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#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "/musr/H/ugens.h" #include "/musr/H/sfheader.h" #include "/musr/macros/macros.h" #include <sys/file.h> #include <sys/types.h> /* #include <carl/defaults.h> #include <carl/procom.h> */ #include <carl/carl.h> /*------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM: Phase Vocoder AUTHOR: Mark Dolson Center for Music Experiment Q-037 University of California, San Diego La Jolla, Ca. 92093 DATE: November 1, 1984 This is a second release of a phase vocoder being developed at the Computer Audio Research Lab of the Center for Music Experiment at U.C.S.D. It performs both analysis and synthesis efficiently using a Weighted Overlap-Add algorithm. Whenever possible, the minimum mean-squared-error formulation of Griffin and Lim is used ("Signal Estimation from Modified Short-Time Fourier Transform", I.E.E.E. Trans. ASSP-32, No. 2, April, 1984); otherwise, the technique is that described in "Non-Uniform Time-Scale Modification of Speech" by Samuel Holtzman Dantus (M.S. and E.E. Thesis, M.I.T., 1980) and in "A Weighted Overlap-Add Method of Short-Time Fourier Analysis/Synthesis" by R. E. Crochiere (I.E.E.E. Trans. ASSP-28, No. 1, February, 1980). The code is written entirely in the C programming language except for standard FFT subroutines written in FORTRAN which are taken from the I.E.E.E. Programs for Digital Signal Processing package. This code runs at U.C.S.D. on a VAX 11-780 under Berkeley UNIX; with some modification, it should run on nearly any machine supporting FORTRAN and C. ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern SFHEADER sfdesc[NFILES]; extern int NBYTES; /* size of buffer to allocate */ extern float SR; extern int sfd[NFILES]; /* soundfile descriptors */ extern int pointer[NFILES]; /* to be used as pointer within sound buffer */ extern int bufsize[NFILES]; /* word length of buffer */ extern long originalsize[NFILES]; /* to save byte length of file */ extern long filepointer[NFILES]; /* to save current pointer in file */ extern char wipe_is_off[NFILES]; extern int status[NFILES]; extern int fnums; int input_file=0; /* assumed to be 0 , opened first ! */ int output_file=1; pvoc(p,n_args) float *p; { float *input, /* pointer to start of input buffer */ *output, /* pointer to start of output buffer */ *anal, /* pointer to start of analysis buffer */ *syn, /* pointer to start of synthesis buffer */ *banal, /* pointer to anal[1] (for FFT calls) */ *bsyn, /* pointer to syn[1] (for FFT calls) */ *nextIn, /* pointer to next empty word in input */ *nextOut, /* pointer to next empty word in output */ *analWindow, /* pointer to center of analysis window */ *synWindow, /* pointer to center of synthesis window */ *maxAmp, /* pointer to start of max amp buffer */ *avgAmp, /* pointer to start of avg amp buffer */ *avgFrq, /* pointer to start of avg frq buffer */ *env, /* pointer to start of spectral envelope */ *i0, /* pointer to amplitude channels */ *i1, /* pointer to frequency channels */ *oi, /* pointer to old phase channels */ *oldInPhase, /* pointer to start of input phase buffer */ *oldOutPhase; /* pointer to start of output phase buffer */ int N = 0, /* number of phase vocoder channels (bands) */ M = 0, /* length of analWindow impulse response */ L = 0, /* length of synWindow impulse response */ D = 0, /* decimation factor (default will be M/8) */ I = 0, /* interpolation factor (default will be I=D)*/ W = -1, /* filter overlap factor (determines M, L) */ F = 0, /* fundamental frequency (determines N) */ F2 = 0, /* F/2 */ analWinLen, /* half-length of analysis window */ synWinLen; /* half-length of synthesis window */ long outCount, /* number of samples written to output */ ibuflen, /* length of input buffer */ obuflen, /* length of output buffer */ nI, /* current input (analysis) sample */ nO, /* current output (synthesis) sample */ nMaxOut, /* last output (synthesis) sample */ nMin = 0, /* first input (analysis) sample */ nMax = 100000000; /* last input sample (unless EOF) */ char ch; /* needed for crack (commandline interpreter)*/ FILE *fp; /* auxiliary output file (-V option) */ float Pi, /* 3.14159... */ TwoPi, /* 2*Pi */ beta = 6.8, /* parameter for Kaiser window */ real, /* real part of analysis data */ imag, /* imaginary part of analysis data */ mag, /* magnitude of analysis data */ phase, /* phase of analysis data */ angleDif, /* angle difference */ slope, /* for spectral envelope estimation */ lastmag, /* for spectral envelope estimation */ nextmag, /* for spectral envelope estimation */ eps, /* for spectral envelope estimation */ pkOld, /* for spectral envelope estimation */ RoverTwoPi, /* R/D divided by 2i */ TwoPioverR, /* 2*Pi divided by R/I */ sum, /* scale factor for renormalizing windows */ ftot = 0., /* scale factor for calculating statistics */ rIn, /* decimated sampling rate */ rOut, /* pre-interpolated sampling rate */ invR, /* 1. / srate */ time, /* nI / srate */ tvx0, /* current x value of time-var function */ tvx1, /* next x value of time-var function */ tvdx, /* tvx1 - tvx0 */ tvy0, /* current y value of time-var function */ tvy1, /* next y value of time-var function */ tvdy, /* tvy1 - tvy0 */ frac, /* tvdy / tvdx */ warp = 0., /* spectral envelope warp factor */ R = 0., /* input sampling rate */ P = 1., /* pitch scale factor */ Pinv, /* 1. / P */ T = 1.; /* time scale factor ( >1 to expand)*/ int i,j,k, /* index variables */ Dd, /* number of new inputs to read (Dd <= D) */ Ii, /* number of new outputs to write (Ii <= I) */ N2, /* N/2 */ NO, /* synthesis NO = N / P */ NO2, /* NO/2 */ IO, /* synthesis IO = I / P */ IOi, /* synthesis IOi = Ii / P */ Nchans, /* N+2 */ Mlen, /* (same as M) */ Mf = 0, /* flag for even M */ Lf = 0, /* flag for even L */ Dfac, /* (same as D) */ one = 1, /* for FFT calls */ two = 2, /* for FFT calls */ mtwo = -2, /* for FFT calls */ pkcnt, /* counter for spectral envelope estimation */ flag, /* end-of-input flag */ C = 0, /* flag for resynthesizing even or odd chans */ Ci = 0, /* flag for resynthesizing chans i to j only */ Cj = 0, /* flag for resynthesizing chans i to j only */ CC = 0, /* flag for selected channel resynthesis */ V = 0, /* verbose (summarize analysis) output flag */ K = 0, /* flag for Kaiser window */ A = 0, /* flag for analysis only */ X = 0, /* flag for magnitude output */ E = 0, /* flag for spectral envelope output */ S = 0, /* flag for synthesis only */ tvflg = 0, /* flag for time-varying time-scaling */ tvnxt, /* counter for stepping thru time-var func */ tvlen; /* length of time-varying function */ float srate, /* sample rate from header on stdin */ arate; /* sample rate for header on stdout if -A */ char cbuf[72]; /* buffer for strings to write to header */ char *dbuf; /* buffer for strings to read from header */ PROP *proplist; /* from header on stdin */ FUNCTION *tvpnt; /* pointer to structure for time-var function*/ float insk,outsk,dur; float *f1; float tabs[4]; int tablen; float HiT,LoT,DiffT; float HiP,LoP,DiffP; long LongJunk; /* call crack to interpret commandline */ /* if (isatty(0)) usage(1); while ((ch = crack(argc,argv,"N|M|L|D|I|R|P|T|b|e|i|j|w|W|F|C|XEASKVh",0)) != NULL){ switch (ch) { case 'N': N = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'M': M = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'L': L = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'D': D = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'I': I = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'R': R = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'P': P = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'T': T = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'W': W = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'F': F = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'C': C = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); CC=1; break; case 'i': Ci = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); CC=1; break; case 'j': Cj = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); CC=1; break; case 'b': nMin = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'e': nMax = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'w': if (arg_option[0] == NULL) warp = -1.; else warp = sfexpr(arg_option,1.0); break; case 'A': A = 1; break; case 'E': A = 1; E = 1; break; case 'X': A = 1; X = 1; break; case 'S': S = 1; break; case 'K': K = 1; break; case 'V': V = 1; break; case 'h': usage(0); default: usage(1); } } */ /* noautocp(); */ /* YO DRU!!! Here is where we convert the arguments!!!!! */ /* function 1 is a table for slope of time scale factor. */ /* p0=insk p1=outsk p2=timend (neg=dur) p3=lo time factor p4=hi time factor p5=Npoints*/ /* p6=analysis/synthesis flag where 0=both, 1=analyze, 2=synthesize */ /* p7=bandwidth factor (1,2,3,4) see W option in man page */ /* p8 = pitch (P) factor -- time scale must be 1.0 if this works */ /* p9 = optional P factor #2 for gliss using function in gen 1? */ insk=p[0]; outsk=p[1]; dur=p[2]-p[0]; if(dur==0) dur=1000.; if(dur<0) dur = 0.-p[2]; T=p[4]; N=p[5]; M=4*N; LoT=(float)M/(8.*p[3]); LoT=p[3]; HiT=(float)M/(8.*p[4]); HiT=p[4]; LoP=p[8]; HiP=p[9]; DiffP=HiP-LoP; D=M/(8*T); I=D*T; D=0; DiffT=HiT-LoT; N=p[5]; if(p[6]==1) A=1; if(p[6]==2) S=1; W=p[7]-1; if(p[8] != 0) { P=p[8]; printf("Pitch transp of %f specified, no time change allowed!\n",p[8]); warp=p[8]; } else P=1.; nMax=SR*dur; srate=SR; R=srate; printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Phase Vocoder:\n"); if(T != 1) printf("Time multiplier is %4.4f\n",T); printf("Using %d point transforms.\n",N); printf("Final duration will be %4.4f, which should take about %d minutes to compute.\n",dur*T,(int)(((float)N/4096.)*200.*dur*T/60.)); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* user friendliness: Try to catch bad parameter specifications and correct them if possible. The basic idea is that we step through the signal applying an M point window and taking an N point FFT at a spacing of D samples. The synthesis consists of taking an N point inverse FFT, applying an L point window, and overlap- adding at a spacing of I samples. And in the middle, we linearly rescale the phase by the time-scale expansion factor T = I / D. The default is L = M = N and I = D, which gives an analysis- synthesis identity. NOTE: the actual T will not necessarily equal the specified T - if this is important, then specify D and I directly. NOTE: pitch transposition is performed by changing the size of the inverse FFT relative to the forward FFT - this is a cheap trick which works best on octave transpositions. NOTE: the spectral envelope estimation and warping is relatively crude. */ /* if (arg_index < (argc - 1)){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: too many filenames in cmnd line\n"); exit(1); } if (V) if (arg_index < argc) fp = fopen(argv[arg_index],"w"); else fp = fopen("pvoc.s","w"); if ((V != 1) && (arg_index < argc)) { tvpnt = read_func_file(argv[arg_index], H_XY_PAIRS); tvflg = 1; tvx0 = tvpnt->fxval[0]; tvx1 = tvpnt->fxval[1]; tvy0 = tvpnt->fyval[0]; tvy1 = tvpnt->fyval[1]; */ /* fprintf(stderr,"name=%s\n", tvpnt->fname); fprintf(stderr,"type=%s\n", tvpnt->ftype); fprintf(stderr,"len=%d\n", tvpnt->flen); fprintf(stderr,"x0: %f y0: %f x1: %f y1: %f\n",tvx0,tvy0,tvx1,tvy1); */ /* if (tvx0 != 0.){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - first x value in func must be 0\n"); tvx0 = 0.; } if (tvy0 <= 0.){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: invalid initial y value in time-vary func\n"); exit(1); } tvdx = tvx1 - tvx0; if (tvdx <= 0.){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: invalid x values in time-vary function\n"); exit(1); } tvdy = tvy1 - tvy0; frac = tvdy / tvdx; tvnxt = 1; tvlen = tvpnt->flen; } */ if ((N != 0) && (F != 0)) fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - don't specify both N and F\n"); if ((N == 0) && (F == 0)) N = 256; else if (F != 0) N = ((float) R / F); if ((N%2) != 0) N += 1; /* even values usually run faster */ N2 = N / 2; if (N2 > 16384){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: N too large\n"); exit(1); } F = ((float) R / N); F2 = F / 2; if (W != -1) { if (M != 0) fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - don't specify both M and W\n"); else if (W == 0) M = 4*N; else if (W == 1) M = 2*N; else if (W == 2) M = N; else if (W == 3) M = N2; else fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - invalid W ignored\n"); } if (M == 0) M = N; if ((M%2) == 0) Mf = 1; if (L == 0) L = M; if ((L%2) == 0) Lf = 1; if (M < 7) fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - M is too small\n"); ibuflen = 4 * M; obuflen = 4 * L; if (W == -1) W = 3.322 * log10((double)(4. * N) / M);/* cosmetic */ if ((A == 1) && (S == 1)) { fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: can't specify both -A and -S\n"); exit(1); } if (Cj == 0) Cj = N2; if (Cj > N2) Cj = N2; if (Ci < 0) Ci = 0; if ((P != 1.) && (T != 1.)) fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - don't specify both T and P\n"); if ((P != 1.) && tvflg){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: can't specify -P with function\n"); exit(1); } if (P != 1.) T = P; /* pitch change is time change plus resamp */ if ((D != 0) && (T != 1.)) fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - don't specify both D and T\n"); if (T <= 0.){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: invalid T = %f\n",T); exit(1); } if (D == 0) if (T > 1.) D = ((float) M / (8.*T)); else D = ((float) M / 8.); if (D == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - T greater than M/8 \n"); D = 1; } if (I == 0) I = ((float) T * D); if (I == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: T*D (or P*D) < 1 - increase M\n"); exit(1); } if (tvflg){ T = tvy0; /* original T was maximum - used to set I */ D = ((float) I / T); if (D < 1){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - can't expand by %f\n",T); D = 1; } } if (tvflg) if (warp != 0.) warp = T; /* warp varies with T */ T = ((float) I / D); printf("So now %f %f\n",P,T); /* if (P != 1.) P = T; */ printf("So now %f %f\n",P,T); NO = ((float) N / P); /* synthesis transform will be NO points */ if ((NO % 2) != 0) NO += 1; NO2 = NO / 2; P = ((float) N / NO); /* ideally, N / NO = I / D = pitch change */ Pinv = 1. / P; if (warp == -1.) warp = P; if ((E == 1) && (warp == 0.)) warp = 1.; eps = -64. / N; /* for spectral envelope estimation */ if ((P != 1.) && (P != T)) fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning P=%f not equal to T=%f\n",P,T); IO = ((float) I / P); nMax -= nMin; Pi = 4.*atan(1.); TwoPi = 2. * Pi; if (V) { fprintf(fp,"\nN: %d M: %d L: %d",N,M,L); fprintf(fp," D: %d I: %d F: %d",D,I,F); fprintf(fp," R: %7.1f P: %5.2f T: %5.2f\n",R,P,T); if (CC) fprintf(fp,"C: %d i: %d j: %d\n",C,Ci,Cj); if (K) fprintf(fp,"---Kaiser Window---\n"); } /* putheader(stdout);*/ /* write header to stdout */ /* set up analysis window: The window is assumed to be symmetric with M total points. After the initial memory allocation, analWindow always points to the midpoint of the window (or one half sample to the right, if M is even); analWinLen is half the true window length (rounded down). Any low pass window will work; a Hamming window is generally fine, but a Kaiser is also available. If the window duration is longer than the transform (M > N), then the window is multiplied by a sin(x)/x function to meet the condition: analWindow[Ni] = 0 for i != 0. In either case, the window