
This is vms.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *                                                                       *
 * VMS portions copyright (C) 1992 Igor Mandrichenko.                    *
 * Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy,  *
 * or redistribute this software so long as all of the original files    *
 * are included unmodified, that it is not sold for profit, and that     *
 * this copyright notice is retained.                                    *
 *                                                                       *

 *  vms.c (zip) by Igor Mandrichenko    Version 2.1-1
 *  Revision history:
 *  ...
 *  2.1-1       16-feb-1992     I.Mandrichenko  
 *      Get file size from XABFHC and check bytes rest in file before
 *      reading. 
 *  2.1-2       2-mar-1992      I.Mandrichenko
 *      Make code more standard
 *  2.2         21-jun-1992     I.Mandrichenko
 *      Free all allocated space, use more static storage.
 *      Use memcompress() from bits.c (deflation) for block compression.
 *      To revert to old compression method #define OLD_COMPRESS

#ifdef VMS                      /* For VMS only ! */

#define OLD_COMPRESS    /*To use old compression method define it.*/

#include <rms.h>
#include <descrip.h>
#include <syidef.h>

#ifndef VAXC
                                /* This definition may be missed */
struct XAB {
    unsigned char xab$b_cod;
    unsigned char xab$b_bln;
    short int xabdef$$_fill_1;
    char *xab$l_nxt;


#ifndef SYI$_VERSION
#define SYI$_VERSION 4096       /* VMS 5.4 definition */

#include "zip.h"

#define ERR(s)  !((s)&1)

#define RET_ERROR 1
#define RET_SUCCESS 0
#define RET_EOF 0

#define Kbyte 1024

typedef struct XAB *xabptr;

*   Extra record format
*   ===================
*   signature       (2 bytes)   = 'I','M'
*   size            (2 bytes)
*   block signature (4 bytes)
*   flags           (2 butes)
*   uncomprssed size(2 bytes)
*   reserved        (4 bytes)
*   data            (size-12 bytes)
*   ....

*   Extra field signature and block signatures
#define SIGNATURE "IM"
#define EXTBSL  4               /* Block signature length   */
#define RESL    8

#define BC_MASK         07      /* 3 bits for compression type */       
#define BC_STORED       0       /* Stored */
#define BC_00           1       /* 0byte -> 0bit compression */
#define BC_DEFL         2       /* Deflated */

struct extra_block
{       ush     im_sig;
        ush     size;
        ulg     block_sig;
        ush     flags;
        ush     length;
        ulg     reserved;
        uch     body[1];        /* The actual size is unknown */

#define FABSIG  "VFAB"
#define XALLSIG "VALL"
#define XFHCSIG "VFHC"
#define XDATSIG "VDAT"
#define XRDTSIG "VRDT"
#define XPROSIG "VPRO"
#define XKEYSIG "VKEY"
#define VERSIG  "VMSV"
*   Block sizes
#define FABL    (cc$rms_fab.fab$b_bln)
#define RABL    (cc$rms_rab.rab$b_bln)
#define XALLL   (cc$rms_xaball.xab$b_bln)
#define XDATL   (cc$rms_xabdat.xab$b_bln)
#define XFHCL   (cc$rms_xabfhc.xab$b_bln)
#define XKEYL   (cc$rms_xabkey.xab$b_bln)
#define XPROL   (cc$rms_xabpro.xab$b_bln)
#define XRDTL   (cc$rms_xabrdt.xab$b_bln)
#define XSUML   (cc$rms_xabsum.xab$b_bln)
#define EXTHL   (4+EXTBSL+RESL)
#define EXTL0   ((FABL + EXTHL)+        \
                (XFHCL + EXTHL)+        \
                (XPROL + EXTHL)+        \
                (XDATL + EXTHL)+        \
                (XRDTL + EXTHL))

#define PAD     sizeof(uch)
#define PAD     10*sizeof(ush)          /* Two extra bytes for compr. header */

#define PAD0    (5*PAD)                 /* Reserve space for the case when
                                        *  compression failes */
static int _compress();

 *   Function get_vms_attributes   *

static uch *_compress_block();
static int get_vms_version();

int get_vms_attributes(z)
  struct zlist *z;
 *      Get file VMS file attributes and store them into extent fields.
 *      Store VMS version also.
 *      On error leave z intact.
    int status;
    uch *extra=(uch*)NULL, *scan;
    extent extra_l;
    static struct FAB fab;
    static struct XABSUM xabsum;
    static struct XABFHC xabfhc;
    static struct XABDAT xabdat;
    static struct XABPRO xabpro;
    static struct XABRDT xabrdt;
    xabptr x = (xabptr)NULL, xab_chain = (xabptr)NULL, last_xab = (xabptr)NULL;
    int nk, na;
    int i;
    int rc=RET_ERROR;
    char verbuf[80];
    int verlen = 0;

