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/* * header file for all the SMS programs * */ #ifndef SMSHEADER #define SMSHEADER #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <memory.h> #include <strings.h> #include "SMSSound.h" /* structure for header of SMS file */ typedef struct { /* fix part */ int iSmsMagic; /* magic number for SMS data file */ int iHeadBSize; /* size in bytes of header */ int nRecords; /* number of data records */ int iRecordBSize; /* size in bytes of data record */ int iFormat; /* type of data format */ int iFrameRate; /* rate in Hz of data records */ int iStochasticType; /* representation of stochastic coefficients */ int nTrajectories; /* number of trajectoires in each record */ int nStochasticCoeff; /* number of stochastic coefficients in each record */ float fAmplitude; /* average amplitude of represented sound */ float fFrequency; /* average fundamental frequency */ float fOriginalSRate; /* sampling rate of original sound */ int iBegSteadyState; /* record number of begining of steady state */ int iEndSteadyState; /* record number of end of steady state */ float fResidualPerc; /* percentage of the residual with respect to the original */ int nLoopRecords; /* number of loop records specified */ int nSpecEnvelopePoints; /* number of breakpoints in spectral envelope */ int nTextCharacters; /* number of text characters */ /* variable part */ int *pILoopRecords; /* array of record numbers of loop points */ float *pFSpectralEnvelope; /* spectral envelope of partials */ char *pChTextCharacters; /* Textual information relating to the sound */ char *pChDataRecords; /* pointer to data records */ } SMSHeader; #define SMS_MAGIC 767 /* for iFormat */ #define FORMAT_HARMONIC 1 #define FORMAT_INHARMONIC 2 #define FORMAT_HARMONIC_WITH_PHASE 3 #define FORMAT_INHARMONIC_WITH_PHASE 4 /* for iStochasticType */ #define STOC_FILTER_TYPE 1 #define STOC_MAG_ENV_TYPE 2 #define STOC_NONE 3 /* structure with SMS data */ typedef struct { float *pFFreqTraj; /* frequency of sinusoids */ float *pFMagTraj; /* magnitude of sinusoids */ float *pFPhaTraj; /* phase of sinusoids */ int nTraj; /* number of sinusoids */ float *pFStocGain; /* gain of stochastic component */ float *pFStocCoeff; /* filter coefficients for stochastic component */ int nCoeff; /* number of filter coefficients */ } SMS_DATA; /* useful macros */ /* Error codes returned by SMS file functions */ #define SMS_OK 0 /* no error*/ #define SMS_NOPEN -1 /* couldn't open file */ #define SMS_NSMS -2 /* not a SMS file */ #define SMS_MALLOC -3 /* couldn't allocate memory */ #define SMS_RDERR -4 /* read error */ #define SMS_WRERR -5 /* write error */ /* debug modes */ #define DEBUG_INIT 1 /* debug initialitzation functions */ #define DEBUG_PEAK_DET 2 /* debug peak detection function */ #define DEBUG_HARM_DET 3 /* debug harmonic detection function */ #define DEBUG_PEAK_CONT 4 /* debug peak continuation function */ #define DEBUG_CLEAN_TRAJ 5 /* debug clean trajectories function */ #define DEBUG_SINE_SYNTH 6 /* debug sine synthesis function */ #define DEBUG_STOC_ANAL 7 /* debug stochastic analysis function */ #define DEBUG_STOC_SYNTH 8 /* debug stochastic synthesis function */ #define DEBUG_SMS_ANAL 9 /* debug top level analysis function */ #define DEBUG_ALL 10 /* debug everything */ #define DEBUG_RESIDUAL 11 /* write residual to file */ #define DEBUG_SYNC 12 /* write original, synthesis and residual to a text file */ #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #define TWO_PI 6.28318530717958647692 #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643 #define PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #define HALF_MAX 1073741823.5 #define LOG2 0.69314718 #define EMPHASIS_COEFF .9 /* coefficient for pre_emphasis filter */ #define TO_DB(x) ((x > MAG_THRESHOLD) ? 