This is dosubst.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/***************************************************************/ /* */ /* DOSUBST.C */ /* */ /* This performs all the "%" substitution functions when */ /* reminders are triggered. */ /* */ /* This file is part of REMIND. */ /* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 by David F. Skoll. */ /* */ /***************************************************************/ #define L_IN_DOSUBST #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include <stdlib.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H #include <malloc.h> #endif #include "globals.h" #include "err.h" #include "types.h" #include "protos.h" #define UPPER(c) (islower(c) ? toupper(c) : c) #define ABS(x) ( (x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x) ) #ifndef NL #define NL "\n" #endif static char TODAY[] = L_TODAY; static char TOMORROW[] = L_TOMORROW; /***************************************************************/ /* */ /* DoSubst */ /* */ /* Process the % escapes in the reminder. If */ /* mode==NORMAL_MODE, ignore the %" sequence. If */ /* mode==CAL_MODE, process the %" sequence. */ /* */ /***************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS PUBLIC int DoSubst(ParsePtr p, char *out, Trigger *t, TimeTrig *tt, int jul, int mode) #else int DoSubst(p, out, t, tt, jul, mode) ParsePtr p; char *out; Trigger *t; TimeTrig *tt; int jul, mode; #endif { int diff = jul - JulianToday; int curtime = SystemTime(0) / 60; int err, done; int c; int d, m, y; int tim = tt->ttime; int h, min, hh, ch, cmin, chh; char *pm, *cpm; int tdiff, adiff, mdiff, hdiff; char *mplu, *hplu, *when, *plu; int has_quote = 0; char *s = out; char *os; FromJulian(jul, &y, &m, &d); if (tim == NO_TIME) tim = curtime; tdiff = tim - curtime; adiff = ABS(tdiff); mdiff = adiff % 60; hdiff = adiff / 60; mplu = (mdiff == 1 ? "" : L_MPLU); hplu = (hdiff == 1 ? "" : L_HPLU); when = (tdiff < 0 ? L_AGO : L_FROMNOW); h = tim / 60; min = tim % 60; #ifdef L_AMPM_OVERRIDE L_AMPM_OVERRIDE (pm, h) #else pm = (h < 12) ? L_AM : L_PM; #endif hh = (h == 12) ? 12 : h % 12; ch = curtime / 60; cmin = curtime % 60; #ifdef L_AMPM_OVERRIDE L_AMPM_OVERRIDE (cpm, ch) #else cpm = (ch < 12) ? L_AM : L_PM; #endif chh = (ch == 12) ? 12 : ch % 12; #ifdef L_ORDINAL_OVERRIDE L_ORDINAL_OVERRIDE #else switch(d) { case 1: case 21: case 31: plu = "st"; break; case 2: case 22: plu = "nd"; break; case 3: case 23: plu = "rd"; break; default: plu = "th"; break; } #endif while(1) { c = ParseChar(p, &err, 0); if (err) return err; if (c == '\n') continue; if (!c) { if (mode != CAL_MODE && t->typ != RUN_TYPE && !MsgCommand) *s++ = '\n'; *s++ = 0; break; } if (c != '%') { *s++ = c; continue; } c = ParseChar(p, &err, 0); if (err) return err; if (!c) { *s++ = 0; break; } os = s; done = 0; if (diff <= 1) { switch(UPPER(c)) { #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_A case 'A': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_B case 'B': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_C case 'C': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_E case 'E': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_F case 'F': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_G case 'G': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_H case 'H': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_I case 'I': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_J case 'J': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_K case 'K': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_L case 'L': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_U case 'U': #endif #ifndef L_NOTOMORROW_V case 'V': #endif sprintf(s, "%s", (diff ? TOMORROW : TODAY)); s += strlen(s); done = 1; break; default: done = 0; } } if (!done) switch(UPPER(c)) { case 'A': #ifdef L_A_OVER L_A_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s, %d %s, %d", L_ON, DayName[jul%7], d, MonthName[m], y); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'B': #ifdef L_B_OVER L_B_OVER #else sprintf(s, L_INXDAYS, diff); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'C': #ifdef L_C_OVER L_C_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s", L_ON, DayName[jul%7]); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'D': #ifdef L_D_OVER L_D_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", d); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'E': #ifdef L_E_OVER L_E_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %02d%c%02d%c%04d", L_ON, d, DATESEP, m+1, DATESEP, y); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'F': #ifdef L_F_OVER L_F_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %02d%c%02d%c%04d", L_ON, m+1, DATESEP, d, DATESEP, y); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'G': #ifdef L_G_OVER L_G_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s, %d %s", L_ON, DayName[jul%7], d, MonthName[m]); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'H': #ifdef L_H_OVER L_H_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %02d%c%02d", L_ON, d, DATESEP, m+1); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'I': #ifdef L_I_OVER L_I_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %02d%c%02d", L_ON, m+1, DATESEP, d); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'J': #ifdef L_J_OVER L_J_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s, %s %d%s, %d", L_ON, DayName[jul%7], MonthName[m], d, plu, y); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'K': #ifdef L_K_OVER L_K_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s, %s %d%s", L_ON, DayName[jul%7], MonthName[m], d, plu); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'L': #ifdef L_L_OVER L_L_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %04d%c%02d%c%02d", L_ON, y, DATESEP, m+1, DATESEP, d); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'M': #ifdef L_M_OVER L_M_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s", MonthName[m]); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'N': #ifdef L_N_OVER