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#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include <carl/carl.h> #include <carl/defaults.h> extern int arg_index; extern char *arg_option; extern char crack(); extern float sfexpr(); double pi, piovr2; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { extern double atof(); int otty = isatty(1); char ch; long int beg, end, cnt=0; float srate=FDHISR, output, input, janbeg(), janend(); pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0); piovr2 = 2.0 * atan(1.0); while ((ch = crack(argc, argv, "h", 1)) != NULL) if (ch == 'h') janushelp(0); if (getheader(stdin) != NULL) { register char *pval; if ((pval = getprop(stdin, H_SRATE)) != NULL) srate = atof(pval); } arg_index = 0; while ((ch = crack(argc, argv, "R|", 1)) != NULL) { if (ch == 'R') { srate = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; } } beg = .05 * srate; end = .05 * srate; arg_index = 0; while ((ch = crack(argc, argv, "R|b|e|h", 0)) != NULL) { switch (ch) { case 'R': break; case 'b': beg = sfexpr(arg_option, srate); break; case 'e': end = sfexpr(arg_option, srate); break; case 'h': janushelp(0); default: janushelp(1); } } if ((cnt = setbufup(end)) != end) { fprintf(stderr, "janus: expected %d samples, but only got %d\n", end, cnt); exit(1); } cnt = 0; while (bufup(&input) > 0) { if (cnt < beg) output = janbeg(input, beg); else output = input; if (otty) printf("%d:\t%f\n", cnt, output); else putfloat(&output); cnt++; } while (bufend(&input) > 0) { output = janend(input, end); if (otty) printf("%d:\t%f\n", cnt++, output); else putfloat(&output); } if (!otty) flushfloat(); exit(0); } float janbeg(in, beg) float in; long int beg; { static long int cnt = 0; float rtn; return(in * 0.5 * (cos(pi * (float) cnt++ / beg + pi) + 1.0)); } float janend(in, end) float in; long int end; { static long int cnt = 0; return(in * 0.5 * (sin(pi * (float) cnt++ / end + piovr2) + 1.0)); } janushelp(ex) int ex; { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "usage: janus [flags] < floatsams > floatsams\n", " flags:\n", " -bN\tscale beginning until time N (default= .05sec)\n", " -eN\tstart ending scaling at time N from end of file (default= .05sec)\n", " -RN\tset sampling rate for time calculations\n", "\t(if no header, default= ", DHISR, " Hz), flag overrides header)\n" ); exit(ex); } float *buf; long int len, len1; setbufup(cnt) long cnt; { register int i=0; float input; len = len1 = cnt; /* save global lengths */ buf = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * cnt); if (buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "janus: out of memory!\n"); exit(1); } while (i < cnt && (getfloat(&input) > 0)) buf[i++] = input; return(i); } long int ptr = 0; bufup(samp) float *samp; { register int rtn; if (ptr >= len) /* wraparound */ ptr = 0; *samp = buf[ptr]; if (getfloat(&buf[ptr]) > 0) { ptr++; return(1); } else return(0); } bufend(samp) float *samp; { if (ptr >= len) ptr = 0; *samp = buf[ptr++]; return(len1--); }
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