigsbsiz, binary, carrier,
  cdtimo, cmask, crunched, delay, duplex, ebq, ebqflg, escape, flow, fmask,
  fncact, fncnv, inecho, keep, local, lscapr, lscapu,
  maxrps, maxsps, maxtry, mdmspd, mdmtyp, mypadn, ncolx,
  nettype, network, nmac, noinit, npad, parity, pktlog, pkttim, rcflag,
  retrans, rpackets, rptflg, rptq, rtimo, seslog, sessft, sosi, spackets,
  spsiz, spsizf, spsizr, srvtim, stayflg, success, timeouts, tralog,
  tsecs, ttnproto, turn, turnch, urpsiz, wmax, wslotn, wslotr, xargc, xargs,
  zincnt, fdispla, tlevel, xitsta, spmax, insilence, cmdmsk, timint, timef;

#ifdef VMS
  extern int frecl;
#endif /* VMS */

extern long
  ffc, filcnt, rptn, speed, tfc, tlci, tlco, vernum;

#ifndef NOSPL
extern char fspec[], myhost[];
#endif /* NOSPL */

extern char *tfnam[];			/* Command file names */

#ifdef DCMDBUF
extern struct cmdptr *cmdstk;
extern char *line;
extern struct cmdptr cmdstk[];
extern char line[];
#endif /* DCMDBUF */

extern char pktfil[],			/* Packet log file name */
#ifdef DEBUG
  debfil[],				/* Debug log file name */
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef TLOG
  trafil[],				/* Transaction log file name */
#endif /* TLOG */
  sesfil[];				/* Session log file name */

#ifndef NOXMIT				/* TRANSMIT command variables */
extern char xmitbuf[];
extern int xmitf, xmitl, xmitp, xmitx, xmits, xmitw;
#endif /* NOXMIT */

#ifndef NOSPL
/* Script programming language items */
extern char **a_ptr[];			/* Arrays */
extern int a_dim[];
extern char inpbuf[], inchar[];		/* Buffers for INPUT and REINPUT */
extern char *inpbp;			/* And pointer to same */
static char *inpbps = inpbuf;		/* And another */
extern int incount;			/* INPUT character count */
extern int maclvl;			/* Macro invocation level */
extern struct mtab *mactab;		/* Macro table */
extern char *mrval[];
extern int macargc[], cmdlvl;
extern char *m_arg[MACLEVEL][10]; /* You have to put in the dimensions */
extern char *g_var[GVARS];	  /* for external 2-dimensional arrays. */
#ifdef DCMDBUF
extern int *count, *incase;
extern int count[], incase[];
#endif /* DCMDBUF */
#endif /* NOSPL */

#ifdef UNIX
extern int haslock;			/* For UUCP locks */
extern char flfnam[];
extern int maxnam, maxpath;		/* Longest name, path length */
#endif /* UNIX */

#ifndef NODIAL
/* DIAL-related variables */
extern int nmdm, dialhng, dialtmo, dialksp, dialdpy, dialmnp, dialmhu;
extern char *dialnum, *dialdir, *dialnpr;
extern struct keytab mdmtab[];
#endif /* NODIAL */

#ifndef NOCSETS
/* Translation stuff */
extern int fcharset, tcharset, tslevel, language, nlng, tcsr, tcsl;
extern struct keytab lngtab[];
extern struct csinfo fcsinfo[], tcsinfo[];
extern struct langinfo langs[];
#ifdef CK_ANSIC
extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* Character set */
extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* translation functions */
extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])();	/* Character set */
extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])();	/* translation functions. */
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
#endif /* NOCSETS */

#ifndef NOSPL
/* Built-in variable names, maximum length VNAML (20 characters) */

struct keytab vartab[] = {
    "argc",      VN_ARGC,  0,
    "args",      VN_ARGS,  0,
    "cmdfile",   VN_CMDF,  0,
    "cmdlevel",  VN_CMDL,  0,
    "cmdsource", VN_CMDS,  0,
    "count",     VN_COUN,  0,
    "cpu",	 VN_CPU,   0,
    "date",      VN_DATE,  0,
    "day",       VN_DAY,   0,		/* Edit 181 */
    "directory", VN_DIRE,  0,
    "exitstatus",VN_EXIT,  0,
    "filespec",  VN_FILE,  0,
    "fsize",     VN_FFC,   0,
    "home",      VN_HOME,  0,
    "host",      VN_HOST,  0,
    "input",     VN_IBUF,  0,
    "inchar",    VN_ICHR,  0,
    "incount",   VN_ICNT,  0,
    "line",      VN_LINE,  0,
    "local",     VN_LCL,   0,
    "macro",     VN_MAC,   0,
    "ndate",     VN_NDAT,  0,
    "nday",      VN_NDAY,  0,
    "ntime",     VN_NTIM,  0,
    "platform",  VN_SYSV,  0,
    "program",   VN_PROG,  0,
    "return",    VN_RET,   0,
    "speed",     VN_SPEE,  0,
    "status",    VN_SUCC,  0,
    "system",    VN_SYST,  0,
    "tfsize",    VN_TFC,   0,
    "time",      VN_TIME,  0,
#ifdef UNIX
    "ttyfd",     VN_TTYF,  0,
#endif /* UNIX */
#ifdef OS2
    "ttyfd",     VN_TTYF,  0,
#endif /* OS2 */
    "version",   VN_VERS,  0
int nvars = (sizeof(vartab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
#endif /* NOSPL */

#ifndef NOSPL
struct keytab fnctab[] = {		/* Function names */
    "character",  FN_CHR, 0,		/* Character from code */
    "code",       FN_COD, 0,		/* Code from character */
    "contents",   FN_CON, 0,		/* Definition (contents) of variable */
    "definition", FN_DEF, 0,		/* Return definition of given macro */
    "evaluate",   FN_EVA, 0,		/* Evaluate given arith expression */
    "execute",    FN_EXE, 0,		/* Execute given macro */
    "files",      FN_FC,  0,		/* File count */
    "index",      FN_IND, 0,		/* Index (string search) */
    "length",     FN_LEN, 0,		/* Return length of argument */
    "literal",    FN_LIT, 0,		/* Return argument literally */
    "lower",      FN_LOW, 0,		/* Return lowercased argument */
    "lpad",       FN_LPA, 0,		/* Return left-padded argument */
    "maximum",    FN_MAX, 0,		/* Return maximum of two arguments */
    "minimim",    FN_MIN, 0,		/* Return minimum of two arguments */
#ifdef COMMENT
/* not needed because \feval() has it */
    "modulus",    FN_MOD, 0,		/* Return modulus of two arguments */
#endif /* COMMENT */
    "nextfile",   FN_FIL, 0,		/* Next file in list */
    "repeat",     FN_REP, 0,		/* Repeat argument given # of times */
#ifndef NOFRILLS
    "reverse",    FN_REV, 0,		/* Reverse the argument string */
#endif /* NOFRILLS */
    "right",      FN_RIG, 0,		/* Rightmost n characters */
    "rpad",       FN_RPA, 0,		/* Right-pad the argument */
    "substring",  FN_SUB, 0,		/* Extract substring from argument */
    "upper",      FN_UPP, 0		/* Return uppercased argument */
int nfuncs = (sizeof(fnctab) / sizeof(struct keytab));
#endif /* NOSPL */

#ifndef NOSPL				/* Buffer for expansion of */
#define VVBUFL 60			/* built-in variables. */
char vvbuf[VVBUFL];
#endif /* NOSPL */

struct keytab disptb[] = {		/* Log file disposition */
    "append",    1,  0,
    "new",       0,  0

/*  P R E S C A N -- Quick look thru command-line args for init file name */
/*  Also for -d (debug), -z (force foreground), -S (stay) */

prescan() {
    int yargc; char **yargv;
    char x;

    yargc = xargc;
    yargv = xargv;
    strcpy(kermrc,KERMRC);		/* Default init file name */
#ifndef NOCMDL
    while (--yargc > 0) {		/* Look for -y on command line */
	if (**yargv == '-') {		/* Option starting with dash */
	    x = *(*yargv+1);		/* Get option letter */
	    if (x == 'Y') {		/* Is it Y (= no init file?) */
		noinit = 1;
	    } else if (x == 'y') {	/* Is it y? */
		yargv++, yargc--;	/* Yes, count and check argument */
		if (yargc < 1) fatal("missing name in -y");
		strcpy(kermrc,*yargv);	/* Replace init file name */
		rcflag = 1;		/* Flag that this has been done */
	    } else if (x == 'd') {	/* Do this early as possible! */
	    } else if (x == 'z') {	/* = SET BACKGROUND OFF */
		bgset = 0;
	    } else if (x == 'S') {
		stayflg = 1;
#endif /* NOCMDL */

static int tr_int;			/* Flag if TRANSMIT interrupted */

#ifndef MAC
trtrap(foo) int foo; {			/* TRANSMIT interrupt trap */
#ifdef __EMX__
    signal(SIGINT, SIG_ACK);
    tr_int = 1;				/* (Need arg for ANSI C) */
#endif /* MAC */
/*  G E T T C S  --  Get Transfer (Intermediate) Character Set  */

  Given two file character sets, this routine picks out the appropriate
  "transfer" character set to use for translating between them.
  The transfer character set number is returned.

  Translation between two file character sets is done, for example,
  by the CONNECT, TRANSMIT, and TRANSLATE commands.

  Translation between Kanji character sets is not yet supported.
gettcs(cs1,cs2) int cs1, cs2; {
#ifdef NOCSETS				/* No character-set support */
    return(0);				/* so no translation */
    int tcs = TC_TRANSP;
#ifdef KANJI
/* Kanji not supported yet */
    if (fcsinfo[cs1].alphabet == AL_JAPAN ||
	fcsinfo[cs2].alphabet == AL_JAPAN )
      tcs = TC_TRANSP;
#endif /* KANJI */
  I can't remember why we don't test both sets here, but I think there
  must have been a reason...
      if (fcsinfo[cs2].alphabet == AL_CYRIL)
	tcs = TC_CYRILL;
#endif /* CYRILLIC */
#ifdef LATIN2
	if (cs1 == FC_2LATIN || cs1 == FC_2LATIN ||
	    cs1 == FC_CP852  || cs1 == FC_CP852 )
	  tcs = TC_2LATIN;
#endif /* LATIN2 */
	  tcs = TC_1LATIN;
#endif /* NOCSETS */

#ifndef NOXMIT
/*  T R A N S M I T  --  Raw upload  */

/*  Obey current line, duplex, parity, flow, text/binary settings. */
/*  Returns 0 upon apparent success, 1 on obvious failure.  */

 Things to add:
 . Make both text and binary mode obey set file bytesize.
 . Maybe allow user to specify terminators other than CR?
 . Maybe allow user to specify prompts other than single characters?

