
This is info-ultrix.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * Copyright (c) 1992 Michael A. Cooper.
 * This software may be freely distributed provided it is not sold for 
 * profit and the author is credited appropriately.

#ifndef lint
static char *RCSid = "$Header: /src/common/usc/bin/sysinfo/RCS/info-ultrix.c,v 1.11 1992/12/12 22:39:42 mcooper Exp mcooper $";

 * $Log: info-ultrix.c,v $
 * Revision 1.11  1992/12/12  22:39:42  mcooper
 * Use new DEVDATATAB format.
 * Revision 1.10  1992/11/24  04:05:57  mcooper
 * New/cleaner KVM/nlist interface.
 * Revision 1.9  1992/07/08  16:54:38  mcooper
 * The DS_5000_300 is really the 5000/200 and MAXINE is the 5000/20.
 * Revision 1.8  1992/04/26  23:32:06  mcooper
 * Add Copyright notice
 * Revision 1.7  1992/04/17  01:10:11  mcooper
 * Moved DEVICE *() function declares to defs.h.
 * Revision 1.6  1992/03/28  21:29:24  mcooper
 * Move NetifNL to netif.c.
 * Revision 1.5  1992/03/22  00:20:10  mcooper
 * Major cleanup and re-org.
 * Revision 1.4  1992/03/09  01:07:50  mcooper
 * Add support for determining system model type.
 * Revision 1.3  1992/03/08  23:08:18  mcooper
 * Make things safe with #ifdef's.
 * Revision 1.2  1992/03/08  04:56:52  mcooper
 * Add network interface devices.
 * Revision 1.1  1992/03/06  18:35:31  mcooper
 * Initial revision

 * Ultrix related information

#include <stdio.h>
#include "system.h"
#include "defs.h"

#include <machine/cpuconf.h>

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <net/pfilt.h>

#include <sys/devio.h>

 * CPU Switch symbol
char				CpuSwSYM[] = "_cpusw";

#if	defined(HAVE_UBA)
 * UniBus name list
char				UniBusSYM[] = "_ubdinit";
#endif	/* HAVE_UBA */

 * Device Data Table
 * Compares are done by the length of the string appearing in
 * the first columns.  Therefore, longer names must appear before
 * any shorter names that are not unique.  e.g. "lebuffer" needs to
 * be before "le".
DEVDATATAB DevDataTab[] = {
     * Disk Drives
    { "fd",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeDiskDrive },
    { "ra",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeDiskDrive },
    { "rz",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeDiskDrive },
     * Tape Drives
    { "mu",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeTapeDrive },
    { "stc",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeTapeDrive },
    { "tms",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeTapeDrive },
    { "ts",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeTapeDrive },
    { "tu",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeTapeDrive },
    { "tz",		NULL,	NULL,	ProbeTapeDrive },
     * Network Interfaces
    { "ln",  	"LANCE Ethernet",	"10Mb/sec Ethernet",	ProbeNetif },
    { "de",  	"DEC Ethernet",		"10Mb/sec Ethernet",	ProbeNetif },
    { "ni",  	"DEC Ethernet",		"10Mb/sec Ethernet",	ProbeNetif },
    { "qe",  	"DEQNA/DELQA Ethernet",	"10Mb/sec Ethernet",	ProbeNetif },
    { "ne",  	"Second Generation Ethernet","10Mb/sec Ethernet", ProbeNetif },
    { "xna",  	"DEBNI/DEMNA Ethernet",	"10Mb/sec Ethernet",	ProbeNetif },
    { "fza",  	"DEFZA FDDI",		"100Mb/sec FDDI",	ProbeNetif },
     * I don't know anything about Ultrix frame buffers
    { "cfb",	NULL,  "Color Frame Buffer",			ProbeGeneric },
    { "pm", 	NULL,  "Graphics Device",			ProbeGeneric },
    { "px", 	NULL,  "Graphics Device",			ProbeGeneric },
    { "ga", 	NULL,  "Graphics Device",			ProbeGeneric },
    { "gq", 	NULL,  "Graphics Device",			ProbeGeneric },
    { "fb", 	NULL,  "Graphics Device",			ProbeGeneric },
     * PrestoServe card (untested).
    { "presto",	
	  "PrestoServe",	"NFS accelerator card",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
     * Serial line controllers
    { "dc",	
	  NULL,	"4-port serial line controller",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "mdc",	
	  "DS5100",	"4-port serial line controller",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "scc",	
	  "SCC",	"2-port serial line controller",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "cxa",	
	  "CXA16",	"16-line serial communications interface",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "cxy",	
	  "CXY08",	"8-line serial communications interface",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "dhv",	
	  "DHV11",	"8-line serial communications interface",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "dmb",	
	  "DMB32",	"8-line serial communications interface",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { "dhq",	
	  "DHQ11",	"8-line serial communications interface",	
	  ProbeGeneric, DT_GENERIC },
    { 0 },

