
This is expr.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*                                                             */
/*  EXPR.C                                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*  This file contains routines to parse and evaluate          */
/*  expressions.                                               */
/*                                                             */
/*  Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by David F. Skoll.              */
/*                                                             */

#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "err.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "globals.h"

#define ISID(c) (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_')
#define EQ 0
#define GT 1
#define LT 2
#define GE 3
#define LE 4
#define NE 5

static char ExprBuf[TOKSIZE+1];
static char CoerceBuf[TOKSIZE+1];
extern int NumFuncs;

PRIVATE int Multiply(void), Divide(void), Mod(void), Add(void),
	   Subtract(void), GreaterThan(void), LessThan(void),
	   EqualTo(void), NotEqual(void), LessOrEqual(void),
	   GreaterOrEqual(void), LogAND(void), LogOR(void),
	   UnMinus(void), LogNot(void),
PRIVATE int Multiply(), Divide(), Mod(), Add(),
	   Subtract(), GreaterThan(), LessThan(),
	   EqualTo(), NotEqual(), LessOrEqual(),
	   GreaterOrEqual(), LogAND(), LogOR(),
           UnMinus(), LogNot(), Compare();

PRIVATE int MakeValue ARGS ((char *s, Value *v, Var *locals));
PRIVATE int ParseLiteralDate ARGS ((char **s, int *jul));

/* Binary operators - all left-associative */

/* Make SURE they are sorted lexically... this may die on an EBCDIC
   system... */

Operator BinOp[] = {
   { "!=", 15, BIN_OP, NotEqual },
   { "%", 20, BIN_OP, Mod },
   { "&&", 14, BIN_OP, LogAND },
   { "*", 20, BIN_OP, Multiply },
   { "+", 18, BIN_OP, Add },
   { "-", 18, BIN_OP, Subtract },
   { "/", 20, BIN_OP, Divide },
   { "<", 16, BIN_OP, LessThan },
   { "<=", 16, BIN_OP, LessOrEqual },
   { "==", 15, BIN_OP, EqualTo },
   { ">", 16, BIN_OP, GreaterThan },
   { ">=", 16, BIN_OP, GreaterOrEqual },
   { "||", 12, BIN_OP, LogOR },
#define NUM_BIN_OPS (sizeof(BinOp) / sizeof(Operator))

/* These ones must be sorted too. */
Operator UnOp[] = {
   { "!", 22, UN_OP, LogNot },
   { "-", 22, UN_OP, UnMinus },
#define NUM_UN_OPS (sizeof(UnOp) / sizeof(Operator))

/* Functions have the same definitions as operators, except the prec field
   is used to indicate how many arguments are needed. */
extern Operator Func[];

Operator OpStack[OP_STACK_SIZE];
Value    ValStack[VAL_STACK_SIZE];
int OpStackPtr, ValStackPtr;

/*                                                             */
/*  DebugPerform                                               */
/*                                                             */
/*  Execute an operator or function with debugging.            */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int DebugPerform(Operator *op)
static int DebugPerform(op)
Operator *op;
   int r;

   if (op->type == UN_OP) {
      fprintf(ErrFp, "%s ", op->name);
      PrintValue(&ValStack[ValStackPtr-1], ErrFp);
   } else { /* Must be binary operator */
      PrintValue(&ValStack[ValStackPtr-2], ErrFp);
      fprintf(ErrFp, " %s ", op->name);
      PrintValue(&ValStack[ValStackPtr-1], ErrFp);

   r = (op->func)();
   fprintf(ErrFp, " => ");
   if (!r) {
      PrintValue(&ValStack[ValStackPtr-1], ErrFp);
      putc('\n', ErrFp);
   } else {
      fprintf(ErrFp, "%s\n", ErrMsg[r]);
   return r;

/*                                                             */
/*  CleanStack                                                 */
/*                                                             */
/*  Clean the stack after an error occurs.                     */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE void CleanStack(void)
static void CleanStack()
   int i;

   for (i=0; i<ValStackPtr; i++) DestroyValue(ValStack[i]);
   ValStackPtr = 0;

