
This is Protos.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

Protos maintains a list of filetypes. Its interface allows types to be defined or deleted. 

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <stdio.h>

@interface Protos:Object
	id	typename;
	id	editor;
	id	pathname;
	id	typematrix;
	id	defaultopen;
	id	list;
	id	window;
	id	main;
	id	remove;
	id	openineditor;
	id	openinws;

// 	--------------------------------------------------------
// Abstraction of the interface.
- (char *)typename;
- settypename:(char *)atypename;
- (char *)pathname;
- setpathname:(char *)apathname;
- (char *)editor;
- seteditor:(char *)aneditor;
- (int)defaultopen;
- setdefaultopen:(int)open;

// Fill in the interface for proto.
// If proto is nil, then fill in blanks.
- showtypedetails:proto;

// Load interface and initialize.
- loadnib;

// Create a proto from the entries in the interface.
- formproto;

// 	--------------------------------------------------------
// Properties of the proto whose name is currently selected in the list.
- selected;
- (char *)selectedname;
- (char *)selectedpathname;
- (char *)selectededitor;

// 	--------------------------------------------------------
// Respond to the interface.

// Display the interface.

- showwindow:sender;
- openineditor:sender;
- openinworkspace:sender;
- remove:sender;
- modify:sender;

// Called when user clicks on entry in type list.
- showtype:sender;

// 	--------------------------------------------------------
// The list of proto's. The list is ordered alphabetically.

// The list.
- protoslist;

// Return the proto whose typename is name.
- protoforname:(char *)name;

Return the position in the list of the proto with typename name.
If no proto has that name, return the position at which a new entry with that name should go.
- (int)findposinlist:(char *)typename;

// The proto at position pos.
- protoatpos:(int)pos;

If a proto with the name typename as proto is already in the list, replace that entry (destroying the old entry), otherwise add a new entry.
Return the position of the added/modified entry.

The interface is not updated: have to avoid the interface in this routine since the list is loaded and accessed on startup, and the interface is not loaded until it is required.
- (int)addtolist:proto;

// Remove the proto with typename name and update the interface.
- (int)removefromlist:(char *)typename;

// Load the list.
- readprotos:(FILE *)fp;

// Store the list.
- writeprotos:(FILE *)fp;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.