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#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <carl/carl.h> #include <carl/defaults.h> #include <carl/procom.h> #include <carl/sndio.h> extern int sferror; extern CSNDFILE *rootsfd; /*------------------------------------------------------ denoise.c Experimental noise reduction scheme using frequency- domain noise-gating. This program should work best in the case of high signal-to-noise with hiss-type noise. The algorithm is that suggested by Moorer & Berger in "Linear-Phase Bandsplitting: Theory and Applications" presented at the 76th Convention 1984 October 8-11 New York of the Audio Engineering Society (preprint #2132) except that it uses the Weighted Overlap-Add formulation for short-time Fourier analysis-synthesis in place of the recursive formulation suggested by Moorer & Berger. The gain in each frequency bin is computed independently according to gain = g0 + (1-g0) * [avg / (avg + th*th*nref)] ^ sh where avg and nref are the mean squared signal and noise respectively for the bin in question. (This is slightly different than in Moorer & Berger.) The critical parameters th and g0 are specified in dB and internally converted to decimal values. The nref values are computed at the start of the program on the basis of a noise_soundfile (specified in the command line) which contains noise without signal. The avg values are computed over a rectangular window of m FFT frames looking both ahead and behind the current time. This corresponds to a temporal extent of m*D/R (which is typically (m*N/8)/R). The default settings of N, M, and D should be appropriate for most uses. A higher sample rate than 16KHz might indicate a higher N. To compile: cc denoise.c -lieee -lI77 -lF77 -lsf -lcarl -lm -o denoise ------------------------------------------------------*/ main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { float fsndi(); /* for reading in samples of noise_sndfile */ float *input, /* input buffer */ *output, /* output buffer */ *anal, /* analysis buffer */ *nextIn, /* pointer to next empty word in input */ *nextOut, /* pointer to next empty word in output */ *analWindow, /* pointer to center of analysis window */ *synWindow, /* pointer to center of synthesis window */ *mbuf, /* m most recent frames of FFT */ *nref, /* noise reference buffer */ *rsum; /* running sum of magnitude-squared spectrum */ int N = 1024, /* number of points in FFT */ Np2, /* N+2 */ M = 0, /* length of analWindow impulse response (M=N)*/ L = 0, /* length of synWindow impulse response (L=M)*/ D = 0, /* decimation factor (default is M/8) */ I = 0, /* interpolation factor (should be I=D) */ m = 5, /* number of frames to save in mbuf */ mi = 0, /* frame offset index in mbuf */ mj, /* delayed offset index in mbuf */ md, /* number of frames of delay in mbuf (m/2) */ mp, /* mi * Np2 */ analWinLen, /* half-length of analysis window */ synWinLen; /* half-length of synthesis window */ long outCount, /* number of samples written to output */ ibuflen, /* length of input buffer */ obuflen, /* length of output buffer */ beg = 0, /* first sample in noise soundfile */ end = 0, /* last sample in noise soundfile */ nI, /* current input (analysis) sample */ nO, /* current output (synthesis) sample */ nId, /* delayed input (analysis) sample */ nOd, /* delayed output (synthesis) sample */ nMin = 0, /* first input (analysis) sample */ nMax = 100000000; /* last input sample (unless EOF) */ char ch; /* needed for crack (commandline interpreter)*/ float Pi, /* 3.14159... */ TwoPi, /* 2*Pi */ gain, /* gain of noise gate */ g0 = -40., /* minimum gain for noise gate */ g0m, /* 1. - g0 */ th = 30., /* threshold above noise reference (dB) */ avg, /* average square energy */ fac, /* factor in gain computation */ minv, /* 1 / m */ sum = 0., /* sum for averaging */ rIn, /* decimated sampling rate */ rOut, /* pre-interpolated sampling rate */ Ninv, /* 1. / N */ R = 0.; /* input sampling rate */ int i,j,k, /* index variables */ i0,i1, /* indices for real and imaginary FFT values */ Dd, /* number of new inputs to read (Dd <= D) */ Ii, /* number of new outputs to write (Ii <= I) */ N2, /* N/2 */ Mf = 0, /* flag for even M */ Lf = 0, /* flag for even L */ sh = 1, /* sharpness control for noise gate gain */ v = 0, /* flag for verifying