
This is DetController.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface DetController:Object
  id topController;
  id freqWindow;
  id freqView;
  id leftTimeForm;
  id rightTimeForm;
  id topFreqForm;
  id bottomFreqForm;
  int iFirstFrame;
  int iLastFrame;
  float fLowestFreq;
  float fHighestFreq;
  id magWindow;
  id magView;
  id leftTimeFormMag;
  id rightTimeFormMag;
  id topPartialFormMag;
  id bottomPartialFormMag;
  id topDbForm;
  id bottomDbForm;
  id deterministicScaleSwitch;
  int iFirstFrameMag;
  int iLastFrameMag;
  int iLowestPartialMag;
  int iHighestPartialMag;
  float fBottomDb;
  float fTopDb;
  int iDeterministicScale;

- init:(id)controller;
- getTheSmsObject;

- displayFrequency:sender;
- setFirstFrame:sender;
- (int)getFirstFrame;
- setLastFrame:sender;
- (int)getLastFrame;
- setLowestFreq:sender;
- (float)getLowestFreq;
- setHighestFreq:sender;
- (float)getHighestFreq;

- displayMagnitude:sender;
- setFirstFrameMag:sender;
- (int)getFirstFrameMag;
- setLastFrameMag:sender;
- (int)getLastFrameMag;
- setLowestPartialMag:sender;
- (int)getLowestPartialMag;
- setHighestPartialMag:sender;
- (int)getHighestPartialMag;
- setBottomDb:sender;
- (float)getBottomDb;
- setTopDb:sender;
- (float)getTopDb;
- setDeterministicScale:sender;
- (int)getDeterministicScale;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.