/*                                                             */
/*  PeekChar - peek ahead to next char.                        */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE char PeekChar(char **s)
static char PeekChar(s)
char **s;
   char *t = *s;
   while (*t && isspace(*t)) t++;
   return *t;

/*                                                             */
/*  ParseExprToken                                             */
/*                                                             */
/*  Read a token.                                              */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int ParseExprToken(char *out, char **in)
static int ParseExprToken(out, in)
char *out;
char **in;

   char c;
   *out = 0;
/* Skip white space */
   while (**in && isspace(**in)) (*in)++;
   if (!**in) return OK;

   *out++ = c = *(*in)++;
   *out = 0;

   switch(c) {
      case COMMA:
      case END_OF_EXPR:
      case '+':
      case '-':
      case '*':
      case '/':
      case '(':
      case ')':
      case '%': return OK;

      case '&':
      case '|':
      case '=': if (**in == c) {
      	      *out++ = c;
      	      *out = 0;
      	   return OK;
      case '!':
      case '>':
      case '<': if (**in == '=') {
      	      *out++ = '=';
      	      *out = 0;
           return OK;

   /* Handle the parsing of quoted strings */
   if (c == '\"') {
      if (!**in) return E_MISS_QUOTE;
      while (**in) if ((c = *out++ = *(*in)++) == '\"') break;
      *out = 0;
      if (c == '\"') return OK ; else return E_MISS_QUOTE;

   /* Dates can be specified with single-quotes */
   if (c == '\'') {
      if (!**in) return E_MISS_QUOTE;
      while (**in) if ((c = *out++ = *(*in)++) == '\'') break;
      *out = 0;
      if (c == '\'') return OK ; else return E_MISS_QUOTE;

   if (!ISID(c) && c != '$') {
      Eprint("%s '%c'", ErrMsg[E_ILLEGAL_CHAR], c);
      return E_ILLEGAL_CHAR;

   /* Parse a constant, variable name or function */
   while (ISID(**in) || **in == ':' || **in == '.' || **in == TIMESEP)
      *out++ = *(*in)++;

   /* Chew up any remaining white space */
   while (**in && isspace(**in)) (*in)++;

   /* Peek ahead - is it '('?  Then we have a function call */
   if (**in == '(') *out++ = *(*in)++;

   *out = 0;
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  EvalExpr                                                   */
/*  Evaluate an expression.  Return 0 if OK, non-zero if error */
/*  Put the result into value pointed to by v.                 */
/*                                                             */
#ifdef HaveProtos
PUBLIC int EvalExpr(char **e, Value *v)
int EvalExpr(e, v)
char **e;
Value *v;
   int r;

   OpStackPtr = 0;
   ValStackPtr = 0;
   r = Evaluate(e, NULL);

   /* Put last character parsed back onto input stream */
   if (*ExprBuf) (*e)--;

   if (r) {
      return r;
   *v = *ValStack;
   ValStack[0].type = ERR_TYPE;
   return r;

/* Evaluate - do the actual work of evaluation. */
PUBLIC int Evaluate(char **s, Var *locals)
int Evaluate(s, locals)
char **s;
Var *locals;
   int OpBase, ValBase;
   int r;
   Operator *f;
   int args; /* Number of function arguments */
   Operator op, op2;
   Value va;
   char *ufname = NULL; /* Stop GCC from complaining about use of uninit var */
   OpBase = OpStackPtr;
   ValBase = ValStackPtr;
   while(1) {
/* Looking for a value.  Accept: value, unary op, func. call or left paren */
      r = ParseExprToken(ExprBuf, s);
      if (r) return r;
      if (!*ExprBuf) return E_EOLN;

