
[View License.rtf] 
[View ORDER.rtf] 


TransSys PNI 1.13 release

Software and Documentation is
Copyright 1993, 1994 by TransSys, Inc. and Louis A. Mamakos
All rights reserved.


This software distribution is the first (non-beta) release of the
TransSys PNI Software package.  TransSys PNI is a very flexible and
configurable networking product for Motorola- and Intel-based NeXTSTEP
platforms.  TransSys PNI is intended to be run on Release 3.1 and 3.2
NeXTSTEP systems.  TransSys PNI will allow your NeXTSTEP system to
communicate with remote systems using SLIP (Serial Line IP) over
serial ports and other virtual devices.  It has sophisticated packet
filtering abilities as well to control access to various services on
your system.

There are three versions of the software available:

PNI-SLIP -- A freely available version which implements SLIP.  This
version is available both as a demo of the software and as a public
service to the NeXT community - NEXTSTEP systems should have a
SLIP solution available free of charge, as do many other platforms.

PNI-BASIC -- a commercial version of the software which implements
SLIP (as above) as well as CSLIP, which is SLIP with TCP Header

PNI-PRO -- a commercial version, which, along with the PNI-BASIC
features, also includes IP packet filtering (including idle link
timeouts) and support for IP tunnels.

See the file 'ORDER', included in the demo distributions, for detailed
ordering information.  TransSys recommends that only those users that
are already familiar with SLIP and IP networking in general attempt to
install and use the package.  Of course, it costs nothing to try to
install the demo software, however, limited support is available.


There are plans for an HP-PA version, but no estimated date for such a
version is available.  For now, this package on runs on Intel and
Motorola based 3.1 and 3.2 NeXTSTEP systems.  There are reports that
it runs on the first 3.3 pre-release kernel.  I expect that version
PNI 1.13 will *not* run on the released 3.3 kernel which will include
IP multicast support and likely different kernel interfaces.

This version doesn't implement dial-on-demand, though PNI-PRO can
implement idle link timeouts using a very precise packet filter


A demo version of TransSys PNI is available via anonymous FTP from:

  FTP.UU.NET:           /vendor/TransSys/TransSys-PNI-1.13.tar.gz
  sonata.cc.purdue.edu: /pub/next/submissions/TransSys-PNI-1.13.tar.gz
  ftp.cs.orst.edu:      /pub/next/submissions/TransSys-PNI-1.13.tar.gz

the copy on FTP.UU.NET will exist until the next release is available,
and should be considered to be the definitive version.  The software
on the Purdue and Oregon State archives will likely move to their
final resting places fairly quickly.  Archive maintainers: please
remove any earlier versions you might have.

The base-SLIP only version is free of charge, just like TransSys
DialUp-IP.  Other capabilities (CSLIP, filtering, tunnels, etc) will
be licensed at an additional charge.

Included is a SLIP-only license key string with no expiration date.
You can request a demo license key to enable CSLIP, packet filtering
and tunnels by sending a request to pni-demo@TransSys.COM requesting a
demonstration license key.

Users of TransSys Dial-Up IP who have purchased a license for the CSLIP
version (prior to August 1, 1994) will have a free (or nominal cost if
media is required) upgrade to TransSys PNI.  Do this to get an automatic
upgrade from Dial-Up IP to PNI:

grep ':' /usr/dialupip/config/keyfile | /usr/ucb/mail -s upgrade info@TransSys.COM


Please read the doc/pni.ps.Z file which contains the documentation for
TransSys PNI.  You should uncompress it and either print the file
(about 90 pages) or view it using the NeXTSTEP Preview application.
There are also a set of ASCII files (in doc/info-files.tar.Z) which
can be extracted and read using the GNU emacs "info" hypertext package
or by just paging through it with a text editor.

Alternatively, if you have Internet connectivity and a WorldWideWeb
browser application, you can examine the URL


to examine the manual (and other information) without having to fetch
the entire package.  This WWW service is experimental, and may change
without notice.

Additional information on TCL and TCL extensions are available in the
files doc/Tcl.ps.Z and doc/TclX.ps.Z.

Comments, suggestions and feature requests can be sent via email to
pni@TransSys.COM.  Users of the PNI package that would like to be
notified of new release and other occasional information should also
drop a message to pni@TransSys.COM to get added to a distribution list
for announcements.

Louis Mamakos
TransSys, Inc.

($Id: README,v 1.10 1994/10/03 03:49:31 louie Exp $)


TransSys PNI 1.13 release			README.floppy
3 October 1994

Software and Documentation is
Copyright 1993, 1994 by TransSys, Inc. and Louis A. Mamakos
All rights reserved.

Before installing this software, be sure to read, understand, and
agree to abide by the TransSys PNI license as specified in the
License.RTF file on the floppy disk.

To install this version of TransSys PNI from floppy disk, you must
first make an uncompressed copy on a local disk.  Perform the following

   cd /tmp
   /usr/bin/gzip -d -c < /PNI/PNI-1.13.tar.gz | tar xfv -

(You should be able to just copy and paste those two lines into a
Terminal or Stuart shell window to accomplish the task.)

This will create a directory, PNI-1.13 with the unpacked distribution
of TransSys PNI.  You should invoke the NEXTSTEP Installer application
(running as root) on /tmp/PNI-1.13/PNI.pkg to actually install the
software.  The other files in the root directory of the floppy disk
are included in the PNI-1.13 directory which was just created in the
step above.

This version of the TransSys PNI release differs slightly from the
version available on the FTP archive sites, in that the ``info''
format documentation files are not included.  This was a sizing
constraint, to allow the distribution to fit entirely on a single
floppy disk.  If you would like a copy of the info files, you can
fetch the distribution using anonymous FTP from FTP.UU.NET in the
/vendor/TransSys directory.

After installing this software, you must register is using the
TransSys PNI-BASIC or TransSys PNI-PRO license key string.  You will
be prompted for this license string during the installation process.
If you didn't specify a license key string, then the PNI software will
be installed in "SLIP-only" demo mode, and it will be necessary to
manually register the license key string.  This can be done by executing
these steps as root after installing the software:

	# mv /etc/pni/keyfile /etc/pni/keyfile.SAVE
	# /etc/pni/pnid -R 'LICENSE-KEY-STRING'

Where 'LICENSE-KEY-STRING' is the license key string as listed in the
documents which accompany the disk.

Questions on the operation of the PNI software can be directed using
email only to pni@TransSys.COM.

Louis Mamakos
TransSys, Inc.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.