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/*                                                             */
/*  USERFNS.C                                                  */
/*                                                             */
/*  This file contains the routines to support user-defined    */
/*  functions.                                                 */
/*                                                             */
/*  This file is part of REMIND.                               */
/*  Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 by David F. Skoll           */
/*                                                             */
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "err.h"
#include "expr.h"

#define FUNC_HASH_SIZE 32   /* Size of User-defined function hash table */

/* Define the data structure used to hold a user-defined function */
typedef struct udf_struct {
   struct udf_struct *next;
   char name[VAR_NAME_LEN+1];
   char *text;
   Var *locals;
   char IsCached;
   char IsActive;
   int nargs;
} UserFunc;

/* The hash table */
static UserFunc *FuncHash[FUNC_HASH_SIZE];

/* Access to built-in functions */
extern int NumFuncs;
extern Operator Func[];

/* We need access to the expression evaluation stack */
extern Value ValStack[];
extern int ValStackPtr;

PRIVATE void DestroyUserFunc ARGS ((UserFunc *f));
PRIVATE void FUnset ARGS ((char *name));
PRIVATE void FSet ARGS ((UserFunc *f));
PRIVATE int SetUpLocalVars ARGS ((UserFunc *f));
PRIVATE void DestroyLocalVals ARGS ((UserFunc *f));

/*                                                             */
/*  DoFset                                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*  Define a user-defined function - the FSET command.         */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC int DoFset(ParsePtr p)
int DoFset(p)
ParsePtr p;
   int r;
   int c;
   UserFunc *func;
   Var *v;

   /* Get the function name */
   if ( (r=ParseIdentifier(p, TokBuffer)) ) return r;
   if (*TokBuffer == '$') return E_BAD_ID;

   /* Should be followed by '(' */
   c = ParseNonSpaceChar(p, &r, 0);
   if (r) return r;
   if (c != '(') return E_PARSE_ERR;

   func = NEW(UserFunc);
   if (!func) return E_NO_MEM;
   StrnCpy(func->name, TokBuffer, VAR_NAME_LEN);
   if (!Hush) {
      if (FindFunc(TokBuffer, Func, NumFuncs)) {
         Eprint("%s: '%s'", ErrMsg[E_REDEF_FUNC],
   func->locals = NULL;
   func->text = NULL;
   func->IsCached = 1;
   func->IsActive = 0;
   func->nargs = 0;

   /* Get the local variables - we insert the local variables in REVERSE
      order, but that's OK, because we pop them off the stack in reverse
      order, too, so everything works out just fine. */

   c=ParseNonSpaceChar(p, &r, 1);
   if (r) return r;
   if (c == ')') {
      (void) ParseNonSpaceChar(p, &r, 0);
   else {
      while(1) {
	 if ( (r=ParseIdentifier(p, TokBuffer)) ) return r;
         if (*TokBuffer == '$') return E_BAD_ID;
	 v = NEW(Var);
	 v->v.type = ERR_TYPE;
	 if (!v) {
	    return E_NO_MEM;
	 StrnCpy(v->name, TokBuffer, VAR_NAME_LEN);
	 v->next = func->locals;
	 func->locals = v;
	 c = ParseNonSpaceChar(p, &r, 0);
	 if (c == ')') break;
	 else if (c != ',') {
	    return E_PARSE_ERR;

   /* Copy the text over */
   if (p->isnested) {
      Eprint("%s", ErrMsg[E_CANTNEST_FDEF]);
      return E_PARSE_ERR;

   /* A bit of trickery here - if the definition is already cached,
      no point in copying it. */
   if (CurLine != LineBuffer) {
      func->IsCached = 1;
      func->text = p->pos;
   } else {
      func->IsCached = 0;
      func->text = StrDup(p->pos);
      if (!func->text) {
	 return E_NO_MEM;

   /* If an old definition of this function exists, destroy it */

   /* Add the function definition */
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  DestroyUserFunc                                            */
/*                                                             */
/*  Free up all the resources used by a user-defined function. */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE void DestroyUserFunc(UserFunc *f)
static void DestroyUserFunc(f)
UserFunc *f;
   Var *v, *prev;

   /* Free the local variables first */
   v = f->locals;
   while(v) {
      prev = v;
      v = v->next;

   /* Free the function definition */
   if (f->text && !f->IsCached) free(f->text);

   /* Free the data structure itself */

/*                                                             */
/*  FUnset                                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*  Delete the function definition with the given name, if     */
/*  it exists.                                                 */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE void FUnset(char *name)
static void FUnset(name)
char *name;
   UserFunc *cur, *prev;
   int h;

   h = HashVal(name) % FUNC_HASH_SIZE;

   cur = FuncHash[h];
   prev = NULL;
   while(cur) {
      if (! StrinCmp(name, cur->name, VAR_NAME_LEN)) break;
      prev = cur;
      cur = cur->next;
   if (!cur) return;
   if (prev) prev->next = cur->next; else FuncHash[h] = cur->next;

