
[View smsPrint.c] 


This directory contains the program smsPrint and its sources. This program prints on the screen in ASCII code the output of the smsAnal program. it is runned by:

smsPrint [-t type-format][-i initial-time][-e end-time][-f first-trajectory]
		 [-l last-trajectory] <smsFile>

-t type-format (default 1)
1 print all the information, 2 print only the deterministic component, 3 print only the stochastic component.

-i initial-time (default 0)
initial time in seconds of the analyzed sound to be printed

-e end-time (default end-of-sound)
end time in seconds of the analyzed sound to be printed

-f first-trajectory (default 0)
first trajectory of the deterministic component to be printed

-l last-trajectory (default last-trajectory)
last trajectory of the deterministic component to be printed

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.