/*  T R A N S M I T  --  Raw upload  */

/*  s is the filename, t is the turnaround (prompt) character  */

  Maximum number of characters to buffer.
  Must be less than LINBUFSIZ
#define XMBUFS 120

#ifdef CK_ANSIC
transmit(char * s, char t)
transmit(s,t) char *s; char t;
#endif /* CK_ANSIC */
/* transmit */ {
#ifdef MAC
    extern char sstate;
    int count = 100;
    SIGTYP (* oldsig)();		/* For saving old interrupt trap. */
#endif /* MAC */
    long zz;
    int z = 1;				/* Return code. 0=fail, 1=succeed. */
    int x, c, i;			/* Workers... */
    int myflow;
    CHAR csave;
    char *p;

#ifndef NOCSETS
    int tcs = TC_TRANSP;		/* Intermediate (xfer) char set */
    int langsv = L_USASCII;		/* Save current language */

    _PROTOTYP ( CHAR (*sxo), (CHAR) ) = NULL; /* Translation functions */
    _PROTOTYP ( CHAR (*rxo), (CHAR) ) = NULL;
    _PROTOTYP ( CHAR (*sxi), (CHAR) ) = NULL;
    _PROTOTYP ( CHAR (*rxi), (CHAR) ) = NULL;
#endif /* NOCSETS */

    if (zopeni(ZIFILE,s) == 0) {	/* Open the file to be transmitted */
	printf("?Can't open file %s\n",s);
    x = -1;				/* Open the communication line */
    if (ttopen(ttname,&x,mdmtyp,cdtimo) < 0) {	/* (no harm if already open) */
	printf("Can't open device %s\n",ttname);
    zz = x ? speed : -1L;
    if (binary) {			/* Binary file transmission */
	myflow = (flow == FLO_XONX) ? FLO_NONE : flow;
	if (ttvt(zz,myflow) < 0) {	/* So no Xon/Xoff! */
	    printf("Can't condition line\n");
    } else {
	if (ttpkt(zz,flow,parity) < 0) { /* Put the line in "packet mode" */
	    printf("Can't condition line\n"); /* so Xon/Xoff will work, etc. */

#ifndef NOCSETS
    tcs = gettcs(tcsr,tcsl);		/* Get intermediate set. */

/* Set up character set translations */
    if (binary == 0) {

	if (tcsr == tcsl || binary) {	/* Remote and local sets the same? */
	    sxo = rxo = NULL;		/* Or file type is not text? */
	    sxi = rxi = NULL;
	} else {			/* Otherwise, set up */
	    sxo = xls[tcs][tcsl];	/* translation function */
	    rxo = xlr[tcs][tcsr];	/* pointers for output functions */
	    sxi = xls[tcs][tcsr];	/* and for input functions. */
	    rxi = xlr[tcs][tcsl];
  This is to prevent use of zmstuff() and zdstuff() by translation functions.
  They only work with disk i/o, not with communication i/o.  Luckily Russian
  translation functions don't do any stuffing...
	langsv = language;
	language = L_USASCII;
#endif /* NOCSETS */

    i = 0;				/* Beginning of buffer. */
#ifndef MAC
#ifndef AMIGA
    oldsig = signal(SIGINT, trtrap);	/* Save current interrupt trap. */
#endif /* AMIGA */
#endif /* MAC */
    tr_int = 0;				/* Have not been interrupted (yet). */
    z = 1;				/* Return code presumed good. */
#ifdef VMS
#endif /* VMS */

    c = 0;				/* Initial condition */
    while (c > -1) {			/* Loop for all characters in file */
#ifdef MAC
	 * It is expensive to run the miniparser so don't do it for
	 * every character.
	if (--count < 0) {
	    count = 100;
	    if (sstate == 'a') {
		sstate = '\0';
		z = 0;
#else /* Not MAC */
	if (tr_int) {			/* Interrupted? */
	    printf("^C...\n");		/* Print message */
	    z = 0;
#endif /* MAC */
	c = zminchar();			/* Get a file character */
	debug(F101,"transmit char","",c);
	if (c == -1)			/* Test for end-of-file */
	c &= fmask;			/* Apply SET FILE BYTESIZE mask */

	if (binary) {			/* If binary file, */
	    if (ttoc(dopar((char) c)) < 0) { /* else just send the char */
		printf("?Can't transmit character\n");
		z = 0;
	    if (xmitw) msleep(xmitw);	/* Pause if requested */
	    if (xmitx) {		/* SET TRANSMIT ECHO ON? */
		if (duplex) {		/* Yes, for half duplex */
		    conoc((char)(c & cmdmsk)); /* echo locally. */
		} else {		/* For full duplex, */
		    int i, n;		/* display whatever is there. */
		    n = ttchk();	/* How many chars are waiting? */
		    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* Read and echo that many. */
			x = ttinc(1);	/* Timed read just in case. */
			if (x > -1) {	/* If no timeout */
			    if (parity) x &= 0x7f;
			    conoc((char)(x & cmdmsk)); /* display the char, */
			} else break;	/* otherwise stop reading. */
	    } else ttflui();		/* Not echoing, just flush input. */

	} else {			/* Text mode, line at a time. */

	    if (c == '\n') {		/* Got a line */
		if (i == 0) {		/* Blank line? */
		    if (xmitf)		/* Yes, insert fill if asked. */
		      line[i++] = dopar((char) xmitf);
		if (i == 0 || line[i-1] != dopar(CR))
		  line[i++] = dopar(CR); /* Terminate it with CR */
		if (
#ifdef TNCODE
			|| (network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET && tn_nlm)
#endif /* TNCODE */
		  line[i++] = dopar(LF); /* Include LF if asked */

	    } else if (c != -1) {	/* Not a newline, regular character */
		csave = c;		/* Remember untranslated version */
#ifndef NOCSETS
		/* Translate character sets */
		if (sxo) c = (*sxo)((CHAR)c); /* From local to intermediate */
		if (rxo) c = (*rxo)((CHAR)c); /* From intermediate to remote */
#endif /* NOCSETS */

		if (xmits && parity && (c & 0200)) { /* If shifting */
		    line[i++] = dopar(SO);          /* needs to be done, */
		    line[i++] = dopar((char)c);	    /* do it here, */
		    line[i++] = dopar(SI);          /* crudely. */
		} else {
		    line[i++] = dopar((char)c); /* else, just char itself */

/* Send characters if buffer full, or at end of line, or at end of file */

	    if (i >= XMBUFS || c == '\n' || c == -1) {
		p = line;
		line[i] = '\0';
		debug(F111,"transmit buf",p,i);
		if (ttol((CHAR *)p,i) < 0) { /* try to send it. */
		    printf("Can't send buffer\n");
		    z = 0;
		i = 0;			/* Reset buffer pointer. */

/* Worry about echoing here. "xmitx" is SET TRANSMIT ECHO flag. */

		if (duplex && xmitx) {	/* If local echo, echo it */
		    if (parity || cmdmsk == 0x7f) { /* Strip off high bits */
			char *s = p;		    /* if necessary */
			while (*s) {
			    *s &= 0x7f;
		if (xmitw)		/* Give receiver time to digest. */
		if (t != 0 && c == '\n') { /* Want a turnaround character */
		    x = 0;		   /* Wait for it */
		    while (x != t) {
			if ((x = ttinc(1)) < 0) break;
			if (xmitx && !duplex) {	/* Echo any echoes */
			    if (parity) x &= 0x7f;
#ifndef NOCSETS
			    if (sxi) x = (*sxi)((CHAR)x); /* But translate */
			    if (rxi) x = (*rxi)((CHAR)x); /* them first... */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
			    conoc((char) x);
		} else if (xmitx && !duplex) { /* Otherwise, */
		    while (ttchk() > 0) {      /* echo for as long as */
			if ((x = ttinc(0)) < 0) break; /* anything is there. */
			if (parity) x &= 0x7f;
#ifndef NOCSETS
			if (sxi) x = (*sxi)((CHAR)x); /* Translate first */
			if (rxi) x = (*rxi)((CHAR)x);
#endif /* NOCSETS */
		} else ttflui();	/* Otherwise just flush input buffer */
	    }				/* End of buffer-dumping block */
	}				/* End of text mode */
    }					/* End of character-reading loop */

    if (*xmitbuf) {			/* Anything to send at EOF? */
	p = xmitbuf;			/* Yes, point to string. */
	while (*p)			/* Send it. */
	  ttoc(dopar(*p++));		/* Don't worry about echo here. */

#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef MAC
    signal(SIGINT,oldsig);		/* Put old signal action back. */
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */
#ifdef VMS
    concb(escape);			/* Put terminal back, */
#endif /* VMS */
    zclose(ZIFILE);			/* Close file, */
#ifndef NOCSETS
    language = langsv;			/* restore language, */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
    return(z);				/* and return successfully. */
#endif /* NOXMIT */

#ifdef MAC
  This code is not used any more, except on the Macintosh.  Instead we call
  system to do the typing.  Revive this code if your system can't be called
  to do this.

