This is cmusic.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include <strings.h> #include <carl/carl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include "m.defs.h" #include "m.globs.h" #include "ug.defs.h" #include "ug.globs.h" #define ERR1(s,v)fprintf(stderr,s,v) #define ERX1(s,v){fprintf(stderr,s,v);exit(-1);} main(argc,argv,envp) int argc; char *argv[], **envp;{ FILE *popen(); int i; char *clean, *merge(); long tbegin, tend, ncmproc; struct tms *tbpt, tb; Pi = 4.*atan(1.); Pi2 = 8.*atan(1.); fscanf(popen("ps | fgrep cmusic | wc -l", "r"), "%d", &ncmproc); if(ncmproc-3 > 2) ERX1("CMUSIC: You are now attempting to run %d cmusic jobs simultaneously\nThat's too many (try using batch)\n", ncmproc-2); if(ncmproc-3 > 1) ERR1("CMUSIC: You are now running %d cmusic jobs simultaneously\n", ncmproc-2); tbegin = gettime(); tbpt = &tb; if(argc > 1 && *argv[argc-1] != '-') { if(freopen(argv[argc-1],"r",stdin)==NULL) ERR1("Can't open '%s'\n",argv[argc-1]); Infilename = strcpy(calloc(strlen(argv[argc-1])+1, sizeof(char)), argv[argc-1]); } Infile = popen("/lib/cpp -traditional | cat -s","r"); for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)if(*argv[i] == '-')switch(*(++argv[i])){ case 'v': if(!vflag)Verbose = *(++argv[i])=='-'?0:1; vflag++; break; case 't': if(!tflag)Timer = *(++argv[i])=='-'?0:1; tflag++; break; case 'n': if(!nflag)Notify = *(++argv[i])=='-'?0:1; nflag++; break; case 'o': if(!oflag)Nooutput = *(++argv[i])=='-'?0:1; oflag++; break; #ifdef nextsf case 'f': i++ ; if ( i < argc && *argv[i] != '-' ) Outfilename = strcpy(calloc(strlen(argv[i])+4, sizeof(char)), argv[i]); else Outfilename = strcpy(calloc(strlen("stdin")+4, sizeof(char)), "stdin"); if ( rindex( Outfilename, '.' ) ) *rindex( Outfilename, '.' ) = '\0' ; strcat( Outfilename, ".snd" ) ; break; #endif case 'q': Notify = 0; nflag++; Timer = 0; tflag++; Verbose = 0; vflag++; break; case 'R': if((Srate = expr(++argv[i])) <= 0) ERX1("CMUSIC: Illegal sampling rate (=%d)\n", Srate); Rflag++; break; case 'B': if((Lblocks = expr(++argv[i])) <= 0) ERX1("CMUSIC: Illegal blocklength (=%d)\n", Lblocks); Bflag++; break; case 'L': if((Lfuncs = expr(++argv[i])) <= 0) ERX1("CMUSIC: Illegal function length (=%d)\n", Lfuncs); Lflag++; break; default: ERX1("CMUSIC: Unrecognized flag: '%c%\n", *argv[i]); } init(); while( bc = field(fld,SIGS,SBRK) ){ if(bc == EOF){ if(Mergeflag){ fclose(Infile); /* Yes, fclose() - due to merge action */ system(clean); Infile = PInfile; Mergeflag = 0; if(Verbose){PROUT("endmerge;\n",bc);} continue; } else {tersim(); break;} } if(S3("com",fld)){SEMIC; continue;} if(S3("gen",fld)){generator(); continue;} if(S3("ins",fld)){instrument(); continue;} if(S3("mer",fld)){clean = merge(); continue;} if(S3("not",fld) || S3("pla",fld)){play(); continue;} if(S3("pri",fld)){printout(); continue;} if(S3("sec",fld)){section(); continue;} if(S3("set",fld)){set(); continue;} if(S3("ter",fld)){terminate(); break;} if(S3("var",fld)){variable(); continue;} if(!strncmp(" ",fld,strlen(fld))){continue;} CMD(fld);UNREC;NL;SEMIC; } tend = gettime(); times(tbpt); if(argc > 1 && *argv[argc-1] != '-'){ PROUT("\ncmusic report: scorefile '%s'", argv[argc-1]); if(Notify) ERR1("\ncmusic report: scorefile '%s'", argv[argc-1]); } PROUT("\nSound duration = %.2fs", Endtime); if(Notify) ERR1("\nSound duration = %.2fs", Endtime); PROUT(" (%d samples)\n", (long) (Endtime*Srate*Nchan)); if(Notify) ERR1(" (%d samples)\n", (long) (Endtime*Srate*Nchan)); PROUT("Realtime = %ds", tend-tbegin); if(Notify) ERR1("Realtime = %ds", tend-tbegin); if(Endtime>0.)PROUT(", Realtime ratio = %.1f\n", (tend-tbegin)/Endtime); if(Notify) if(Endtime>0.)ERR1(", Realtime ratio = %.1f\n", (tend-tbegin)/Endtime); PROUT("Compute time = %.2fs", (tb.tms_utime+tb.tms_cutime)/60.); if(Notify) ERR1("Compute time = %.2fs", (tb.tms_utime+tb.tms_cutime)/60.); if(Endtime>0.)PROUT(", Compute ratio = %.1f\n", (tb.tms_utime+tb.tms_cutime) /(60.*Endtime)); if(Notify) if(Endtime>0.)ERR1(", Compute ratio = %.1f\n", (tb.tms_utime+tb.tms_cutime) /(60.*Endtime)); PROUT("Maxamp = %f,",Maxamp); if(Notify) ERR1("Maxamp = %f,",Maxamp); PROUT(" Maxecho, = %f",Maxecho); if(Notify) ERR1(" Maxecho, = %f",Maxecho); PROUT(" Maxreverb = %f\n",Maxreverb); if(Notify) ERR1(" Maxreverb = %f\n",Maxreverb); if(Clipped)PROUT("CMUSIC: %d samples out of range\n",Clipped); if(Notify) if(Clipped)ERR1("CMUSIC: %d samples out of range\n",Clipped); if(Error)PROUT("\n*** CMUSIC: %d errors detected - no synthesis ***\n\n",Error); if(Notify) if(Error)ERR1("\n*** CMUSIC: %d errors detected - no synthesis ***\n\n",Error); #ifdef CSOUND /* close any remaining open sound files */ sfallclose(); #endif #ifdef nextsf /* start of stuff added by sfl */ #import <sound/sound.h> if (Outfilename != NULL) { SNDSoundStruct snd, *sndp; FILE *fp; long dtotal; int ret; close( ofiledes); /* leftover from sndout */ if(( fp = fopen( Outfilename, "r+" )) == NULL ) fprintf(stderr, "%s not opened for updating!\n", Outfilename); else { sndp = &snd; dtotal = (long) (Endtime*Srate*Nchan) <<1; /* in bytes */ if(( ret = fread( sndp, sizeof(snd), 1, fp)) <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "Error reading %s header - %d!\n", Outfilename, ret); sndp->dataSize = dtotal; rewind( fp); if(( ret = fwrite(sndp, sizeof(snd), 1, fp)) <= 0) fprintf(stderr, "Error updating %s header - %d!\n", Outfilename, ret); fclose( fp); } } #endif /* end of stuff added by sfl */ flushfloat(); pclose(Infile); exit(0); } init(){ Now = Time = Future = 0.0; Lout=Nchan*Lblocks; if(Outblock){ Outblock = Outptr = (float *) realloc(Outblock, Lout*sizeof(float)); Sampout = (short *) realloc(Sampout, Lout*sizeof(short)); Grevblock = (float *) calloc(Lblocks,sizeof(float)); } else { Outblock = Outptr = (float *) malloc(Lout*sizeof(float)); Sampout = (short *) malloc(Lout*sizeof(short)); Grevblock = (float *) calloc(Lblocks,sizeof(float)); } if(!Vars) Vars = Vp = (float *) calloc((Vmax = Nvars)+1,sizeof(float)); if(!Params) Params = Pp = (float *) calloc((Pmax = Nparams)+1,sizeof(float)); }
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