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/* cc envanal.c -lsf -lfrm -lm */ /* * envanal - data reduction by hierarchical syntactic function analysis. * * Author: Gareth Loy * * This program is based on Strawn's algorithm of syntactic analysis * [John Strawn, "Approximation and Syntactic Analysis of Amplitude * and Frequency Functions for Digital Sound, CMJ, V4, #3]. * * It implements a two level grammar for a data reduction by * the recursive recognition of line segment features of * an input waveform. It produces on the standard output either a * summary of these features, a plot of the resulting data-reduced function, * or the floating point binary representation of that function. */ /* * In addition, a peak-reading algorithm has been added that causes the * analysis to proceed along the tops of the input segments. */ #include<stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <carl/frm.h> #include <carl/defaults.h> #include <carl/carl.h> #define UP 1 #define LL 0 #define DN -1 struct seg { int dir; long lbeg; float vbeg; long lend; float vend; } *sb1, *sb2; #define SEG 1 #define PLOT 2 #define FLOAT 4 #define GEN 8 #define ENVBUG 1 #define PEAKBUG 2 int bug = 0, verbose = 0, otty, omode = SEG; long scnt = 0, scnt1, scnt2; int ybrk = 0, dbrk = 0, xbrk = 0, ycat = 0, dcat = 0; float avesegl = 0, avesegv = 0; int prate = 1, peak = 0; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { struct seg *s, *getmseg(); char ch; float sfexpr(); float srate = FDHISR; float durThresh = .01, yThresh = .01, sumThresh = .1, pThresh = .01; float DurThresh = .1, YThresh = .2, SumThresh = .4; int i = 0, j, k, passone = 0, passtwo = 1; long nsegs = 8*BUFSIZ; /* * durThresh - set time-domain length >= which an input segment causes a break * (.01). * yThresh - set amplitude difference > which an input segment will cause a * break (.01). * sumThresh - set maximum size to which a segment can grow before causing a * break (.1). * DurThresh - pass 2 version of durThresh (.1). * YThresh - pass 2 version of YThresh. (.2) * SumThresh - pass 2 version of SumThresh (.4). * nsegs - max. # of segments expected (8K segments). * passone, passtwo - output results of this pass only (pass 2) * omode - output format: GEN, FLOAT, PLOT (tty:SEG, pipe:FLOAT) */ otty = isatty(1); while ((ch = crack(argv,argv,"hv12gfP|b|p|d|y|s|D|Y|S|R|n|", 0))!= NULL) { switch(ch) { case 'd': durThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'y': yThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 's': sumThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'D': DurThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'Y': YThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'S': SumThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'R': srate = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'n': nsegs = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'b': bug = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case '1': passone++; passtwo = 0; break; case '2': passone++; passtwo++; break; case 'g': omode = GEN; break; case 'f': omode = FLOAT; if (otty) { fprintf(stderr, "output must be a file or pipe for -f\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'p': omode = PLOT; prate = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); if (prate == 0) prate = 1; break; case 'P': peak++; pThresh = sfexpr(arg_option, 1.0); if (pThresh==0) pThresh=.01; break; case 'h': case EOF: default: envanalhelp(); } } sb1 = (struct seg *) malloc(sizeof(struct seg)*nsegs); durThresh *= srate; /* convt to samples */ DurThresh *= srate; sumThresh *= srate; SumThresh *= srate; pThresh *= srate; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "pass one: durThresh=%f yThresh=%f sumThresh=%f\n", durThresh, yThresh, sumThresh); while ((s = getmseg()) != NULL) { i = envanal(s, sb1, i, durThresh, yThresh, sumThresh); if (i >= nsegs) { fprintf(stderr, "ran out of pass1 seg storage!