
This is config.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	version	:	1.01.0
	date	:	28.Nov 1993
	purpose	:	easier way to setup the am 
	author	:	by jolly ( who else )

/******************************************** Change only this defines !			*/

#define NeXTSTEP	32					/* 30,31,32 your NeXT Step Version	*10 	*/
#define PORT		A					/* serial line A or B						*/
#define SPEECH		ADPCM_3				/* CELP ; ADPCM_2 ; ADPCM_3 compression		*/
#define RING		2					/* Number of Rings until off hook	- 1		*/
#define	SIL_TRES	25					/* 0-31; default noise on your line			*/
#define PATH		"/Users/kiwi/Library/lib_am/" 	/* the first absolute path !!
										(the second one has to be set in /etc/ttys)	*/
#define	FAX_DIR		"Faxes"				/* directory where the faxes are stored		*/
#define FAXNUMBER	"+49 30 4543046"	/* the number of your telephone				*/
#define ASCII_PIDS	0					/* 1 means you have ascii pids in the lock file  */

/******************************************** Change this only if you know 			*/
/*												what you are doing					*/

#define	MAX_TIME	120				/* maximal seconds sound is recorded		*/
#define	MAX_FAXTIME	600					/* maximal seconds fax is received			*/
#define	SIL_TIME	6					/* ignore silence 0-25 seconds before hangup*/
#define	MAX_CD		40					/* maximal seconds to wait for carrier		*/		
#define	MAX_FD		40					/* maximal seconds to wait for faxcarrier	*/		
#define DEBUG		2					/* 0,1,2 debug level						*/

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.