20 * log10(x/MAG_THRESHOLD) : 0) #define TO_MAG(x) ((x <= 0) ? 0 : MAG_THRESHOLD * pow(10.0, x/20.0)) /* short-time Fourier analysis */ #define WINDOWS_IN_FFT 2 /* the number of analysis windows that fit in one FFT */ #define MAX_SIZE_WINDOW 8190 /* maximum size for analysis window */ #define MAX_SIZE_MAG 8192 /* maximum size for magnitude spectrum */ /* peak detection */ /* information attached to a spectral peak */ typedef struct { float fFreq; /* frequency of peak */ float fMag; /* magnitude of peak */ float fPhase; /* phase of peak */ } PEAK; #define MAG_THRESHOLD .3 /* minimum magnitude to be searched */ #define MAX_NUM_PEAKS 200 /* maximum number of peaks */ /* harmonic detection */ /* information attached to a harmonic candidate */ typedef struct { float fFreq; /* frequency */ float fMag; /* magnitude */ float fMagPerc; /* percentage of magnitude */ float fFreqDev; /* deviation from perfect harmonic */ float fHarmRatio; /* percentage of harmonics found */ } HARM_CANDIDATE; #define N_FUND_HARM 6 /* number of harmonics to use for fundamental detection */ #define N_HARM_PEAKS 4 /* number of peaks to check as possible ref harmonics */ #define FREQ_DEV_THRES .07 /* threshold for deviation from perfect harmonics */ #define MAG_PERC_THRES .6 /* threshold for magnitude of harmonics with respect to the total magnitude */ #define HARM_RATIO_THRES .8 /* threshold for percentage of harmonics found */ #define TYPE_MELODY 0 /* sound composed of several notes */ #define TYPE_SINGLE_NOTE 1 /* sound composed of a single note */ #define DIRECT 0 /* analysis from left to right */ #define REVERSE 1 /* analysis from right to left */ #define HAMMING 0 #define BLACKMAN_HARRIS_62 1 #define BLACKMAN_HARRIS_70 2 #define BLACKMAN_HARRIS_74 3 #define BLACKMAN_HARRIS_92 4 /* peak continuation */ /* diferent status of guide */ #define BEGINNING -2 #define DEAD -1 #define ACTIVE 0 /* information attached to a guide */ typedef struct { float fFreq; /* frequency of guide */ float fMag; /* magnitude of guide */ int iStatus; /* status of guide: DEAD, SLEEPING, ACTIVE */ short iPeakChosen; /* peak number chosen by the guide */ } GUIDE; /* information attached to a continuation candidate */ typedef struct { float fFreqDev; /* frequency deviation from guide */ float fMagDev; /* magnitude deviation from guide */ int iPeak; /* peak number */ } CONT_CANDIDATE; #define MAX_CONT_CANDIDATES 5 /* maximum number of peak continuation candidates */ /* re-analyze and clean trajectories */ #define MIN_GOOD_FRAMES 3 /* minimum number of stable frames for backward search */ #define MAX_DEVIATION .01 /* maximum deviation allowed */ #define ANAL_DELAY 10 /* number of frames in the past to be looked in possible re-analyze */ /* total number of delay frames */ #define DELAY_FRAMES (MIN_GOOD_FRAMES + ANAL_DELAY) /* structure with useful information for the analysis program */ typedef struct { int iDebugMode; /* 0 no debug 1 debug initialitzation functions, 2 debug peak detection function, 3 debug harmonic detection function, 4 debug peak continuation function, 5 debug clean trajectories function, 6 debug sine synthesis function, 7 debug stochastic analysis function, 8 debug stochastic synthesis function, 9 debug top level analysis function, 10 debug everything */ int iFormat; /* 1 the sound is analized as harmonic, 2 is inharmonic 3 is harmonic and phases are kept 4 is inharmonic and phases are kept */ int iStochasticType; /* 1: filter, 2: lines, 3: none */ float fLowestFundamental; /* lowest fundamental frequency in Hz */ float fHighestFundamental;/* highest fundamental frequency in Hz */ float fDefaultFundamental;/* default fundamental in Hz */ float fPeakContToGuide; /* contribution of previous peak to current guide (between 0 and 1) */ float fFundContToGuide; /* contribution