
This is findroots.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include "pv.h"

 * a[] contains M+1 complex polynomial coefficients in the order
 *         a[0] + a[1]*x + a[2]*x^2 + ... + a[M]*x^M
 * find and return its M roots in r[0] through r[M-1]
findroots( a, r, M ) complex a[], r[] ; int M ; {
 complex x, b, c, laguerre() ;
 float eps = 1.e-6 ;
 int i, j, jj ;
 static complex *ad ;
 static int LM ;
    if ( M != LM ) {
	if ( ad )
	    free( ad ) ;
	ad = (complex *) malloc( (M+1)*sizeof(complex) ) ;
	LM = M ;
 * make temp copy of polynomial coefficients
    for ( i = 0 ; i <= M ; i++ )
	ad[i] = a[i] ;
 * use Laguerre's method to estimate each root
    for ( j = M ; j > 0 ; j-- ) {
	x = zero ;
	x = laguerre( ad, j, x, eps, 0 ) ;
	if ( fabs( x.im ) <= pow( 2.*eps, 2.*fabs( x.re ) ) )
	    x.im = 0. ;
	r[j-1] = x ;
 * factor each root as it is found out of the polynomial
 * using synthetic division
	b = ad[j] ;
	for ( jj = j - 1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- ) {
	    c = ad[jj] ;
	    ad[jj] = b ;
	    b = cadd( cmult( x, b ), c ) ;
 * polish each root, (i.e., improve its accuracy)
 * also by using Laguerre's method
    for ( j = 0 ; j < M ; j++ )
	r[j] = laguerre( a, M, r[j], eps, 1 ) ;
 * sort roots by their real parts
    for ( i = 0 ; i < M-1 ; i++ ) {
	for ( j = i + 1 ; j < M ; j++ ) {
	    if ( r[j].re < r[i].re ) {
		x = r[i] ;
		r[i] = r[j] ;
		r[j] = x ;

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