
This is convert.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include "pv.h"

 * S is a spectrum in rfft format, i.e., it contains N real values
 * arranged as real followed by imaginary values, except for first
 * two values, which are real parts of 0 and Nyquist frequencies;
 * convert first changes these into N/2+1 PAIRS of magnitude and
 * phase values to be stored in output array C; the phases are then
 * unwrapped and successive phase differences are used to compute
 * estimates of the instantaneous frequencies for each phase vocoder
 * analysis channel; decimation rate D and sampling rate R are used
 * to render these frequency values directly in Hz.
convert( S, C, N2, D, R )
    float S[], C[] ; int N2, D, R ;
 static int first = 1 ;
 static float *lastphase, fundamental, factor ;
 float phase, phasediff ;
 int real, imag, amp, freq ;
 float a, b ;
 int i ;
 * FIRST TIME ONLY: allocate zeroed space for previous phase
 * values for each channel and compute constants
    if ( first ) {
	first = 0 ;
	fvec( lastphase, N2+1 ) ;
	fundamental = (float) R/(N2<<1) ;
        factor = R/(D*TWOPI) ;
 * unravel rfft-format spectrum: note that N2+1 pairs of
 * values are produced
    for ( i = 0 ; i <= N2 ; i++ ) {
	imag = freq = ( real = amp = i<<1 ) + 1 ;
	a = ( i == N2 ? S[1] : S[real] ) ;
	b = ( i == 0 || i == N2 ? 0. : S[imag] ) ;
 * compute magnitude value from real and imaginary parts
	C[amp] = hypot( a, b ) ;
 * compute phase value from real and imaginary parts and take
 * difference between this and previous value for each channel
	if ( C[amp] == 0. )
	    phasediff = 0. ;
	else {
	    phasediff = ( phase = -atan2( b, a ) ) - lastphase[i] ;
	    lastphase[i] = phase ;
 * unwrap phase differences
	    while ( phasediff > PI )
		phasediff -= TWOPI ;
	    while ( phasediff < -PI )
		phasediff += TWOPI ;
 * convert each phase difference to Hz
	C[freq] = phasediff*factor + i*fundamental ;

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