is renormalized so that the phase vocoder amplitude estimates are properly scaled. The maximum allowable window duration is ibuflen/2. */ if ((analWindow = (float *) calloc(M+Mf,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); analWindow += (analWinLen = M/2); if (K) { /*kaiser_(&M,analWindow,&analWinLen,&one,&beta); */ kaiser(M,analWindow,analWinLen,one,beta); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow - i) = *(analWindow + i - Mf); } else { hamming(analWindow,analWinLen,Mf); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow - i) = *(analWindow + i - Mf); } if (M > N) { if (Mf) *analWindow *= N * sin((double) Pi*.5/N) /( Pi*.5); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow + i) *= N * sin((double) Pi*(i+.5*Mf)/N) / (Pi*(i+.5*Mf)); for (i = 1; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow - i) = *(analWindow + i - Mf); } sum = 0.; for (i = -analWinLen; i <= analWinLen; i++) sum += *(analWindow + i); sum = 2. / sum; /*factor of 2 comes in later in trig identity*/ for (i = -analWinLen; i <= analWinLen; i++) *(analWindow + i) *= sum; /* set up synthesis window: For the minimal mean-square-error formulation (valid for N >= M), the synthesis window is identical to the analysis window (except for a scale factor), and both are even in length. If N < M, then an interpolating synthesis window is used. */ if ((synWindow = (float *) calloc(L+Lf,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); synWindow += (synWinLen = L/2); if (M <= N){ if (K) { /*kaiser_(&M,synWindow,&synWinLen,&one,&beta); */ kaiser(M,synWindow,synWinLen,one,beta); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); } else { hamming(synWindow,synWinLen,Lf); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); } for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= sum; sum = 0.; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i+=I) sum += *(synWindow + i) * *(synWindow + i); sum = 1. / sum; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= sum; } else { hamming(synWindow,synWinLen,Lf); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); if (Lf) *synWindow *= IO * sin((double) Pi*.5/IO) / (Pi*.5); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= IO * sin((double) Pi*(i+.5*Lf)/IO) / (Pi*(i+.5*Lf)); for (i = 1; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow - i) = *(synWindow + i - Lf); sum = 1. / sum; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) *(synWindow + i) *= sum; } /* set up input buffer: nextIn always points to the next empty word in the input buffer (i.e., the sample following sample number (n + analWinLen)). If the buffer is full, then nextIn jumps back to the beginning, and the old values are written over. */ if ((input = (float *) calloc(ibuflen,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); nextIn = input; /* set up output buffer: nextOut always points to the next word to be shifted out. The shift is simulated by writing the value to the standard output and then setting that word of the buffer to zero. When nextOut reaches the end of the buffer, it jumps back to the beginning. */ if ((output = (float *) calloc(obuflen,sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); nextOut = output; /* set up analysis buffer for (N/2 + 1) channels: The input is real, so the other channels are redundant. oldInPhase is used in the conversion to remember the previous phase when calculating phase difference between successive samples. */ if ((anal = (float *) calloc((N+2),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); banal = anal + 1; if ((oldInPhase = (float *) calloc((N2 + 1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); if ((maxAmp = (float *) calloc((N2 + 1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); if ((avgAmp = (float *) calloc((N2 + 1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); if ((avgFrq = (float *) calloc((N2 + 