/*  D O T Y P E  --  Type a file  */

dotype(s) char *s; {

#ifdef MAC
    extern char sstate;
    int count = 100;
    SIGTYP (* oldsig)();		/* For saving old interrupt trap. */
#endif /* MAC */
    int z;				/* Return code. */
    int c;				/* Worker. */

    if (zopeni(ZIFILE,s) == 0) {	/* Open the file to be typed */
	printf("?Can't open %s\n",s);
#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef MAC
    oldsig = signal(SIGINT, trtrap);	/* Save current interrupt trap. */
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */

    tr_int = 0;				/* Have not been interrupted (yet). */
    z = 1;				/* Return code presumed good. */

#ifdef VMS
    conoc(CR);				/* On VMS, display blank line first */
    conres();				/* So Ctrl-C/Y will work */
#endif /* VMS */
    while ((c = zminchar()) != -1) {	/* Loop for all characters in file */
#ifdef MAC
	 * It is expensive to run the miniparser so don't do it for
	 * every character.
	if (--count < 0) {
	    count = 100;
	    if (sstate == 'a') {
		sstate = '\0';
		z = 0;
#else /* Not MAC */
	if (tr_int) {			/* Interrupted? */
	    printf("^C...\n");		/* Print message */
	    z = 0;
	conoc(c);			/* Echo character on screen */
#endif /* MAC */
#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef MAC
    signal(SIGINT,oldsig);		/* put old signal action back. */
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */

    tr_int = 0;
#ifdef VMS
    concb(escape);			/* Get back in command-parsing mode, */
#endif /* VMS */
    zclose(ZIFILE);			/* close file, */
    return(z);				/* and return successfully. */
#endif /* MAC */
#ifndef NOCSETS

_PROTOTYP( CHAR (*sxx), (CHAR) );       /* Local translation function */
_PROTOTYP( CHAR (*rxx), (CHAR) );       /* Local translation function */
_PROTOTYP( CHAR zl1as, (CHAR) );	/* Latin-1 to ascii */
_PROTOTYP( CHAR xl1as, (CHAR) );	/* ditto */

/*  X L A T E  --  Translate a local file from one character set to another */

  Translates input file (fin) from character set csin to character set csout
  and puts the result in the output file (fout).  The two character sets are
  file character sets from fcstab.

xlate(fin, fout, csin, csout) char *fin, *fout; int csin, csout; {

#ifndef MAC
    SIGTYP (* oldsig)();		/* For saving old interrupt trap. */
#endif /* MAC */
    int filecode;			/* Code for output file */

    int z = 1;				/* Return code. */
    int c, tcs;				/* Workers */

    if (zopeni(ZIFILE,fin) == 0) {	/* Open the file to be translated */
	printf("?Can't open input file %s\n",fin);
#ifdef MAC
  If user specified no output file, it goes to the screen.  For the Mac,
  this must be done a special way (result goes to a new window); the Mac
  doesn't have a "controlling terminal" device name.
    filecode = !strcmp(fout,CTTNAM) ? ZCTERM : ZOFILE;
#ifdef VMS
    filecode = !strcmp(fout,CTTNAM) ? ZCTERM : ZMFILE;
    filecode = ZOFILE;
#endif /* VMS */
#endif /* MAC */

    if (zopeno(filecode,fout,NULL,NULL) == 0) { /* And the output file */
	printf("?Can't open output file %s\n",fout);
#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef MAC
    oldsig = signal(SIGINT, trtrap);	/* Save current interrupt trap. */
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */

    tr_int = 0;				/* Have not been interrupted (yet). */
    z = 1;				/* Return code presumed good. */

    tcs = gettcs(csin,csout);		/* Get intermediate set. */

    printf("%s (%s) => %s (%s)\n",	/* Say what we're doing. */
	   fin, fcsinfo[csin].name,
    printf("via %s", tcsinfo[tcs].name);
    if (language)
      printf(", language: %s\n",langs[language].description);

    if (csin == csout) {		/* Input and output sets the same? */
	sxx = rxx = NULL;		/* If so, no translation. */
    } else {				/* Otherwise, set up */
	sxx = xls[tcs][csin];		/* translation function */
	rxx = xlr[tcs][csout];		/* pointers. */
	if (rxx == zl1as) rxx = xl1as;
    while ((c = zminchar()) != -1) {	/* Loop for all characters in file */
	if (tr_int) {			/* Interrupted? */
	    printf("^C...\n");		/* Print message */
	    z = 0;
	if (sxx) c = (*sxx)((CHAR)c);	/* From fcs1 to tcs */
	if (rxx) c = (*rxx)((CHAR)c);	/* from tcs to fcs2 */

	if (zchout(filecode,(char)c) < 0) { /* Output the xlated character */
	    printf("File output error\n");
	    z = 0;
#ifndef AMIGA
#ifndef MAC
    signal(SIGINT,oldsig);		/* put old signal action back. */
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */

    tr_int = 0;
    zclose(ZIFILE);			/* close files, */
    return(z);				/* and return successfully. */
#endif /* NOCSETS */
/*  D O L O G  --  Do the log command  */

dolog(x) int x; {
    int y, disp; char *s;

    switch (x) {

#ifdef DEBUG
	case LOGD:
	    y = cmofi("Name of debugging log file","debug.log",&s,xxstring);
#endif /* DEBUG */

	case LOGP:
	    y = cmofi("Name of packet log file","packet.log",&s,xxstring);

	case LOGS:
	    y = cmofi("Name of session log file","session.log",&s,xxstring);

#ifdef TLOG
	case LOGT:
	    y = cmofi("Name of transaction log file","transact.log",&s,
#endif /* TLOG */

	    printf("\n?Unknown log designator - %d\n",x);
    if (y < 0) return(y);

    s = line;
    if ((y = cmkey(disptb,2,"Disposition","new",xxstring)) < 0)
    disp = y;
    if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y);

    switch (x) {

#ifdef DEBUG
	case LOGD:
	    return(deblog = debopn(s,disp));
#endif /* DEBUG */

	case LOGP:
	    return(pktlog = pktopn(s,disp));

	case LOGS:
	    return(seslog = sesopn(s,disp));

#ifdef TLOG
	case LOGT:
	    return(tralog = traopn(s,disp));
#endif /* TLOG */


pktopn(s,disp) char *s; int disp; {
    extern char pktfil[];
    static struct filinfo xx;
    int y;

    if(s[0] == '\0') return(0);
    if (disp) {
	xx.bs = 0; xx.cs = 0; xx.rl = 0; xx.org = 0; xx.cc = 0;
	xx.typ = 0; xx.dsp = XYFZ_A; xx.os_specific = '\0';
	xx.lblopts = 0;
	y = zopeno(ZPFILE,s,NULL,&xx);
    } else y = zopeno(ZPFILE,s,NULL,NULL);
    if (y > 0)
      *pktfil = '\0';

traopn(s,disp) char *s; int disp; {
#ifdef TLOG
    extern char trafil[];
    static struct filinfo xx;
    int y;

    if(s[0] == '\0') return(0);
    if (disp) {
	xx.bs = 0; xx.cs = 0; xx.rl = 0; xx.org = 0; xx.cc = 0;
	xx.typ = 0; xx.dsp = XYFZ_A; xx.os_specific = '\0';
	xx.lblopts = 0;
	y = zopeno(ZTFILE,s,NULL,&xx);
    } else y = zopeno(ZTFILE,s,NULL,NULL);
    if (y > 0) {
	tlog(F110,"Transaction Log:",versio,0L);
#ifndef MAC
#endif /* MAC */
    } else *trafil = '\0';

sesopn(s,disp) char * s; int disp; {
    extern char sesfil[];
    static struct filinfo xx;
    int y;

    if(s[0] == '\0') return(0);
    if (disp) {
	xx.bs = 0; xx.cs = 0; xx.rl = 0; xx.org = 0; xx.cc = 0;
	xx.typ = 0; xx.dsp = XYFZ_A; xx.os_specific = '\0';
	xx.lblopts = 0;
	y = zopeno(ZSFILE,s,NULL,&xx);
    } else y = zopeno(ZSFILE,s,NULL,NULL);
    if (y > 0)
      *sesfil = '\0';

debopn(s,disp) char *s; int disp; {
#ifdef DEBUG
    char *tp;
    static struct filinfo xx;


    if (disp) {
	xx.bs = 0; xx.cs = 0; xx.rl = 0; xx.org = 0; xx.cc = 0;
	xx.typ = 0; xx.dsp = XYFZ_A; xx.os_specific = '\0';
	xx.lblopts = 0;
	deblog = zopeno(ZDFILE,s,NULL,&xx);
    } else deblog = zopeno(ZDFILE,s,NULL,NULL);
    if (deblog > 0) {
	debug(F110,"Debug Log ",versio,0);
#ifndef MAC
#endif /* MAC */
    } else *debfil = '\0';

#ifndef NOSHOW

/*  S H O P A R  --  Show Parameters  */

#ifdef SUNX25
shox25() {
    if (nettype == NET_SX25) {
	printf("SunLink X.25 V%d.%d",x25ver / 10,x25ver % 10);
	if (ttnproto == NP_X3) printf(", PAD X.3, X.28, X.29 protocol,");
	printf("\n Reverse charge call %s",
	       revcall ? "selected" : "not selected");
	printf (", Closed user group ");
	if (closgr > -1)
	  printf ("%d",closgr);
	  printf ("not selected");
	printf (",");
	printf("\n Call user data %s.\n", cudata ? udata : "not selected");
#endif /* SUNX25 */

shoparc() {
    int i; char *s;
    long zz;

    puts("Communications Parameters:");

    if (network) {
	printf(" Host: %s",ttname);
    } else {
	printf(" Line: %s, speed: ",ttname);
	if ((zz = ttgspd()) < 0) {
        } else {
	    if (speed == 8880) printf("75/1200"); else printf("%ld",zz);
    printf(", mode: ");
    if (local) printf("local"); else printf("remote");
    if (network == 0) {
#ifndef NODIAL
	for (i = 0; i < nmdm; i++) {
	    if (mdmtab[i].kwval == mdmtyp) {
		printf(", modem: %s",mdmtab[i].kwd);
#endif /* NODIAL */
    } else {
	if (nettype == NET_TCPA) printf(", TCP/IP");
	if (nettype == NET_TCPB) printf(", TCP/IP");
        if (nettype == NET_DEC) {
          if ( ttnproto == NP_LAT ) printf(", DECnet LAT");
          else if ( ttnproto == NP_CTERM ) printf(", DECnet CTERM");
          else printf(", DECnet");
        if (nettype == NET_PIPE) printf(", Named Pipe");
#ifdef SUNX25
#endif /* SUNX25 */
	if (ttnproto == NP_TELNET) printf(", telnet protocol");
    if (local) {
	i = parity ? 7 : 8;
	if (i == 8) i = (cmask == 0177) ? 7 : 8;
	printf("\n Terminal bits: %d, p",i);
    } else printf("\n P");
    printf("arity: %s",parnam((char)parity));
    printf(", duplex: ");
    if (duplex) printf("half, "); else printf("full, ");
    printf("flow: ");
    if (flow == FLO_KEEP) printf("keep");
        else if (flow == FLO_XONX) printf("xon/xoff");
	else if (flow == FLO_NONE) printf("none");
	else if (flow == FLO_DTRT) printf("dtr/cts");
	else if (flow == FLO_RTSC) printf("rts/cts");
        else if (flow == FLO_DTRC) printf("dtr/cd");
	else printf("%d",flow);
    printf(", handshake: ");
    if (turn) printf("%d\n",turnch); else printf("none\n");
    if (local && !network) {		/* Lockfile & carrier stuff */
	if (carrier == CAR_OFF) s = "off";
	else if (carrier == CAR_ON) s = "on";
	else if (carrier == CAR_AUT) s = "auto";
	else s = "unknown";
	printf(" Carrier: %s", s);
	if (carrier == CAR_ON) {
	    if (cdtimo) printf(", timeout: %d sec", cdtimo);
	    else printf(", timeout: none");
#ifdef UNIX
	if (haslock && *flfnam) {	/* Lockfiles only apply to UNIX... */
	    printf(", lockfile: %s",flfnam);
#endif /* UNIX */
	printf("\n Escape character: %d (^%c)\n",escape,ctl(escape));

