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#include "pv.h"

 * complex arithmetic routines
complex cadd( complex x, complex y ) { /* return x + y */
 static complex z ;
    z.re = x.re + y.re ;
    z.im = x.im + y.im ;
    return( z ) ;
complex csub( complex x, complex y ) { /* return x - y */
 static complex z ;
    z.re = x.re - y.re ;
    z.im = x.im - y.im ;
    return( z ) ;
complex cmult( complex x, complex y ) { /* return x*y */
 static complex z ;
    z.re = x.re*y.re - x.im*y.im ;
    z.im = x.re*y.im + x.im*y.re ;
    return( z ) ;
complex scmult( float s, complex x ) { /* return s*x */
 static complex z ;
    z.re = s*x.re ;
    z.im = s*x.im ;
    return( z ) ;
complex cdiv( complex x, complex y ) { /* return x/y */
 static complex z ;
 float mag, ang ; /* polar arithmetic more robust here */
    mag = CABS( x )/CABS( y ) ;
    if ( x.re != 0. && y.re != 0. )
	ang = atan2( x.im, x.re) - atan2( y.im, y.re) ;
	ang = 0. ;
    z.re = mag*cos( ang ) ;
    z.im = mag*sin( ang ) ;
    return( z ) ;
complex conjg( complex x ) { /* return x* */
 static complex y ;
    y.re = x.re ;
    y.im = -x.im ;
    return( y ) ;
complex csqrt( complex x ) { /* return sqrt(x) */
 static complex z ;
 float mag, ang ;
    mag = sqrt( CABS( x ) ) ;
    if ( x.re != 0. )
	ang = atan2( x.im, x.re)/2. ;
	ang = 0. ;
    z.re = mag*cos( ang ) ;
    z.im = mag*sin( ang ) ;
    return( z ) ;

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