
This is ochan.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

* chan provides multichannel signal processing by demultiplexing its standard
* input, feeding each channel (through pipes) to one of several monophonic 
* processing pipelines which run as parallel processes, remultiplexing the 
* outputs of these processes, and writing the resulting multiplexed data stream
* on the standard output. A typical command form:
* cmusic stereo.sc | chan 2 "reverb .6 1000" "reverb .7 1131" | sndout -c 2
* takes the output of cmusic, separates the 2 channels, applies 
* "reverb .6 1000" to the first channel, and "reverb .7 1131" to the second, 
* then recombines the signal and pipes it to sndout.  If only one process 
* is specified for multiple channels, it is applied in parallel to each channel.

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXCHAN 4
#define ERR(msg) {fprintf(stderr,msg); exit(-1);}
#define MS(msg,val) {fprintf(stderr,msg,val);}

main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
    register i, nchan;
    int fdi[MAXCHAN][2], fdo[MAXCHAN][2];
    FILE *pipe_in[MAXCHAN], *pipe_out[MAXCHAN];
    float frame[MAXCHAN];
    int data, status;

    if(argc > 1) nchan = atoi(argv[1]);
    if (argc != 3 && argc != nchan + 2) 
	ERR("Usage: chan N 'cmd' -or- chan N 'cmd1' ... 'cmdN'\n");
    if(nchan < 2 || nchan > MAXCHAN)
	ERR("chan: illegal number of channels\n");

    for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++)
	if( pipe( &fdi[i][0] ) < 0 || pipe( &fdo[i][0] ) < 0)
	    ERR("chan: pipe overflow\n");
   spouse process which reads output pipes, remuxes, and writes on stdout
    if( !fork() ){
	for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++){
	    close( fdi[i][0] );
	    close( fdi[i][1] );
	    close( fdo[i][1] );
	    pipe_out[i] = fdopen( fdo[i][0], "r");

	if( !isatty(1) )while(1){
	    for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++)
	     data = fread( &frame[i], sizeof(float), 1, pipe_out[i] ); 
	    if (data) fwrite( &frame[0], sizeof(float), nchan, stdout );
		else exit(0);
	} else while(1){
	    for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++)
	     data = fread( &frame[i], sizeof(float), 1, pipe_out[i] ); 
	    if (data) for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++) printf("%f\n", frame[i]);
		else exit(0);
   processing children read stdin and write stdout, which are connected
   to process input and process output pipes, respectively
    for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++)if( !fork() ){
    /* connect stdin to process input pipes */
	close( fdi[i][1] );
	dup2( fdi[i][0], 0 );
	close( fdi[i][0] );
    /* connect stdout to process output pipes */
	close( fdo[i][0] );
	dup2( fdo[i][1], 1 );
	close( fdo[i][1] );
    /* execute processes */
	if(argc == 3)
	    execlp( "/bin/csh", "csh", "-c", argv[2], 0);
	    execlp( "/bin/csh", "csh", "-c", argv[i+2], 0);

	ERR("chan: We NEVER come here!");
   parent process reads its stdin, demuxes, and writes on input pipes
   of each parallel process 
    for(i = 0; i < nchan; i++){
	close( fdo[i][0] );
	close( fdo[i][1] );
	close( fdi[i][0] );
	if( (pipe_in[i] = fdopen( fdi[i][1], "w") ) == NULL)
	    ERR("chan: fdopen failed\n");

    if( !isatty(0) ) while( fread( &frame[0], sizeof(float), nchan, stdin ) ){
	for( i = 0; i < nchan; i++ )
	    if( !fwrite( &frame[i], sizeof(float), 1, pipe_in[i] ) )
		ERR("chan: unable to write process input pipes\n");
    } else wait( &status );

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.