This directory contains two useful filter design programs: an elliptical filter program and the Parks/McClellen fir design program. There are called, respectively, filter and pm. They are both originally in fortran and were compiled on a Sun 3 and then converted to mach format for use here. the programs are called filter.f and pm.f. You could also use f2c to convert them to c, or you could get a Fortran compiler! I've just included the binaries here. If you erase them it's your headache. Anyway, you run these two programs. Ellipse prompts you for arguments and then does its stuff, leaving its data in two files, fort.7 and fort.8. fort.7 contains the data for the cmix program ellipse. You just have to supply an input and output files and specify the start, duration, inskip, and input and output channels to filter. The fort.8 file shows the frequency response of the filter. Note that this is an iir filter, and you can create very steep hipass, lowpass, or bandpass filters with it. It is quite powerful. pm leaves a couple of listing files behind. The source code for the program explains its use. The file called cmixpm contains cmix data for the fir program. You again just have to supply an input, output, start,duration and channel info. (left channel is 0 right channel is called 1.)
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by