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/* * atcenv.c * Write out amplitude envelope of an ATC-compressed soundfile. */ #import <libc.h> #import <stdio.h> #import <math.h> #import <sound/sound.h> static void fails(char *s, char *s2) { fprintf(stderr, "atcenv: "); /* error message */ if (s2) fprintf(stderr,s,s2); else fprintf(stderr,s); fprintf(stderr,"\n\n"); exit(1); /* error exit */ } void main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int j; int err, nchans, inDataBytes; SNDSoundStruct *sndin; SNDCompressionSubheader *subheader = NULL; SNDSoundStruct *envsoundout; unsigned char *sp,*data; short *ep,*edata; int nsamps,nsampsPH; int frame_size; short amp,frame_exp; int frameNumber; if (argc != 3 && argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s - write out amplitude envelope of an ATC-compressed soundfile\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s atc_format_in.snd [envelope_out.snd]\n\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } /* * Input sound file */ err = SNDReadSoundfile(argv[1], &sndin); if (err) fails("Cannot read soundfile: %s", argv[1]); nchans = sndin->channelCount; if (sndin->dataFormat != SND_FORMAT_COMPRESSED) fails("Input soundfile must be ATC format",NULL); if (sndin->dataSize <= sizeof(SNDCompressionSubheader)) fails("Compressed soundfile is bad",NULL); subheader = (SNDCompressionSubheader *) ((char *)sndin + sndin->dataLocation); if(subheader->method != SND_CFORMAT_ATC) fails("Input soundfile must be ATC format",NULL); nsamps = subheader->originalSize / sizeof(short); nsampsPH = nsamps + sndin->dataLocation; data = (unsigned char *)subheader + sizeof(SNDCompressionSubheader); inDataBytes = sndin->dataSize - sizeof(SNDCompressionSubheader); /* This is probably a no-op in all current cases but provides some * hope of working on future architectures. */ SNDSwapSoundToHost(data, data, inDataBytes / sizeof(short) * nchans, nchans, sndin->dataFormat); envsoundout = (SNDSoundStruct *)malloc(subheader->originalSize + sndin->dataLocation); sndin->dataSize = subheader->originalSize; sndin->dataFormat = SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16; sp = data; ep = edata = (short *)envsoundout; /* zeroed header was compressed */ frameNumber = 0; while (++frameNumber) { if ( (sp - data) >= inDataBytes) break; frame_size = *sp; frame_exp = *(sp+1); sp += frame_size; amp = (32767 >> frame_exp); fprintf(stderr,"Frame %d amp = %d,\tlength = %d\n", 1 + (frameNumber-1)/nchans, amp, frame_size); if ((ep + ATC_FRAME_SIZE -edata) > nsampsPH) { fprintf(stderr,"Soundout overflow at sp-data = %d " "and inDataBytes = %d\n", (int)(sp-data),inDataBytes); fprintf(stderr,"Have ep-envsoundout = %d and nsampsPH = %d\n", (int)(ep - edata),nsampsPH); break; } for (j=0; j<ATC_FRAME_SIZE; j++) *ep++ = amp; if ((ep - edata) >= nsampsPH) break; } /* copy header and info, overwriting compressed zeroed header */ bcopy((char *) sndin, (char *) envsoundout, sndin->dataLocation); /* * Output sound file */ if (argc == 3) { printf("Writing output file %s\n", argv[2]); ep = (short *) ((char *) envsoundout + envsoundout->dataLocation); nsamps = envsoundout->dataSize / (sizeof(short) * envsoundout->channelCount); SNDSwapHostToSound(ep, ep, nsamps, nchans, envsoundout->dataFormat); if (SNDWriteSoundfile(argv[2], envsoundout)) fails("could not write output file '%s'",argv[2]); } exit(0); }
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