L_N_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", m+1); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'O': #ifdef L_O_OVER L_O_OVER #else if (RealToday == JulianToday) sprintf(s, " (%s)", L_TODAY); else *s = 0; #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'P': #ifdef L_P_OVER L_P_OVER #else sprintf(s, (diff == 1 ? "" : L_PLURAL)); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'Q': #ifdef L_Q_OVER L_Q_OVER #else sprintf(s, (diff == 1 ? "'s" : "s'")); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'R': #ifdef L_R_OVER L_R_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%02d", d); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'S': #ifdef L_S_OVER L_S_OVER #else sprintf(s, plu); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'T': #ifdef L_T_OVER L_T_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%02d", m+1); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'U': #ifdef L_U_OVER L_U_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s, %d%s %s, %d", L_ON, DayName[jul%7], d, plu, MonthName[m], y); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'V': #ifdef L_V_OVER L_V_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %s, %d%s %s", L_ON, DayName[jul%7], d, plu, MonthName[m]); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'W': #ifdef L_W_OVER L_W_OVER #else sprintf(s, DayName[jul%7]); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'X': #ifdef L_X_OVER L_X_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", diff); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'Y': #ifdef L_Y_OVER L_Y_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", y); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case 'Z': #ifdef L_Z_OVER L_Z_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", y % 100); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '1': #ifdef L_1_OVER L_1_OVER #else if (tdiff == 0) sprintf(s, L_NOW); else if (hdiff == 0) sprintf(s, "%d %s%s %s", mdiff, L_MINUTE, mplu, when); else if (mdiff == 0) sprintf(s, "%d %s%s %s", hdiff, L_HOUR, hplu, when); else sprintf(s, "%d %s%s %s %d %s%s %s", hdiff, L_HOUR, hplu, L_AND, mdiff, L_MINUTE, mplu, when); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '2': #ifdef L_2_OVER L_2_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %d%c%02d%s", L_AT, hh, TIMESEP, min, pm); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '3': #ifdef L_3_OVER L_3_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%s %02d%c%02d", L_AT, h, TIMESEP, min); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '4': #ifdef L_4_OVER L_4_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", tdiff); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '5': #ifdef L_5_OVER L_5_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", adiff); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '6': #ifdef L_6_OVER L_6_OVER #else sprintf(s, when); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '7': #ifdef L_7_OVER L_7_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", hdiff); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '8': #ifdef L_8_OVER L_8_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d", mdiff); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '9': #ifdef L_9_OVER L_9_OVER #else sprintf(s, mplu); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '0': #ifdef L_0_OVER L_0_OVER #else sprintf(s, hplu); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '!': #ifdef L_BANG_OVER L_BANG_OVER #else sprintf(s, (tdiff >= 0 ? L_IS : L_WAS)); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '@': #ifdef L_AT_OVER L_AT_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%d%c%02d%s", chh, TIMESEP, cmin, cpm); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '#': #ifdef L_HASH_OVER L_HASH_OVER #else sprintf(s, "%02d%c%02d", ch, TIMESEP, cmin); #endif s += strlen(s); break; case '_': if (mode != CAL_MODE && !MsgCommand) sprintf(s, "%s", NL); else sprintf(s, " "); s += strlen(s); break; case QUOTE_MARKER: /* Swallow any QUOTE_MARKERs which may somehow creep in... */ break; case '"': *s++ = QUOTE_MARKER; has_quote = 1; break; default: *s++ = c; } if (isupper(c)) *os = UPPER(*os); } /* We're outside the big while loop. The only way to get here is for c to be null. Now we go through and delete %" sequences, if it's the NORMAL_MODE, or retain only things within a %" sequence if it's the CAL_MODE. */ /* If there are NO quotes, then: If CAL_MODE && RUN_TYPE, we don't want the reminder in the calendar. Zero the output buffer and quit. */ if (!has_quote) { if (mode == CAL_MODE && t->typ == RUN_TYPE) *out = 0; return OK; } /* There ARE quotes. If in CAL_MODE, delete everything before first quote and after second quote. If in NORMAL_MODE, delete the %" sequences. */ s = out; os = out; if (mode == NORMAL_MODE) { while (*s) { if (*s != QUOTE_MARKER) *os++ = *s; s++; } *os = 0; } else { /* Skip past the quote marker */ while (*s && (*s != QUOTE_MARKER)) s++; /* Security check... actually, *s must == QUOTE_MARKER at this point, but it doesn't hurt to make it a bit robust. */ if (*s) s++; /* Copy the output until the next QUOTE_MARKER */ while (*s && (*s != QUOTE_MARKER)) *os++ = *s++; *os = 0; } return OK; } /***************************************************************/ /* */ /* DoSubstFromString */ /* */ /* DoSubst consumes input from a parser. This function */ /* consumes characters from a string. It also provides */ /* default triggers and a mode of NORMAL_MODE. */ /* */ /***************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_PROTOS PUBLIC int DoSubstFromString(char *source, char *dest, int jul, int tim) #else int DoSubstFromString(source, dest, jul, tim) char *source; char *dest; int jul; int tim; #endif { Trigger tempTrig; TimeTrig tempTime; Parser tempP; int r; if (jul == NO_DATE) jul=JulianToday; if (tim == NO_TIME) tim=SystemTime(0)/60; CreateParser(source, &tempP); tempP.allownested = 0; tempTrig.typ = MSG_TYPE; tempTime.ttime = tim; r = DoSubst(&tempP, dest, &tempTrig, &tempTime, jul, NORMAL_MODE); DestroyParser(&tempP); return r; }
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