
This is Server.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>

// 	--------------------------------------------------------
// Server is the object responsible for handling service requests.
// 	--------------------------------------------------------

@interface Server:Object
	// The pop-up-list typelist is on the button listbase.
	id	typelist;
	id	listbase;
	id	main;
	id	auxview;
	id	protos;
	id	openineditor;
	id	defaultopen;
	id	savepanel;

// Add a type to the list.
- addtype:(char *)name;

// Set up the type list from the list of proto's.
- inittypes:list;

If path is a directory, then dir is a copy of path. Otherwise, dir contains the directory part of path.
void get_directory(char *dir, char *path);

// When service is activated, the current directory is in the pasteboard.
- get_dir_from_pb:(char *)dir:(id)pb;

Set the type of the file to be created. Sets the save panel's type and sets the type pop-up-list and open default.
- setfiletype:(char *)typename;

// Called when the user selects a type in the pop-up-list.
- settype:sender;

// Handle service requests. The string udata is the typename..
- createNew:(id)pb userData:(const char *)udata error:(char **)ermsg;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.