
This is Player.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <objc/Object.h>

/* The states that the player can be in. */
typedef enum {
  } Pla_state_t;
@interface Player:Object
  int bytesPlayed;		/* # of bytes played since setup */
  id delegate;			/* the target of notification messages */
  Pla_state_t playerState;	/* current state of the player object */
  int regionSize;		/* # of bytes per call to playData */
  int regionCount;		/* # of regions queued in advance */
  vm_address_t *regions;	/* an array of regions */
  int regionIndex;		/* the current region */

+ new;
 * Factory method to instantiate a new player object.

 *** The main user-visible methods

- free;
 * Free the Player object and any associated storage.

- prepare;
 * Prepare to play, state => PLA_PAUSED

- run;
 * Start playback, state => PLA_RUNNING

- pause;
 * Pause the playback, state => PLA_PAUSED

- stop;
 * Stop playing, state => PLA_STOPPED

- (Pla_state_t)state;
 * Returns the current state of the player object

- (int)bytesPlayed;
 * Returns the number of bytes played since the last call to setup

- delegate;
 * Returns the current delegate.

- setDelegate:anObject;
 * Sets the delegate of the recoder

- (int)regionSize;
 * Returns the current region size.

- setRegionSize:(int)nbytes;
 * Set the size of each region to nbytes big.

- (int)regionCount;
 * Returns the number of regions in the region queue.

- setRegionCount:(int)nregions;
 * Set the number of regions in the region queue.

 *** Internal methods

- freeRegions;
 * Free all the regions in the region queue.

- setupRegions:(int)size:(int)count;
 * Create count regions of the given size.


 *** Description of the Player's delegate

@interface PlayerDelegate:Object

- willPlay :player;
 * Called whenever the player is about to start playing.

- didPlay :player;
 * Called whenever the player stops playing.

- playData :player :(char *)data :(int)nbytes;
 * Called whenever the player wants more sound data.


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.