1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); if ((env = (float * ) calloc((N2 + 1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); /* set up synthesis buffer for (N/2 + 1) channels: (This is included only for clarity.) oldOutPhase is used in the re- conversion to accumulate angle differences (actually angle difference per second). */ if ((syn = (float *) calloc((NO+2),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); bsyn = syn + 1; if ((oldOutPhase = (float *) calloc((NO2 + 1),sizeof(float))) == NULL) malerr("pvoc: insufficient memory",1); /* initialization: input time starts negative so that the rightmost edge of the analysis filter just catches the first non-zero input samples; Output time is always T times input time. */ for (i = 0; i < nMin; i++) drugetfloat(++nextIn); /* ++ is new and needed */ outCount = 0; rIn = ((float) R / D); rOut = ((float) R / I); invR =((float) 1. / R); RoverTwoPi = rIn / TwoPi; TwoPioverR = TwoPi / rOut; nI = -(analWinLen / D) * D; /* input time (in samples) */ nO = ((float) T/P * nI); /* output time (in samples) */ Dd = analWinLen + nI + 1; /* number of new inputs to read */ Ii = 0; /* number of new outputs to write */ IOi = 0; flag = 1; setnote(insk,dur,input_file); setnote(outsk,dur*T,output_file); tablen=fsize(1); f1=floc(1); tableset(dur,tablen,tabs); /* main loop: If nMax is not specified it is assumed to be very large and then readjusted when getfloat detects the end of input. */ while(nI < (nMax + analWinLen)){ time = nI * invR; /* D=LoT+DiffT*tablei(nI,f1,tabs); */ if (S == 1){ for (i = 0; i < N+2; i++){ /* synthesis only */ if (getfloat((anal+i)) <= 0) { flushfloat(); exit(0); } } } else { /* prepare for analysis: read next Dd input values */ for (i = 0; i < Dd; i++){ ++nextIn; if (nextIn >= (input + ibuflen)) nextIn -= ibuflen; if (drugetfloat(nextIn) <= 0) Dd = i; /* EOF ? */ } if (nI > 0) for (i = Dd; i < D; i++){ /* zero fill at EOF */ *(nextIn++) = 0.; if (nextIn >= (input + ibuflen)) nextIn -= ibuflen; } /* analysis: The analysis subroutine computes the complex output at time n of (N/2 + 1) of the phase vocoder channels. It operates on input samples (n - analWinLen) thru (n + analWinLen) and expects to find these in input[(n +- analWinLen) mod ibuflen]. It expects analWindow to point to the center of a symmetric window of length (2 * analWinLen +1). It is the responsibility of the main program to ensure that these values are correct! The results are returned in anal as succesive pairs of real and imaginary values for the lowest (N/2 + 1) channels. The subroutines fft and reals together implement one efficient FFT call for a real input sequence. */ for (i = 0; i < N+2; i++) *(anal + i) = 0.; /*initialize*/ j = (nI - analWinLen - 1 + ibuflen) % ibuflen; /*input pntr*/ k = nI - analWinLen - 1; /*time shift*/ while (k < 0) k += N; k = k % N; for (i = -analWinLen; i <= analWinLen; i++) { if (++j >= ibuflen) j -= ibuflen; if (++k >= N) k -= N; *(anal + k) += *(analWindow + i) * *(input + j); } /*fft_(anal,banal,&one,&N2,&one,&mtwo); reals_(anal,banal,&N2,&mtwo);*/ fft(1,N2,anal); /* conversion: The real and imaginary values in anal are converted to magnitude and angle-difference-per-second (assuming an intermediate sampling rate of rIn) and are returned in anal. */ i0 = anal - 2; i1 = anal - 1; oi = oldInPhase - 1; for (i = 0; i <= N2; i++){ i0 += 2; i1 += 2; real = *i0; imag = *i1; *i0 = sqrt(real * real + imag * imag); /* phase unwrapping */ if (*i0 == 0.){ angleDif = 0.; oi++; } else { angleDif =(phase = atan2(imag,real)) - *(++oi); *oi = phase; } if (angleDif > Pi) angleDif -= TwoPi; if (angleDif < -Pi) angleDif += TwoPi; /* add in filter center freq.