noise reference values */ flag; /* end-of-input flag */ float srate; /* sample rate from header on stdin */ char cbuf[72]; /* buffer for strings to write to header */ char *dbuf; /* buffer for strings to read from header */ char *file = "test"; char *cbeg = NULL, *cend = NULL, *cdur = NULL; CSNDFILE *sfd, *opensf(); PROP *proplist; /* from header on stdin */ /* call crack to interpret commandline */ if (isatty(0)) usage(1); while ((ch = crack(argc,argv,"N|M|L|D|R|b|e|d|t|s|n|m|vh",0)) != NULL){ switch (ch) { case 'N': N = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'M': M = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'L': L = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'D': D = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'R': R = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 't': th = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 's': sh = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'm': g0 = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'n': m = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'b': cbeg = arg_option; break; case 'e': cend = arg_option; break; case 'd': cdur = arg_option; break; case 'v': v = 1; break; case 'h': usage(0); /* then exits normally */ default: usage(1); /* this exits with error */ } } /* read header from stdin */ if ((proplist = getheader(stdin)) != NULL) { /* there is a header */ noautocp(); /* suppress hdr copy */ if ((dbuf = getprop(stdin, H_SRATE)) != NULL){ srate = atof(dbuf); /* get input srate */ if (R == 0.) R = srate; srate = R; } } /* Open reference soundfile for noise reduction. */ if (arg_index < (argc - 1)){ fprintf(stderr,"denoise: too many filenames specified \n"); exit(1); } if (arg_index < argc) file = argv[arg_index]; else { fprintf(stderr,"denoise: reference soundfile not specified\n"); exit(1); } if ((sfd = opensf(file, "-r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"denoise: opensf failed on %s\n", file); (void) sfallclose(); exit(1); } /* calculate times */ if (cbeg != NULL) beg = sfexpr(cbeg, sfd->sr)*sfd->nc; if (cend != NULL) end = sfexpr(cend, sfd->sr)*sfd->nc; else if (cdur != NULL) end = sfexpr(cdur, sfd->sr)*sfd->nc + beg; /* check boundaries */ if (beg < 0 || beg >= sfd->fs) { fprintf(stderr, "denoise: begin time out of range\n"); quit(); } if (end < 0 || end >= sfd->fs) { fprintf(stderr, "denoise: end time out of range\n"); quit(); } if (end == 0) end = sfd->fs; /* set up parameter values */ for (N2 = 2; N2 <= 16384; N2 *= 2) if (N2 >= N) break; if (N2 > 16384){ fprintf(stderr,"denoise: N too large\n"); exit(1); } N = N2; N2 = N / 2; Ninv = 1. / N; Np2 = N + 2; if (M == 0) M = N; if ((M%2) == 0) Mf = 1; if (L == 0) L = M; if ((L%2) == 0) Lf = 1; ibuflen = 4 * M; obuflen = 4 * L; if (D == 0) D = ((float) M / 8.); I = D; Pi = 4.*atan(1.); TwoPi = 2. * Pi; minv = 1. / m; md = m / 2; g0 = pow(10.,(.05*g0)); g0m = 1. - g0; th = pow(10.,(.05*th)); /* write header to stdout */ cpoheader(proplist,stdout); putheader(stdout); /* set up analysis window: The window is assumed to be symmetric with M total points. After the initial memory allocation, analWindow always points to the midpoint of the window (or one half sample to the right, if M is even); analWinLen is half the true window length (rounded down). If the window duration is longer than the transform (M > N), then the window is multiplied by a sin(x)/x function to meet the condition: analWindow[Ni] = 0 for i != 0. In either case, the window is renormalized so that the amplitude estimates are properly scaled. The maximum allowable window duration is ibuflen/2. */ if ((analWindow = (float *) calloc(M+Mf,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); analWindow += (analWinLen = M/2); hamming(analWindow,analWinLen,Mf); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow - i) = *(analWindow + i - Mf); if (M > N) { if (Mf) *analWindow *= N * sin((double) Pi*.5/N) /( Pi*.5); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow + i) *= N * sin((double) Pi*(i+.5*Mf)/N) / (Pi*(i+.5*Mf)); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow - i) = *(analWindow + i - Mf); } sum = 0.; for (i = -analWinLen; i <= analWinLen; i++) sum += *(analWindow + i); sum = 2. / sum; /*factor of 2 comes in later in trig identity*/ for (i = -analWinLen; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow + i) *= sum; /* set up synthesis window: For the minimal mean-square-error formulation (valid for N >= M), the synthesis window is identical to the analysis window (except for a scale factor), and both are even in length. If N < M, then an interpolating synthesis window is used. */ if ((synWindow = (float *) calloc(L+Lf,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); synWindow += (synWinLen = L/2); if (M <= N){ hamming(synWindow,synWinLen,Lf); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= sum; sum = 0.; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i+=I) sum += *(synWindow + i) * *(synWindow + i); sum = 1. / sum; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= sum; } else { hamming(synWindow,synWinLen,Lf); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); if (Lf) *synWindow *= I * sin((double) Pi*.5/I) / (Pi*.5); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= I * sin((double) Pi*(i+.5*Lf)/I) / (Pi*(i+.5*Lf)); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); sum = 1. / sum; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= sum; } /* set up input buffer: nextIn always points to the next empty word in the input buffer (i.e., the sample following sample number (n + analWinLen)). If the buffer is full, then nextIn jumps back to the beginning, and the old values are written over. */ if ((input = (float *) calloc(ibuflen,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); nextIn = input; /* set up output buffer: nextOut always points to the next word to be shifted out. The shift is simulated by writing the value to the standard output and then setting that word of the buffer to zero. When nextOut reaches the end of the buffer, it jumps back to the beginning. */ if ((output = (float *) calloc(obuflen,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); nextOut = output; /* set up analysis buffer for (N/2 + 1) channels: The input is real, so the other channels are redundant. */ if ((anal = (float *) calloc(Np2,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); /* noise reduction: calculate noise reference by taking as many consecutive FFT's as possible in noise soundfile, and averaging them all together. Multiply by th*th to establish threshold for noise-gating in each bin. */ if ((nref = (float *) calloc((N2+1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); if ((mbuf =(float *)calloc(m*Np2,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); if ((rsum =(float *)calloc(N2+1,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("denoise: insufficient memory",1); k = 0; j = beg; while(j < end){ for (i = 0; i < N; i++,j++){ if (j < end) anal[i] = fsndi(sfd, j); if (sferror) quit(); } cfast(anal,N); for (i = 0; i <= N+1; i++) anal[i] *= Ninv; for (i = 0; i <= N2; i++){ fac = anal[2*i] * anal[2*i]; fac += anal[2*i+1] * anal[2*i+1]; nref[i] += fac; } k++; } fac = th * th / k; for (i = 0; i <= N2; i++) nref[i] *= fac; /* initialization: input time starts negative so that the rightmost edge of the analysis filter just catches the first non-zero input samples; output time is always T times input time. nI and nO count time with regard to input, while nId and nOd count time according to the output. The latter are all that really matter except for catching the EOF on input. */ outCount = 0; nI = -(analWinLen / D) * D; /* input time (in samples) */ nId = nI - md * D; /* subtract additional delay in mbuf*/ nO = nI; nOd = nId; Dd = analWinLen + nI + 1; /* number of new inputs to read */ Ii = 0; /* number of new outputs to write */ flag = 1; mi = 0; mj = m - md; if (mj >= m) mj = 0; mp = mi * Np2; /* main loop: If nMax is not specified it is assumed to be very large and then readjusted when getfloat detects the end of input. */ while(nId < (nMax + analWinLen)){ for (i = 0; i < Dd; i++){ if (getfloat(nextIn++) <= 0) Dd = i; /* EOF ? */ if (nextIn >= (input + ibuflen)) nextIn -= ibuflen; } if (nI > 0) for (i = Dd; i < D; i++){ /* zero fill at EOF */ *(nextIn++) = 0.; if (nextIn >= (input + ibuflen)) nextIn -= ibuflen; } /* analysis: The analysis subroutine computes the complex output at time n of (N/2 + 1) of the FFT bins. It operates on input samples (n - analWinLen) thru (n + analWinLen) and expects to find these in input[(n +- analWinLen) mod ibuflen]. It