#ifdef TNCODE
static VOID
shotel() {
    printf("SET TELNET parameters:\n echo: %s\n newline-mode: %s\n",
	   tn_duplex ? "local" : "remote", tn_nlm ? "on" : "off");
    printf(" terminal-type: ");
    if (tn_term) printf("%s\n",tn_term);
    else {
	char *p;
	p = getenv("TERM");
	if (p)
	  printf("none (%s will be used)\n",p);
	else printf("none\n");
#endif /* TNCODE */

shonet() {
#ifndef NETCONN
    printf("\nNo networks are supported in this version of C-Kermit\n");
    printf("\nSupported networks:\n");

#ifdef VMS

    printf(" TGV MultiNet TCP/IP");
#ifdef WINTCP
    printf(" WOLLONGONG WIN/TCP");
#ifdef DEC_TCPIP
    printf(" DEC TCP/IP Services for (Open)VMS");
    printf(" None");
#endif /* DEC_TCPIP */
#endif /* WINTCP */
#endif /* MULTINET */
#ifdef TNCODE
    printf(", TELNET protocol\n\n");
#endif /* TNCODE */

#else /* Not VMS */

#ifdef SUNX25
    printf(" SunLink X.25\n");
#endif /* SUNX25 */
#ifdef DECNET
    printf(" DECnet\n");
#endif /* DECNET */
#ifdef NPIPE
    printf(" LAN Manager Named Pipe\n");
#endif /* DECNET */
    printf(" TCP/IP");
#ifdef TNCODE
    printf(", TELNET protocol\n\n");
#endif /* TNCODE */
#endif /* TCPSOCKET */

#endif /* VMS */

    printf("Current network type:\n");
    if (nettype == NET_TCPA || nettype == NET_TCPB)
      printf(" TCP/IP\n");
#ifdef SUNX25
    else if (nettype == NET_SX25) printf(" X.25\n");
#endif /* SUNX25 */
#ifdef DECNET
    else if (nettype == NET_DEC) printf(" DECnet\n");
#endif /* DECNET */

    printf("\nActive SET HOST connection:\n");
    if (network) {
	printf(" %s",ttname);
	if (*ipaddr) printf(" [%s]",ipaddr);
	printf("\n Via: ");
	if (nettype == NET_TCPA || nettype == NET_TCPB) printf("TCP/IP\n");
	else if (nettype == NET_SX25) printf("SunLink X.25\n");
	else if (nettype == NET_DEC) {
          if ( ttnproto == NP_LAT ) printf("DECnet LAT\n");
          else if ( ttnproto == NP_CTERM ) printf("DECnet CTERM\n");
          else printf("DECnet\n");
	else if (nettype == NET_PIPE) printf("LAN Manager Named Pipe\n");
#ifdef SUNX25
	if (nettype == NET_SX25) shox25();
#endif /* SUNX25 */
#ifdef TNCODE
	if (ttnproto == NP_TELNET) {
	    printf(" TELNET protocol\n");
	    printf(" Echoing is currently %s\n",duplex ? "local" : "remote");
#endif /* TNCODE */
    } else printf(" None\n");
#endif /* NETCONN */

#ifndef NODIAL

shodial() {
    if (mdmtyp >= 0 || local != 0) doshodial();

static VOID
shods(s) char *s; {			/* Show a dial-related string */
    char c;
    if (s == NULL || !(*s)) {		/* Empty? */
    } else {				/* Not empty. */
	while (c = *s++)		     /* Can contain controls */
	  if (c > 31 && c < 127) { putchar(c); } /* so display them */
	  else printf("\\{%d}",c);	     /* in backslash notation */

doshodial() {
    printf(" Dial directory: %s\n",dialdir ? dialdir : "(none)");
    printf(" Dial hangup: %s, dial modem-hangup: %s\n",
	   dialhng ? "on" : "off", dialmhu ? "on" : "off") ;
    printf(" Dial kermit-spoof: %s",dialksp ? "on" : "off");
    printf(", dial display: %s\n",dialdpy ? "on" : "off");
    printf(" Dial speed-matching: %s",mdmspd ? "on" : "off");
    printf(", dial mnp-enable: %s\n",dialmnp ? "on" : "off");
    printf(" Dial init-string: ");
    shods(getdws(mdmtyp));		/* Ask dial module for it */
    printf(" Dial dial-command: ");
    shods(getdcs(mdmtyp));		/* Ask dial module for it */
    printf(" Dial prefix: ");
    printf(" Dial timeout: ");
    if (dialtmo > 0)
      printf("%d sec", dialtmo);
      printf("0 (auto)");
    printf(", Redial number: %s\n",dialnum ? dialnum : "(none)");
#endif /* NODIAL */

#ifdef SUNX25
shopad() {
    int i;
    printf("\nX.3 PAD Parameters:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < npadx3; i++)
      printf(" [%d] %s %d\n",padx3tab[i].kwval,padx3tab[i].kwd,
#endif /* SUNX25 */

/*  Show File Parameters */

shoparf() {
    char *s; int i;
    printf("\nFile parameters:       ");
#ifdef COMMENT
    printf("Blocksize:     %5d      ",fblksiz);
#endif /* COMMENT */
    printf(" Attributes:       ");
    if (atcapr) printf("on"); else printf("off");
#ifdef VMS
    printf("  Record-Length: %5d",frecl);
#endif /* VMS */
    printf("\n Names:   ");
    printf("%-12s",(fncnv) ? "converted" : "literal");
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifndef MAC
    printf("  Debugging Log:    ");
    if (deblog) printf("%s",debfil); else printf("none");
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* DEBUG */

    printf("\n Type:    ");
    switch (binary) {
      case XYFT_T: s = "text";    break;
#ifdef VMS
      case XYFT_B: s = "binary fixed"; break;
      case XYFT_I: s = "image";        break;
      case XYFT_L: s = "labeled";      break;
      case XYFT_U: s = "binary undef"; break;
      case XYFT_B: s = "binary"; break;
#endif /* VMS */
      default: s = "?"; break;
#ifdef COMMENT
    printf(" Organization:  ");
    switch (forg) {
      case XYFO_I: printf("%-10s","indexed"); break;
      case XYFO_R: printf("%-10s","relative"); break;
      case XYFO_S: printf("%-10s","sequential"); break;
#endif /* COMMENT */
#ifndef MAC
    printf("  Packet Log:       ");
    if (pktlog) printf(pktfil); else printf("none");
#endif /* MAC */
#ifdef UNIX
    printf("  Longest filename: %d",maxnam);
#endif /* UNIX */
    printf("\n Collide: ");
    for (i = 0; i < ncolx; i++)
      if (colxtab[i].kwval == fncact) break;
    printf("%-12s", (i == ncolx) ? "unknown" : colxtab[i].kwd);

#ifdef COMMENT
    printf(" Format:        ");
    switch (frecfm) {
      case XYFF_F:  printf("%-10s","fixed"); break;
      case XYFF_VB: printf("%-10s","rcw"); break;
      case XYFF_S:  printf("%-10s","stream"); break;
      case XYFF_U:  printf("%-10s","undefined"); break;
      case XYFF_V:  printf("%-10s","variable"); break;
#endif /* COMMENT */
#ifndef MAC
    printf("  Session Log:      ");
    if (seslog) printf(sesfil); else printf("none");
#endif /* MAC */
#ifdef UNIX
    printf("  Longest pathname: %d",maxpath);
#endif /* UNIX */
    printf("\n Display: ");
    switch (fdispla) {
      case XYFD_N: printf("%-12s","none"); break;
      case XYFD_R: printf("%-12s","serial"); break;
      case XYFD_C: printf("%-12s","fullscreen"); break;
      case XYFD_S: printf("%-12s","crt"); break;
#ifdef COMMENT
    printf("Carriage-Control: ");
    switch (fcctrl) {
      case XYFP_F: printf("%-10s","fortran"); break;
      case XYFP_N: printf("%-10s","newline"); break;
      case XYFP_P: printf("%-10s","machine"); break;
      case XYFP_X: printf("%-10s","none"); break;
#endif /* COMMENT */
#ifdef TLOG
#ifndef MAC
    printf("  Transaction Log:  ");
    if (tralog) printf(trafil); else printf("none");
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* TLOG */
#ifndef NOCSETS
    if (binary == XYFT_T) {
    } else
#endif /* NOCSETS */
    printf("\nFile Byte Size: %d",(fmask == 0177) ? 7 : 8);
    printf(", Incomplete Files: ");
    if (keep) printf("keep"); else printf("discard");
#ifdef KERMRC
    printf(", Init file: %s",kermrc);
#endif /* KERMRC */

shoparp() {
    printf("\nProtocol Parameters:   Send    Receive");
    if (timef)
      printf("\n Timeout (used=%2d):%7d*%8d ", timint, rtimo, pkttim);
      printf("\n Timeout (used=%2d):%7d%9d ",  timint, rtimo, pkttim);
#ifndef NOSERVER
    printf("       Server Timeout:%4d\n",srvtim);
#endif /* NOSERVER */
    printf(  " Padding:      %11d%9d", npad,   mypadn);
    if (bctr == 4)
      printf("        Block Check: blank-free-2\n");
      printf("        Block Check: %6d\n",bctr);
    printf(  " Pad Character:%11d%9d", padch,  mypadc);
    printf("        Delay:       %6d\n",delay);
    printf(  " Packet Start: %11d%9d", mystch, stchr);
    printf("        Max Retries: %6d\n",maxtry);
    printf(  " Packet End:   %11d%9d", seol,   eol);
    if (ebqflg)
      printf("        8th-Bit Prefix: '%c'",ebq);
#ifdef COMMENT
  This is confusing.
    printf(  "\n Packet Length:%11d", spsizf ? spsizr : spsiz);
    printf( spsizf ? "*" : " " ); printf("%8d",  urpsiz);
    printf( (urpsiz > 94) ? " (94)" : "     ");
    printf(  "\n Packet Length:%11d ", spmax);
    printf("%8d     ",  urpsiz);
#endif /* COMMENT */
    if (rptflg)
      printf("   Repeat Prefix:  '%c'",rptq);
    printf(  "\n Maximum Length: %9d%9d", maxsps, maxrps);
    printf("        Window Size:%7d set, %d used\n",wslotr,wmax);
    printf(    " Buffer Size:  %11d%9d", bigsbsiz, bigrbsiz);
    printf("        Locking-Shift:    ");
    if (lscapu == 2) {
    } else {
	printf("%s", (lscapr ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
	if (lscapr) printf(",%s%s", (lscapu ? " " : " not "), "used");