      if (*ExprBuf == '(') { /* Parenthesized expression */
	 r = Evaluate(s, locals);  /* Leaves the last parsed token in ExprBuf */
         if (r) return r;
	 if (*ExprBuf != ')') return E_MISS_RIGHT_PAREN;
      } else if (*ExprBuf == '+') continue; /* Ignore unary + */
      else if (*(ExprBuf + strlen(ExprBuf) -1) == '(') { /* Function Call */
	 *(ExprBuf + strlen(ExprBuf) - 1) = 0;
	 f = FindFunc(ExprBuf, Func, NumFuncs);
	 if (!f) {
	    ufname = StrDup(ExprBuf);
	    if (!ufname) return E_NO_MEM;
	 args = 0;
	 if (PeekChar(s) == ')') { /* Function has no arguments */
	    if (f) r = CallFunc(f, 0);
	    else {
	       r = CallUserFunc(ufname, 0);
	    if (r) return r;
	    (void) ParseExprToken(ExprBuf, s); /* Guaranteed to be right paren. */
	 } else { /* Function has some arguments */
	    while(1) {
	       r = Evaluate(s, locals);
	       if (r) {
	          if (!f) free(ufname);
	          return r;
	       if (*ExprBuf == ')') break;
	       else if (*ExprBuf != ',') {
	          if (!f) free(ufname);
 		  Eprint("%s: '%c'", ErrMsg[E_EXPECT_COMMA], *ExprBuf);
	          return E_EXPECT_COMMA;
	    if (f) r = CallFunc(f, args);
	    else {
	       r = CallUserFunc(ufname, args);
	    if (r) return r;
      } else { /* Unary operator */
	 f = FindFunc(ExprBuf, UnOp, NUM_UN_OPS);
         if (f) {
	    continue;  /* Still looking for an atomic vlue */
	 } else if (!ISID(*ExprBuf) && *ExprBuf != '$' 
	            && *ExprBuf != '"' && *ExprBuf != '\'') {
            Eprint("%s '%c'", ErrMsg[E_ILLEGAL_CHAR], *ExprBuf);
	    return E_ILLEGAL_CHAR;
	 } else { /* Must be a literal value */
	    r = MakeValue(ExprBuf, &va, locals);
	    if (r) return r;
/* OK, we've got a literal value; now, we're looking for the end of the
      expression, or a binary operator. */
      r = ParseExprToken(ExprBuf, s);
      if (r) return r;
      if (*ExprBuf == 0 || *ExprBuf == ',' || *ExprBuf == ']' || *ExprBuf == ')') {
   /* We've hit the end of the expression.  Pop off and evaluate until
         OpStackPtr = OpBase and ValStackPtr = ValBase+1 */
         while (OpStackPtr > OpBase) {
	    if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR)
  	    if (r) {
	       Eprint("'%s': %s", op.name, ErrMsg[r]);
	       return r;
         if (ValStackPtr != ValBase+1) return E_STACK_ERR; else return OK;
      /* Must be a binary operator */
      f = FindFunc(ExprBuf, BinOp, NUM_BIN_OPS);
      if (!f) return E_EXPECTING_BINOP;

      /* While operators of higher or equal precedence are on the stack,
         pop them off and evaluate */
      while (OpStackPtr > OpBase && OpStack[OpStackPtr-1].prec >= f->prec) {
         if (r) return r;
	 if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR)
	 if (r) {
	    Eprint("'%s': %s", op2.name, ErrMsg[r]);
	    return r;
/*                                                             */
/*  MakeValue                                                  */
/*  Generate a literal value.  It's either a string, a number, */
/*  a date or the value of a symbol.                           */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int MakeValue(char *s, Value *v, Var *locals)
static int MakeValue(s, v, locals)
char *s;
Value *v;
Var *locals;
   int len;
   int h, m, r;

