


All CARL manual pages are installed in a subdirectory of the
manual page directory called manc.
By virtue of the incredible lameness of the man program, all CARL
documentation thereby ends up with a .c suffix. (Sigh.)  

To install,
first fix the sampling rates in the file ./manc/srcvt
to conform to local reality.  These should be the same values
as in <carl/defaults.h>
All man pages have sampling rates coded as DEFSR, DHISR,
or DLOSR.  At CARL, the values for these rates are 16384, 49152, 
and 16384, respectively.  ./manc/srcvt is a sh script that changes
these macros to their numerical values.

Run the updated Makefile in this directory to install manc.

Also, modify makewhatis and man to find the manc directory.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.