
This is Global.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Global.h   Part of Cassandra
// Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991 by Jiro Nakamura
// All rights reserved
// RCS Information
// Revision Number->	$Revision: 2.9 $
// Last Revised->		$Date: 91/12/20 15:36:28 $

#import <appkit/Panel.h>
#import <time.h>
#import <soundkit/Sound.h>
#import "cass.h"

#define	CLOCK_ANALOG	0
#define	CLOCK_NONE	2

@interface Global:Panel
	Sound *soundfile;
	float oldVolumeLeft, oldVolumeRight;	// Previous volume levels

	char directory[128];
	char eventFile[128];
	char eventLogFile[128];
	char notepadFile[128];
	char sourceLoginFile[128];	// Command to execute to source	
	char sourceLogoutFile[128];	// Command to execute to source	
	/* links to previous and next records and itself */
	EFileLink	present, previous, next;

	struct tm ts;		// time structure  see ctime(3) for details

	int 	lowPriority,		// The lowest priority for an event to
		highPriority,		// be visible. The highest to highlight
		clockBitmapNumber,	// Bitmap number of the clock 
		clockType;		// Clock type 0 = analog, 1 = digital, 
					// 2 = none
	float	alarmVolume;		// Volume to play alarm at, 0.0-1.0
					// -1 = play at system volume

	BOOL 	showSeconds,		// Show seconds on the display?
		showDate,		// Show date on clock appIcon?
		todayShowTime,		// Should today show the time?
		guru,			// Is the user is a cassandra guru
		hideOnLaunch,		// Hide us on launch?
		compressEvents,		// Compress event file after quitting
		overviewOnLaunch,	// Whether to open Overview on launch 
		notepadOnLaunch	,	// Whether to open Notepad on launch 
		eventLogOnLaunch,	// Whether to open EventLog on launch 
		todayOnLaunch,		// Whether to open Today on launch 
		weekOnLaunch,		//	ditto
		playAlarm,		// Should we play an alarm sound?
		militaryTime,		// Whether we are operating on 
					// military or am/pm time
		sourceLoginOnLaunch,	// Source login-file on launch?
		autoLaunched;		// auto-launched?
	char alarmSound[128];		// The alarm sound file 
	char msg[MESSAGE_SIZE];		// message buffer 	
	char fontName[64];		// The default font to use in windows
	double	fontSize;		// and its size

	NXRect	overviewFrame,		// The coordinates and size of the
		eventLogFrame,		// Overview, EventLog,
		notepadFrame,		// Notepad and
		todayFrame,		// Today windows
		weekFrame;		// week windows too

	id 	cassandra;		// Set by IB. Cassandra main.
	id	overview;		//   "   "  . The Overview window
	id	eventLog;		//   "   "  . The EventLog window
	id	notepad;		//   "   "  . The Notepad window
	id	today;			//   "   "  . The Today window
	id	week;			//   "   "    week window
	id	alarmSoundButton;
	id	alarmSoundForm;
	id	playButton;
	id	setButton;
	id	stopButton;
	id	guruButton;
	id 	showSecondsButton;
	id	showDateButton;
	id	todayShowTimeButton;
	id	compressEventsButton;
	id	hideOnLaunchButton;
	id	overviewOnLaunchButton;
	id	notepadOnLaunchButton;
	id	eventLogOnLaunchButton;
	id	sourceLoginOnLaunchButton;
	id	todayOnLaunchButton;
	id	weekOnLaunchButton;

	id	clockTypeButton;
	id	clockFaceMatrix;
	id	militaryTimeButton;
	id	volumeSlider;
	id	volumeTextField;
	id	volumeButton;

+ initialize;		// Initialize ourself and the defaults database

- load:sender;		// Load in default values from the defaults database	
- display:sender;	// Open the panel and display these values
- save;			// For compatibility with TextWindow save method
- save:sender;		// Save the values off display
- close;		// Close the panel

- saveWindowPositions: sender;	// Call other windows for their position
			// and save the position for future reference
- saveThisWindowPosition: (char *) defaultName : (id) window;	// Save
			// only the calling window.

- guru: sender;			// Guru button hit (not implemented)
- windowChanged: sender;	// The window has changed.
- clockTypeChanged: sender;

- sound: sender;			// Sound activated/deactivated
- playSound:sender;			// Play the sound
- stopSound:sender;			// Stop playing the sound
- setSound:sender;			// Set the sound
- checkSound:sender;			// Check to see if user has valid
					// sound path
- volumeButtonHit: sender;	// Volume enabled/disabled
- trackVolumeSlider: sender;	// Track the volume slider

// ============================
// For info on what these 
// return, see above declarations
// ============================
- (int) lowPriority;
- (int) highPriority;
- (int) clockType;
- (float) volume;
- (const char *)  alarmSound;
- (const char *) eventFile;
- (const char *) eventLogFile;
- (const char *) notepadFile;
- (const char *) clockfaceBitmapName;
- (const char *) fontName;
- (const char *) sourceLoginFile;
- (const char *) sourceLogoutFile;
- (double) fontSize;

- (BOOL) compressEvents;
- (BOOL) guru;
- (BOOL) militaryTime;
- (BOOL) playAlarm;
- (BOOL) showSeconds;
- (BOOL) showDate;

- (BOOL) eventLogOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) hideOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) notepadOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) overviewOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) sourceLoginOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) todayOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) todayShowTime;
- (BOOL) weekOnLaunch;
- (BOOL) autoLaunched;

- (NXRect *) overviewFrame;	// Return the default frame (window)
- (NXRect *) eventLogFrame;	// size for these windows
- (NXRect *) notepadFrame;
- (NXRect *) todayFrame;
- (NXRect *) weekFrame;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.