   if (*s == '\"') { /* It's a literal string */
      len = strlen(s)-1;
      v->type = STR_TYPE;
      v->v.str = (char *) malloc(len);
      if (! v->v.str) {
         v->type = ERR_TYPE;
         return E_NO_MEM;
      strncpy(v->v.str, s+1, len-1);
      *(v->v.str+len-1) = 0;
      return OK;
   } else if (*s == '\'') { /* It's a literal date */
      if ((r=ParseLiteralDate(&s, &h))) return r;
      if (*s != '\'') return E_BAD_DATE;
      v->type = DATE_TYPE;
      v->v.val = h;
      return OK;
   } else if (isdigit(*s)) { /* It's a number - use len to hold it.*/
      len = 0;
      while (*s && isdigit(*s)) {
         len *= 10;
         len += (*s++ - '0');
      if (*s == ':' || *s == '.' || *s == TIMESEP) { /* Must be a literal time */
	 if (!isdigit(*s)) return E_BAD_TIME;
	 h = len;
	 m = 0;
	 while (isdigit(*s)) {
	    m *= 10;
	    m += *s - '0';
	 if (*s || h>23 || m>59) return E_BAD_TIME;
	 v->type = TIM_TYPE;
	 v->v.val = h*60 + m;
	 return OK;
      /* Not a time - must be a number */
      if (*s) return E_BAD_NUMBER;
      v->type = INT_TYPE;
      v->v.val = len;
      return OK;
   } else if (*s == '$') { /* A system variable */
     if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR)
        fprintf(ErrFp, "%s => ", s);
     r = GetSysVar(s+1, v);
     if (! (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR)) return r;
     if (r == OK) {
        PrintValue(v, ErrFp);
	putc('\n', ErrFp);
     return r;
   } else /* Must be a symbol */
     if (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR)
        fprintf(ErrFp, "%s => ", s);
     r = GetVarValue(s, v, locals);
     if (! (DebugFlag & DB_PRTEXPR)) return r;
     if (r == OK) {
        PrintValue(v, ErrFp);
	putc('\n', ErrFp);
     return r;

/*                                                             */
/*  DoCoerce - actually coerce a value to the specified type.  */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC int DoCoerce(char type, Value *v)
int DoCoerce(type, v)
char type;
Value *v;
   int h, d, m, y, i;
   char *s;
   /* Do nothing if value is already the right type */
   if (type == v->type) return OK;
   switch(type) {
      case STR_TYPE:
         switch(v->type) {
            case INT_TYPE: sprintf(CoerceBuf, "%d", v->v.val); break;
            case TIM_TYPE: sprintf(CoerceBuf, "%02d%c%02d", v->v.val / 60, 
				   TIMESEP, v->v.val % 60);
	    case DATE_TYPE: FromJulian(v->v.val, &y, &m, &d);
			    sprintf(CoerceBuf, "%04d%c%02d%c%02d",
				    y, DATESEP, m+1, DATESEP, d);
            default: return E_CANT_COERCE;
         v->type = STR_TYPE;
	 v->v.str = StrDup(CoerceBuf);
	 if (!v->v.str) {
	    v->type = ERR_TYPE;
	    return E_NO_MEM;
	 return OK;

      case INT_TYPE:
	 i = 0;
	 m = 1;
	 switch(v->type) {
	    case STR_TYPE:
	       s = v->v.str;
	       if (*s == '-') {
		  m = -1;
	       while(*s && isdigit(*s)) {
                  i *= 10;
                  i += (*s++) - '0';
               if (*s) {
		  free (v->v.str);
                  v->type = ERR_TYPE;
                  return E_CANT_COERCE;
               v->type = INT_TYPE;
	       v->v.val = i * m;
	       return OK;

	    case DATE_TYPE:
	    case TIM_TYPE:
	       v->type = INT_TYPE;
	       return OK;

            default: return E_CANT_COERCE;

      case DATE_TYPE:
	 switch(v->type) {
	    case INT_TYPE:
	       if(v->v.val >= 0) {
		  v->type = DATE_TYPE;
		  return OK;
	       } else return E_2LOW;

	    case STR_TYPE:
	       s = v->v.str;
	       if (ParseLiteralDate(&s, &i)) return E_CANT_COERCE;
	       if (*s) return E_CANT_COERCE;
	       v->type = DATE_TYPE;
	       v->v.val = i;
	       return OK;

	    default: return E_CANT_COERCE;

      case TIM_TYPE:
	 switch(v->type) {
	    case INT_TYPE:
	       v->type = TIM_TYPE;
	       v->v.val %= 1440;
	       if (v->v.val < 0) v->v.val += 1440;
	       return OK;

