
This is Clock.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Clock.h   -- Part of Cassandra
// Original Author: Ali Ozer
// Modifier: Jiro Nakamura
// Modifications Copyright (c) 1990 by Jiro Nakamura
// All rights reserved.

#import <appkit/View.h>
#import <appkit/NXImage.h>
#import <dpsclient/event.h>      // For NXCoord, NXRect, etc
#import <dpsclient/dpsclient.h>  // For DPSTimedEntry, used below
#import <objc/typedstream.h>     // For read: and write: decls, below
#import "Global.h"

@interface Clock:View
  DPSTimedEntry clockTE;     // The clock timed entry
  NXImage *clockFace;              // The bitmap of the clock background
  NXPoint compositeTo;       // The point to composite the bitmap to...
  float minuteLen, hourLen;  // The length of the arms
  float backgroundGray;	     // To fill background
  float clockGray;	     // To draw the arms (minute, hour, second)
  BOOL showSeconds;          // Show seconds hand?
  BOOL showDate;		// Show date like fancy Rolexes?
  BOOL militaryTime;
  int	clockType;
  char eventTime[80], eventMessage[80];
  // Added by Jiro for target/action response. Jan 6, 1990
  id target;		// the target
  SEL action;		// and the action

+ newFrame:(const NXRect *)frm;
- initMoreStuff;			// used to set our-own default values
- free;

// The following methods can be connected to user interface objects in
// Interface Builder. 

- setShowSeconds:sender;	// Connect to a two-state button
- setShowDate: sender;		//   ditto
- setClockFace:sender;	        // Connect to something with string value
- setBackgroundGray:sender;	// Connect to a floating value source
- setClockGray:sender;	        // Same with this one

// Call the following methods to set/get values of various parameters
// affecting the look of the clock.

- setClockFaceToBitmapNamed:(const char *)bitmapName;
- setShowSecondsToBool:(BOOL)seconds;
- setShowDateToBool:(BOOL)date;
- setMilitaryTimeToBool:(BOOL)mt;
- setBackgroundGrayToFloat:(float)gray;
- setClockGrayToFloat:(float)gray;
- setClockTypeToInt: (int) type;
- setMessage: (char *) buf1 : (char *) buf2;

// Added by jiro to allow target/action response from Cassandra
// Modified Jan 6, 1990
- setTarget: (id) aTarget;
- setAction: (SEL) anAction;

- (const char *)clockFaceBitmapName;
- (BOOL)showSeconds;
- (BOOL)showDate;
- (float)backgroundGray;
- (float)clockGray;

// The following methods are internal and are used to maintain the clock.

- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount;
- startTimedEntry:(BOOL)fireASAP;
- stopTimedEntry;
- computeNewSizes;
- computeBitmapLocation;
- sizeTo:(NXCoord)w :(NXCoord)h;

// Archiver methods.

- awake;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.