of current fundamental to current guide (between 0 and 1) */ float fFreqDeviation; /* maximum deviation from peak to peak */ float fSamplingRate; /* sampling rate of input sound */ int iDefaultSizeWindow; /* default size of analysis window in samples */ int sizeHop; /* hop size of analysis window in samples */ float fSizeWindow; /* size of analysis window in number of periods */ int nGuides; /* number of guides used */ int iCleanTraj; /* whether or not to clean trajectories */ float fMinRefHarmMag; /* minimum magnitude in dB for reference peak */ float fRefHarmMagDiffFromMax; /* maximum magnitude difference from reference peak to highest peak */ int iRefHarmonic; /* reference harmonic to use in the fundamental detection */ int iMinTrajLength; /* minimum length in samples of a given trajectory */ int iMaxSleepingTime; /* maximum sleeping time for a trajectory */ float fHighestFreq; /* highest frequency to be searched */ float fMinPeakMag; /* minimum magnitude in dB for a good peak */ int iSoundType; /* type of sound to be analyzed */ int iAnalysisDirection; /* analysis direction, direct or reverse */ int iSizeSound; /* total size of input sound */ int iWindowType; /* type of analysis window */ } ANAL_PARAMS; /* structure with useful information for synthesis */ typedef struct { int iStochasticType; int iSynthesisType; /* 0: both det & stoc, 1, 1: det, 2: stoc */ float fOriginalSRate; float fSamplingRate; SMS_DATA previousFrame; int sizeHop; float *pFDetWindow; float *pFStocWindow; } SYNTH_PARAMS; /* buffer for sound data */ typedef struct { int iSoundSample; /* sample number of the sound file that corresponds to the first sample in buffer */ float *pFBuffer; /* buffer for original sound */ int sizeBuffer; /* size of buffer */ int iFirstSample; /* first sample in buffer that is a good one */ } SOUND_BUFFER; /* there are two sound buffers, one that holds the original sound and another */ /* that hold the deterministic synthesis */ SOUND_BUFFER soundBuffer, synthBuffer; enum frameStatus {EMPTY, READY, PEAKS_FOUND, FUND_FOUND, TRAJ_FOUND, CLEANED, RECOMPUTED, DETER_SYNTH, STOC_COMPUTED, DONE, END}; /* analysis frame structure */ typedef struct { int iFrameSample; /* sample number of the sound file that corresponds to the middle of the frame */ int iFrameSize; /* number of samples used in the frame */ int iFrameNum; /* frame number */ PEAK pSpectralPeaks[MAX_NUM_PEAKS]; /* spectral peaks found in frame */ int nPeaks; /* number of peaks found */ float fFundamental; /* fundamental frequency in frame */ SMS_DATA deterministic; /* deterministic data */ enum frameStatus iStatus; /* status of frame */ } ANAL_FRAME; ANAL_FRAME **ppFrames, *pFrames; /* global variables */ float FSamplingRate; float FHalfSamplingRate; int MaxCoefficients; int MaxTrajectories; int MaxDelayFrames; double *pFSTab; double *pFSincTab; float FResidualPerc; float *pFWindowSpec; /* only used in the function Spectrum */ /* function declarations */ int SmsAnalysis (short *pSWaveform, int sizeNewData, SMS_DATA *pSmsData, ANAL_PARAMS analParams, int *pINextSizeRead); int Initialize (ANAL_PARAMS analParams); void ClearSms (SMS_DATA *pSmsData, int iFormat); void FillBuffer (short *pSWaveform, int sizeNewData, SOUND_BUFFER *pSoundBuffer, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); void moveFrames(); void InitializeFrame (int iCurrentFrame, SOUND_BUFFER soundBuffer, ANAL_PARAMS analParams, int sizeWindow); void ComputeFrame (int iCurrentFrame, ANAL_PARAMS analParams, float fRefFundamental); void GetWindow (int sizeWindow, float *pFWindow, int iWindowType); void BlackmanHarris (int sizeWindow, float *pFWindow); void Hamming (int sizeWindow, float *pFWindow); void Hanning (int sizeWindow, float *pFWindow); void realft (float *data, int n, int isign); int Spectrum (float *pFWaveform, int sizeWindow, float *pFMagSpectrum, float *pFPhaseSpectrum, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int QuickSpectrum (short *pIWaveform, float *pFWindow, int sizeWindow, float *pFMagSpectrum, float *pFPhaseSpectrum, int sizeFft); int QuickSpectrumF (float *pFWaveform, float *pFWindow, int sizeWindow, float *pFMagSpectrum, float *pFPhaseSpectrum, int sizeFft); int InverseQuickSpectrum (float *pFMagSpectrum, float *pFPhaseSpectrum, int sizeFft, float *pFWaveform, int sizeWave); int InverseQuickSpectrumW (float *pFMagSpectrum, float *pFPhaseSpectrum, int sizeFft, float *pFWaveform, int sizeWave, float *pFWindow); int SpectralApprox (float *pFSpec1, int sizeSpec1, int sizeSpec1Used, float *pFSpec2, int sizeSpec2, int nCoefficients); int SetSizeWindow (int iCurrentFrame, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); float GetDeviation (int iCurrentFrame); int ReAnalyze (int iCurrentFrame, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int PeakDetection (float *pFMagSpectrum, float *pAPhaSpectrum, int sizeMag, int sizeWindow, PEAK *pSpectralPeaks, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); void HarmDetection (ANAL_FRAME *pFrame, float fRefFundamental, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); void GenPeakContinuation (int iFrame, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int DeleteCandidate (CONT_CANDIDATE *pCandidate, int nCand, int iBestPeak); int PeakContinuation (int iFrame, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); float PreEmphasis (float fInput); float DeEmphasis (float fInput); void Covariance (float *pFSig, int nSig, int nStage, float *pFPhi, int nMax); void CovLatticeHarm (float *pFPhi, int nMax, int m, float *pFPredCoeff, float *pFReflexCoeff, float *pFError, float *pFScr); int CleanTrajectories (int iCurrentFrame, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); void ScaleDeterministic (float *pFSynthBuffer, float *pFOriginalBuffer, float *pFMagTraj, ANAL_PARAMS analParams, int nTraj); int PrepSine (int nTableSize); double SinTab (double fTheta); int PrepSinc (); double SincTab (double fTheta); int SmsSynthesis (SMS_DATA *pSmsData, short *pSSynthesis, SYNTH_PARAMS *pSynthParams); int FrameSineSynth (SMS_DATA *pSmsData, float *pFBuffer, int sizeBuffer, SMS_DATA *pLastFrame); long random (); int writeSmsFile (char *pChFileName, SMSHeader *pSmsHeader); int readSmsFile (char *pChFileName, SMSHeader **ppSmsHeader); int initSmsHeader (SMSHeader *pSmsHeader); int setSmsRecord (SMSHeader *pSmsHeader, char *pData, SMS_DATA *pSmsData); int getRecordBSize (SMSHeader *pSmsHeader); int quit (char *pChText); void initSms (SMS_DATA *pSmsData); void allocateSmsRecord (SMS_DATA *pSmsData, int nTraj, int nCoeff, int iPhase); void freeSmsRecord (SMS_DATA *pSmsData); int copySmsRecord (SMS_DATA *pCopySmsData, SMS_DATA *pOriginalSmsData); void MoveFrames (); int GetResidual (float *pFSynthesis, float *pFOriginal, float *pFResidual, int sizeWindow, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int StocAnalysis (float *pFResidual, int sizeWindow, SMS_DATA *pSmsData, ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int createResidualFile (ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int writeResidualFile (); int createDebugFile (ANAL_PARAMS analParams); int writeDebugFile (); int InterpolateArrays (float *pFArray1, int sizeArray1, float *pFArray2, int sizeArray2, float *pFArrayOut, int sizeArrayOut, float fInterpFactor); int InterpolateSmsRecords (SMS_DATA *pSmsRecord1, SMS_DATA *pSmsRecord2, SMS_DATA *pSmsRecordOut, float fInterpFactor); int FilterArray (float *pFArray, int size1, int size2, float *pFOutArray); void ClearSine(); void IFFTwindow (int sizeWindow, float *pFWindow); #endif
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