*/ *i1 = angleDif * RoverTwoPi + ((float) i * F); } /* spectral envelope detection: this is a very crude peak picking algorithm which is used to detect and pre-warp the spectral envelope so that pitch transposition can be performed without altering timbre. The basic idea is to disallow large negative slopes between successive values of magnitude vs. frequency. */ if (warp != 0.){ lastmag = *anal; mag = *(anal + 2); pkOld = lastmag; *env = pkOld; pkcnt = 1; for (i = 1; i <= N2; i++){ /* step thru spectrum*/ if (i<N2) nextmag = *(anal + 2*i + 2); else nextmag = 0.; if (pkOld != 0.) slope = ((float) (mag - pkOld)/(pkOld * pkcnt)); else slope = -10.; /* look for peaks */ if ((mag>=lastmag)&&(mag>nextmag)&&(slope>eps)){ *(env + i) = mag; pkcnt--; for (j = 1; j <= pkcnt; j++){ *(env + i - pkcnt + j - 1) = pkOld * (1. + slope * j); } pkOld = mag; pkcnt = 1; } else pkcnt++; /* not a peak */ lastmag = mag; mag = nextmag; } if (pkcnt > 1) { /* get final peak */ mag = *(anal + N); slope = ((float) (mag - pkOld) / pkcnt); *(env + N2) = mag; pkcnt--; for (j = 1; j <= pkcnt; j++){ *(env + N2 - pkcnt + j - 1) = pkOld + slope * j; } } for (i = 0; i <= N2; i++){ /* warp spectral env.*/ j = ((float) i * warp); if ((j <= N2) && (*(env + i) != 0.)) *(anal + 2*i) *= *(env + j) / *(env + i); else *(anal + 2*i) = 0.; } } if (V) { ftot++; for (i = 0; i <= N2; i++){ if (*(anal+2*i) > *(maxAmp+i)) *(maxAmp+i) = *(anal+2*i); *(avgAmp + i) += *(anal + 2*i); *(avgFrq + i) += *(anal + 2*i + 1); } } } /* if analysis only, write out interleaved instantaneous amplitudes and frequencies; otherwise perform resynthesis */ if ((A==1) && (E==1)) for (i=0; i <= N2; i++) putfloat((env+i)); else if ((A == 1) && (X == 1)) for (i=0; i <= N2; i++) putfloat((anal + 2*i)); else if (A == 1) for (i=0; i < N+2; i++) putfloat((anal+i)); else { /* resynthesize only selected channels */ if (CC){ for (i = 0; i < Ci; i++) *(anal+2*i) = 0.; for (i = Cj+1; i <= N2; i++) *(anal+2*i) = 0.; if (C == 1) for (i = Ci; i <= Cj; i++) if (i%2 == 0) *(anal+2*i) = 0.; if (C == 2) for (i = Ci; i <= Cj; i++) if (i%2 != 0) *(anal+2*i) = 0.; } /* reconversion: The magnitude and angle-difference-per-second in syn (assuming an intermediate sampling rate of rOut) are converted to real and imaginary values and are returned in syn. This automatically incorporates the proper phase scaling for time modifications. */ if (NO <= N){ for (i = 0; i < NO+2; i++) *(syn+i) = *(anal+i); } else { for (i = 0; i <= N+1; i++) *(syn+i) = *(anal+i); for (i = N+2; i < NO+2; i++) *(syn+i) = 0.; } i0 = syn - 2; i1 = syn - 1; for (i = 0; i <= NO2; i++){ i0 += 2; i1 += 2; mag = *i0; *(oldOutPhase + i) += *i1 - ((float) i * F); phase = *(oldOutPhase + i) * TwoPioverR; *i0 = mag * cos(phase); *i1 = mag * sin(phase); } if (P != 1.) for (i = 0; i < NO+2; i++) *(syn+i) *= Pinv; /* synthesis: The synthesis subroutine uses the Weighted Overlap-Add technique to reconstruct the time-domain signal. The (N/2 + 1) phase vocoder channel outputs at time n are inverse Fourier transformed, windowed, and added into the output array. The subroutine thinks of output as a shift register in which locations are referenced modulo obuflen. Therefore, the main program must take care to zero each location which it "shifts" out (to standard output). The subroutines reals and fft together perform an efficient inverse FFT. */ /*reals_(syn,bsyn,&NO2,&two); fft_(syn,bsyn,&one,&NO2,&one,&two);*/ fft(-1,NO2,syn); j = nO - synWinLen - 1; while (j < 0) j += obuflen; j = j % obuflen; k = nO - synWinLen - 1; while (k < 0) k += NO; k = k % NO; for (i = -synWinLen; i <= synWinLen; i++) { /*overlap-add*/ if (++j >= obuflen) j -= obuflen; if (++k >= NO) k -= NO; *(output + j) += *(syn + k) * *(synWindow + i); //printf("%f %f %f %d %d %d\n",*(output + j),*(syn + k) , *(synWindow + i),i,j,k); } for (i = 0; i < IOi; i++){ /* shift out next IOi values */ druputfloat(nextOut); *(nextOut) = 0.; nextOut++; if (nextOut >= (output + obuflen)) nextOut -= obuflen; outCount++; } } if (flag) if ((nI > 0) && (Dd < D)){ /* EOF detected */ flag = 0; nMax = nI + analWinLen - (D - Dd); } /* time-varying time-scaling: linearly interpolate between x,y points */ /* T = tvy0 + frac * (time - tvx0); */ /* can't trust nI might be neg for first pass */ LongJunk=nI; if(LongJunk<=0) LongJunk=1; if(P == 1.) T = tablei(LongJunk,f1,tabs)*DiffT+LoT; else { P = tablei(LongJunk,f1,tabs)*DiffP+LoP; NO = ((float) N / P); /* synthesis transform will be NO points */ if ((NO % 2) != 0) NO += 1; NO2 = NO / 2; P = ((float) N / NO); /* ideally, N / NO = I / D = pitch change */ Pinv = 1. / P; warp=P; } /* if (T < ((float) 8. * I / M)){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - can't contract by %f\n",T); T = ((float) 8. * I / (M + 1)); } */ D = ((float) I / T); if (D < 1){ fprintf(stderr,"pvoc: warning - can't expand by %f\n",T); D = 1; } T = ((float) I / D); rIn = ((float) R / D); RoverTwoPi = rIn / TwoPi; if (warp != 0.) warp = T; /* D = some_function(nI); for variable time-scaling */ /* D = tablei(nI,f1,tabs)*DiffT+LoT; */ T = ((float) I / D); rIn = ((float) R / D); RoverTwoPi = rIn / TwoPi; nI += D; /* increment time */ nO += IO; if ((nI + analWinLen) <= nMax) Dd = D; else if ((nI + analWinLen - D) <= nMax) Dd = nMax -(nI + analWinLen - D); else Dd = 0; if (nO > (synWinLen + I)) Ii = I; else if (nO > synWinLen) Ii = nO - synWinLen; else { Ii = 0; for (i=nO+synWinLen; i<obuflen; i++) if (i > 0) *(output+i) = 0.; } IOi = ((float) Ii / P); } if (V) { if (ftot != 0.) ftot = 1. / ftot; fprintf(fp,"\n i band max amp "); fprintf(fp,"avg amp avg frq\n\n"); for (i = 0; i <= N/2; i++) fprintf(fp, "%4d %5d - %5d %8.5f %8.5f %8.1f\n", 2*i+1, i*F-F2, i*F+F2, *(maxAmp+i), *(avgAmp+i)*ftot, *(avgFrq+i)*ftot); fprintf(fp,"\n"); } if (A != 1) { nMaxOut = ((float) T / P * nMax); while (outCount <= nMaxOut){ outCount++; druputfloat(nextOut++); if (nextOut >= (output + obuflen)) nextOut -= obuflen; } } flushfloat(); endnote(output_file); /*closesf(); PL wus here */ return(0); } usage(exitcode) int exitcode; { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "usage: pvoc [flags] < floatsams > floatsams\n", "input and output must be files or pipes\n", "flags:\n", "R = input sample rate (automatically read from stdin)\n", "F = fundamental frequency (R/256) DONT'T USE -F AND -N\n", "N = # of bandpass filters (256 unless -F is specified)\n", "W = filter overlap factor: {0,1,(2),3} DON'T USE -W AND -M\n", "M = analysis window length (N-1 unless -W is specified)\n", "L = synthesis window length (M) \n", "D = decimation factor (min((M/(8*T)),(M/8))\n", "I = interpolation factor (=T*D) \n", "T = time-scale factor (1.)\n", "P = pitch-scale factor (1.) DON'T USE -T AND -P\n", "C = resynthesize odd (1) or even (2) channels only\n", "i = resynthesize bandpass filters i thru j only\n", "j = resynthesize bandpass filters i thru j only\n", "b = starting sample (0)\n", "e = final sample (end of input)\n", "w = warp factor for spectral envelope (1.)\n", "A: analysis only: output will be analysis data\n", "E: analysis only: output will be spectral envelope\n", "X: analysis only: output will be magnitude values\n", "S: synthesis only: input must be analysis data\n", "K: use Kaiser filter instead of hamming\n", "V [filename]: verbose (summarize on pvoc.stat or file)\n", "if filename is specified, it must follow all flags\n" ); exit(exitcode); } hamming(win,winLen,even) float *win; int winLen, even; { float Pi,ftmp; int i; Pi = 4.*atan(1.); ftmp = Pi/winLen; if (even) { for (i=0; i<winLen; i++) *(win+i) = .54 + .46*cos(ftmp*(i+.5)); *(win+winLen) = 0.; } else { *(win) = 1.; for (i=1; i<=winLen; i++) *(win+i) = .54 + .46*cos(ftmp*i); } return; } malerr(str, ex) char *str; int ex; { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); exit(ex); } drugetfloat(pud) float *pud; { return(GETIN(pud,input_file)); } druputfloat(pud) float *pud; { return(ADDOUT(pud,output_file)); }
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