#ifndef NOCSETS
shoparl() {
#ifdef COMMENT
    int i;
/* Misleading... */
    printf("\nAvailable Languages:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < MAXLANG; i++) {
	printf(" %s\n",langs[i].description);
    printf("\nLanguage-specific translation rules: %s\n",
	   language == L_USASCII ? "none" : langs[language].description);
#endif /* COMMENT */

shocharset() {
    int x;
    printf("\n File Character-Set: %s (",fcsinfo[fcharset].name);
    if ((x = fcsinfo[fcharset].size) == 128) printf("7-bit)");
    else if (x == 256) printf("8-bit)");
    else printf("(multibyte)");
    printf("\n Transfer Character-Set");
#ifdef COMMENT
    if (tslevel == TS_L2)
      printf(": (international)");
#endif /* COMMENT */
    if (tcharset == TC_TRANSP)
      printf(": Transparent");
      printf(": %s",tcsinfo[tcharset].name);
#endif /* NOCSETS */

shopar() {
#ifndef MAC
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* NOSHOW */
/*  D O S T A T  --  Display file transfer statistics.  */

dostat() {
    printf("\nMost recent transaction --\n");
    printf("\n files: %ld\n",filcnt);
    printf(" characters last file   : %ld\n",ffc);
    printf(" total file characters  : %ld\n",tfc);
    printf(" communication line in  : %ld\n",tlci);
    printf(" communication line out : %ld\n",tlco);
    printf(" packets sent           : %d\n", spackets);
    printf(" packets received       : %d\n", rpackets);
    printf(" damaged packets rec'd  : %d\n", crunched);
    printf(" timeouts               : %d\n", timeouts);
    printf(" retransmissions        : %d\n", retrans);
    if (filcnt > 0) {
	printf(" parity                 : %s",parnam((char)parity));
	if (autopar) printf(" (detected automatically)");
	printf("\n 8th bit prefixing      : ");
	if (ebqflg) printf("yes [%c]\n",ebq); else printf("no\n");
	printf(" locking shifts         : %s\n", lscapu ? "yes" : "no");
	printf(" window slots used      : %d of %d\n", wmax, wslotr);
	printf(" packet length          : %d (send), %d (receive)\n",
	       spmax, urpsiz);
	printf(" compression            : ");
	if (rptflg)
	  printf("yes [%c] (%ld)\n",(char) rptq,rptn);
	if (bctu == 4)
	  printf(" block check type used  : blank-free-2\n");
	  printf(" block check type used  : %d\n",bctu);
	printf(" elapsed time           : %d sec\n",tsecs);
	if (speed <= 0L) speed = ttgspd();
	if (speed > 0L) {
	    if (speed == 8880)
	      printf(" transmission rate      : 75/1200 bps\n");
	      printf(" transmission rate      : %ld bps\n",speed);
	if (tsecs > 0) {
	    long lx;
	    lx = (tfc * 10L) / (long) tsecs;
	    printf(" effective data rate    : %ld cps\n",lx/10L);
	    if (speed > 0L && speed != 8880L && network == 0) {
		lx = (lx * 100L) / speed;
		printf(" efficiency (percent)   : %ld\n",lx);
#ifdef COMMENT
	    lx = (tlci * 10L) / (long) tsecs;
	    printf(" throughput (in)        : %ld cps\n",lx/10l);
	    lx = (tlco * 10L) / (long) tsecs;
	    printf(" throughput (out)       : %ld cps\n",lx/10l);
#endif /* COMMENT */
/*  D O C O N E C T  --  Do the connect command  */

/*  Note, we don't call this directly from dial, because we need to give */
/*  the user a chance to change parameters (e.g. parity) after the */
/*  connection is made. */

doconect() {
    int x;
    conres();				/* Put console back to normal */
    x = conect();			/* Connect */
    concb((char)escape);		/* Put console into cbreak mode, */
    return(x);				/* for more command parsing. */
#ifndef NOSPL
/* The INPUT command */

#ifdef NETCONN
extern int tn_init;
#ifndef IAC
#define IAC 255
#endif /* IAC */
#endif /* NETCONN */

doinput(timo,s) int timo; char *s; {
    int x, y, i, t, icn, anychar;
    int lastchar = 0;
    char *xp, *xq = (char *)0;
    CHAR c;

    if (local) {			/* Put line in "ttvt" mode */
	y = ttvt(speed,flow);		/* if not already. */
	if (y < 0) {
	    printf("?Can't condition line for INPUT\n");
	    return(0);			/* Watch out for failure. */
    if (!s) s = "";
    y = (int)strlen(s);			/* If search string is empty */
    anychar = (y < 1);			/* any input character will do. */
    if (timo <= 0) timo = 1;		/* Give at least 1 second timeout */

    x = 0;				/* Return code, assume failure */
    i = 0;				/* String pattern match position */

    if (!incase[cmdlvl]) {		/* INPUT CASE = IGNORE?  */
	xp = malloc(y+2);		/* Make a separate copy of the */
	if (!xp) {			/* input string for editing. */
	    printf("?malloc error 5\n");
	} else xq = xp;			/* Save pointer to beginning */

	while (*s) {			/* Convert to lowercase */
	    *xp = *s;
	    if (isupper(*xp)) *xp = tolower(*xp);
	    xp++; s++;
	*xp = NUL;			/* Terminate the search string. */
	s = xq;				/* Point back to beginning. */
    inpbps = inpbp;			/* Save current pointer. */
    rtimer();				/* Reset timer. */
    t = 0;				/* Time is 0. */
    incount = 0;			/* Character counter */
    while (1) {				/* Character-getting loop */
	if (local) {			/* One case for local */
	    y = ttinc(1);		/* Get character from comm line. */
	    debug(F101,"input ttinc(1) returns","",y);
	    if (icn = conchk()) {	/* Interrupted from keyboard? */
		debug(F101,"input interrupted from keyboard","",icn);
		while (icn--) coninc(0); /* Yes, read what was typed. */
		break;			/* And fail. */
	} else {			/* Another for remote */
	    y = coninc(1);
	    debug(F101,"input coninc(1) returns","",y);
	if (y > -1) {			/* A character arrived */
#ifdef TNCODE
/* Check for telnet protocol negotiation */
	    if (network && (ttnproto == NP_TELNET) && ((y & 0xff) == IAC)) {
		switch (tn_doop((CHAR)(y & 0xff),duplex,ttinc)) {
		  case 2: duplex = 0; continue;
		  case 1: duplex = 1;
		  default: continue;
#endif /* TNCODE */

	    /* Real input character to be checked */

	    c = cmask & (CHAR) y;	/* Mask off parity */

	    inchar[0] = c;		/* Remember character for \v(inchar) */
	    lastchar = gtimer();	/* Remember when it came. */

	    if (c == '\0') {		/* NUL, we can't use it */
		if (anychar) {		/* Any character will do? */
		    x = 1;		/* Yes, done. */
		    incount = 1;	/* This must be the first and only. */
		} else continue;	/* Otherwise continue INPUTting */

	    *inpbp++ = c;		/* Store char in circular buffer */
	    incount++;			/* Count it for \v(incount) */

	    if (inpbp >= inpbuf + INPBUFSIZ) { /* Time to wrap around? */
		inpbp = inpbuf;		/* Yes. */
		*(inpbp+INPBUFSIZ) = NUL; /* Make sure it's null-terminated. */
#ifdef MAC
		extern char *ttermw;	/* fake pointer cast */
		if (inecho) {
		    outchar(ttermw, c);	/* echo to terminal window */
		    /* this might be too much overhead to do here ? */
#else /* Not MAC */
	    if (inecho) conoc(c);	/* Echo and log the input character */
#endif /* MAC */
	    if (seslog) {
#ifdef UNIX
		if (sessft != 0 || c != '\r')
#endif /* UNIX */
		  if (zchout(ZSFILE,c) < 0) seslog = 0;
	    if (anychar) {		/* Any character will do? */
		x = 1;
	    if (!incase[cmdlvl]) {	/* Ignore alphabetic case? */
		if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); /* Yes */
	    debug(F000,"doinput char","",c);
	    debug(F000,"compare char","",s[i]);
	    if (c == s[i]) {		/* Check for match */
		i++;			/* Got one, go to next character */
	    } else {			/* Don't have a match */
   		int j, size;
   		for (j = i; i-- > 0; ) { /* [jrs] search backwards */
   		    if (c == s[i]) {
   			size = j - i;
   			if (strncmp(s,&s[j-i],i-size)== 0)
   		i++;			/* [jrs] count last char matched    */
   	    }				/* [jrs] or return to zero from -1  */
	    if (s[i] == '\0') {		/* Matched all the way to end? */
		x = 1;			/* Yes, */
		break;			/* done. */
	if ((t = gtimer()) > timo)	/* Did not match, timer exceeded? */
	else if (insilence > 0 && (t - lastchar) > insilence)
    }					/* Still have time left, continue. */
    if (!incase[cmdlvl]) if (xq) free(xq); /* Done, free dynamic memory. */
    return(x);				/* Return the return code. */
#endif /* NOSPL */