    *   Initialize RMS control blocks and link them

    fab =    cc$rms_fab;
    xabsum = cc$rms_xabsum;
    xabdat = cc$rms_xabdat;
    xabfhc = cc$rms_xabfhc;
    xabpro = cc$rms_xabpro;
    xabrdt = cc$rms_xabrdt;

    fab.fab$l_xab = (char*)&xabsum;
    *   Open the file and read summary information.
    fab.fab$b_fns = strlen(z->name);
    fab.fab$l_fna = z->name;

    status = sys$open(&fab);
    if (ERR(status))
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("get_vms_attributes: sys$open for file %s:\n  error status = %d\n",
               z->name, status);
        goto err_exit;

    nk = xabsum.xab$b_nok;
    na = xabsum.xab$b_noa;
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("%d keys, %d alls\n", nk, na);

    *   Allocate XABKEY and XABALL blocks ind link them

    xabfhc.xab$l_nxt = (char*)&xabdat;
    xabdat.xab$l_nxt = (char*)&xabpro;
    xabpro.xab$l_nxt = (char*)&xabrdt;
    xabrdt.xab$l_nxt = (char*)0L;

    xab_chain = (xabptr)(&xabfhc);
    last_xab  = (xabptr)(&xabrdt);

#define INIT(ptr,size,init)     \
        if( (ptr = (uch*)malloc(size)) == NULL )        \
        {                                               \
              printf( "get_vms_attributes: Insufficient memory.\n" );   \
                      goto err_exit;                    \
        }                                               \
        *(ptr) = (init);
    *   Allocate and initialize all needed XABKEYs and XABALLs
    for (i = 0; i < nk; i++)
        struct XABKEY *k;
        INIT(k, XKEYL, cc$rms_xabkey);
        k->xab$b_ref = i;
        if (last_xab != 0L)
            last_xab->xab$l_nxt = (char*)k;
        last_xab = (xabptr)k;
    for (i = 0; i < na; i++)
        struct XABALL *a;
        INIT(a, XALLL, cc$rms_xaball);
        a->xab$b_aid = i;
        if (last_xab != 0L)
            last_xab->xab$l_nxt = (char*)a;
        last_xab = (xabptr)a;

    fab.fab$l_xab = (char*)xab_chain;
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Dump of XAB chain before DISPLAY:\n");
    for (x = xab_chain; x != 0L; x = x->xab$l_nxt)
    *   Get information on the file structure etc.
    status = sys$display(&fab, 0, 0);
    if (ERR(status))
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("get_vms_attributes: sys$display for file %s:\n  error status = %d\n",
               z->name, status);
        goto err_exit;

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf("\nDump of XAB chain after DISPLAY:\n");
    for (x = xab_chain; x != 0L; x = x->xab$l_nxt)

    fab.fab$l_xab = 0;  /* Keep XABs */
    status = sys$close(&fab);
    if (ERR(status))
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("get_vms_attributes: sys$close for file %s:\n  error status = %d\n",
               z->name, status);
        goto err_exit;

    extra_l = EXTL0 + nk * (XKEYL + EXTHL) + na * (XALLL + EXTHL);
    extra_l += PAD0 + (nk+na) * PAD;

    if( verlen = get_vms_version(verbuf,sizeof(verbuf)) )
    {   extra_l += verlen + EXTHL;
        extra_l += PAD;

    if ((scan = extra = (uch *) malloc(extra_l)) == (uch*)NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("get_vms_attributes: Insufficient memory to allocate extra buffer\n");
        goto err_exit;

    if( verlen > 0 )
        scan = _compress_block(scan,verbuf, verlen, VERSIG);

     *  Zero all unusable fields to improve compression
    fab.fab$b_fns = fab.fab$b_shr = fab.fab$b_dns = fab.fab$b_fac = 0;
    fab.fab$w_ifi = 0;
    fab.fab$l_stv = fab.fab$l_sts = fab.fab$l_ctx = 0;
    fab.fab$l_fna = fab.fab$l_nam = fab.fab$l_xab = fab.fab$l_dna = (char*)0L;