 * Models of DEC machines as defined in <machine/cpuconf.h>
NAMETAB ModelTab[] = {
#ifdef VAX_780
    {  VAX_780,		"VAX-11/780" },
#ifdef VAX_750
    {  VAX_750,		"VAX-11/750" },
#ifdef VAX_730
    {  VAX_730,		"VAX-11/730" },
#ifdef VAX_8600
    {  VAX_8600,	"VAX-8600" },
#ifdef VAX_8200
    {  VAX_8200,	"VAX-8200" },
#ifdef VAX_8800
    {  VAX_8800,	"VAX-8800" },
#ifdef MVAX_I
    {  MVAX_I,		"MicroVAX-I" },
#ifdef MVAX_II
    {  MVAX_II,		"MicroVAX-II" },
#ifdef V_VAX
    {  V_VAX,		"Virtual VAX" },	/* This can't be real 	*/
#ifdef VAX_3600
    {  VAX_3600,	"VAX-3600" },		/* Mayfair I		*/
#ifdef VAX_6200
    {  VAX_6200,	"VAX-6200" },		/* CVAX/Calypso		*/
#ifdef VAX_3400
    {  VAX_3400,	"VAX-3400" },		/* Mayfair II		*/
#ifdef C_VAXSTAR
    {  C_VAXSTAR,	"VAX-3100" },		/* PVAX			*/
#ifdef VAX_60
    {  VAX_60,		"VAX-60" },		/* Firefox		*/
#ifdef VAX_3900
    {  VAX_3900,	"VAX-3900" },		/* Mayfair III		*/
#ifdef DS_3100
    {  DS_3100,		"DECsystem-3100" },	/* PMAX			*/
#ifdef VAX_8820
    {  VAX_8820,	"VAX-8820" },		/* SID for Polarstar	*/
#ifdef DS_5400
    {  DS_5400,		"DECsystem-5400" },	/* MIPSfair		*/
#ifdef DS_5800
    {  DS_5800,		"DECsystem-5800" },	/* ISIS			*/
#ifdef DS_5000
    {  DS_5000,		"DECsystem-5000" },
#ifdef DS_CMAX
    {  DS_CMAX,		"DECsystem-CMAX" },
#ifdef VAX_6400
    {  VAX_6400,	"VAX-6400" },		/* RIGEL/Calypso	*/
#ifdef VAXSTAR
    {  VAXSTAR,		"VAXSTAR" },
#ifdef DS_5500
    {  DS_5500,		"DECsystem-5500" },	/* MIPSFAIR-2		*/
#ifdef DS_5100
    {  DS_5100,		"DECsystem-5100" },	/* MIPSMATE		*/
#ifdef VAX_9000
    {  VAX_9000,	"VAX-9000" },		/* VAX9000		*/
#ifdef DS_5000_100
    {  DS_5000_100,	"DECsystem-5000/100" },	/* 3MIN			*/
#ifdef DS_5000_300
    {  DS_5000_300,	"DECsystem-5000/200" },	/* 3MAX+		*/
#ifdef DS_MAXINE
    {  DS_MAXINE,	"DECsystem-5000/20" },	/* MAXine		*/
    {  0 },

 * Tape info as defined in <sys/devio.h>.
NAMETAB TapeInfo[] = {
#ifdef DEV_800BPI
    {  DEV_800BPI,	"800 bpi density" },
#ifdef DEV_1600BPI
    {  DEV_1600BPI,	"1600 bpi density" },
#ifdef DEV_6250BPI
    {  DEV_6250BPI,	"6250 bpi density" },
#ifdef DEV_6666BPI
    {  DEV_6666BPI,	"6666 bpi density" },
#ifdef DEV_10240BPI
    {  DEV_10240BPI,	"10240 bpi density" },
#ifdef DEV_38000BPI
    {  DEV_38000BPI,	"38000 bpi density" },
    {  DEV_LOADER,	"media loader present" },
#ifdef DEV_38000_CP
    {  DEV_38000_CP,	"38000 bpi compacted density" },
#ifdef DEV_76000BPI
    {  DEV_76000BPI,	"76000 bpi density" },
#ifdef DEV_76000_CP
    {  DEV_76000_CP,	"76000 bpi compacted density" },
#ifdef DEV_8000_BPI
    {  DEV_8000_BPI,	"QIC-24 9 track" },
#ifdef DEV_10000_BPI
    {  DEV_10000_BPI,	"QIC-120 15trk and QIC-150 18trk" },
#ifdef DEV_16000_BPI
    {  DEV_16000_BPI,	"QIC-320/525 26 track" },
#ifdef DEV_61000_BPI
    {  DEV_61000_BPI,	"4mm tape cartridge" },
#ifdef DEV_54000_BPI
    {  DEV_54000_BPI,	"8mm tape cartridge" },
    { 0 },

 * Category types as defined in <sys/devio.h>
NAMETAB Categorys[] = {
#ifdef DEV_TAPE
    {  DEV_TAPE,	"Tape drive" },
#ifdef DEV_DISK
    {  DEV_DISK,	"Disk drive" },
    {  DEV_TERMINAL,	"Terminal" },
    {  DEV_PRINTER,	"Printer" },
    {  DEV_SPECIAL,	"Special" },
    {  0 },

 * Network types table as defined in <net/pfilt.h>
NAMETAB NetTypes[] = {
#ifdef ENDT_3MB
    {  ENDT_3MB,	"3Mb/sec Ethernet" },
#ifdef ENDT_BS3MB
    {  ENDT_BS3MB,	"Byte Swapped 3Mb/sec Ethernet" },
#ifdef ENDT_10MB
    {  ENDT_10MB,	"10Mb/sec Ethernet" },
#ifdef ENDT_FDDI
    {  ENDT_FDDI,	"100Mb/sec FDDI" },
    {  0 },

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.