#ifndef NOSPL
/* REINPUT Command */

/* Note, the timeout parameter is required, but ignored. */
/* Syntax is compatible with MS-DOS Kermit except timeout can't be omitted. */
/* This function only looks at the characters already received */
/* and does not read any new characters from the communication line. */

doreinp(timo,s) int timo; char *s; {
    int x, y, i;
    char *xx, *xp, *xq = (char *)0;
    CHAR c;

    y = (int)strlen(s);

    x = 0;				/* Return code, assume failure */
    i = 0;				/* String pattern match position */

    if (!incase[cmdlvl]) {		/* INPUT CASE = IGNORE?  */
	xp = malloc(y+2);		/* Make a separate copy of the */
	if (!xp) {			/* search string. */
	    printf("?malloc error 6\n");
	} else xq = xp;			/* Keep pointer to beginning. */
	while (*s) {			/* Yes, convert to lowercase */
	    *xp = *s;
	    if (isupper(*xp)) *xp = tolower(*xp);
	    xp++; s++;
	*xp = NUL;			/* Terminate it! */
	s = xq;				/* Move search pointer to it. */
    xx = inpbp;				/* Current INPUT buffer pointer */
    do {
	c = *xx++;			/* Get next character */
	if (xx >= inpbuf + INPBUFSIZ) xx = inpbuf; /* Wrap around */
	if (!incase[cmdlvl]) {		/* Ignore alphabetic case? */
	    if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); /* Yes */
	debug(F000,"doreinp char","",c);
	debug(F000,"compare char","",s[i]);
	if (c == s[i]) {		/* Check for match */
	    i++;			/* Got one, go to next character */
	} else {			/* Don't have a match */
   	    int j, size;
   	    for (j = i; i-- > 0; ) { /* [jrs] search backwards for it  */
   		if (c == s[i]) {
		    size = j - i;
		    if (strncmp(s,&s[j-i],i-size)== 0)
   	    i++;			/* [jrs] count last char matched */
   	}				/* [jrs] or return to zero from -1 */
	if (s[i] == '\0') {		/* Matched all the way to end? */
	    x = 1;			/* Yes, */
	    break;			/* done. */
    } while (xx != inpbp);		/* Until back where we started. */

    if (!incase[cmdlvl]) if (xq) free(xq); /* Free this if it was malloc'd. */
    return(x);				/* Return search result. */
#ifndef NOSPL

#endif /* NOSPL */
/*  X X S T R I N G  --  Interpret strings containing backslash escapes  */

 Copies result to new string.
  strips enclosing braces or doublequotes.
  interprets backslash escapes.
  returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
  tries to be compatible with MS-DOS Kermit.

 Syntax of input string:
  string = chars | "chars" | {chars}
  chars = (c*e*)*
  where c = any printable character, ascii 32-126
  and e = a backslash escape
  and * means 0 or more repetitions of preceding quantity
  backslash escape = \operand
  operand = {number} | number | fname(operand) | v(name) | $(name) | m(name)
  number = [r]n[n[n]]], i.e. an optional radix code followed by 1-3 digits
  radix code is oO (octal), hHxX (hex), dD or none (decimal).

#ifndef NOFRILLS
yystring(s,s2) char *s; char **s2; {	/* Reverse a string */
    int x;
    static char *new;
    new = *s2;
    if (!s || !new) return(-1);		/* Watch out for null pointers. */
    if ((x = (int)strlen(s)) == 0) {	/* Recursion done. */
	*new = '\0';
    x--;				/* Otherwise, call self */
    *new++ = s[x];			/* to reverse rest of string. */
    s[x] = 0;
#endif /* NOFRILLS */

#define FNVALL 1000
char fnval[FNVALL+2];			/* Return value */

char *					/* Evaluate builtin function */
fneval(fn,argp,argn) char *fn, *argp[]; int argn; {
    int i, j, k, len1, len2, n, x, y;
    char *bp[FNARGS];			/* Pointers to malloc'd strings */
    char *p, *s;

    if (!fn) fn = "";			/* Paranoia */
    y = lookup(fnctab,fn,nfuncs,&x);
    if (y < 0)				/* bad function name */
      return("");			/* so value is null */

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (deblog) {
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < argn; j++)
	  debug(F111,"fneval function arg",argp[j],j);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    if (y == FN_LIT)			/* literal(arg1) */
      return(argp[0] ? argp[0] : "");	/* return a pointer to arg itself */

    if (y == FN_CON) {			/* Contents of variable, unexpanded. */
	char c;
	if (!(p = argp[0]) || !*p) return("");
	if (*p == CMDQ) p++;
	if ((c = *p) == '%') {		/* Scalar variable. */
	    c = *++p;			/* Get ID character. */
	    p = "";			/* Assume definition is empty */
	    if (!c) return(p);		/* Double paranoia */
	    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { /* Digit for macro arg */
		c -= '0';		/* convert character to integer */
		if (maclvl < 0)		/* Digit variables are global */
		  p = g_var[c];		/* if no macro is active */
		else			/* otherwise */
		  p = m_arg[maclvl][c]; /* they're on the stack */
	    } else {
		if (isupper(c)) c -= ('a'-'A');
		p = g_var[c];		/* Letter for global variable */
	    return(p ? p : "");
	if (c == '&') {			/* Array reference. */
	    int vbi, d;
	    if (arraynam(p,&vbi,&d) < 0) /* Get name and subscript */
	    if (chkarray(vbi,d) > 0) {	/* Array is declared? */
		vbi -= 'a';		/* Convert name to index */
		if (a_dim[vbi] >= d) {	/* If subscript in range */
		    char **ap;
		    ap = a_ptr[vbi];	/* get data pointer */
		    if (ap) {		/* and if there is one */
			return(ap[d]);	/* return what it points to */
	    return(p ? p : "");		/* Otherwise its enexpanded value. */

    for (i = 0; i < argn; i++) {	/* Not literal, expand the args */
	n = 1024;			/* allow 1K per expanded arg, yow! */
	bp[i] = s = malloc(n);		/* get the new space */
	if (bp[i] == NULL) {		/* handle failure to get space */
	    for (k = 0; k < i; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	    debug(F101,"fneval malloc failure, arg","",i);
	p = argp[i] ? argp[i] : "";	/* Point to this argument */

  Trim leading and trailing spaces from the original argument, before
  evaluation.  This code new to edit 184.
	if (y != FN_REP || i != 0) {	/* Don't trim 1st REPEAT argument */
	    int j;			/* All others... */
	    while (*p == SP || *p == HT) /* Point past leading whitespace */
	    j = (int) strlen(p) - 1;	/* Trim trailing whitespace */
	    while (j > 0 && (*(p + j) == SP || *(p + j) == HT))
	      *(p + j--) = NUL;

/* Now evaluate the argument */

	if (xxstring(p,&s,&n) < 0) {	/* Expand arg into new space */
	    debug(F101,"fneval xxstring fails, arg","",i);
	    for (k = 0; k <= i; k++)	/* Free up previous space on error */
	      if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	    return("");			/* and return null string. */
	debug(F111,"fneval arg",bp[i],i);

#ifdef DEBUG
    if (deblog) {
	int j;
	for (j = 0; j < argn; j++) {
	    debug(F111,"fneval arg post eval",argp[j],j);
	    debug(F111,"fneval evaluated arg",bp[j],j);
#endif /* DEBUG */

    switch (y) {			/* Do function on expanded args */

      case FN_DEF:
	k = mlook(mactab,bp[0],nmac);	/* def(arg1) - Return a macro def */
	p = (k > -1) ? mactab[k].mval : "";
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	return(p ? p : "");

      case FN_EVA:			/* eval(arg1) */
	p = evala(bp[0]);
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	return(p ? p : "");

      case FN_EXE:			/* execute(arg1) */
	j = (int)strlen(s = bp[0]);	/* Length of macro invocation */
	p = "";				/* Initialize return value to null */
	if (j) {			/* If there is a macro to execute */
	    while (*s == SP) s++,j--;	/* strip leading spaces */
	    p = s;			/* remember beginning of macro name */
	    for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {	/* find end of macro name */
		if (*s == SP) break;
	    if (*s == SP) {		/* if there was a space after */
		*s++ = NUL;		/* terminate the macro name */
		while (*s == SP) s++;	/* skip past any extra spaces */
	    } else s = "";		/* maybe there are no arguments */
	    if (p && *p)
	      k = mlook(mactab,p,nmac);	/* Look up the macro name */
	    else k = -1;

	    p = "";			/* Initialize return value */
	    if (k >= 0) {		/* If macro found in table */
		if ((j = dodo(k,s)) > 0) { /* Go set it up (like DO cmd) */
		    if (cmpush() > -1) { /* Push command parser state */
			extern int ifc;
			int ifcsav = ifc; /* Push IF condition on stack */
			k = parser(1);	/* Call parser to execute the macro */
			cmpop();	/* Pop command parser */
			ifc = ifcsav;	/* Restore IF condition */
			if (k == 0) {	/* No errors, ignore action cmds. */
			    p = mrval[maclvl+1]; /* If OK, set return value. */
			    if (p == NULL) p = "";
		    } else {		/* Can't push any more */
			debug(F100,"fexec pushed too deep","",0);
                        printf("\n?\\fexec() too deeply nested\n");
			while (cmpop() > -1) ;
			p = "";
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	return(p ? p : "");

      case FN_FC:			/* File count. */
	p = fnval;
	*p = NUL;
	if (argn > 0) {
	    k = zxpand(bp[0]);
	    for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);

      case FN_FIL:			/* Next file in list. */
	p = fnval;			/* (no args) */
	*p = NUL;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	return(p ? p : "");

      case FN_IND:			/* index(arg1,arg2) */
	if (argn > 1) {			/* Only works if we have 2 args */
	    int start;
	    len1 = (int)strlen(bp[0]);	/* length of string to look for */
	    len2 = (int)strlen(s = bp[1]); /* length of string to look in */
	    if (len1 < 0) return("");	/* paranoia */
	    if (len2 < 0) return("");
	    j = len2 - len1;		/* length difference */
	    start = 0;			/* starting position */
	    if (argn > 2) {
		if (chknum(bp[2])) {
		    start = atoi(bp[2]) - 1;
		    if (start < 0) start = 0;
	    if (j < 0 || start > j) {	/* search string is longer */
		p = "0";
	    } else {
		if (!incase[cmdlvl]) {	/* input case ignore? */
		s = bp[1] + start;	/* Point to beginning of target */
		p = "0";
		for (i = 0; i <= (j - start); i++) { /* Now compare */
		    if (!strncmp(bp[0],s++,len1)) {
			p = fnval;
	} else p = "0";
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);

      case FN_CHR:			/* character(arg1) */
	if (chknum(bp[0])) {		/* Must be numeric */
	    i = atoi(bp[0]);
	    if (i >= 0 && i < 256) {	/* Must be an 8-bit value */
		p = fnval;
		*p++ = i;
		*p = NUL;
		p = fnval;
	    } else p = "";		/* Otherwise return null */
	} else p = "";			/* Otherwise return null */
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);

