
This is Definitions.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Programmer:    Craig Stuart Sapp <craig@ccrma.stanford.edu>
// Creation Date: Sat Nov  2 10:36:12 PST 1996
// Last Modified: Sat Nov  2 10:36:18 PST 1996
// Filename:      .../sig/src/misc/Definitions.h
// Syntax:        C++ 
// $Smake:        g++ -O -o %b %f && strip %b


typedef double sampleType;

typedef unsigned char   uchar;
typedef unsigned int    uint;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned long   ulong;

class xSoundHeader {
      uint magic;
      uint dataOffset;
      uint dataSize;
      uint dataFormat;
      uint srate;
      uint channels;
      uchar* info;

#define NONE                 ((long)0xffffffff)
#define TRUE                 (1)
#define FALSE                (0)

#define GENERATOR            (1)
#define FILTER               (2)

#ifndef PI
   #define PI                (3.14159265358979323846264338328)
#define TWOPI                (6.2831853)
#define HALFPI               (1.5707963)
#define SND_FORMAT_LINEAR_16 (3)


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