
This is solut.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include "lpc.h"
solut(b, r, th)
double b[], r[], th[];
        int j, kerr;
        double coe[128], rootr[128], rooti[128];

        for (j=0; j < NPP1 ;++j)
                coe[j] = b[NPP1-(j+1)]; 
/*                coe[j] = b[j]; */
        kerr = 1;
        dproot(coe, rootr, rooti, kerr);
        for (j=0; j < NPOLE ;++j)  {
                th[j]=atan2(rooti[j], rootr[j]);
	printf(" r and th %e %e\n",r[j],th[j]);

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