
This is xlglob.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* xlglobals - xlisp global variables */
/*	Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
	All Rights Reserved
	Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use

 * 3-Apr-88	Dale Amon at CMU-CSD
 *	Added a_extern to xlisp 2.0
 * 18-Oct-87	Dale Amon at CMU-CSD
 *	Added global pointer a_extern for node defining new EXTERN
 *	node type.

#include "xlisp.h"

/* symbols */
LVAL true=NIL,obarray=NIL;
LVAL s_unbound=NIL,s_dot=NIL;
LVAL s_quote=NIL,s_function=NIL;
LVAL s_bquote=NIL,s_comma=NIL,s_comat=NIL;
LVAL s_evalhook=NIL,s_applyhook=NIL,s_tracelist;
LVAL s_lambda=NIL,s_macro=NIL;
LVAL s_stdin=NIL,s_stdout=NIL,s_stderr=NIL,s_debugio=NIL,s_traceout=NIL;
LVAL s_rtable=NIL;
LVAL s_tracenable=NIL,s_tlimit=NIL,s_breakenable=NIL;
LVAL s_setf=NIL,s_car=NIL,s_cdr=NIL,s_nth=NIL,s_aref=NIL,s_get=NIL;
LVAL s_svalue=NIL,s_sfunction=NIL,s_splist=NIL;
LVAL s_eql=NIL,s_gcflag=NIL,s_gchook=NIL;
LVAL s_ifmt=NIL,s_ffmt=NIL;
LVAL s_1plus=NIL,s_2plus=NIL,s_3plus=NIL;
LVAL s_1star=NIL,s_2star=NIL,s_3star=NIL;
LVAL s_minus=NIL,s_printcase=NIL;

/* keywords */
LVAL k_test=NIL,k_tnot=NIL;
LVAL k_wspace=NIL,k_const=NIL,k_nmacro=NIL,k_tmacro=NIL;
LVAL k_sescape=NIL,k_mescape=NIL;
LVAL k_direction=NIL,k_input=NIL,k_output=NIL;
LVAL k_start=NIL,k_end=NIL,k_1start=NIL,k_1end=NIL;
LVAL k_2start=NIL,k_2end=NIL,k_count=NIL,k_key=NIL;
LVAL k_verbose=NIL,k_print=NIL;
LVAL k_upcase=NIL,k_downcase=NIL;

/* lambda list keywords */
LVAL lk_optional=NIL,lk_rest=NIL,lk_key=NIL,lk_aux=NIL;
LVAL lk_allow_other_keys=NIL;

/* type names */
LVAL a_subr=NIL,a_fsubr=NIL;
LVAL a_cons=NIL,a_symbol=NIL,a_fixnum=NIL,a_flonum=NIL;
LVAL a_string=NIL,a_object=NIL,a_stream=NIL,a_vector=NIL;
LVAL a_extern = NIL;
LVAL a_closure=NIL,a_char=NIL,a_ustream=NIL;

/* evaluation variables */
LVAL **xlstack = NULL,**xlstkbase = NULL,**xlstktop = NULL;
LVAL xlenv=NIL,xlfenv=NIL,xldenv=NIL;

/* argument stack */
LVAL *xlargstkbase = NULL;	/* argument stack base */
LVAL *xlargstktop = NULL;	/* argument stack top */
LVAL *xlfp = NULL;		/* argument frame pointer */
LVAL *xlsp = NULL;		/* argument stack pointer */
LVAL *xlargv = NULL;		/* current argument vector */
int xlargc = 0;			/* current argument count */

/* exception handling variables */
CONTEXT *xlcontext = NULL;	/* current exception handler */
CONTEXT *xltarget = NULL;	/* target context (for xljump) */
LVAL xlvalue=NIL;		/* exception value (for xljump) */
int xlmask=0;			/* exception type (for xljump) */

/* debugging variables */
int xldebug = 0;		/* debug level */
int xlsample = 0;		/* control character sample rate */
int xltrcindent = 0;		/* trace indent level */

/* gensym variables */
char gsprefix[STRMAX+1] = { 'G',0 };	/* gensym prefix string */
int gsnumber = 1;		/* gensym number */

/* i/o variables */
int xlfsize = 0;		/* flat size of current print call */
FILE *tfp = NULL;		/* transcript file pointer */

/* general purpose string buffer */
char buf[STRMAX+1] = { 0 };

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