SOFTWARE: MPEG Audio Layer 3 Shareware Codec and Windows Realtime Player ---------------------------------------------------------------- MPEG Audio Codec and Windows REALTIME Player from Fraunhofer IIS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fraunhofer IIS announces l3enc/l3dec V2.00 and WinPlay3 V1.00. For high quality audio compression, the shareware l3enc/l3dec V2.00 package is available for Linux, SUN, NeXT and DOS on Versions for SGI and HP will follow soon. The shareware package for DOS includes a demo version of WinPlay3, a Windows MPEG Audio Layer 3 realtime-player. With MPEG Audio Layer 3 you can get a 12:1 compression with a CD like quality. Instead of 12 MByte / minute (stereo 44.1 kHz) you only need about 1 Mbyte / minute! More information can be found on or contact