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#include "../H/ugens.h" #include <stdio.h> #define RESIDAMP 0 #define RMSAMP 1 #define THRESH 2 #define PITCH 3 /* values in locs 0-3 of frame*/ #define MAXPOLES 32 #define MAXVALS 10000 int framsize; int fprec; int recsize; int bprec; int bpframe; int npolem1; int anal; int i; float cq,outold; float FloatJunk; float pow(); float cutoff; char dataset_name[80]; float thresh,randamp,randoff,unvoiced_rate; int npoles; float risetime,decaytime; lpcplay(p,n_args) float *p; { float amp,si,hn,phs,*f,srd2,magic,d,warpset(); float c[MAXPOLES+4],past[MAXPOLES*2],frames,frameno,ampmlt,errno; int frame1; float ballpole(),alpvals[MAXVALS],buzvals[MAXVALS],pchval[MAXVALS]; float *cpoint; float x,transposition,newpch; float shift_(); int jcount,seed,i,nsamps,counter; int nn,lastfr; float transp,lasttr,tranincr; float cps,tblvals[2],weight(); float rsnetc[9]; int reson_is_on; float cf_fact,bw_fact; float evals[5]; float *f1; float actualcps,actualweight; float peak,maxdev; int jj,datafields; if(!n_args) { printf(" p[0]=starting time, p[1]=duration, p[2]=pitch,p[3]=frame1, p4=frame2 p[5]=amp, p[6]=warp p7=resonbw, p8=resoncf p9--> pitchcurves\n"); return; } f1 = floc(2); sbrrand(.1); for(i=0; i<npoles*2; i++) past[i] = 0; if(anal <=0 ) { printf("%d !!!No open dataset!",anal); closesf(); } srd2 = SR/2.; magic = 512./SR; jcount = phs = counter = 0; datafields = 10; /* number of fields before pitch curves */ maxdev = p[9]; maxdev = 0; /* short out for now */ seed = .1; cpoint = c + 4; p[1] = (p[1] > 0.) ? p[1] : ((p[4] - p[3] + 1.)/112.); evset(p[1],risetime,decaytime,2,evals); nsamps = setnote(p[0],p[1],0); frames = p[4] - p[3] + 1.; frame1 = (int)p[3]; for(i=p[3]; i<= p[4]; i++) { d = i; if(getfr(d,c) < 0) break; pchval[i - (int)p[3]] = (c[PITCH] ? c[PITCH] : 256.); /* just in case I am using datasets with no pitch value stored */ } p[4] = i; printf("Going into weight.\n"); actualweight = weight(p[3],p[4],thresh); printf("Otay.\n"); if(!actualweight) actualweight = cpspch(p[2]); if(ABS(p[2]) < 1.) { FloatJunk=(p[2]/.12); FloatJunk=pow(2.0,FloatJunk); transposition=FloatJunk; transposition = (pow(2.0,(p[2]/.12))); } else if(p[2] > 0) transposition = cpspch(p[2])/actualweight; else transposition = cpspch(-p[2]); /* flat pitch */ if((n_args <= datafields) && (p[2] > 0)) { printf("\Overall transposition: %f\n",transposition); if(maxdev) readjust(maxdev,pchval,p[3],p[4],thresh,actualweight); for(i=frame1;i<=(int)p[4];i++) { pchval[(i - frame1)] *= transposition; } } else { nn=datafields-1; lastfr=frame1; lasttr=transposition; while((nn+=2)<n_args) { if(ABS(p[nn+1]) < 1.) { transp = pow(2.0,(p[nn+1]/.12)); } else { transp = cpspch(ABS(p[nn+1]))/weight((float)lastfr,(p[nn]+1.),thresh); } tranincr=(transp-lasttr)/(p[nn]-lastfr); transp=lasttr; for(i=lastfr;i<(int)p[nn];i++) { pchval[i-frame1]*=transp; transp+=tranincr; } lastfr=p[nn]; lasttr=transp; } if(p[n_args-2] < p[4]) { /* last frame in couplets wasn't last frame in batch, so use base value from there to the end */ transp = transposition; for(i=lastfr;i<(int)p[4];i++) { pchval[i-frame1]*=transp; } } } tableset(p[1],(int)(p[4]-p[3]+1),tblvals); amp = p[5]; d = p[6]; actualweight = weight(p[3],p[4],thresh); actualcps = cpspch(ABS(p[2])); d = (d>1.) ? shift_(&actualweight,&actualcps) : p[6]; /* note, dont use this feature unless pitch is specified in p[2]*/ f = (float *)floc(1); for(i=0; i<9; i++) rsnetc[i]=0; reson_is_on = p[7] ? 1 : 0; cf_fact = p[7]; bw_fact = p[8]; warpinit(); for(i=nsamps; i>0; i -=counter) { frameno = ((float)(nsamps - i)/nsamps)*frames + frame1; if(getfr(frameno,c) == -1) goto out; errno = (c[THRESH] > thresh) ? 