expects analWindow to point to the center of a symmetric window of length (2 * analWinLen +1). It is the responsibility of the main program to ensure that these values are correct! The results are returned in anal as succesive pairs of real and imaginary values for the lowest (N/2 + 1) channels. */ for (i = 0; i < N+2; i++) *(anal + i) = 0.; /*initialize*/ j = (nI - analWinLen - 1 + ibuflen) % ibuflen; /*input pntr*/ k = nI - analWinLen - 1; /*time shift*/ while (k < 0) k += N; k = k % N; for (i = -analWinLen; i <= analWinLen; i++) { if (++j >= ibuflen) j -= ibuflen; if (++k >= N) k -= N; anal[k] += analWindow[i] * input[j]; } cfast(anal,N); /* noise reduction: for each bin, calculate average magnitude-squared and calculate corresponding gain. Apply this gain to delayed FFT values in mbuf[mj*Np2 + i?]. */ for (i = 0; i <= N2; i++){ i0 = 2 * i; i1 = i0 + 1; rsum[i] -= mbuf[mp + i0] * mbuf[mp + i0]; rsum[i] -= mbuf[mp + i1] * mbuf[mp + i1]; rsum[i] += anal[i0] * anal[i0]; rsum[i] += anal[i1] * anal[i1]; avg = minv * rsum[i]; if (avg < 0.) avg = 0.; if (avg == 0.) fac = 0.; else fac = avg / (avg + nref[i]); for (j = 1; j < sh; j++) fac *= fac; gain = g0m * fac + g0; mbuf[mp + i0] = anal[i0]; mbuf[mp + i1] = anal[i1]; anal[i0] = gain * mbuf[mj*Np2 + i0]; anal[i1] = gain * mbuf[mj*Np2 + i1]; } if (++mi >= m) mi = 0; if (++mj >= m) mj = 0; mp = mi * Np2; /* synthesis: The synthesis employs the Weighted Overlap-Add technique to reconstruct the time-domain signal. The (N/2 + 1) filter outputs at time n are inverse Fourier transformed, windowed, and added into the output array. The subroutine thinks of output as a shift register in which locations are referenced modulo obuflen. Therefore, the main program must take care to zero each location which it "shifts" out (to standard output). */ cfsst(anal,N); j = nOd - synWinLen - 1; while (j < 0) j += obuflen; j = j % obuflen; k = nOd - synWinLen - 1; while (k < 0) k += N; k = k % N; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) { /*overlap-add*/ if (++j >= obuflen) j -= obuflen; if (++k >= N) k -= N; output[j] += anal[k] * synWindow[i]; } for (i = 0; i < Ii; i++){ /* shift out next Ii values */ putfloat(nextOut); *(nextOut++) = 0.; if (nextOut >= (output + obuflen)) nextOut -= obuflen; outCount++; } if (flag) if ((nI > 0) && (Dd < D)){ /* EOF detected */ flag = 0; nMax = nI + analWinLen - (D - Dd); } nI += D; /* increment time */ nO += I; nId += D; /* increment time */ nOd += I; if ((nI + analWinLen) <= nMax) Dd = D; else if ((nI + analWinLen - D) <= nMax) Dd = nMax -(nI + analWinLen - D); else Dd = 0; if (nOd > (synWinLen + I)) Ii = I; else if (nOd > synWinLen) Ii = nOd - synWinLen; else { Ii = 0; for (i=nOd+synWinLen; i<obuflen; i++) if (i > 0) output[i] = 0.; } } while (outCount <= nMax){ outCount++; putfloat(nextOut++); if (nextOut >= (output + obuflen)) nextOut -= obuflen; } flushfloat(); exit(0); } usage(exitcode) int exitcode; { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "usage: denoise [flags] noise_soundfile < floatsams > floatsams\n", "input and output must be files or pipes\n", "flags:\n", "R = input sample rate (automatically read from stdin)\n", "N = # of bandpass filters (size of FFT) (1024)\n", "M = analysis window length (N-1)\n", "L = synthesis window length (M) \n", "D = decimation factor (M/8)\n", "b = begin time in noise reference soundfile (0)\n", "e = end time in noise reference soundfile (end)\n", "d = duration in noise reference soundfile (end - begin)\n", "t = threshold above noise reference in dB (30)\n", "s = sharpness of noise-gate turnoff (1) (1 to 5)\n", "n = number of FFT frames to average over (5)\n", "m = minimum gain of noise-gate when off in dB (-40)\n", "filename must follow all flags\n" ); exit(exitcode); } hamming(win,winLen,even) float *win; int winLen, even; { float Pi,ftmp; int i; Pi = 4.*atan(1.); ftmp = Pi/winLen; if (even) { for (i=0; i<winLen; i++) *(win+i) = .54 + .46*cos(ftmp*(i+.5)); *(win+winLen) = 0.; } else { *(win) = 1.; for (i=1; i<=winLen; i++) *(win+i) = *(win-i) = .54 + .46*cos(ftmp*i); } return; } malerr(str, ex) char *str; int ex; { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); exit(ex); } quit() { fprintf(stderr, "exiting\n"); (void) sfallclose(); exit(1); }
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