
This is Envelope.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Programmer:    Craig Stuart Sapp <craig@ccrma.stanford.edu>
// Creation Date: Fri May  2 15:18:35 GMT-0800 1997
// Last Modified: Mon May  5 12:21:41 GMT-0800 1997
// Filename:      .../sig/src/Generator/Envelope/Envelope.h
// Syntax:        C++ 
// $Smake:        cc -Wall -g -c %b.cc -I../../../include && rm -f %b.o


#include "Generator.h"

class EnvPoint;

class Envelope : public Generator {
                      Envelope           (char *envelopeString = "(0 0; 1 0)", 
                                            long numSamplesDuration = 0);
                     ~Envelope           ();
      void            action             (void);
      int             activeQ            (void);
      long            getDurationSamples (void);
      double          getDurationSeconds (void);
      char*           getEnvelope        (void);
      sampleType      output             (int channel);
      void            printState         (void);
      void            setDuration        (long samples);
      void            setDuration        (double seconds);
      void            setDurationSamples (long samples);
      void            setDurationSeconds (double seconds);
      void            setEnvelope        (const char *envelopeString, 
                                            int timeQ = 1);
      void            trigger            (int startPoint = 0);

      double          minDuration;      // time in samples of envelope w/o stick
      double          srate;            // in hertz;
      long            numPoints;        // number of points in envelope
      long            currPoint;        // current point
      long            currSample;       // current sample
      char           *envelopeString;   // string which contains envelope desc
      EnvPoint       *points;           // points of envelope
      char            active;           // true if generating envelope
      sampleType      outputValue;      // value to be send out of the object
      double          linearIncrement;
      double          geometricIncrement;

      // private functions:
      int             find              (char* string, char aChar, 
                                           int start = 0, char stopChar = '\0');
      double          extractNumber     (char* string, int& index);
      int             countOccurence    (char* string, char aChar,
                                           int start = 0, char stopChar = '\0');
      void            calculateNextSample (void);
      void            checkParentheses  (void);
      int             skipSpaces        (char* envelopeString, int index);
      void            fractionalizePoints (void);

class EnvPoint {
      EnvPoint(char defaultInterp = 'l') {interp = defaultInterp; x = y = 0.0; }

      double x;           // normalized time value
      double y;           // output value for time x
      double samples;     // sample equivalent of x value
      char   interp;      // type of interpolation to do in the current interval


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.