	    case STR_TYPE:
	       h = 0;
	       m = 0;
	       s = v->v.str;
	       if (!isdigit(*s)) return E_CANT_COERCE;
	       while (isdigit(*s)) {
		  h *= 10;
		  h += *s++ - '0';
	       if (*s != ':' && *s != '.' && *s != TIMESEP)
	          return E_CANT_COERCE;
	       if (!isdigit(*s)) return E_CANT_COERCE;
	       while (isdigit(*s)) {
		  m *= 10;
		  m += *s++ - '0';
	       if (*s || h>23 || m>59) return E_CANT_COERCE;
	       v->type = TIM_TYPE;
	       v->v.val = h*60+m;
	       return OK;

	    default: return E_CANT_COERCE;
      default: return E_CANT_COERCE;

/*                                                             */
/*  Add                                                        */
/*                                                             */
/*  Perform addition.                                          */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int Add(void)
static int Add()
   Value v1, v2, v3;
   int r;
   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;
/* If both are ints, just add 'em */
   if (v2.type == INT_TYPE && v1.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v2.v.val += v1.v.val;
      return OK;

/* If it's a date plus an int, add 'em */
   if ((v1.type == DATE_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) ||
       (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == DATE_TYPE)) {
      v1.v.val += v2.v.val;
      if (v1.v.val < 0) return E_DATE_OVER;
      v1.type = DATE_TYPE;
      return OK;
/* If it's a time plus an int, add 'em mod 1440 */
   if ((v1.type == TIM_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) ||
       (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == TIM_TYPE)) {
      v1.v.val = (v1.v.val + v2.v.val) % 1440;
      if (v1.v.val < 0) v1.v.val += 1440;
      v1.type = TIM_TYPE;
      return OK;

/* If either is a string, coerce them both to strings and concatenate */
   if (v1.type == STR_TYPE || v2.type == STR_TYPE) {
      if ( (r = DoCoerce(STR_TYPE, &v1)) ) {
      	 DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
         return r;
      if ( (r = DoCoerce(STR_TYPE, &v2)) ) {
      	 DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
      	 return r;
      v3.type = STR_TYPE;
      v3.v.str = (char *) malloc(strlen(v1.v.str) + strlen(v2.v.str) + 1);
      if (!v3.v.str) {
      	 DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
	 return E_NO_MEM;
      strcpy(v3.v.str, v1.v.str);
      strcat(v3.v.str, v2.v.str);
      DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
      return OK;

   /* Don't handle other types yet */
   return E_BAD_TYPE;
/*                                                             */
/*  Subtract                                                   */
/*                                                             */
/*  Perform subtraction.                                       */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int Subtract(void)
static int Subtract()
   Value v1, v2;
   int r;
   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

   /* If they're both INTs, do subtraction */
   if (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v1.v.val -= v2.v.val;
      return OK;

   /* If it's a date minus an int, do subtraction, checking for underflow */
   if (v1.type == DATE_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v1.v.val -= v2.v.val;
      if (v1.v.val < 0) return E_DATE_OVER;
      return OK;

   /* If it's a time minus an int, do subtraction mod 1440 */
   if (v1.type == TIM_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v1.v.val = (v1.v.val - v2.v.val) % 1440;
      if (v1.v.val < 0) v1.v.val += 1440;
      return OK;

   /* If it's a time minus a time or a date minus a date, do it */
   if ((v1.type == TIM_TYPE && v2.type == TIM_TYPE) ||
       (v1.type == DATE_TYPE && v2.type == DATE_TYPE)) {
      v1.v.val -= v2.v.val;
      v1.type = INT_TYPE;
      return OK;

   /* Must be types illegal for subtraction */
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return E_BAD_TYPE;

/*                                                             */
/*  Multiply                                                   */
/*                                                             */
/*  Perform multiplication.                                    */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int Multiply(void)
static int Multiply()
   Value v1, v2;
   int r;

   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

   if (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v1.v.val *= v2.v.val;
      return OK;
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return E_BAD_TYPE;

/*                                                             */
/*  Divide                                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*  Perform division.                                          */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int Divide(void)
static int Divide()
   Value v1, v2;
   int r;