      case FN_COD:			/* code(char) */
	p = "";
	if ((int)strlen(bp[0]) > 0) {
	    p = fnval;
	    i = *bp[0];
	    sprintf(p,"%d",(i & 0xff));
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);

      case FN_LEN:			/* length(arg1) */
	p = fnval;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);

      case FN_LOW:			/* lower(arg1) */
	s = bp[0];
	p = fnval;

	while (*s) {
	    if (isupper(*s))
	      *p = tolower(*s);
	      *p = *s;
	    p++; s++;
	*p = NUL;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	p = fnval;

      case FN_MAX:			/* max(arg1,arg2) */
      case FN_MIN:			/* min(arg1,arg2) */
      case FN_MOD:			/* mod(arg1,arg2) */
	if (chknum(bp[0]) && chknum(bp[1])) {
	    i = atoi(bp[0]);
	    j = atoi(bp[1]);
	    switch (y) {
	      case FN_MAX:
		if (j < i) j = i;
	      case FN_MIN:
		if (j > i) j = i;
	      case FN_MOD:
		j = i % j;
	    p = fnval;
	} else p = "";
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);

      case FN_SUB:			/* substr(arg1,arg2,arg3) */
      case FN_RIG:			/* right(arg1,arg2) */
	if (((argn > 1) && (int)strlen(bp[1]) && !rdigits(bp[1])) ||
	    ((y == FN_SUB) &&
	    ((argn > 2) && (int)strlen(bp[2]) && !rdigits(bp[2])))) {
	    p = "";			/* if either, return null */
	} else {
	    int lx;
	    p = fnval;			         /* pointer to result */
	    lx = strlen(bp[0]);			 /* length of arg1 */
	    if (y == FN_SUB) {			 /* substring */
		k = (argn > 2) ? atoi(bp[2]) : 1023; /* length */
		j = (argn > 1) ? atoi(bp[1]) : 1; /* start pos for substr */
	    } else {				 /* right */
		k = (argn > 1) ? atoi(bp[1]) : lx; /* length */
		j = lx - k + 1;			 /* start pos for right */
		if (j < 1) j = 1;
	    if (k > 0 && j <= lx) { 		 /* if start pos in range */
		s = bp[0]+j-1;    		 /* point to source string */
		for (i = 0; (i < k) && (*p++ = *s++); i++) ;  /* copy */
	    *p = NUL;			/* terminate the result */
	    p = fnval;			/* and point to it. */
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]); /* Free temp mem */

      case FN_UPP:			/* upper(arg1) */
	s = bp[0];
	p = fnval;
	while (*s) {
	    if (islower(*s))
	      *p = toupper(*s);
	      *p = *s;
	    p++; s++;
	*p = NUL;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	p = fnval;

      case FN_REP:			/* Repeat */
	p = "";				/* Return value */
	if (chknum(bp[1])) {		/* Repeat count */
	    n = atoi(bp[1]);
	    if (n > 0) {		/* Make n copies */
		p = fnval;
		*p = '\0';
		k = (int)strlen(bp[0]);	/* Make sure string has some length */
		if (k > 0) {
		    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			s = bp[0];
			for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
			    if ((p - fnval) >= FNVALL) { /* Protect against */
				p = "";	             /* core dumps... */
			    } else *p++ = *s++;
		    *p = NUL;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	p = fnval;

#ifndef NOFRILLS
      case FN_REV:
	p = fnval;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
#endif /* NOFRILLS */

      case FN_RPA:			/* RPAD and LPAD */
      case FN_LPA:
	*fnval = NUL;			/* Return value */
	if (argn == 1) {		/* If a number wasn't given */
	    p = fnval;			/* just return the original string */
	} else if (chknum(bp[1])) {	/* Repeat count */
	    char pc;
	    n = atoi(bp[1]);
	    if (n >= 0) {		/* Pad it out */
		p = fnval;
		k = (int)strlen(bp[0]);	/* Length of string to be padded */
		pc = (argn < 3) ? SP : *bp[2]; /* Padding character */
		if (n > FNVALL) n = FNVALL-1; /* protect against overruns */
		if (k > FNVALL) k = FNVALL-1; /* and silly args. */
                if (k > n) k = n;
		if (y == FN_RPA) {	/* RPAD */
		    p += k;
		    for (i = k; i < n; i++)
		      *p++ = pc;
		} else {		/* LPAD */
		    n -= k;
		    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		      *p++ = pc;
		    p += k;
		*p = NUL;
	for (k = 0; k < argn; k++) if (bp[k]) free(bp[k]);
	p = fnval;

#endif /* NOSPL */

#ifndef NOSPL

char *					/* Evaluate builtin variable */
nvlook(s) char *s; {
    int x, y;
    long z;
    char *p;

    x = 30;
    p = vvbuf;
    if (xxstring(s,&p,&x) < 0) {
	y = -1;
    } else {
	s = vvbuf;
	if ((y = lookup(vartab,s,nvars,&x)) < 0) return(NULL);
    switch (y) {
      case VN_ARGC:			/* ARGC */

      case VN_ARGS:			/* ARGS */

      case VN_COUN:			/* COUNT */

      case VN_DATE:			/* DATE */
	ztime(&p);			/* Get "asctime" string */
	if (p == NULL || *p == NUL) return(NULL);
	vvbuf[0] = p[8];		/* dd */
	vvbuf[1] = p[9];
	vvbuf[2] = SP;
	vvbuf[3] = p[4];		/* mmm */
	vvbuf[4] = p[5];
	vvbuf[5] = p[6];
	vvbuf[6] = SP;
	for (x = 20; x < 24; x++)	/* yyyy */
	  vvbuf[x - 13] = p[x];
	vvbuf[11] = NUL;

      case VN_NDAT:			/* Numeric date */
	ztime(&p);			/* Get "asctime" string */
	if (p == NULL || *p == NUL) return(NULL);
	for (x = 20; x < 24; x++)	/* yyyy */
	  vvbuf[x - 20] = p[x];
        vvbuf[6] = (p[8] == ' ') ? '0' : p[8]; vvbuf[7] = p[9]; /* dd */
	for (x = 0; x < 12; x++)	  /* mm */
	  if (!strncmp(p+4,months[x],3)) break;
	if (x == 12) {
	    vvbuf[4] = vvbuf[5] = '?';
	} else {
	    vvbuf[4] = (x < 10) ? '0' : '1';
	    vvbuf[5] = (x % 10) + 48;
	vvbuf[8] = NUL;

      case VN_DIRE:			/* DIRECTORY */

      case VN_FILE:			/* filespec */

      case VN_HOST:			/* host name */
	if (*myhost) {			/* If known */
	    return(myhost);		/* return it. */
	} else {			/* Otherwise */
	    strcpy(vvbuf,"unknown");	/* just say "unknown" */

      case VN_SYST:			/* System type */
#ifdef UNIX
#ifdef VMS
#ifdef OSK
#ifdef AMIGA
#ifdef MAC
#ifdef OS2
#ifdef datageneral
#ifdef GEMDOS
#endif /* GEMDOS */
#endif /* datageneral */
#endif /* OS2 */
#endif /* MAC */
#endif /* AMIGA */
#endif /* OSK */
#endif /* VMS */
#endif /* UNIX */

      case VN_SYSV:			/* System herald */
	for (x = y = 0; x < VVBUFL; x++) {
	    if (ckxsys[x] == SP && y == 0) continue;
	    vvbuf[y++] = (ckxsys[x] == SP) ? '_' : ckxsys[x];
	vvbuf[y] = NUL;

      case VN_TIME:			/* TIME. Assumes that ztime returns */
	ztime(&p);			/* "Thu Feb  8 12:00:00 1990" */
	if (p == NULL || *p == NUL)	/* like asctime()! */
	for (x = 11; x < 19; x++)	/* copy hh:mm:ss */
	  vvbuf[x - 11] = p[x];		/* to vvbuf */
	vvbuf[8] = NUL;			/* terminate */
	return(vvbuf);			/* and return it */

      case VN_NTIM:			/* Numeric time */
	ztime(&p);			/* "Thu Feb  8 12:00:00 1990" */
	if (p == NULL || *p == NUL)	/* like asctime()! */
	z = atol(p+11) * 3600L + atol(p+14) * 60L + atol(p+17);

#ifdef UNIX
      case VN_TTYF:			/* TTY file descriptor */
#ifdef OS2
      case VN_TTYF:			/* TTY file descriptor */
#endif /* OS2 */
#endif /* UNIX */

      case VN_VERS:			/* Numeric Kermit version number */

      case VN_HOME:			/* Home directory */
#ifdef UNIX
#ifdef OSK
#endif /* OSK */
#endif /* UNIX */

      case VN_IBUF:			/* INPUT buffer */

      case VN_ICHR:			/* INPUT character */
	inchar[1] = NUL;
	return((char *)inchar);

      case VN_ICNT:			/* INPUT character count */

      case VN_SPEE: {			/* Transmission SPEED */
	  long t;
	  t = ttgspd();
	  if (t < 0L)
      case VN_SUCC:			/* SUCCESS flag */
	sprintf(vvbuf,"%d",(success == 0) ? 1 : 0);

      case VN_LINE:			/* LINE */
	p = (char *) ttname;

      case VN_PROG:			/* Program name */
#ifdef MAC
#endif /* MAC */

      case VN_RET:			/* Value of most recent RETURN */
	p = mrval[maclvl+1];
	if (p == NULL) p = "";

      case VN_FFC:			/* Size of most recent file */
	sprintf(vvbuf, "%ld", ffc);

      case VN_TFC:			/* Size of most recent file group */
	sprintf(vvbuf, "%ld", tfc);

      case VN_CPU:			/* CPU type */
#ifdef CKCPU
#endif /* CKCPU */

      case VN_CMDL:			/* Command level */
	sprintf(vvbuf, "%d", cmdlvl);

      case VN_DAY:			/* Day of week */
      case VN_NDAY:
  Depends on ztime() returning ENGLISH asctime()-format string!
  asctime() format is: "Thu Feb  8 12:00:00 1990".
  Needs updating to accommodate non-English asctime() strings.
	if (p != NULL && *p != NUL) {	/* ztime() succeeded. */
	    if (y == VN_DAY) {		/* String day. */
	    } else {			/* Numeric day. */
		for (x = 0; x < 7; x++)	  /* Look up day string in table */
		  if (!strncmp(p,wkdays[x],3))
		if (x > 6) x = -1;	/* Not found */
		sprintf(vvbuf,"%d",x);	/* Return the number */
	} else vvbuf[0] = NUL;		/* ztime() failed. */
	return(vvbuf);			/* Return what we got. */

      case VN_LCL:			/* Local (vs remote) mode */
	strcpy(vvbuf, local ? "1" : "0");

      case VN_CMDS:			/* Command source */
	if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_KB)
	else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_MD)
	else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_TF)
	else strcpy(vvbuf,"unknown");

      case VN_CMDF:			/* Current command file name */
	return(tfnam[tlevel] ? tfnam[tlevel] : "");

      case VN_MAC:			/* Current macro name */
	return((maclvl > -1) ? m_arg[maclvl][0] : "");

      case VN_EXIT:

#endif /* NOSPL */

  X X S T R I N G  --  Expand variables and backslash codes.

    int xxtstring(s,&s2,&n);

  Expands \ escapes via recursive descent.
  Argument s is a pointer to string to expand (source).
  Argument s2 is the address of where to put result (destination).
  Argument n is the length of the destination string (to prevent overruns).
  Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success,
    with destination string null-terminated and s2 pointing to the
    terminating null, so that subsequent characters can be added.

