
This is the README for line2sine.1.0.NI.bs.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

README for line2sine  Version 1.0  (18 Nov 1997)
by Craig Stuart Sapp <craig@ccrma.stanford.edu>

line2sine is a command-line program which converts lines
in Diagram.app documents into sinewaves in a soundfile.

Documentation for line2sine is provided in HTML form in the doc/ 
directory.  Also, the documentation can be viewed on the internet
at the address: 

The main idea of line2sine is to convert the horizontal axis of  
Diagram documents to time, and the vertical axis of documents
to frequency.  Amplitude envelopes can be applied to individual
sinewave lines.   Example Diagram documents can be found in the
directory doc/examples/ex* along with derived soundfiles.

Diagram.app is a program recently unsupported by Sun's Lighthouse Design,
and therefore it now comes with a free 2-user license.  You can
aquire Diagram.app from the site:
The license for Diagram.app, version 2.5, is "llllkhjj".

Future enhancements:
   -- Use line color to control timbre of line (after learning how to read
          the binary color file).

Here are the files included in the download file for line2sine:

README -- This file
bin/line2sine -- the FAT binary for the line2sine program in NEXTSTEP 3.
bin/line2sine.openstep -- a binary compiled for OpenStep 4.2 on Intel.
doc/index.html -- Main webpage for documentation.
doc/examples -- example Diagram files and resulting sounds.
include -- header files for use in compiling the line2sine program.
lib -- libraries for Intel and Motorola hardware for use in compiling
       the line2sine program.
src -- The source files for the line2sine program, so YOU can write an 
       interface to other drawing systems using the sig libraries and
       send it to ME. 
Makefile.next4 -- "gnumake -f Makefile.next4" will recompile the 
       line2sine program if you are running OpenStep 4.2
Makefile.next3 -- a Makefile for NEXTSTEP 3.x.  You will have to
       download a newer c++ compiler, change stuff in the Makefile
       in order to get the line2sine program to compile ...

Note: Created soundfiles are difficult to hear on Motorola hardware.
Perhaps something to do with the data offset limitations in the
Motorola sndplay program.  I cannot use the program sndplay to play
the files, but rather have to use the commercial program SoundWorks.app.  
You can use the program sndconvert to convert to 22050 sampling
rate, and in the process, the data offset will go from 30 bytes to
29 bytes and then sndplay will be happy.

Send me Diagram documents and line2sine parameters and I will post them
on the line2sine examples Web page:

-._.-._.-<Craig Stuart Sapp>-._   _     Center for Computer Research
       craig@ccrma.stanford.edu`-' `-._.-._   _  in Music and Acoustics
 http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/~craig      `-' `-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.->

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.