
This is smsSynthDet.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *    main program for smsSynthDet
#import <sound/sound.h>
#include "../sms.h"
#define USAGE "Usage: smsSynthDet [-s samplingRate] <inputSmsFile> <outputSoundFile>"

void main (int argc, char *argv[])
	char *pChInputSmsFile = NULL, *pChOutputSoundFile = NULL;
	SMSHeader *pSmsHeader;
	SNDSoundStruct *pSoundHeader;
	char *pData;
	SMS_DATA smsData;
	short *pSSynthesis;
	int iError, sizeHop, iRecord, i;
	float fSamplingRate = SND_RATE_HIGH;
	SYNTH_PARAMS synthParams;
	float *pFBuffer;

	initSms (&smsData);
	initSms (&synthParams.previousFrame);
	synthParams.iSynthesisType = 1;

	if (argc > 3) 
		for (i=1; i<argc-2; i++) 
			if (*(argv[i]++) == '-') 
				switch (*(argv[i]++)) 
					case 's':  if (sscanf(argv[i],"%f",&fSamplingRate) < 1)
						quit("Invalid sampling rate");
					case 'd': synthParams.iSynthesisType = 1;
					case 'n': synthParams.iSynthesisType = 2;
					default:   quit(USAGE);
	else if (argc < 2)
		quit (USAGE);

	pChInputSmsFile = argv[argc-2];
	pChOutputSoundFile = argv[argc-1];
	if ((iError = readSmsFile (pChInputSmsFile, &pSmsHeader)) < 0)
		if (iError == SMS_NOPEN)
			quit ("cannot open input file");
		if (iError == SMS_RDERR)
			quit ("read error in input file");
		if (iError == SMS_NSMS)
			quit("the input file not an SMS file");
		if (iError == SMS_MALLOC)
			quit ("cannot allocate memory for input file");
		quit ("error reading input file");
	synthParams.fOriginalSRate = pSmsHeader->fOriginalSRate;
	synthParams.iStochasticType = pSmsHeader->iStochasticType;
	pData = (char *) pSmsHeader + pSmsHeader->iHeadBSize;
	if (fSamplingRate == 44100.0 && 
	    synthParams.fOriginalSRate == 44100.0)
		FSamplingRate = SND_RATE_HIGH;
		FSamplingRate = SND_RATE_LOW;
		fprintf(stderr, "Sampling Rate set to 22050 Hz\n");
	synthParams.fSamplingRate = FSamplingRate;
	FHalfSamplingRate = FSamplingRate / 2;

	sizeHop = FSamplingRate / pSmsHeader->iFrameRate;
	pFBuffer = (float *) calloc(sizeHop, sizeof(float));

	/* prepare sine table only the first time */
	if (pFSTab == NULL)
		PrepSine (4096);

	if ((iError = SNDAlloc (&pSoundHeader, 
	                        pSmsHeader->nRecords * sizeHop * sizeof(short), 
	                        FSamplingRate, 1, 0)) != SND_ERR_NONE)
		quit (SNDSoundError (iError));			  
	pSSynthesis = 
		(short *) ((char *) pSoundHeader + pSoundHeader->dataLocation);
	allocateSmsRecord (&synthParams.previousFrame, pSmsHeader->nTrajectories, 
	                   1 + pSmsHeader->nStochasticCoeff, 1);
	/* use first record as memory */
	setSmsRecord (pSmsHeader, pData, &smsData);
	copySmsRecord (&synthParams.previousFrame, &smsData);
	pData += pSmsHeader->iRecordBSize;

	for (iRecord = 1; iRecord < pSmsHeader->nRecords; iRecord++)
		setSmsRecord (pSmsHeader, pData, &smsData);
		memset ((char *)pFBuffer, 0, sizeof(float) * sizeHop);
		FrameSineSynth (&smsData, pFBuffer, sizeHop, 
		/* de-emphasize the sound */
		for(i = 0; i < sizeHop; i++)
			pSSynthesis[i] = (short) DeEmphasis(pFBuffer[i]);
		pData += pSmsHeader->iRecordBSize;
		pSSynthesis += sizeHop;
		if (iRecord % 10 == 0)
			fprintf(stderr,"%.2f ", iRecord / (float) pSmsHeader->iFrameRate);
	if ((iError = SNDWriteSoundfile (pChOutputSoundFile, pSoundHeader)) !=
		quit (SNDSoundError(iError));			  
	ClearSine ();
	SNDFree (pSoundHeader);
	free (pSmsHeader);
	free (pFBuffer);
	exit (0);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.