
This is StringStorage.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "ARStorage.h"

** StringStorage.h,v 1.4 1992/05/21 22:46:59 nwc Exp
** Copyright (c) 1991 Ronin Consulting, Inc.
** StringStorage is a subclass of Storage designed to store null 
** terminated character strings. Null termination is guaranteed, therefore
** should this object's setStringValue method be called with a (char *)0
** arguement the resulting value from stringValue will be a null terminated
** empty string, i.e. "" not (char *)0.

@interface StringStorage : ARStorage

- init;
- init: (const char *) str;

- setStringValue: (const char *) str;	     /* Set the string value */
- setFStringValue: (const char *)format,...;
- setVStringValue: (const char *)format valist: (va_list) params;

- (const char *) stringValue;		     /* return the string pointer */

- appendStringValue: (const char *)str;	     /* append another string to the strings contents */
- appendFStringValue: (const char *)format,...;
- appendVStringValue: (const char *)format valist: (va_list) params;

- appendCharValue: (char) c;		     /* append a character to the strings contents */

- (int) matchSubstring: (const char *)str;
- (char *) getSubstring: (const char *)str;
- replaceSubstring: (const char *)str with: (const char *)str2;

- (int) strlen;				     /* just (count - 1)...but cleaner */

- (unsigned int)hash;			     /* Provide a hash function */

- empty;				     /* override to ensure null termination */


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