
This is fm.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include "../H/ugens.h"
#include "../macros/macros.h"

double fm(p,n_args)
float *p;

        float sicar,simod,*xarray,*sine,val;
        float evals[6],tabs[4],modphs,carphs;
        float *risef,*decayf,index,amp,diff,val2;
        int len1,len2,z,j;
        int output,nsamps,i;
	output = 1;
        /* in Cmix pfields start with p0, which is the starting time */
        /* p2 is pitch of carrier, p3 is pitch of mod, p4&5 index low&hi,
           p6&7 rise and decay times  p8 is amp, p9 is duration of envelope
	   on modulator index */

	/* writes on cmix file 1 */
        sine = floc(1);    /* function 1 is sine wave */
        xarray = floc(2);  /* function 2 is index guide */
        decayf = risef = floc(3);   /*function 3 is envlp shape */
        len1 = fsize(1);	/* lookup size of f1 */
        len2 = fsize(2);	/* lookup size of f2 */

        sicar = cpspch(p[2]) * len1/SR; /* convert cps to si */
        simod = cpspch(p[3]) * len1/SR;
	p[4] *= simod;
        diff = (p[5] * simod) - p[4];
        modphs = carphs = 0;
        nsamps = setnote(p[0],p[1],output);

        z = SR/200;  /* interrupt 200 times per sec (control rate)*/
        evset(p[1],p[6],p[7],3,evals); /* set overall envelope */
        tableset(p[9],len2,tabs);	/* set index envelope */
	for(i=j=0; i<nsamps; i++) {
                if(!j--) {
                        amp = evp(i,risef,decayf,evals) * p[8];
                        index = diff * tablei(i,xarray,tabs) + p[4];
                val= oscil(index,simod,sine,len1,&modphs); 
                val2= amp * osciln(1.,sicar+val,sine,len1,&carphs);
		/* osciln allows negative sampling increment */
                ADDOUT(&val2,output);   /* additive writes */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.