   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

   if (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      if (v2.v.val == 0) return E_DIV_ZERO;
      v1.v.val /= v2.v.val;
      return OK;
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return E_BAD_TYPE;

/*                                                             */
/*  Mod                                                        */
/*                                                             */
/*  Perform modulus function.                                  */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int Mod(void)
static int Mod()
   Value v1, v2;
   int r;

   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

   if (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      if (v2.v.val == 0) return E_DIV_ZERO;
      v1.v.val %= v2.v.val;
      return OK;
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return E_BAD_TYPE;

/*                                                             */
/*  GreaterThan, LessThan, EqualTo, NotEqual, LessOrEqual,     */
/*  GreaterOrEqual                                             */
/*                                                             */
/*  All the comparison functions.                              */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int GreaterThan(void) {return Compare(GT);}
PRIVATE int LessThan(void) {return Compare(LT);}
PRIVATE int EqualTo(void) {return Compare(EQ);}
PRIVATE int NotEqual(void) {return Compare(NE);}
PRIVATE int LessOrEqual(void) {return Compare(LE);}
PRIVATE int GreaterOrEqual(void) {return Compare(GE);}
static int GreaterThan() {return Compare(GT);}
static int LessThan() {return Compare(LT);}
static int EqualTo() {return Compare(EQ);}
static int NotEqual() {return Compare(NE);}
static int LessOrEqual() {return Compare(LE);}
static int GreaterOrEqual() {return Compare(GE);}

/*                                                             */
/*  Compare                                                    */
/*  Do the actual work of comparison.                          */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int Compare(int how)
static int Compare(how)
int how;
   Value v1, v2, v3;
   int r;

   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

/* Special case for EQ and NE */

   v3.type = INT_TYPE;
   if (v1.type != v2.type) {
      DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
      if (how == EQ) {
         v3.v.val = 0;
         return OK;
      } else if (how == NE) {
         v3.v.val = 1;
         return OK;
      } else return E_BAD_TYPE;

   if (v1.type == STR_TYPE) {
      switch(how) {
         case EQ: v3.v.val = (strcmp(v1.v.str, v2.v.str) == 0); break;
         case NE: v3.v.val = (strcmp(v1.v.str, v2.v.str) != 0); break;
         case LT: v3.v.val = (strcmp(v1.v.str, v2.v.str) < 0); break;
         case GT: v3.v.val = (strcmp(v1.v.str, v2.v.str) > 0); break;
         case LE: v3.v.val = (strcmp(v1.v.str, v2.v.str) <= 0); break;
         case GE: v3.v.val = (strcmp(v1.v.str, v2.v.str) >= 0); break;
   } else {
      switch(how) {
         case EQ: v3.v.val = (v1.v.val == v2.v.val); break;
         case NE: v3.v.val = (v1.v.val != v2.v.val); break;
         case LT: v3.v.val = (v1.v.val < v2.v.val); break;
         case GT: v3.v.val = (v1.v.val > v2.v.val); break;
         case LE: v3.v.val = (v1.v.val <= v2.v.val); break;
         case GE: v3.v.val = (v1.v.val >= v2.v.val); break;
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  LogOR                                                      */
/*                                                             */
/*  Do logical OR                                              */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int LogOR(void)
static int LogOR()
   Value v1, v2;
   int r;

   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

   if (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v1.v.val = (v1.v.val || v2.v.val) ? 1 : 0;
      return OK;
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return E_BAD_TYPE;

/*                                                             */
/*  LogAND                                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*  Do logical AND                                             */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int LogAND(void)
static int LogAND()
   Value v1, v2;
   int r;

   if ( (r = FnPopValStack(&v1)) ) {
      return r;

   if (v1.type == INT_TYPE && v2.type == INT_TYPE) {
      v1.v.val = (v1.v.val && v2.v.val) ? 1 : 0;
      return OK;
   DestroyValue(v1); DestroyValue(v2);
   return E_BAD_TYPE;