/*                                                             */
/*  FSet                                                       */
/*                                                             */
/*  Insert a user-defined function into the hash table.        */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE void FSet(UserFunc *f)
static void FSet(f)
UserFunc *f;
   int h = HashVal(f->name) % FUNC_HASH_SIZE;
   f->next = FuncHash[h];
   FuncHash[h] = f;

/*                                                             */
/*  CallUserFunc                                               */
/*                                                             */
/*  Call a user-defined function.                              */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC int CallUserFunc(char *name, int nargs)
int CallUserFunc(name, nargs)
char *name;
int nargs;
   UserFunc *f;
   int h = HashVal(name) % FUNC_HASH_SIZE;
   int i;
   char *s;

   /* Search for the function */
   f = FuncHash[h];
   while (f && StrinCmp(name, f->name, VAR_NAME_LEN)) f = f->next;
   if (!f) {
      Eprint("%s: '%s'", ErrMsg[E_UNDEF_FUNC], name);
      return E_UNDEF_FUNC;
   /* Debugging stuff */
   if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR) {
      fprintf(ErrFp, "%s %s(", ErrMsg[E_ENTER_FUN], f->name);
      for (i=0; i<nargs; i++) {
         PrintValue(&ValStack[ValStackPtr - nargs + i], ErrFp);
         if (i<nargs-1) fprintf(ErrFp, ", ");
      fprintf(ErrFp, ")\n");
   /* Detect illegal recursive call */
   if (f->IsActive) {
      if (DebugFlag &DB_PRTEXPR) {
         fprintf(ErrFp, "%s %s() => ", ErrMsg[E_LEAVE_FUN], name);
         fprintf(ErrFp, "%s\n", ErrMsg[E_RECURSIVE]);
      return E_RECURSIVE;
   /* Check number of args */
   if (nargs != f->nargs) {
      if (DebugFlag &DB_PRTEXPR) {
         fprintf(ErrFp, "%s %s() => ", ErrMsg[E_LEAVE_FUN], name);
         fprintf(ErrFp, "%s\n",
	    ErrMsg[(nargs < f->nargs) ? E_2FEW_ARGS : E_2MANY_ARGS]);
      return (nargs < f->nargs) ? E_2FEW_ARGS : E_2MANY_ARGS;
   /* Found the function - set up a local variable frame */
   h = SetUpLocalVars(f);
   if (h) {
      if (DebugFlag &DB_PRTEXPR) {
         fprintf(ErrFp, "%s %s() => ", ErrMsg[E_LEAVE_FUN], name);
         fprintf(ErrFp, "%s\n", ErrMsg[h]);
      return h;

   /* Evaluate the expression */
   f->IsActive = 1;
   s = f->text;

   /* Skip the opening bracket, if there's one */
   while (isspace(*s)) s++;
   if (*s == BEG_OF_EXPR) s++;
   h = Evaluate(&s, f->locals);
   f->IsActive = 0;
   if (DebugFlag &DB_PRTEXPR) {
      fprintf(ErrFp, "%s %s() => ", ErrMsg[E_LEAVE_FUN], name);
      if (h) fprintf(ErrFp, "%s\n", ErrMsg[h]);
      else {
         PrintValue(&ValStack[ValStackPtr-1], ErrFp);
         fprintf(ErrFp, "\n");
   return h;

/*                                                             */
/*  SetUpLocalVars                                             */
/*                                                             */
/*  Set up the local variables from the stack frame.           */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int SetUpLocalVars(UserFunc *f)
static int SetUpLocalVars(f)
UserFunc *f;
   int i, r;
   Var *var;

   for (i=0, var=f->locals; var && i<f->nargs; var=var->next, i++) {
      if ( (r=FnPopValStack(&(var->v))) ) {
	 return r;
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  DestroyLocalVals                                           */
/*                                                             */
/*  Destroy the values of all local variables after evaluating */
/*  the function.                                              */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE void DestroyLocalVals(UserFunc *f)
static void DestroyLocalVals(f)
UserFunc *f;
   Var *v = f->locals;

   while(v) {
      v = v->next;
/*                                                             */
/*  UserFuncExists                                             */
/*                                                             */
/*  Return the number of arguments accepted by the function if */
/*  it is defined, or -1 if it is not defined.                 */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC int UserFuncExists(char *fn)
int UserFuncExists(fn)
char *fn;
   UserFunc *f;
   int h = HashVal(fn) % FUNC_HASH_SIZE;

   f = FuncHash[h];
   while (f && StrinCmp(fn, f->name, VAR_NAME_LEN)) f = f->next;
   if (!f) return -1;
   else return f->nargs;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.