#define XXDEPLIM 100			/* Recursion depth limit */

xxstring(s,s2,n) char *s; char **s2; int *n; {
    int x,				/* Current character */
        y,				/* Worker */
        pp,				/* Paren level */
        argn,				/* Function argument counter */
        n2,				/* Local copy of n */
        d,				/* Array dimension */
        vbi,				/* Variable id (integer form) */
        argl;				/* String argument length */

    char vb,				/* Variable id (char form) */
        *vp,				/* Pointer to variable definition */
        *new,				/* Local pointer to target string */
        *p,				/* Worker */
        *q;				/* Worker */
    char *r  = (char *)0;		/* For holding function args */
    char *r2 = (char *)0;

#ifndef NOSPL
    char vnambuf[VNAML];		/* Buffer for variable/function name */
    char *argp[FNARGS];			/* Pointers to function args */
#endif /* NOSPL */

    static int depth = 0;		/* Call depth, avoid overflow */

    n2 = *n;				/* Make local copies of args */
    new = *s2;				/* for one less level of indirection */

    depth++;				/* Sink to a new depth */
    if (depth > XXDEPLIM) {		/* Too deep? */
	printf("?definition is circular or too deep\n");
	depth = 0;
	*new = NUL;
    if (!s || !new) {			/* Watch out for null pointers */
	depth = 0;
	*new = NUL;
    argl = (int)strlen(s);		/* Get length of source string */
    if (argl < 0) {			/* Watch out for garbage */
	depth = 0;
	*new = NUL;
    while ( x = *s ) {			/* Loop for all characters */
        if (x != CMDQ) {		/* Is it the command-quote char? */
	    *new++ = *s++;		/* No, normal char, just copy */
	    if (n2-- < 0) {		/* and count it, careful of overflow */

/* We have the command-quote character. */

	x = *(s+1);			/* Get the following character. */
	switch (x) {			/* Act according to variable type */
#ifndef NOSPL
	  case '%':			/* Variable */
	    s += 2;			/* Get the letter or digit */
	    vb = *s++;			/* and move source pointer past it */
	    vp = NULL;			/* Assume definition is empty */
	    if (vb >= '0' && vb <= '9') { /* Digit for macro arg */
		if (maclvl < 0) 	/* Digit variables are global */
		  vp = g_var[vb];	/* if no macro is active */
		else			/* otherwise */
		  vp = m_arg[maclvl][vb - '0']; /* they're on the stack */
	    } else {
		if (isupper(vb)) vb -= ('a'-'A');
		vp = g_var[vb];		/* Letter for global variable */
	    if (vp) {			/* If definition not empty */
		if (xxstring(vp,&new,&n2) < 0) { /* call self to evaluate it */
		    return(-1);		/* Pass along failure */
	  case '&':			/* An array reference */
	    if (arraynam(s,&vbi,&d) < 0) { /* Get name and subscript */
	    pp = 0;			/* Bracket counter */
	    while (*s) {		/* Advance source pointer */
		if (*s == '[') pp++;
		if (*s == ']' && --pp == 0) break;
	    if (*s == ']') s++;		/* past the closing bracket. */
	    if (chkarray(vbi,d) > 0) {	/* Array is declared? */
		vbi -= 96;		/* Convert name to index */
		if (a_dim[vbi] >= d) {	/* If subscript in range */
		    char **ap;
		    ap = a_ptr[vbi];	/* get data pointer */
		    if (ap) {		/* and if there is one */
			if (ap[d]) {	/* If definition not empty */
			    if (xxstring(ap[d],&new,&n2) < 0) { /* evaluate */
				return(-1); /* Pass along failure */

	  case 'F':			/* A builtin function */
	  case 'f':
	    q = vnambuf;		/* Copy the name */
	    y = 0;			/* into a separate buffer */
	    s+=2;			/* point past 'F' */
	    while (y++ < VNAML) {
		if (*s == '(') { s++; break; } /* Look for open paren */
		if ((*q = *s) == NUL) break;   /* or end of string */
		s++; q++;
	    *q = NUL;			/* Terminate function name */
	    if (y >= VNAML) {		/* Handle pathological case */
		while (*s && (*s != '(')) /* of very long string entered */
		  s++;			  /* as function name. */
		if (*s == ')') s++;	  /* Skip past it. */
	    r = r2 = malloc(argl+2);	/* And make a place to copy args */
	    debug(F101,"xxstring r2","",r2);
	    if (!r2) {			/* Watch out for malloc failure */
		depth = 0;
		*new = NUL;
	    argn = 0;			/* Argument counter */
	    argp[argn++] = r;		/* Point to first argument */
	    y = 0;			/* Completion flag */
	    pp = 1;			/* Paren level (already have one). */
	    while (*r = *s) {		/* Copy each argument, char by char. */
		if (*r == '(') pp++;	/* Count an opening paren. */
		if (*r == ')') {	/* Closing paren, count it. */
		    if (--pp == 0) {	/* Final one? */
			*r = NUL;	/* Make it a terminating null */
			y = 1;		/* Flag we've got all the args */
		if (*r == ',') {	/* Comma */
		    if (pp == 1) {	/* If not within ()'s, */
			*r = NUL;	    /* new arg, skip past it, */
			argp[argn++] = r+1; /* point to new arg. */
			if (argn == FNARGS) /* Too many args */
		    }			/* Otherwise just skip past  */
		s++; r++;		/* Advance pointers */
	    debug(F110,"xxstring function name",vnambuf,0);
	    if (!y) {			/* If we didn't find closing paren */
		debug(F101,"xxstring r2 before free","",r2);
		if (r2) free(r2);	/* free the temporary storage */
		return(-1);		/* and return failure. */
#ifdef DEBUG
	    if (deblog)
	      for (y = 0; y < argn; y++)
		debug(F111,"xxstring function arg",argp[y],y);
#endif /* DEBUG */
	    vp = fneval(vnambuf,argp,argn); /* Evaluate the function. */
	    if (vp) {			/* If definition not empty */
		while (*new++ = *vp++)	/* copy it to output string */
		  if (n2-- < 0) return(-1); /* mindful of overflow */
		new--;			/* Back up over terminating null */
		n2++;			/* to allow for further deposits. */
	    if (r2) {
		debug(F101,"xxstring freeing r2","",r2);
		free(r2);		/* Now free the temporary storage */
		r2 = NULL;
	  case '$':			/* An environment variable */
	  case 'V':			/* Or a named builtin variable. */
	  case 'v':
	  case 'M':			/* Or a macro = long variable */
	  case 'm':
	    p = s+2;			/* $/V/M must be followed by (name) */
	    if (*p != '(') {		/* as in \$(HOME) or \V(count) */
		*new++ = *s++;		/* If not, just copy it */
		if (n2-- < 0) {
	    p++;			/* Point to 1st char of name */
	    q = vnambuf;		/* Copy the name */
	    y = 0;			/* into a separate buffer */
	    while (y++ < VNAML) {	/* Watch out for name too long */
		if (*p == ')') {	/* Name properly terminated with ')' */
		    p++;		/* Move source pointer past ')' */
		if ((*q = *p) == NUL)	/* String ends before ')' */
 		p++; q++;		/* Advance pointers */
	    *q = NUL;			/* Terminate the variable name */
	    if (y >= VNAML) {		/* Handle pathological case */
		while (*p && (*p != ')')) /* of very long string entered */
		  p++;			  /* as variable name. */
		if (*p == ')') p++;	  /* Skip ahead to the end of it. */
	    s = p;			/* Adjust global source pointer */
	    p = malloc((int)strlen(vnambuf) + 1); /* Make temporary space */
	    if (p) {			/* If we got the space */
		vp = vnambuf;		/* Point to original */
		strcpy(p,vp);		/* Make a copy of it */
		y = VNAML;		/* Length of name buffer */
		xxstring(p,&vp,&y);	/* Evaluate the copy */
		free(p);		/* Free the temporary space */
	    debug(F110,"xxstring vname",vnambuf,0);
	    if (x == '$') {		/* Look up its value */
		vp = getenv(vnambuf);	/* This way for environment variable */
	    } else if (x == 'm' || x == 'M') { /* or this way for macro */
		y = mlook(mactab,vnambuf,nmac);	/* contents (= long variable */
		vp = (y > -1) ? mactab[y].mval : ""; /* name)... */
	    } else { 			/*  or */
	        vp = nvlook(vnambuf);	/* this way for builtin variable */
	    if (vp) {			/* If definition not empty */
		while (*new++ = *vp++)	/* copy it to output string. */
		  if (n2-- < 0) {
		new--;			/* Back up over terminating null */
		n2++;			/* to allow for further deposits. */
#endif /* NOSPL	*/			/* Handle \nnn even if NOSPL. */
	  default:			/* Maybe it's a backslash code */
	    y = xxesc(&s);		/* Go interpret it */
	    if (y < 0) {		/* Upon failure */
		*new++ = x;		/* Just quote the next character */
		s += 2;			/* Move past the pair */
		n2 -= 2;
		if (n2 < 0) {
		continue;		/* and go back for more */
	    } else {
		*new++ = y;		/* else deposit interpreted value */
		if (n2-- < 0) {
    *new = NUL;				/* Terminate the new string */
    depth--;				/* Adjust stack depth gauge */
    *s2 = new;				/* Copy results back into */
    *n = n2;				/* the argument addresses */
    return(0);				/* and return. */
#endif /* NOICP */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.