
This is line2sine.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// convert lines from a Diagram document into sinusoids.
// Programmer:    Craig Stuart Sapp <craig@ccrma.stanford.edu>
// Creation Date: Wed Jun 25 15:33:07 GMT-0800 1997
// Last Modified: Thu Jun 26 19:12:34 GMT-0800 1997
// Filename:      .../sig/examples/line2sine/line2sine.h
// Syntax:        C++
// $Smake:        smake -v `architecture` %f
// $Smake-next:   cc -Wall -O -o %b.next %f -I../../include -L../../lib -lsig %
//                   -lg++ && strip %b.next && rm -f %b && ln -s %b.next %b
// $Smake-linux:  cc -Wall -O -o %b.linux %f -I../../include -L../../lib -lsig %
//                   -lg++ && strip %b.linux && rm -f %b && ln -s %b.linux %b


#include <fstream.h>
#include "Vertex.h"
#include "OscParameter.h"

// checkMinMax -- check minfreq and maxfreq for correct input

void checkMinMax(double& min, double& max);

// exitHelp -- prints help for program, then exits the program

void exitHelp(char* args[]);

// extractAmpEnvelope -- creates the amplitude envelope for
//      the current line in the input file.

void extractAmpEnvelope(fstream& infile, OscParameter& output);

// findLine -- returns the number tag for the current line being 
//      processed in the file stream.  Returns -1 if no more lines.

int findLine(fstream& infile);

// findVertex -- returns the number tag for the current vertex being
//      processed in the file stream.  Returns -1 if no more vertices.

int findVertex(fstream& infile);

// getDimensions -- gets the window dimensions of the Diagram
//      document, and also gets the number of lines.  Origin
//      is in the upper left corner.

void getDimensions(const char* filename, double& x, double& y);

// extractNumber -- for use only with getDimensions.

int extractNumber(ifstream& infile);

// getLineInfo -- return parameter information for one sinusoid.
//      you give it the file stream and it will extract the next
//      line from it.  It is an error to look for a line when
//      there are no more lines in Diagram file.

OscParameter getLineInfo(fstream& infile, Vertices& vertices);

// getVertexCoordinates -- returns the vertex coordinates
//      You must guarentee that valid data can be extracted
//      X value is in fractions of the total Duration.
//      Y value is in hertz.

doubleXY getVertexCoordinates(fstream& infile);

// inputParameters

void inputParameters(const char* filename, OscParameters& parameters);

// readVertices -- reads in an array of the vertices for
//      processing with lines.

void readVertices(char* filename, Vertices& vertices);

// string2double -- converts a string into a float

double string2double(const char* aString);

// string2int -- converts a string into an int

int string2int(const char* aString);


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