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 * FILE: example2.c
 *   BY: Christopher Lee Fraley
 * DESC: An example of a function which takes a sound and an integer as input,
 *	    and returns a sound.
 * 1.0 ( 3-JUN-89) - created. (clf)

#include <math.h>
#include "xlisp.h"
#include "sound.h"

SoundPtr round(sound, k)
SoundPtr sound;
int k;
   SoundPtr val;
   SDataPtr data;
   int len, newLen;
   double newSrate;
   int i;

   /* Must flatten sound before I can access its samples: */
   len = sound->ptr.sample->length;

   /* Let's create the return value: */
   val = s_create();
   newLen = len;	/* Make return sound the same length as input sound */
   newSrate = sound->srate;	/* Make val have same srate as input sound */
   data = sdata_create(newLen);
   val->ptr.sample = spl_create(data, newLen, newSrate);
   val->tag = SAMPLES;
   val->to = val->logicalTo = newLen / newSrate;
   val->srate = newSrate;
   val->shift = sound->shift;

   for (i=0; i<len && i<newLen; i++)
     /* Put your own calculations here, for example: */
     val->ptr.sample->data[i] = floor(sound->ptr.sample->data[i] / k) * k;
   return (val);

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