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "find out about the -n flag\n"); } } if (passone && bug == PEAKBUG) putout(sb1, i, srate); if (peak) i = pique(sb1, i, pThresh); if (passone) putout(sb1, i, srate); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "pass one:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tnsamps=%d\tnsegs=%d\tcompression=%f\n", scnt, i, scnt*1.0/(i==0?1:i)); for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { avesegl += sb1[k].lend - sb1[k].lbeg; avesegv += fabs(sb1[k].vend - sb1[k].vbeg); } fprintf(stderr, "\tave.seg.len=%f\\n", avesegl/(i==0?1:i), avesegv/(i==0?1:i)); fprintf(stderr, "\tybrk=%d\tdbrk=%d\txbrk=%d\t", ybrk, dbrk, xbrk); fprintf(stderr, "ycat=%d\tdcat=%d\n\n", ycat, dcat); } scnt1 = scnt; scnt = avesegl = avesegv = ybrk = dbrk = xbrk = ycat = dcat = 0; sb2 = (struct seg *) malloc(sizeof(struct seg)*i+1); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "pass two: DurThresh=%f YThresh=%f SumThresh=%f\n", DurThresh, YThresh, SumThresh); for (j = k = 0; k <= i; k++) j = envanal(&sb1[k], sb2, j, DurThresh, YThresh, SumThresh); if (passtwo && bug == PEAKBUG) putout(sb2, j, srate); if (peak) j = pique(sb2, j, pThresh); if (passtwo) putout(sb2, j, srate); scnt2 = scnt; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "pass two:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tnsamps=%d\tnsegs=%d\tcompression=%f\n", scnt, j, scnt*1.0/(j==0?1:j)); for (k = 0; k < i; k++) { avesegl += sb2[k].lend - sb2[k].lbeg; avesegv += fabs(sb2[k].vend - sb2[k].vbeg); } fprintf(stderr, "\tave.seg.len=%f\\n", avesegl/(j==0?1:j), avesegv/(j==0?1:j)); fprintf(stderr, "\tybrk=%d\tdbrk=%d\txbrk=%d\t", ybrk, dbrk, xbrk); fprintf(stderr, "ycat=%d\tdcat=%d\n", ycat, dcat); fprintf(stderr, "overall compression=%f\n", scnt1*1.0/(j==0?1:j)); } if (!otty) flushfloat(); } struct seg *getmseg() { static struct seg tseg; float input; static float last; static int first; static long cnt; if (!first) { first++; if (getfloat(&last) <= 0) return(NULL); } if (getfloat(&input) <= 0) return(NULL); tseg.lbeg = cnt++; tseg.vbeg = last; tseg.lend = cnt; tseg.vend = input; if (tseg.vend > tseg.vbeg) tseg.dir = UP; else if (tseg.vend == tseg.vbeg) tseg.dir = LL; else if (tseg.vend < tseg.vbeg) tseg.dir = DN; last = input; return(&tseg); } envanalhelp() { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "usage: envanal [flags] < floatsams > floatsams\n", "input must be a file or pipe\n", " flags:\n", " dN = set pass 1 dur. thresh. to N (.01)\n", " yN = set pass 1 amp thresh. to N (.01)\n", " sN = set pass 1 max. seg. dur. thresh. to N (.1)\n", " DN = set pass 2 dur. thresh. to N (.1)\n", " YN = set pass 2 amp thresh. to N (.2)\n", " SN = set pass 2 max. seg. dur. thresh. to N (.4)\n", " RN = set sampling rate to R (48K)\n", " nN = set est. # segs in pass 1 (16K)\n", " 1 = produce pass one only (pass 2 only)\n", " 2 = produce both passes one and two (2 only)\n", " v = verbose\n", " b = bug\n" ); exit(1); } envanal(s, sb, i, durT, yT, sumT) struct seg *s, *sb; float durT, yT, sumT; int i; { float segx, segy, segm; int segd; register float ob, oe, ne; segm = s->lend - s->lbeg; segx = (sb[i].lend - sb[i].lbeg) + segm; ob = sb[i].vbeg; oe = sb[i].vend; ne = s->vend; segy = ne - oe; segy = segy < 0 ? -segy : segy; segd = sb[i].dir == s->dir ? 1 : 0; if (scnt == 0) segd = 1; if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "mseg %d:%d - %d\t%f - %f\t%2d\n", scnt, s->lbeg, s->lend, s->vbeg, s->vend, s->dir); if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "(y=%f <= yT=%f || d=%d) && x=%f <= sT=%f", segy, yT, segd, segx, sumT); if (bug == ENVBUG) if (segy > yT) fprintf(stderr, "*"); if (segm <= durT && (segy <= yT || segd) && segx <= sumT) { /* concatenate */ if (bug == ENVBUG) { fprintf(stderr, "\tc:"); if (segy <= yT) fprintf(stderr, "y\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "d\n"); } if (segy <= yT) ycat++; else