/*                                                             */
/*  UnMinus                                                    */
/*                                                             */
/*  Unary Minus                                                */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int UnMinus(void)
static int UnMinus()
   Value *v = &ValStack[ValStackPtr-1];
   if (v->type != INT_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
   v->v.val = -v->v.val;
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  LogNot                                                     */
/*                                                             */
/*  Logical NOT                                                */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int LogNot(void)
static int LogNot()
   Value *v = &ValStack[ValStackPtr-1];
   if (v->type != INT_TYPE) return E_BAD_TYPE;
   if (v->v.val) v->v.val = 0; else v->v.val = 1;
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  FindFunc                                                   */
/*                                                             */
/*  Find a function.                                           */
/*                                                             */
Operator *FindFunc(char *name, Operator where[], int num)
Operator *FindFunc(name, where, num)
char *name;
Operator where[];
int num;
   int top=num-1, bot=0;
   int mid, r;
   while (top >= bot) {
      mid = (top + bot) / 2;
      r = StrCmpi(name, where[mid].name);
      if (!r) return &where[mid];
      else if (r > 0) bot = mid+1;
      else top = mid-1;
   return NULL;
/*                                                             */
/*  PrintValue                                                 */
/*                                                             */
/*  Print a value to stdout for debugging purposes.            */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC void PrintValue (Value *v, FILE *fp)
void PrintValue(v, fp)
Value *v;
FILE *fp;
   int y, m, d;
   char *s;

   if (v->type == STR_TYPE) {
      putc('"', fp);
      for (y=0; y<MAX_PRT_LEN && *s; y++) putc(*s++, fp);
      if (*s) fprintf(fp, "...");
   else if (v->type == INT_TYPE) fprintf(fp, "%d", v->v.val);
   else if (v->type == TIM_TYPE) fprintf(fp, "%02d%c%02d", v->v.val / 60, 
					 TIMESEP, v->v.val % 60);
   else if (v->type == DATE_TYPE) {
      FromJulian(v->v.val, &y, &m, &d);
      fprintf(fp, "%04d%c%02d%c%02d", y, DATESEP, m+1, DATESEP, d);
   else fprintf(fp, "ERR");

/*                                                             */
/*  CopyValue                                                  */
/*                                                             */
/*  Copy a value.                                              */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC int CopyValue(Value *dest, const Value *src)
int CopyValue(dest, src)
Value *dest, *src;
   dest->type = ERR_TYPE;
   if (src->type == STR_TYPE) {
      dest->v.str = StrDup(src->v.str);
      if (!dest->v.str) return E_NO_MEM;
   } else {
      dest->v.val = src->v.val;
   dest->type = src->type;
   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  ParseLiteralDate                                           */
/*                                                             */
/*  Parse a literal date.  Return result in jul, update s.     */
/*                                                             */
PRIVATE int ParseLiteralDate(char **s, int *jul)
static int ParseLiteralDate(s, jul)
char **s;
int *jul;
   int y, m, d;

   y=0; m=0; d=0;

   if (!isdigit(**s)) return E_BAD_DATE;
   while (isdigit(**s)) {
      y *= 10;
      y += *(*s)++ - '0';
   if (**s != '/' && **s != '-' && **s != DATESEP) return E_BAD_DATE;
   if (!isdigit(**s)) return E_BAD_DATE;
   while (isdigit(**s)) {
      m *= 10;
      m += *(*s)++ - '0';
   if (**s != '/' && **s != '-' && **s != DATESEP) return E_BAD_DATE;
   if (!isdigit(**s)) return E_BAD_DATE;
   while (isdigit(**s)) {
      d *= 10;
      d += *(*s)++ - '0';
   if (!DateOK(y, m, d)) return E_BAD_DATE;
   *jul = Julian(y, m, d);

   return OK;

/*                                                             */
/*  FnPopValStack                                              */
/*                                                             */
/*  Pop a value from the value stack - implemented as a        */
/*  function for situations where we don't want an immediate   */
/*  return upon failure.                                       */
/*                                                             */
PUBLIC int FnPopValStack(Value *val)
int FnPopValStack(val)
Value *val;
   if (ValStackPtr <= 0)
      return E_VA_STK_UNDER;
   else {
      *val = ValStack[--ValStackPtr];
      return OK;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.