#ifdef DEBUG
    dump_rms_block( &fab );
    scan = _compress_block(scan,&fab, FABL, FABSIG);
    for (x = xab_chain; x != 0L;)
        int bln;
        char *sig;
        xabptr next;

        next = (xabptr)(x->xab$l_nxt);
        x->xab$l_nxt = 0;

        switch (x->xab$b_cod)
            case XAB$C_ALL:
                bln = XALLL;
                sig = XALLSIG;
            case XAB$C_KEY:
                bln = XKEYL;
                sig = XKEYSIG;
            case XAB$C_PRO:
                bln = XPROL;
                sig = XPROSIG;
            case XAB$C_FHC:
                bln = XFHCL;
                sig = XFHCSIG;
            case XAB$C_DAT:
                bln = XDATL;
                sig = XDATSIG;
            case XAB$C_RDT:
                bln = XRDTL;
                sig = XRDTSIG;
                bln = 0;
                sig = 0L;
        if (bln > 0)
            scan = _compress_block(scan,x, bln, sig);
        x = next;

    z->ext = z->cext = scan-extra;
    z->extra = z->cextra = (char*)extra;
    rc = RET_SUCCESS;

    * Give up all allocated blocks
    for(x = (struct XAB *)xab_chain; x != 0L; )
    {   struct XAB *next;
        next = (xabptr)(x->xab$l_nxt);
        if( x->xab$b_cod == XAB$C_ALL || x->xab$b_cod == XAB$C_KEY )
        x = next;
    return rc;

static int get_vms_version(verbuf,len)
char *verbuf;
int len;
{   int i = SYI$_VERSION;
    int verlen = 0;
    struct dsc$descriptor version;
    char *m;

    version.dsc$a_pointer = verbuf;
    version.dsc$w_length  = len-1;
    version.dsc$b_dtype   = DSC$K_DTYPE_B;
    version.dsc$b_class   = DSC$K_CLASS_S;

    if (ERR(lib$getsyi(&i, 0, &version, &verlen, 0, 0)) || verlen == 0)
        return 0;

    /* Cut out trailing spaces "V5.4-3   " -> "V5.4-3" */
    for(m=verbuf+verlen,i=verlen-1; i>0 && verbuf[i]==' '; --i) 
    *m = 0;

    /* Cut out release number "V5.4-3" -> "V5.4" */
    if( (m=strrchr(verbuf,'-')) != (char*)NULL )
        *m = 0;
    return strlen(verbuf)+1;    /* Transmit ending 0 too */

#define CTXSIG ((ulg)('CtXx'))

typedef struct user_context
    ulg sig;
    struct FAB *fab;
    struct RAB *rab;
    ulg size,rest;
    int status;
} Ctx, *Ctxptr;

Ctx init_ctx =  
{       CTXSIG,

#define CTXL    sizeof(Ctx)
#define CHECK_RAB(_r) ( (_r) != 0 &&                            \
                        (_r) -> rab$b_bid == RAB$C_BID &&       \
                        (_r) -> rab$b_bln == RAB$C_BLN &&       \
                        (_r) -> rab$l_ctx != 0L     &&          \
                        (_r) -> rab$l_fab != 0L )

 *   Function vms_open    *
struct RAB *vms_open(name)
    char *name;
    struct RAB *rab;
    struct FAB *fab;
    struct XABFHC *fhc;
    Ctxptr ctx;

    if ((fab = (struct FAB *) malloc(FABL)) == (struct FAB *)NULL)
        return 0;
    if ((rab = (struct RAB *) malloc(RABL)) == (struct RAB *)NULL)
        return 0;
    if ((fhc = (struct XABFHC *) malloc(XFHCL)) == (struct XABFHC *)NULL)
        return 0;
    if ((ctx = (Ctxptr) malloc(CTXL)) == (Ctxptr)NULL)
        return 0;
    *fab = cc$rms_fab;
    *rab = cc$rms_rab;
    *fhc = cc$rms_xabfhc;

    fab->fab$l_fna = name;
    fab->fab$b_fns = strlen(name);
    fab->fab$b_fac = FAB$M_GET | FAB$M_BIO;
    fab->fab$l_xab = (char*)fhc;

    if (ERR(sys$open(fab)))
        return 0;

    rab->rab$l_fab = fab;
    rab->rab$l_rop = RAB$M_BIO;

    if (ERR(sys$connect(rab)))
        return 0;

    *ctx = init_ctx;
    ctx->rab = rab;
    ctx->fab = fab;

    if( fhc->xab$l_ebk > 0 )
        ctx->size = ctx->rest = ( fhc->xab$l_ebk-1 ) * 512 + fhc->xab$w_ffb;
        ctx->size = ctx->rest = 0;
    fab -> fab$l_xab = 0;
    rab->rab$l_ctx = (long)ctx;
    return rab;

 *   Function vms_close   *
int vms_close(rab)
    struct RAB *rab;
    struct FAB *fab;
    Ctxptr ctx;

    if (!CHECK_RAB(rab))
        return RET_ERROR;
    fab = (ctx = (Ctxptr)(rab->rab$l_ctx))->fab;


    return RET_SUCCESS;

