
This is cmixfuns.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ugens.h"
#include "sfheader.h"

/* rand1 returns floating point values between 0 and 1              */

rand1 (x)
    double *x;
	register int n;

	n = *x * 1048576.;
        *x = (double)((1061 * n + 221589) % 1048576)/1048576.;
	return (*x);

/* randi produces interpolated linear ramps between successive random
   numbers at a rate determined in a setup routine.                     */

randi (a)
    double a[6];
    double rand1();

    /* a[0] is the amp.  a[1] is the SI.  a[2] is set to 1.0 externally.
       a[4] is the seed, set externally.                               */

    /* advance counter by fraction of 512 (SI) */

    a[2] += a[1]/512.0;

    /* every time counter exceeds 1.0, calculate new rand # */

    if (a[2] >= 1.0)
	a[2] -= 1.0;                       /* reset counter */
	a[3] = a[4];                       /* store old value */
	a[4] = rand1(a + 4);               /* get new rand val */
	a[5] = 2.0 * (a[3] - a[4]);        /* twice the difference */
	a[3] = 1.0 - (2.0 * a[3]) - (a[5] * a[2]);
    /* output is linear interpolation between old and new, centered around
       zero, and multiplied by the amp factor.                           */

       return ((a[3] + a[5] * a[2]) * a[0]);

/* tone is a simple 1st order recursive lowpass filter */

tone (sig, data)
    double sig, data[3];
    data[2] = data[0] * sig + data[1] * data[2];
    return (data[2]);

/* toneset calculates the coefficients for tone. cutoff is -3db point in
   cps.  flag will reset history if set to 1.                         */

toneset (cutoff, flag, data)
    double cutoff, *data;
    int flag;
    double x;

    x = 2.0 - cos(cutoff * PI2 / SR);        /* feedback coeff. */
    data[1] = x - sqrt(x * x - 1.0);       
    data[0] = 1.0 - data[1];                 /* gain coeff. */
    if (cutoff < 0.0)
	data[1] *= -1.0;                     /* inverse function */
    if (flag)
	data[2] = 0.0;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.