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#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <carl/sndio.h> #include <carl/carl.h> /*------------------------------------------------------- fastfir.c This program designs FIR filters via the classical windowing technique. The specifications are given via flags on the command line, and the coefficients are written to a specified file in the standard filter format. An optional output to stdout is the filter impulse response. This is essentially a c version of the main program WINDOW from the IEEE Programs for Digital Signal Processing. cc fastfir.c -ljos -lieee -lI77 -lF77 -lcarl -lm -------------------------------------------------------*/ main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { float srate = 1., /* sample rate */ fc, /* cutoff frequency */ fl, /* low-frequency band edge */ fh, /* high-frequency band edge */ att = 70, /* parameter for kaiser */ alpha = -1., /* parameter for hamming */ beta, /* parameter for hamming, kaiser */ dplog = 0., /* parameter for chebyshev */ dp, /* parameter for chebyshev */ df = 0., /* parameter for chebyshev */ x0, /* for chebyshev */ xn, /* for chebyshev */ c, /* for impulse response calculation */ c1, /* for impulse response calculation */ c3, /* for impulse response calculation */ pi, /* 3.14159... */ zero = 0., /* zero (for putfloat) */ norm; /* for normalizing filter */ float f[20], /* holds cutoff frequency info */ *w, /* holds left half of window */ *h; /* holds left half of ideal response */ int i = -1, ia, /* absolute value of i */ nf = 3, /* impulse response length */ n, /* half length */ itype = 6, /* window type */ jtype = 1, /* filter type */ ieo = 0; /* indicate even (0) or odd (1) */ char cbuf[72]; /* buffer for strings to write to header */ char ch; FILE *fp; /* Interpret commandline by calling dgl's subroutine crack. */ while ((ch = crack(argc, argv, "n|x|w|f|a|b|c|d|R|h", 0)) != NULL) { switch (ch) { case 'n': nf = expr(arg_option); break; case 'x': jtype = expr(arg_option); break; case 'w': itype = expr(arg_option); break; case 'R': srate = expr(arg_option); break; case 'f': f[++i] = expr(arg_option); break; case 'a': att = expr(arg_option); break; case 'b': alpha = expr(arg_option); break; case 'c': dplog = expr(arg_option); break; case 'd': df = expr(arg_option); break; case 'h': usage(0); default: usage(1); /* this exits with error */ } } if (arg_index < argc) fp = fopen(argv[arg_index],"w"); else fp = fopen("tmp.flt","w"); if ((jtype == 1) || (jtype == 2)){ if (i != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: specify ONE -f\n"); fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: specify -h for help\n"); exit(1); } fc = f[0] / srate; } else if((jtype == 3) || (jtype == 4)){ if (i != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: specify TWO -f's\n"); exit(1); } if (f[0] < f[1]){ fl = f[0] / srate; fh = f[1] / srate; } else if (f[0] > f[1]){ fl = f[1] / srate; fh = f[0] / srate; } else { fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: impossible -f pair\n"); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: invalid -x = %d\n",jtype); exit(1); } if ((nf == 3) && (jtype != 7)) nf = 127; if ((nf < 3) || (nf > 16384)){ fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: invalid -n = %d\n",nf); exit(1); } if ((( jtype % 2) == 0 ) && (( nf % 2) == 0 )){ nf -= 1; fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: warning > -n changed to %d\n",nf); } n = (nf + 1) / 2; if (2*n != nf) ieo = 1; pi = 4. * atan(1.); if ((w = (float *) calloc(n, sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("fastfir: insufficient memory",1); if ((h = (float *) calloc(n, sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("fastfir: insufficient memory",1); /* Call subroutines from IEEE library. */ switch(itype) { case 1: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) *(w+i) = 1.; /*rectangular*/ break; case 2: triang_(&nf,w,&n,&ieo); /*triangular */ break; case 3: alpha = .54; /* hamming */ beta = 1. - alpha; hammin_(&nf,w,&n,&ieo,&alpha,&beta); break; case 4: if ((alpha < 0.) || (alpha > 1.)){ /*generalized*/ fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: no valid -b\n"); exit(1); } beta = 1. - alpha; hammin_(&nf,w,&n,&ieo,&alpha,&beta); break; case 5: alpha = .5; /* hanning */ beta = 1. - alpha; nf += 2; n += 1; hammin_(&nf,w,&n,&ieo,&alpha,&beta); nf -= 2; n -= 1; break; case 6: if (att < 0.){ /* kaiser */ fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: no valid -a\n"); exit(1); } if (att > 50.) beta = .1102 * (att - 8.7); if ((att <= 50.) && (att >= 20.96)) { beta = pow((.58417 * (att - 20.96)), 0.4); beta += .07886 * (att - 20.96); } if (att < 20.) beta = 0.; kaiser_(&nf,w,&n,&ieo,&beta); break; case 7: df = df / srate; /* chebyshev */ if ((df < 0.) || (df > .5)){ fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: illegal -d\n"); exit(1); } if ((df == 0.) && (nf == 3)){ fprintf(stderr,"fastfir: need -n or -d\n"); exit(1); } if ((df == 0.) && (dplog == 0.)) dplog = 70.; if (nf == 3) nf = 0; dp = pow(10., -.05*dplog); chebc_(&nf,&dp,&df,&n,&x0,&xn); n = (nf + 1) / 2; if (2*n != nf) ieo = 1; cheby_(&nf,w,&n,&ieo,&dp,&df,&x0,&xn); break; } /* Ideal impulse response calculation. */ if (jtype < 3) c1 = fc; else c1 = fh - fl; if (ieo) *h = 2. * c1; for (i = ieo; i < n; i++){ if (ieo) c = pi * i; else c = pi * ((float) i + .5); if (jtype < 3) c3 = 2. * c * c1; else c3 = c * c1; if (jtype < 3) *(h + i) = sin(c3) / c; else *(h + i) = 2. * cos(c * (fl + fh)) * sin(c3) / c; } /* Actual impulse response calculation is window * ideal. */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) *(h + i) *= *(w + i); if (jtype < 3){ /* normalize */ if (ieo) norm = *h; else norm = 2. * *h; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) norm += 2. * *(h + i); norm = (float) 1. / norm; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) *(h + i) *= norm; } if (jtype % 2 == 0){ /*highpass & bandstop*/ *h = 1. - *h; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) *(h + i) = - *(h + i); } if (isatty(1) == 0){ /* optional output */ sprintf(cbuf, "%f", srate); stdheader(stdout, NULL, cbuf, 1, H_FLOATSAM); for (i = -n + 1; i < n; i++){ ia = (i > 0) ? i : -i; putfloat(h + ia); if ((ieo != 1) && (i == 0)) putfloat(h); } for (i = nf ; i < 1024; i++) putfloat(&zero); flushfloat(); } /* Write filter file in standard format. */ fprintf(stderr,"\nWriting filter file.\n"); fprintf(fp,"# FIR filter\n"); fprintf(fp,"#\n#To see its response, type:\n"); fprintf(fp,"#\timpulse 1024 512 | convolve filter_file | show\n#\n"); fprintf(fp,"#To see its spectrum, type:\n"); fprintf(fp,"\#\timpulse 1024 512 | convolve filter_file |"); fprintf(fp," spect -f | btoa -F \n#\n"); fprintf(fp,"#(where filter_file is this file)\n#\n"); fprintf(fp,"filter;\n"); fprintf(fp,"NIcoeffs = %d\n",nf); fprintf(fp,"NOcoeffs = 1\n"); fprintf(fp,"ICoeffs = \n"); for(i = -n + 1; i < n; i++){ ia = (i > 0) ? i : -i; fprintf(fp," %-17.10e",*(h + ia)); if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(fp,"\n"); if ((ieo != 1) && (i == 0)) fprintf(fp," %-17.10e",*(h + ia)); if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(fp,"\n"); } fprintf(fp,"\nOCoeffs = \n"); fprintf(fp," 1.00\n"); fclose(fp); exit(0); } usage(exitcode) int exitcode; { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", "fastfir [flags] filter_file [ > floatsams ]\n", "\tflags: (defaults in parenthesis)\n", "\t-R sample rate (1.)\n", "\t-n length of impulse response in samples (127)\n", "\t-x filter type: (1)\n\t\t1\tlowpass\n\t\t2\thighpass\n\t\t3\tbandpass\n", "\t\t4\tbandstop\n", "\t-w window type: (6)\n\t\t1\trectangular\n\t\t2\ttriangular\n\t\t3\tHamming\n", "\t\t4\tgeneralized Hamming\n\t\t5\tHanning\n\t\t6\tKaiser\n\t\t7\tChebyshev\n", "\t-f filter cutoff frequency (use two -f's for bandpass or bandstop)\n", "\t-a Kaiser only: stopband attenuation in db (70)\n", "\t-b generalized Hamming only: w(i) = b + (1-b) * cos(2*pi*i/(n-1))\n", "\t-c Chebyshev only: desired filter ripple attenuation in db (70)\n", "\t-d Chebyshev only: transition width (0)\n", "\t (for Chebyshev, any two of -n, -c, and -d is sufficient)\n", "\t if filter_file is not specified the file tmp.flt will be created"); exit(exitcode); } malerr(str, ex) char *str; int ex; { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); exit(ex); }
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