dcat++; /* extend current macroSeg */ if (scnt == 0) sb[i].vbeg = s->vbeg; sb[i].lend += s->lend - s->lbeg; sb[i].vend = s->vend; if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "xMseg %d:%d - %d\t%f - %f\t%2d\n", i, sb[i].lbeg, sb[i].lend, sb[i].vbeg, sb[i].vend, sb[i].dir); } else /* new seg */ { /* start new macroSeg with current microSeg */ if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "\tN:"); if (segx > sumT) { xbrk++; if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "x\n"); } else if (segy > yT) { ybrk++; if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "y"); if (!segd) { dbrk++; if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "d"); } if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* complete old macroSeg */ if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "oMseg %d:%d - %d\t%f - %f\t%2d\n", i, sb[i].lbeg, sb[i].lend, sb[i].vbeg, sb[i].vend, sb[i].dir); /* start new macroSeg */ i++; sb[i].lbeg = s->lbeg; sb[i].vbeg = s->vbeg; sb[i].lend = s->lend; sb[i].vend = s->vend; sb[i].dir = s->dir; if (bug == ENVBUG) fprintf(stderr, "nMseg %d:%d - %d\t%f - %f\t%2d\n", i, sb[i].lbeg, sb[i].lend, sb[i].vbeg, sb[i].vend, sb[i].dir); } scnt++; return(i); } putout(sb, n, srate) struct seg *sb; int n; float srate; { register i, j; if (omode == SEG) for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) printf( "%d:\tx: %dS(%6.3fs)<==>%dS(%6.3fs)\ty: %6.5f<==>%6.5f\t%2d\n", i, sb[i].lbeg, sb[i].lbeg/srate, sb[i].lend, sb[i].lend/srate, sb[i].vbeg, sb[i].vend, sb[i].dir); else if (omode & (PLOT | FLOAT)) { static int cnt; char cseg, hseg; register float inc, div; float output; for ( cnt = i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) { div = (sb[i].lend-sb[i].lbeg); inc = (sb[i].vend-sb[i].vbeg)/div; output = sb[i].vbeg; cseg = i % 2 ? '*' :'#'; for (j = sb[i].lbeg; j < sb[i].lend; j++, cnt++, output += inc) if (omode == FLOAT) putfloat(&output); else if (!(j % prate)) plotline(output, cnt, cseg, '-'); } if (omode == FLOAT) putfloat(&sb[n].vend); else plotline(sb[n].vend, cnt, cseg, '-'); } else if (omode == GEN) { printf("gen1 -L1024 "); for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) printf("%f %f ", sb[i].lbeg/srate, sb[i].vbeg); printf("%f %f;\n", sb[i-1].lend/srate, sb[i-1].vend); } } plotline(input, n, capital, fill) float input; int n; char capital, fill; { register char c; int pos, i; float min = 0,max = 1; printf("%6d",n); c = capital; if(input < min){c = '<'; input = min;} if(input > max) {c = '>'; input = max;} pos = (input-min)/(max-min) * 70.0 + 0.5; if(pos <= 35){ for(i = 0; i < pos-1; i++) putchar(fill); putchar(c); if(pos != 35){ if(pos==0)pos=1; for(i = pos; i<34; i++) putchar(' '); putchar('|'); } putchar('\n'); } else { for(i=0;i<34;i++) putchar(fill); putchar('|'); for(i=0; i<pos-35; i++)putchar(fill); putchar(c); putchar('\n'); } } pique(sb, n, pT) struct seg *sb; int n; float pT; { float hiend(); register int i, j, oldj, k, maxl; for (i = 0, oldj = j = 1; j < n; j++) { if (sb[j].dir != UP) continue; else if (hiend(sb,j) < hiend(sb,i) && sb[j].lend - sb[i].lbeg <= pT) continue; if (sb[j].lend - sb[i].lbeg > pT) { register float maxv = 0; for (maxl = k = oldj+1; k < j; k++) if (hiend(sb,k) > maxv) { maxv = hiend(sb,k); maxl = k; } j = maxl; } i = gulp(sb, i, j); oldj = j; } if (sb[i].lend != sb[j].lend) /* one left over */ { i++; sb[i].lbeg = sb[i-1].lend; sb[i].vbeg = sb[i-1].vend; sb[i].lend = sb[j].lend; sb[i].vend = sb[j].vend; } return(i); } float hiend(sb, x) struct seg *sb; int x; { return(sb[x].vend > sb[x].vbeg ? sb[x].vend : sb[x].vbeg); } gulp(sb, i, j) struct seg *sb; int i,j; { register float dir; i++; dir = sb[j].vend - sb[i].vbeg; if (dir != 0) sb[i].dir = dir > 0 ? UP : DN; else sb[i].dir = 0; sb[i].lbeg = sb[i-1].lend; sb[i].lend = sb[j].lend; sb[i].vbeg = sb[i-1].vend; sb[i].vend = sb[j].vend; return(i); }
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