 *   Function vms_rewind  *
int vms_rewind(rab)
    struct RAB *rab;
    Ctxptr ctx;

    int status;
    if (!CHECK_RAB(rab))
        return RET_ERROR;

    ctx = (Ctxptr) (rab->rab$l_ctx);
    if (ERR(status = sys$rewind(rab)))
        ctx->status = status;
        return RET_ERROR;

    ctx->status = 0;
    ctx->rest = ctx->size;
    return RET_SUCCESS;

 *   Function vms_read    *
int vms_read(rab, buf, size)
    struct RAB *rab;
char *buf;
int size;
*       size must be greater or equal to 512 !
    int status;
    Ctxptr ctx;

    ctx = (Ctxptr)rab->rab$l_ctx;

    if (!CHECK_RAB(rab))
        return 0;

    if (ctx -> rest <= 0)
        return 0;               /* Eof */

    if(size > 16*Kbyte)         /* RMS can not read too much */
        size = 16*Kbyte;
        size &= ~511L;

    rab->rab$l_ubf = buf;
    rab->rab$w_usz = size;
    status = sys$read(rab);
    if (!ERR(status) && rab->rab$w_rsz > 0)
        ctx -> status = 0;
        ctx -> rest -= rab->rab$w_rsz;
        return rab->rab$w_rsz;
        ctx->status = (status==RMS$_EOF ? 0:status);
        if(status == RMS$_EOF)
                ctx -> rest = 0L;
        return 0;

 *   Function vms_error   *
int vms_error(rab)
    struct RAB *rab;
    if (!CHECK_RAB(rab))
        return RET_ERROR;
    return ((Ctxptr) (rab->rab$l_ctx))->status;

    unsigned char *p;
    unsigned char bid, len;
    int err;
    char *type;
    char buf[132];
    int i;

    err = 0;
    bid = p[0];
    len = p[1];
    switch (bid)
        case FAB$C_BID:
            type = "FAB";
        case XAB$C_ALL:
            type = "xabALL";
        case XAB$C_KEY:
            type = "xabKEY";
        case XAB$C_DAT:
            type = "xabDAT";
        case XAB$C_RDT:
            type = "xabRDT";
        case XAB$C_FHC:
            type = "xabFHC";
        case XAB$C_PRO:
            type = "xabPRO";
            type = "Unknown";
            err = 1;
    printf("Block @%08X of type %s (%d).", p, type, bid);
    if (err)
    printf(" Size = %d\n", len);
    printf(" Offset - Hex - Dec\n");
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 8)
        int j;
        printf("%3d - ", i);
        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            if (i + j < len)
                printf("%02X ", p[i + j]);
                printf("   ");
        printf(" - ");
        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            if (i + j < len)
                printf("%03d ", p[i + j]);
                printf("    ");

# define BC_METHOD      BC_00
# define        COMP_BLK(to,tos,from,froms) _compress( from,to,froms )
# define BC_METHOD      BC_DEFL
# define        COMP_BLK(to,tos,from,froms) memcompress(to,tos,from,froms)

static uch *_compress_block(to,from,size,sig)
register struct extra_block *to;
uch *from,*sig;
int size;
        ulg cl;
        to -> im_sig =  *(ush*)SIGNATURE;
        to -> block_sig =       *(ulg*)(sig);
        to -> flags =           BC_METHOD;
        to -> length =  size;
#ifdef DEBUG
        cl = COMP_BLK( &(to->body[0]), size+PAD, from, size );
#ifdef DEBUG
        printf("Compressed to %d\n",cl);
        if( cl >= size )
        {       memcpy(&(to->body[0]), from, size);
                to->flags = BC_STORED;
                cl = size;
#ifdef DEBUG
                printf("Storing block...\n");
        return (uch*)(to) + (to->size = cl + EXTBSL + RESL) + 4;

#define NBITS 32

static int _compress(from,to,size)
uch *from,*to;
int size;
    int off=0;
    ulg bitbuf=0;
    int bitcnt=0;
    int i;

#define _BIT(val,len)   {                       \
        if(bitcnt + (len) > NBITS)              \
            while(bitcnt >= 8)                  \
            {                                   \
                to[off++] = (uch)bitbuf;        \
                bitbuf >>= 8;                   \
                bitcnt -= 8;                    \
            }                                   \
        bitbuf |= ((ulg)(val))<<bitcnt;         \
        bitcnt += len;                          \

#define _FLUSH  {                               \
            while(bitcnt>0)                     \
            {                                   \
                to[off++] = (uch)bitbuf;        \
                bitbuf >>= 8;                   \
                bitcnt -= 8;                    \
            }                                   \

    for(i=0; i<size; i++)
        if( from[i] )
    return off;

#endif                          /* ?VMS */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.