0 : 1; ampmlt = (errno) ? amp * c[RESIDAMP] : amp * c[RESIDAMP] * randamp; if(c[RMSAMP] < cutoff) ampmlt = 0; cps = tablei(nsamps-i,pchval,tblvals); newpch = cps; if((p[2]< 0) && (ABS(p[2]) >= 1)) newpch = transposition; if(reson_is_on) rszset(cf_fact*cps, bw_fact*cf_fact*cps,1.,rsnetc); si = newpch * magic; ampmlt *= evp(nsamps-i,f1,f1,evals); if(d) ampmlt *= warpset(d,cpoint); hn = (int)(srd2/newpch); counter = (float)(SR/newpch) * .5; counter = (counter > i) ? i : counter; if(counter <= 0) break; if(errno) bbuzz(ampmlt,si,hn,f,&phs,buzvals,counter); else brrand(ampmlt,buzvals,counter); if(d) { /************* d = (p[6] > 1.) ? shift_(&c[3],&newpch) : p[6]; d = ABS(d) > .2 ? SIGN(d) * .15 : d; ***************/ bwarppol(buzvals,past,d,cpoint,alpvals,counter); } else { ballpole(buzvals,&jcount,npoles, past,cpoint,alpvals,counter); } if(reson_is_on) bresonz(alpvals,rsnetc,alpvals,counter); baddout(alpvals,0,counter); } out: endnote(0); } float warppol(sig,past,d,c) float sig,*past,d,*c; { float temp1,temp2; int n; temp1 = past[npolem1]; past[npolem1] = cq * outold - d * past[npolem1]; for(n=npoles-2; n>=0; n--) { temp2 = past[n]; past[n] = d * (past[n+1] - past[n]) + temp1; temp1 = temp2; } for(n=0;n<npoles;n++) sig += c[n] * past[n]; outold = sig; return(sig); } float warpset(d,c) float d,*c; { int m; float cl; for(m=1; m<npoles; m++) c[m] += d * c[m-1]; cl = 1./(1.-d * c[npolem1]); cq = cl * (1. - d * d); return(cl); } warpinit() { outold = 0; } bwarppol(sig,past,d,c,out,nvals) float *sig,*past,d,*c,*out; { float temp1,temp2; int i,n; for(i=0; i<nvals; i++) { temp1 = past[npolem1]; past[npolem1] = cq * outold - d * past[npolem1]; for(n=npoles-2; n>=0; n--) { temp2 = past[n]; past[n] = d * (past[n+1] - past[n]) + temp1; temp1 = temp2; } for(n=0;n<npoles;n++) *sig += c[n] * past[n]; *out++ = outold = *sig++; } } getfr(frameno,c) float frameno,*c; { int frame,i,j; static float array[22*(MAXPOLES+4)]; float fraction; static int oldframe = 0; static int endframe = 0; frame = (int)frameno; fraction = frameno - (float)frame; if(!((frame >= oldframe) && (frame < endframe))) { if(lseek(anal,((long)frame*(long)bpframe),0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"bad lseek on analysis file \n"); return(-1); } if(read(anal,(char *)array,bprec) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"reached eof on analysis file \n"); return(-1); } oldframe = frame; endframe = oldframe + fprec - 1; } for(i=(frame-oldframe)*framsize,j=0; j<framsize; i++,j++) *(c+j) = *(array+i) + fraction * (*(array+i+framsize) - *(array+i)); return(0); } static long randx = 1; /* srrand(x) unsigned x; { randx = x; } */ float table(nsample,array,tab) long nsample; float *array,*tab; { register loc = ((float)(nsample)/(*tab)) * *(tab+1); if(loc >= *(tab+1)) loc = *(tab+1); return(*(array + loc)); } float weight(frame1,frame2,throsh) float frame1,frame2,throsh; { float c[MAXPOLES+4]; int i; float xweight,sum; xweight = sum = .001; for(i=(int)frame1; i<(int)frame2; i++) { getfr((float)i,c); if((c[THRESH] <= throsh) || (throsh < 0.)) { xweight += c[RMSAMP]; sum += (c[PITCH] * c[RMSAMP]); } } return(sum/xweight); } dataset(p,n_args) /* p1=dataset name, p2=npoles */ float *p; int n_args; { char *name; int i; fprec=22; if(n_args>1) { npoles=p[1]; npolem1=npoles-1; framsize=npoles+4; recsize=fprec*framsize; bprec=recsize*FLOAT; bpframe=framsize*FLOAT; } lpcinit(); i=(int)p[0]; name=(char *)i; if(strcmp(name,dataset_name)== 0) { printf("\n%s is already open.\n",name); return; } strcpy(dataset_name,name); if((anal = open(name,0)) <= 0) { printf("Can't open %s\n",name); closesf(); } printf("\nOpened dataset %s.\n",name); printf("anal is %d",anal); } lpcstuff(p,n_args) /* p0=thresh, p1=random amp, p2=unvoiced rate p3= rise, p4= dec, p5=thresh cutof*/ float *p; int n_args; { risetime=.01; decaytime=.1; if(n_args>0) thresh=p[0]; if(n_args>1) randamp=p[1]; if(n_args>2) unvoiced_rate=p[2]; if(n_args>3) risetime=p[3]; if(n_args>4) decaytime=p[4]; if(n_args>5) cutoff = p[5]; else cutoff = 0; printf("\nAdjusting settings for %s.\n",dataset_name); printf(" --------------------------------------- \n"); printf("Thresh: %f Randamp: %f\n",thresh,randamp); if(unvoiced_rate == 1) printf("Unvoiced frames played at normal rate.\n\n"); else printf("Unvoiced frames played at same rate as voiced 'uns.\n\n"); } lpcinit() { recsize=framsize*fprec; bprec=recsize*FLOAT; bpframe=framsize*FLOAT; } /* block version of rrand */ /* a modification of unix rand() to return floating point values between + and - 1. */ sbrrand(x) unsigned x; { randx = x; } brrand(am,a,j) float am,*a; { int k; for(k=0; k<j; k++) { int i = ((randx = randx*1103515245 + 12345)>>16) & 077777; *a++ = (float)(i/16384. - 1.) * am; } }
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